— Western Producer photo
A sudden thunder storm interrupted this photography session but it
would take more than a prairie wind to disturb anything but the hair
of this group of 1969- 71 AWI officers. Left to right*, front row, Mrs.
Chester Oxtoby, Olds, re- elected secretary; Mrs. C. L. Alexander, Cayley,
starting her first term as president; Mrs. J. T. Morrisroe, Red Deer,,
vice- president; Mrs. G. A. McMillan, Edmonton, re- elected treasurer.
Back row, district directors Mrs. H. Tattrie, Brownvale, No. 1; Mrs.
Harold Hillaby, Camrose, No. 3; Mrs. Harold Lefsrud, Viking, No. 2;
Mrs. J. Holland, Lethbridge, No; 4. Mj2; J) aveSiIyer, Huxley^ No. 5, had
to leave early for her sonj pending: ^ 6