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F O U R T E E N T H A N N U A L C O N V E N T I ON 21 Edson Constituency, Mrs. M . A . Upcott, Haddock, convener, has six branches— Rosevear, Carrot Creek, Mountain Park, Jasper, Edson, Mahaska and U n i t y , and two G i r l s ' Clubs. Wolf Creek is inactive for the time being. This is s t i l l more or less a pioneer district, and the difficulties of travel make i t impossible to hold a conference between seasons. The epidemic and later the condition of the river prevented the conference from being held. Every branch is doing fine work in community building and in being the good neighbor in the r u r a l sections as well as i n the towns and villages. Leduc Constituency, Mrs. A . Lindberg, Leduc, convener, has five branches — Leduc, W i z a r d Lake, Conjuring Creek, Ranier and Weisenford, and three G i r l s ' Clubs. A l l branches are active in Institute work. Again it was unfortunate that the constituency conference could not be held on account of the infantile paralysis epidemic followed by diphtheria. Lac Ste. Anne Constituency, Mrs. R. L . Johnson, Mayerthorpe, convener, has five branches— Mayerthorpe, Greencourt, Whitecourt, Onoway and Evans-burg, and one Girls' Club. The constituency conference at Greencourt was very successful from point of interest, but only two branches were represented on account of weather conditions and train service. One branch does not report regularly, so it is impossible to say what progress it is making. A l l the others are doing good practical community work. One branch plans to have a demonstration day when newcomers will be shown the best way of doing various kinds of work i n a new country. Stony P l a i n Constituency, Mrs. E . R. Wood, Stony P l a i n , convener, has four active branches— Stony Plain, Duffield, Tomahawk and Winterburn. Of this constituency the convener says: " The provincial fund and the constituency funds are paid and they also understand what the funds are for and when they should be p a i d . " May their tribe increase! At the constituency conference at Woodbend it was evident that the work of the standing committees was also well under way. Next year the Stony Plain Constituency will meet, alone, at Stony P l a i n for its conference. Pembina Constituency, Mrs. F . S. Griswold, Westlock, convener, has six branches, including one new one— Pickardville, Mid- Pembina, Busby, West-lock, Independence and Barrhead. These are all live branches, and the new one at Barrhead is off to a good start with 15 charter members and already they are at work. The constituency conference was held i n the heart of the country, where the Independence branch were hostesses. The roads were impassable for cars, but one delegate drove 20 miles with a team through mud and pouring rain, and others gathered from nearer at hand, and a very enthusiastic conference was the result. The men of the community spared no effort in helping the women of the little Independence branch make a success of their conference in their own community hall. V e g r e v i l l e Constituency, Mrs. A . E. Odell, Lavoy, convener, has three veteran branches— Tofield, Riley and Vegreville, and a new one at Lavoy. Many good works are carried' on in every branch, and the reports bristle w i t h news of worth- while activities. The constituency conference was held at Tofield, and was a very successful gathering. The meeting was held in the beautiful club room of the Tofield W. I., all spick and span with paint and varnish, most tastefully decorated and gas- heated. A fully equipped kitchen and a l i b r a r y of nearly 600 books complete the plant. The convener has also been i n correspondence with Maloy and Flat Lake Institutes, which are new branches i n the very hinterland of the Beaver River Constituency, where as yet no constituency organization of W. I. has been formed. Though these branches are very isolated, they are much interested and anxious to know more of the Institute work. V e r m i l i o n and Alexandra Constituencies, Mrs. W. A. Brown, Kitscoty, convener, has four branches— Kitscoty, Minburn, V e r m i l i o n and Marwayne, and one Girls' Club. A very successful conference was held at Vermilion w i t h a record attendance. The work of the standing committees is well c a r r i e d out. One W. I. had a float i n the sports day parade which won first p r i z e . This float represented the various lines of activity undertaken by the A . W . I. Wainwright Constituency, Mrs. A . 0. Lasell, Wainwright, convener, has f i v e branches— Edgerton, Wainwright, Ribstone, Rosewillow and Irma, a new branch just organized on M a r c h 7th w i t h a charter membership of 12. A H the branches were well represented at the conference in Edgerton, where
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | 1928 - Annual Convention |
Subject | Convention; Report; AWI |
Description | Report of 1928 Convention held May 29 to Jun3 1, 1928, Calgary, Alberta |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811098 |
Date | 1928 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 19 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | F O U R T E E N T H A N N U A L C O N V E N T I ON 21 Edson Constituency, Mrs. M . A . Upcott, Haddock, convener, has six branches— Rosevear, Carrot Creek, Mountain Park, Jasper, Edson, Mahaska and U n i t y , and two G i r l s ' Clubs. Wolf Creek is inactive for the time being. This is s t i l l more or less a pioneer district, and the difficulties of travel make i t impossible to hold a conference between seasons. The epidemic and later the condition of the river prevented the conference from being held. Every branch is doing fine work in community building and in being the good neighbor in the r u r a l sections as well as i n the towns and villages. Leduc Constituency, Mrs. A . Lindberg, Leduc, convener, has five branches — Leduc, W i z a r d Lake, Conjuring Creek, Ranier and Weisenford, and three G i r l s ' Clubs. A l l branches are active in Institute work. Again it was unfortunate that the constituency conference could not be held on account of the infantile paralysis epidemic followed by diphtheria. Lac Ste. Anne Constituency, Mrs. R. L . Johnson, Mayerthorpe, convener, has five branches— Mayerthorpe, Greencourt, Whitecourt, Onoway and Evans-burg, and one Girls' Club. The constituency conference at Greencourt was very successful from point of interest, but only two branches were represented on account of weather conditions and train service. One branch does not report regularly, so it is impossible to say what progress it is making. A l l the others are doing good practical community work. One branch plans to have a demonstration day when newcomers will be shown the best way of doing various kinds of work i n a new country. Stony P l a i n Constituency, Mrs. E . R. Wood, Stony P l a i n , convener, has four active branches— Stony Plain, Duffield, Tomahawk and Winterburn. Of this constituency the convener says: " The provincial fund and the constituency funds are paid and they also understand what the funds are for and when they should be p a i d . " May their tribe increase! At the constituency conference at Woodbend it was evident that the work of the standing committees was also well under way. Next year the Stony Plain Constituency will meet, alone, at Stony P l a i n for its conference. Pembina Constituency, Mrs. F . S. Griswold, Westlock, convener, has six branches, including one new one— Pickardville, Mid- Pembina, Busby, West-lock, Independence and Barrhead. These are all live branches, and the new one at Barrhead is off to a good start with 15 charter members and already they are at work. The constituency conference was held i n the heart of the country, where the Independence branch were hostesses. The roads were impassable for cars, but one delegate drove 20 miles with a team through mud and pouring rain, and others gathered from nearer at hand, and a very enthusiastic conference was the result. The men of the community spared no effort in helping the women of the little Independence branch make a success of their conference in their own community hall. V e g r e v i l l e Constituency, Mrs. A . E. Odell, Lavoy, convener, has three veteran branches— Tofield, Riley and Vegreville, and a new one at Lavoy. Many good works are carried' on in every branch, and the reports bristle w i t h news of worth- while activities. The constituency conference was held at Tofield, and was a very successful gathering. The meeting was held in the beautiful club room of the Tofield W. I., all spick and span with paint and varnish, most tastefully decorated and gas- heated. A fully equipped kitchen and a l i b r a r y of nearly 600 books complete the plant. The convener has also been i n correspondence with Maloy and Flat Lake Institutes, which are new branches i n the very hinterland of the Beaver River Constituency, where as yet no constituency organization of W. I. has been formed. Though these branches are very isolated, they are much interested and anxious to know more of the Institute work. V e r m i l i o n and Alexandra Constituencies, Mrs. W. A. Brown, Kitscoty, convener, has four branches— Kitscoty, Minburn, V e r m i l i o n and Marwayne, and one Girls' Club. A very successful conference was held at Vermilion w i t h a record attendance. The work of the standing committees is well c a r r i e d out. One W. I. had a float i n the sports day parade which won first p r i z e . This float represented the various lines of activity undertaken by the A . W . I. Wainwright Constituency, Mrs. A . 0. Lasell, Wainwright, convener, has f i v e branches— Edgerton, Wainwright, Ribstone, Rosewillow and Irma, a new branch just organized on M a r c h 7th w i t h a charter membership of 12. A H the branches were well represented at the conference in Edgerton, where |
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