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have to be quilted - just tied. That was about the time Bea Weidner demonstrated a vegetable juicer, and explained what each juice we tasted would do for us. By the next day, we knew what else it would do for us, too! I wonder if we had indoor plumbing then - 1 can't remember. By 1963 our membership was dropping. Several members had moved away, others were busy with young families, and still others decided W. I. was not their cup of tea. By 1967 we were back down to nine members and wondered if we should continue, but we persevered. Lunch was changed from sandwiches, pickles, and cake or squares to just dessert. We were meeting in our homes again by then, and I don't know if it was the scrumptious pie Angeline served, but our membership started back up. By 1969 we were back up to 12 members. Those were the years when we were working more and more for the hospital, taking our turn in the gift shop ( which we still do), talcing cookies and Valentines for their bingo, and serving at their birthday teas. In 1970 we served fruit bread and cheese, and they are still getting it, but not from us - we serve angel food and ice cream now. In 1978 we were celebrating our 25th Anniversary on June 17, 1978 at the Community Centre with six of the original members present, plus four more members: Emily Benson, Phyllis Bricker, Glenda and Rejane Klinck. The guest book was signed by 27 guests. Joyce Topping gave a very interesting history of the branch, and this past week she has been constantly in my thoughts. If we had the scrupbook Rejane started later, at that time, where such histories could have been kept, I might not have had to read 40 years of minutes this week. I miss being able to call Joyce up and ask anything about W. I., and have her tell me off the top of her head, or say, " Just a minute, I'll look it up and call you back." As a highlight to the day's activities the following poem was recited: Nellie Rinehart s Poem 1978 Oh it's twenty five years in December, That our Westcott W. 1. was new There are many things to remember Some of these we will tell to you. There was Ellen, Eihel and Wilma, Angeline, Mary und Bea too, Jean and Joyce ami don't forget Clara, Nine young ladies with plenty to do. Page 4
Object Description
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Title | Westcott W.I. Branch History |
Subject | AWI, Annual Fees, |
Description | News Clipping |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | AWI0811076 |
Date | unknown |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 5 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | have to be quilted - just tied. That was about the time Bea Weidner demonstrated a vegetable juicer, and explained what each juice we tasted would do for us. By the next day, we knew what else it would do for us, too! I wonder if we had indoor plumbing then - 1 can't remember. By 1963 our membership was dropping. Several members had moved away, others were busy with young families, and still others decided W. I. was not their cup of tea. By 1967 we were back down to nine members and wondered if we should continue, but we persevered. Lunch was changed from sandwiches, pickles, and cake or squares to just dessert. We were meeting in our homes again by then, and I don't know if it was the scrumptious pie Angeline served, but our membership started back up. By 1969 we were back up to 12 members. Those were the years when we were working more and more for the hospital, taking our turn in the gift shop ( which we still do), talcing cookies and Valentines for their bingo, and serving at their birthday teas. In 1970 we served fruit bread and cheese, and they are still getting it, but not from us - we serve angel food and ice cream now. In 1978 we were celebrating our 25th Anniversary on June 17, 1978 at the Community Centre with six of the original members present, plus four more members: Emily Benson, Phyllis Bricker, Glenda and Rejane Klinck. The guest book was signed by 27 guests. Joyce Topping gave a very interesting history of the branch, and this past week she has been constantly in my thoughts. If we had the scrupbook Rejane started later, at that time, where such histories could have been kept, I might not have had to read 40 years of minutes this week. I miss being able to call Joyce up and ask anything about W. I., and have her tell me off the top of her head, or say, " Just a minute, I'll look it up and call you back." As a highlight to the day's activities the following poem was recited: Nellie Rinehart s Poem 1978 Oh it's twenty five years in December, That our Westcott W. 1. was new There are many things to remember Some of these we will tell to you. There was Ellen, Eihel and Wilma, Angeline, Mary und Bea too, Jean and Joyce ami don't forget Clara, Nine young ladies with plenty to do. Page 4 |
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