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Home and Country Fall 2005 Provincial Handicraft Prize List 2005 Knitting 1 Jutta Zabletal ...... Leslieville W.I. 2 Reggi Gerber .... Cottonwood W.I. 3 Mary Lawrence ..... Balmoral W.I. Handicraft Report Bernice Willsie, Provincial Handicraft Coordinator Crocheting I 1 Lillian Wilhelm ...Drayton Valley W.I. 2 Lillian WilhelmDrayton Valley W.I. would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the members who entered handicraft projects this past year at the Provincial Handicraft Competition. This job is one in which I am privileged to work with members from many different areas of the Province during the unpacking, judging and packing up time. This job would be impossible to complete without all of the people who came and worked so hard on these different aspects of the competition, thank you to each one of you. This year we unfortunately have had a mishap in returning the articles to the members following the display. There was a photo album scrap book that contained pictures of antique cars that has disappeared. If anyone knows anything about the whereabouts of this book, please contact me as soon as you can. As the end of the year is fast approaching please remember to send your annual reports so that I can compile them into my annual report for the Report Book. The information that is learned from these reports can enhance handicraft across the province. Congratulations to all of the winners at the 2005 Handicraft Competition. Happy Crafting.wi Sewing 1 Brenda Willsie .. Cottonwood W.I. 2 Blanche CunninghamCottonwood Quilting 1 Pat McKittrick Drayton Valley W.I. 2 Gayle Olsen............Balmoral W.I. Stitchery Artwork 1 Lynne Lord ..............Bashaw W.I. 2 Noreen Olsen ...........Jackson W.I. 1 Jean Richards .......... Coburn W.I. 2 Jean Richards ........... Coburn W.I. Photography 1 Dorit Bird .................Jackson W.I. 2 Pat McKittrickDrayton Valley W.I. FWIC Competition FWIC Unity Committee General Handicraft Over 70 years 1 Kari Milne .............. Duffield W.I. 2 Pat McKittrickDrayton Valley W.I. 1 Betty Milne ............ Duffield W.I. 2 Doris Powell........Round Hill W.I. WIC is holding an essay contest for 4H members, 9 to 13 years of age. Topics: 1. How can Canada improve Agriculture? 2. Diversity in Agriculture 3. Is Agriculture a dying industry? 4. Agriculture in your region 5. Is the Family Farm a Thing of the Past? Over 80 years 1 Ev Northey ............ Balmoral W.I. 2 Marie Olsen..............Jackson W.I. 3 Ev Northey .............Balmoral W.I. Over 90 years 1 Margaret Gongwarc Delburne W.I. 2 Wilma Theibaud ...... Duffield W.I. Length 200 to 300 words, either handwritten or typed, double spaced. Neatness counts. Deadline: February 1, 2006 Prizes: There will be three prize winners, who will receive First Prize $75.00 Second Prize $50.00 Third Prize $25.00 All enrtrants will have their essays compiled and kept in a booklet to be displayed at the Federated Women's Institute Office, 359 Blue Lake Rd., St. George, Ontario NOE 1N0 Send Entries to: Mrs. Ruth Dickie, FWIC Unity Chairperson, 30 Prince William Street, Saint George, NB E5C 3L9 or FAX TO 506-755-6077 or email to wi Alberta Womens Institute Competition Award 1 Kay Saastad............ Valhalla W.I. 1 Lillian WilhelmDrayton Valley W.I. 3 Olive Meyer ................ Falun W.I. Myrtle Olson Roberts Hyer Doily Award Olive Meyer .................. Falun W.I. Edna May Ridley Quilting Award Branch Handicraft High Points Award Pat McKittrick Drayton Valley W.I. First ................ Drayton Valley W.I. Second ......................Delburne W.I. Third ..................... Mary Riley W.I. 9
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Transcript | Home and Country Fall 2005 Provincial Handicraft Prize List 2005 Knitting 1 Jutta Zabletal ...... Leslieville W.I. 2 Reggi Gerber .... Cottonwood W.I. 3 Mary Lawrence ..... Balmoral W.I. Handicraft Report Bernice Willsie, Provincial Handicraft Coordinator Crocheting I 1 Lillian Wilhelm ...Drayton Valley W.I. 2 Lillian WilhelmDrayton Valley W.I. would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of the members who entered handicraft projects this past year at the Provincial Handicraft Competition. This job is one in which I am privileged to work with members from many different areas of the Province during the unpacking, judging and packing up time. This job would be impossible to complete without all of the people who came and worked so hard on these different aspects of the competition, thank you to each one of you. This year we unfortunately have had a mishap in returning the articles to the members following the display. There was a photo album scrap book that contained pictures of antique cars that has disappeared. If anyone knows anything about the whereabouts of this book, please contact me as soon as you can. As the end of the year is fast approaching please remember to send your annual reports so that I can compile them into my annual report for the Report Book. The information that is learned from these reports can enhance handicraft across the province. Congratulations to all of the winners at the 2005 Handicraft Competition. Happy Crafting.wi Sewing 1 Brenda Willsie .. Cottonwood W.I. 2 Blanche CunninghamCottonwood Quilting 1 Pat McKittrick Drayton Valley W.I. 2 Gayle Olsen............Balmoral W.I. Stitchery Artwork 1 Lynne Lord ..............Bashaw W.I. 2 Noreen Olsen ...........Jackson W.I. 1 Jean Richards .......... Coburn W.I. 2 Jean Richards ........... Coburn W.I. Photography 1 Dorit Bird .................Jackson W.I. 2 Pat McKittrickDrayton Valley W.I. FWIC Competition FWIC Unity Committee General Handicraft Over 70 years 1 Kari Milne .............. Duffield W.I. 2 Pat McKittrickDrayton Valley W.I. 1 Betty Milne ............ Duffield W.I. 2 Doris Powell........Round Hill W.I. WIC is holding an essay contest for 4H members, 9 to 13 years of age. Topics: 1. How can Canada improve Agriculture? 2. Diversity in Agriculture 3. Is Agriculture a dying industry? 4. Agriculture in your region 5. Is the Family Farm a Thing of the Past? Over 80 years 1 Ev Northey ............ Balmoral W.I. 2 Marie Olsen..............Jackson W.I. 3 Ev Northey .............Balmoral W.I. Over 90 years 1 Margaret Gongwarc Delburne W.I. 2 Wilma Theibaud ...... Duffield W.I. Length 200 to 300 words, either handwritten or typed, double spaced. Neatness counts. Deadline: February 1, 2006 Prizes: There will be three prize winners, who will receive First Prize $75.00 Second Prize $50.00 Third Prize $25.00 All enrtrants will have their essays compiled and kept in a booklet to be displayed at the Federated Women's Institute Office, 359 Blue Lake Rd., St. George, Ontario NOE 1N0 Send Entries to: Mrs. Ruth Dickie, FWIC Unity Chairperson, 30 Prince William Street, Saint George, NB E5C 3L9 or FAX TO 506-755-6077 or email to wi Alberta Womens Institute Competition Award 1 Kay Saastad............ Valhalla W.I. 1 Lillian WilhelmDrayton Valley W.I. 3 Olive Meyer ................ Falun W.I. Myrtle Olson Roberts Hyer Doily Award Olive Meyer .................. Falun W.I. Edna May Ridley Quilting Award Branch Handicraft High Points Award Pat McKittrick Drayton Valley W.I. First ................ Drayton Valley W.I. Second ......................Delburne W.I. Third ..................... Mary Riley W.I. 9 |
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