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8 A L B E R T A W O M E N ' S I N S T I T U T ES A great deal of time at the recent Council meeting was devoted to discussion of financial affairs and an effort to work out a balanced budget. The results from these deliberations will be presented at the 1933 convention for your consideration. Meanwhile several officers volunteered reduction in expense allowances for the current year. The President graciously accepted $ 200- 00 for tier expense account: the Business Secretary- Treasurer volunteered a reduction of $ 100.00 in salary; the Recording Secretary declined the usual yearly honorarium of $ 50,00, and the Superintendent of W . I . G . C . will meet all expense connected with her work out of the annual allowance of § 150.00. Please note that your officers are sharing curtailment of expenses with you. That we have found it expedient to reduce our running expenditures should cause no discouragement nor undue alarm. It is only a matter of good, sound business to live within our income, even by forfeiting some of the luxuries to which we have been accustomed. It will do us no harm and undoubtedly will result in the discovery of talents and opportunities never dreamed of heretofore. Alberta Women's Institutes are not bankrupt, nor do we intend to reach that deplorable state if careful and judicious management w i l l prevent. E L L A L. B E A U B I E R. REPORT OF BUSINESS S E C R E T A R Y - T R E A S U R ER Mrs. J. Regan, Edmonton. It is with pleasure that I present my report as Business Secretary- Treasurer. In checking over the Institute register I find that we now have 263 ac'. ive branches, of this number nine were organized since last Convention. D i s t r i c t No. 1 : H i n t e r l a n d at Hines Creek, Lymburn at Hythe and Little Smoky at H i g h Prairie. District No. 2: T h o r h i l d . District No. 3: Buck Lake at Minnehik. Beaverflat at R o c k y Mountain [ House, lone at Monitor. U n i ty at Dovercourt and Foreman. Notice ' has been received during the year that nine Institutes have found it necessary to disorganize and sixteen Branches that have not been active for several years, but until recently have never been declared dead, have also been taken from the books. Y e a r l y report forms were returned by 220 Institutes, showing a membership of 4269, and the amount raised bv these Institutes during the vear was $ 42.', 97./ 0; of this amount $ 3,964.31 was spent for P u b l i c Health, $ 1,863.28 for Education, $ 9,875.25 for Community Betterment and $ 544X9 was given to other organizations. Approximately $ 4, r00.00 of the amount shown for Community Betterment was spent on local relief of the unemployed and their families. D u r i n g the summer and fall of 1931, 37 Constituency Conferences were held with a total attendance of 2,625. District No. 4 again held their District Conference in Lethbridge, and it was very well attended and proved successful in every way. When p r i n t i n g our h s t Annual Report we were again successful in selling advertising and you w i l l be pleased to know that the advertisements Daid two- thirds of the cost of p r i n t i n g the Report. M o n t h l y repcrt forms and envelopes addressed to our P u b l i c i t y Secretary w i l l be supplied free of charge upon application to my office. Minute and Cash Books are $ U 0 per set. H i u d b o o k s are 25c each, A l b e r t a Women's Institute Pins are 35c each, and Federated Women's Institute Pins are 75c each.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | 1932 Convention Report |
Subject | AWI Conventions |
Description | AWI Convention Repot - 1932 |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811084 |
Date | 1932 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 10 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | 8 A L B E R T A W O M E N ' S I N S T I T U T ES A great deal of time at the recent Council meeting was devoted to discussion of financial affairs and an effort to work out a balanced budget. The results from these deliberations will be presented at the 1933 convention for your consideration. Meanwhile several officers volunteered reduction in expense allowances for the current year. The President graciously accepted $ 200- 00 for tier expense account: the Business Secretary- Treasurer volunteered a reduction of $ 100.00 in salary; the Recording Secretary declined the usual yearly honorarium of $ 50,00, and the Superintendent of W . I . G . C . will meet all expense connected with her work out of the annual allowance of § 150.00. Please note that your officers are sharing curtailment of expenses with you. That we have found it expedient to reduce our running expenditures should cause no discouragement nor undue alarm. It is only a matter of good, sound business to live within our income, even by forfeiting some of the luxuries to which we have been accustomed. It will do us no harm and undoubtedly will result in the discovery of talents and opportunities never dreamed of heretofore. Alberta Women's Institutes are not bankrupt, nor do we intend to reach that deplorable state if careful and judicious management w i l l prevent. E L L A L. B E A U B I E R. REPORT OF BUSINESS S E C R E T A R Y - T R E A S U R ER Mrs. J. Regan, Edmonton. It is with pleasure that I present my report as Business Secretary- Treasurer. In checking over the Institute register I find that we now have 263 ac'. ive branches, of this number nine were organized since last Convention. D i s t r i c t No. 1 : H i n t e r l a n d at Hines Creek, Lymburn at Hythe and Little Smoky at H i g h Prairie. District No. 2: T h o r h i l d . District No. 3: Buck Lake at Minnehik. Beaverflat at R o c k y Mountain [ House, lone at Monitor. U n i ty at Dovercourt and Foreman. Notice ' has been received during the year that nine Institutes have found it necessary to disorganize and sixteen Branches that have not been active for several years, but until recently have never been declared dead, have also been taken from the books. Y e a r l y report forms were returned by 220 Institutes, showing a membership of 4269, and the amount raised bv these Institutes during the vear was $ 42.', 97./ 0; of this amount $ 3,964.31 was spent for P u b l i c Health, $ 1,863.28 for Education, $ 9,875.25 for Community Betterment and $ 544X9 was given to other organizations. Approximately $ 4, r00.00 of the amount shown for Community Betterment was spent on local relief of the unemployed and their families. D u r i n g the summer and fall of 1931, 37 Constituency Conferences were held with a total attendance of 2,625. District No. 4 again held their District Conference in Lethbridge, and it was very well attended and proved successful in every way. When p r i n t i n g our h s t Annual Report we were again successful in selling advertising and you w i l l be pleased to know that the advertisements Daid two- thirds of the cost of p r i n t i n g the Report. M o n t h l y repcrt forms and envelopes addressed to our P u b l i c i t y Secretary w i l l be supplied free of charge upon application to my office. Minute and Cash Books are $ U 0 per set. H i u d b o o k s are 25c each, A l b e r t a Women's Institute Pins are 35c each, and Federated Women's Institute Pins are 75c each. |
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