Coaldale, Alberta,
February 16th, 1934.
To the Officers and Members of the Alberta Women's Institutes,
in District No. 4.
My dear Friends:
I am taking this way of communicating with you because
after all it is only as our line of contact one with the other, is
clear and unobstructed, can we do our best work. May I suggest that
you do your part to keep the line of contact clear by sending In your
reports PROMPTLY - one to your Provincial President, one to Mrs.
Montgomery and one to your Constituency Convener, in this way only
can they keep in close touch with the work.
In looking over the outlines for our standing committee
work, I find a large scope for study - and I would urge you to give
your best thought to " What adjustments are necessary to the well bein
of our Homes and Country". If you havn't already done so, may I sugg
est that you read the address of our past President of the Federated
Institutes for 1933, it will give food for a great deal of thought.
Our organization has done wonderful work in the past, but
1934 has a greater challenge for us. We must became more vitally interested
in the conditions affecting our homes, our communities, our
nation and our world. The challenge of 1934 calls women more than
ever before, I believe, beyond the circles of the home into the world
Keeping always in mind that we are non- partisan, study the
questions of the day, and when the time comes to cast your vote, you
will be able to do so Intelligently. May the big things in life,
find a big place on your program this year.
The 19th Annual Report of the Alberta Women's Institutes
printed last fall is well worth reading, so pass it around during
the year. Listed in the back are the papers and clippings of the
Loan Collection, make use of them by writing to Mrs. Montgomery and
enclose a five cent stamp.
Despite the adverse conditions through which we have been
passing so much can be accomplished by uniting our efforts in the
wonderful organization of which we are a part, " in Union there is
Strength" has always been true and doesn't it thrill you to read of
the activities of the Institutes in other parts of the Universe and
to know we too are contributing our bit towards keeping this world
wide organization Intact? Will you please keep this large view if
you find it difficult to raise your Provincial Fund this year.
The conference of the Southern District will be held in
Paget Hall, Calgary, March 21st and 22nd. We are going to try to
make it the best ever, although the standard is already high, and we
sincerely hope that as many members as possible from each branch will
attend. In view of the fact that there is no Provincial Convention
this year we are expecting a large attendance at our District Conference.
A program will be mailed to each Institute later.
We are thankful to C. J. O. C., the Sunny South Station at
Lethbridge for making possible a half hour broadcast each month.
They are giving the last Thursday of each month at 4 p. m. If you
are enjoying these broadcasts will you let C. J. O. C. know?
My letter is becoming lengthy but I cannot close without
thanking you for your kindness to me since I have been your District
Director and especially do I thank you for your sympathy at this time
It means a great deal to me.
Wishing you every success in the year 1934, I am
Faithfully yours,
( Mrs. M. L,) Lottie B. Thompson,
Director, District No. 4,