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i Ti i j J V£ ' i' - n ' 'K4 HBrBnnrai i'-rHB- MiB:' -- -v:: Mjiunuiura Aitasi? ri-iifli-ii :iifl-- --v m _ i__j sm LBflmvtv B4-f- c --b- v (nMincninnT --— w-w- -w ¥7 1 ' i~~— liemi uaiisuioui © The world's largest manufac-ture- r of paper machines the American Beloit company and their Finnish Challenger Valmet have crossed swords in the United States Beloit have levelled charges of infringe-me- nt of patent against Valmet and the US Federal Court of Appeal has decided that Bel-oi- fs claim is substantiated At issue is a piece of equip-me- nt at the front end of the paper machine called a "Sym-form- er r" Beloit alleges that the equipment in question in-frin- ges their patent rights The appeal court's decision comes as a surprise to Valmet since barely a year ago the In-ternational Trade Commission ITC concliided that the Valmet machine was not in breach of any of Beloifs patents The ap-peal court now reverses that decision The matter will now revert back to the ITC who will have to take up the matter again Valmefs Sym-form- er r system came onto the market in 1982 and one of them has been delivered to the United States This is not the first time that ALUMIIN1MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (rom-- c) päivän kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden valmistaja Torontossa 133 Laird Dr Toronto 170nt Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mnime kuikkia laatuia tunrella lihaa lihajalosteita saihkkeita juustoja leipaa m ruokatavaraa suoraan tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljetin Tiistai 8-- 6 Keskiviikko 8-- 6 Torstai S-- 6 Perjantai 8-- 7 Lauantai 8-- 4 [lfljaiHLBQWMgipg£iBljUM 12 Beloit and Valmet have faced each other in court Both times Beloit had accused Valmet of under-pricin- g but both times the charges were dismissed at the ITC Valmet owns the Dominion paper machine works in Cana-da vvhich also makes machines with the Sym-form- er r but no charges have been made against them Finnish foreign trade offi-cia- ls have previously noted that Finnish companies are continually being accused in the United States of both dumpingand patent infringe-me- nt but that so far the charges have vithout excep-tio- n been dismissed Paper machines have pre-viously been the subject ofcon-tenti- on when Finland com-plain- ed to GATT that the United States was levying im-port duty on paper machine parts even though it was the question of the delivery of a complete paper machine It is impossible to deliver such a machine in one piece It has to be transported in sections in the same vvay as an atomic reactor does €r51 Golf-virra- n käyttäytymisen ei enää ole välttämä-töntä lähteä Atlantille Ukrainan tiedeakatemian merihydrofysikaa-lise- n instituutin käytössä on tä-män mahtavan lämmintä vettä Euroopan rannalle kuljettavan merivirran matemaattinen malli Yritykset luoda tällaisia malleja valtamerillä tekivät mahdolliseksi määrittää ilmastoon ja säähän vaikuttavia alueita Niihin kuuluu muun muassa Golf-virra- n päivänta-saaja- alue Kun tiedämme näi-den avainalueiden tärkeimmät meteorologiset parametrit niin on mahdollista ennustaa sään ja i-lmaston muutokset VEROILMOITUKSET Yksityiset yksityisyrittclijät ja liikkeet Maanant- - perjant klo 10-1- 0 Lauantaina klo 10--3 Puhelin 488-180- 1 MARK TUOMOLA 191 Eglinton Ave East huone 206 1575 VVeston Road VVeston Ontario M9N 1T5 LIIKKEEN PALVELUKSESSA OLEVAAN BILL LUUKKOON VOITTE LUOTTAA AUTOASIOISSA 25 VUODEN KOKEMUS ALALLA LIIKE 247-716- 1 KOTI 820-556- 6 u vv y I TIME TIME MAGAZINE QUALITY DEALER AVVARD WINNER Severi Mattila has become Fin-iand- 's Christian Barnard He led the team that on Wednes- - have day night February ( per- - versity Central Hospital since country's first last autumn Mattila too has heart transplant at Helsinki worked USA's Stanford University Central Hospital University hospital where About 20 staff were involved heart transplants are no longer in the operation Doctors here have been techinally prepared for heart transplant surgery for years amid atmosphere of pro-tract- ed debate The doctors would have liked to have gone ahead long ago but officials have been opposed on the grounds that the queue for cor-ona- ry artery bypass surgery should be shortened first This time though the me-di- cs decided to perform the op-eration without official ap-pro- val regarding it as a case of individual treatment Legally the final sav in treatment of individual solely uie uoc-- with senior physician aistressea not with bureaucrat Not that this transplant was CSJ:n osastojen kokoukset CSJ:n Toronton Osaston kokoukset pidetään johtokun-nan kutsusta 217 Danforth Ave CSJ:n Vancouverin Osas-ton kuukausikokoukset pide-tään ukrainalaisten haalilla 805 E Pender St jokaisen toisena sunnun-taina klo 12 Kirjeenvaihto osoitteella 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Puh: 254-343- 6 tai 298-470- 6 Sampolan ikinuorten ti-laisuudet joka toinen keskiviikko Joka nel-jäs on omistettu kokoukselle Tilaisuudet alkavat klo 1230 ip 805 Pender StJE CSJ:n Sudburyn Osaston kokoukset joka toisena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 CSJ:n Thunder Bayn O-sast- on kokoukset joka kuu-kauden toinen lauantai klo 1 Thunder Bayn Suomalaisen Järjestön kirjeenvaihtaja on Laura Lempiälä 40 Leys St Thunder Bay Ont P7Ä 5E6 KAIKENLAISTA _ PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA Sähkö- - ja putkitus-tarpeit- a — maalia kohtuullisin hinnoin RICHARD LAKE LUMBER & Builders Supply Ltd PUHELIN 522-15- 31 Posti: Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury Maantie 69 Richard Lake L -- '' - i i done in haste They been rehearsing transplant tech-niqu- es and treatment at Uni- - 13 fbrmed this at an sensational South African surgeon Christian Barnard performed the world's first heart swap in 1967 Three Finns have pre-viously undergone the opera-tio-n in Sweden and England The Helsinki patienfs name was not disclosed Stop Press Shortly before FBR went to press the hospital announced that the patient had died He had survived 13 days with patients lies iranspianiea nean the and tors tnougn were the kuukauden kuukauden kuukauden 'B' etelään TORONTO determined to continue with heart transplant surgery THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANI-ZAT10- N DECLARED 1985 ' THE YEAR OF YOUTH THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE YEAR WILL BE THE I2TH WORLD FESTIVAL OF YOUTH AND STUDENTS IN MOS-CO- W THE FESTIVAUS PROGRAM WILL BE EN DO RSED BY THE INTERNATIONAL PREPARATORY COMMITTEE BELOW SECRETARY OF THE SO VI ET ORGANIZING COMMITTEE NIKOLAI STANKE-VIC- H TELLS ABOUT THE FESTI-VAU- S EVENTS How the Festival will be held The International Preparatory Com-mitte- e considers it ils duty to take into consideration the traditions of the festival movement as vell as the changes vvhich have occured in the international siiuation since the pre-vio- us vorld youth forum The par-ticipants of this event vvill have the possibility to discuss freely and sin-cerel- y the problcms they are con-ccrne- d vilh: averting nuclear war univcrsal and complete disarmament establishing a lasting and durable peace on earth Representatives of different organi-zation- s support the idea of holding duriiig the festival a massive mani-festatio- n of Soviet and foreign youth dedicaled to the 40th anniversary of the Victory over fascism The Inter-national Preparatory Committee approved of organizing meetings with anti-fascis- ts participants in the Re-sistan- ce movement as well as meet-ings of peace champions Members of the organizing committee also support the idea of meetings during the festival with the victims of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki vvith UN representatives veterans of the festival movement with experts and specialists in va-rio- us fields Iawyers etc It vas deemed important to organi-z- e within the festivaTs program a so-call- ed Free Rostrum from which in an informal atmosphere the Festival participants will be able to exchange opinions and materials about the vork of youth organizations concer-nin- g a broad circle of topical ques-tion- s Also approved was the pro-pos- al to dedicate each day of the festival (except for the opening and closing days) to some concrete topic which concerns youth and students: economic cooperation and develop-men- t rights of youth and students the day of the host-countr- y and many olhers The festival's organizers believe that special place in the program must be given to thematic centers for an exchange of opinions to be placed in different districts of Moscovv 15 such centers — anti-imperiali- st solidarity peace and disarmament economic cooperation national independence ahd others — have been agreed upon The festivaTs cultural and sports programs will not be of competitive character so that ali guests could participate These could be folk per-formanc- es concerts of classical and modern music national cultural prog-rams " 4" Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan ' juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu- - ja voimisteluharjoitukset torstaisin kello 10 laulu ja iltapäivällä voi-mistelu Entiset ja uudet harras-tajat tervetuloa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario Ukrainalaisten Shevchenko musiikki-- ja tanssiryhmä tulee jär-jestämään laulu- - ja- - tanssi-illa- n huhtikuun 27 päivä kello 8 ip Ryerson teatterissa Lippuja puh: 533-272- 5 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 1 2 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-uks- et joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S9I 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0JD OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA FaUoetkaa hakemassa taikkokatexvtartame FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin 673-85- 85 252 Regent St S Basel kadon kulm 22 Dnrham St N SUDBURY
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, March 25, 1985 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-03-25 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000444 |
Title | 000132 |
OCR text | i Ti i j J V£ ' i' - n ' 'K4 HBrBnnrai i'-rHB- MiB:' -- -v:: Mjiunuiura Aitasi? ri-iifli-ii :iifl-- --v m _ i__j sm LBflmvtv B4-f- c --b- v (nMincninnT --— w-w- -w ¥7 1 ' i~~— liemi uaiisuioui © The world's largest manufac-ture- r of paper machines the American Beloit company and their Finnish Challenger Valmet have crossed swords in the United States Beloit have levelled charges of infringe-me- nt of patent against Valmet and the US Federal Court of Appeal has decided that Bel-oi- fs claim is substantiated At issue is a piece of equip-me- nt at the front end of the paper machine called a "Sym-form- er r" Beloit alleges that the equipment in question in-frin- ges their patent rights The appeal court's decision comes as a surprise to Valmet since barely a year ago the In-ternational Trade Commission ITC concliided that the Valmet machine was not in breach of any of Beloifs patents The ap-peal court now reverses that decision The matter will now revert back to the ITC who will have to take up the matter again Valmefs Sym-form- er r system came onto the market in 1982 and one of them has been delivered to the United States This is not the first time that ALUMIIN1MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (rom-- c) päivän kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden valmistaja Torontossa 133 Laird Dr Toronto 170nt Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mnime kuikkia laatuia tunrella lihaa lihajalosteita saihkkeita juustoja leipaa m ruokatavaraa suoraan tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljetin Tiistai 8-- 6 Keskiviikko 8-- 6 Torstai S-- 6 Perjantai 8-- 7 Lauantai 8-- 4 [lfljaiHLBQWMgipg£iBljUM 12 Beloit and Valmet have faced each other in court Both times Beloit had accused Valmet of under-pricin- g but both times the charges were dismissed at the ITC Valmet owns the Dominion paper machine works in Cana-da vvhich also makes machines with the Sym-form- er r but no charges have been made against them Finnish foreign trade offi-cia- ls have previously noted that Finnish companies are continually being accused in the United States of both dumpingand patent infringe-me- nt but that so far the charges have vithout excep-tio- n been dismissed Paper machines have pre-viously been the subject ofcon-tenti- on when Finland com-plain- ed to GATT that the United States was levying im-port duty on paper machine parts even though it was the question of the delivery of a complete paper machine It is impossible to deliver such a machine in one piece It has to be transported in sections in the same vvay as an atomic reactor does €r51 Golf-virra- n käyttäytymisen ei enää ole välttämä-töntä lähteä Atlantille Ukrainan tiedeakatemian merihydrofysikaa-lise- n instituutin käytössä on tä-män mahtavan lämmintä vettä Euroopan rannalle kuljettavan merivirran matemaattinen malli Yritykset luoda tällaisia malleja valtamerillä tekivät mahdolliseksi määrittää ilmastoon ja säähän vaikuttavia alueita Niihin kuuluu muun muassa Golf-virra- n päivänta-saaja- alue Kun tiedämme näi-den avainalueiden tärkeimmät meteorologiset parametrit niin on mahdollista ennustaa sään ja i-lmaston muutokset VEROILMOITUKSET Yksityiset yksityisyrittclijät ja liikkeet Maanant- - perjant klo 10-1- 0 Lauantaina klo 10--3 Puhelin 488-180- 1 MARK TUOMOLA 191 Eglinton Ave East huone 206 1575 VVeston Road VVeston Ontario M9N 1T5 LIIKKEEN PALVELUKSESSA OLEVAAN BILL LUUKKOON VOITTE LUOTTAA AUTOASIOISSA 25 VUODEN KOKEMUS ALALLA LIIKE 247-716- 1 KOTI 820-556- 6 u vv y I TIME TIME MAGAZINE QUALITY DEALER AVVARD WINNER Severi Mattila has become Fin-iand- 's Christian Barnard He led the team that on Wednes- - have day night February ( per- - versity Central Hospital since country's first last autumn Mattila too has heart transplant at Helsinki worked USA's Stanford University Central Hospital University hospital where About 20 staff were involved heart transplants are no longer in the operation Doctors here have been techinally prepared for heart transplant surgery for years amid atmosphere of pro-tract- ed debate The doctors would have liked to have gone ahead long ago but officials have been opposed on the grounds that the queue for cor-ona- ry artery bypass surgery should be shortened first This time though the me-di- cs decided to perform the op-eration without official ap-pro- val regarding it as a case of individual treatment Legally the final sav in treatment of individual solely uie uoc-- with senior physician aistressea not with bureaucrat Not that this transplant was CSJ:n osastojen kokoukset CSJ:n Toronton Osaston kokoukset pidetään johtokun-nan kutsusta 217 Danforth Ave CSJ:n Vancouverin Osas-ton kuukausikokoukset pide-tään ukrainalaisten haalilla 805 E Pender St jokaisen toisena sunnun-taina klo 12 Kirjeenvaihto osoitteella 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Puh: 254-343- 6 tai 298-470- 6 Sampolan ikinuorten ti-laisuudet joka toinen keskiviikko Joka nel-jäs on omistettu kokoukselle Tilaisuudet alkavat klo 1230 ip 805 Pender StJE CSJ:n Sudburyn Osaston kokoukset joka toisena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 CSJ:n Thunder Bayn O-sast- on kokoukset joka kuu-kauden toinen lauantai klo 1 Thunder Bayn Suomalaisen Järjestön kirjeenvaihtaja on Laura Lempiälä 40 Leys St Thunder Bay Ont P7Ä 5E6 KAIKENLAISTA _ PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA Sähkö- - ja putkitus-tarpeit- a — maalia kohtuullisin hinnoin RICHARD LAKE LUMBER & Builders Supply Ltd PUHELIN 522-15- 31 Posti: Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury Maantie 69 Richard Lake L -- '' - i i done in haste They been rehearsing transplant tech-niqu- es and treatment at Uni- - 13 fbrmed this at an sensational South African surgeon Christian Barnard performed the world's first heart swap in 1967 Three Finns have pre-viously undergone the opera-tio-n in Sweden and England The Helsinki patienfs name was not disclosed Stop Press Shortly before FBR went to press the hospital announced that the patient had died He had survived 13 days with patients lies iranspianiea nean the and tors tnougn were the kuukauden kuukauden kuukauden 'B' etelään TORONTO determined to continue with heart transplant surgery THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANI-ZAT10- N DECLARED 1985 ' THE YEAR OF YOUTH THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE YEAR WILL BE THE I2TH WORLD FESTIVAL OF YOUTH AND STUDENTS IN MOS-CO- W THE FESTIVAUS PROGRAM WILL BE EN DO RSED BY THE INTERNATIONAL PREPARATORY COMMITTEE BELOW SECRETARY OF THE SO VI ET ORGANIZING COMMITTEE NIKOLAI STANKE-VIC- H TELLS ABOUT THE FESTI-VAU- S EVENTS How the Festival will be held The International Preparatory Com-mitte- e considers it ils duty to take into consideration the traditions of the festival movement as vell as the changes vvhich have occured in the international siiuation since the pre-vio- us vorld youth forum The par-ticipants of this event vvill have the possibility to discuss freely and sin-cerel- y the problcms they are con-ccrne- d vilh: averting nuclear war univcrsal and complete disarmament establishing a lasting and durable peace on earth Representatives of different organi-zation- s support the idea of holding duriiig the festival a massive mani-festatio- n of Soviet and foreign youth dedicaled to the 40th anniversary of the Victory over fascism The Inter-national Preparatory Committee approved of organizing meetings with anti-fascis- ts participants in the Re-sistan- ce movement as well as meet-ings of peace champions Members of the organizing committee also support the idea of meetings during the festival with the victims of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki vvith UN representatives veterans of the festival movement with experts and specialists in va-rio- us fields Iawyers etc It vas deemed important to organi-z- e within the festivaTs program a so-call- ed Free Rostrum from which in an informal atmosphere the Festival participants will be able to exchange opinions and materials about the vork of youth organizations concer-nin- g a broad circle of topical ques-tion- s Also approved was the pro-pos- al to dedicate each day of the festival (except for the opening and closing days) to some concrete topic which concerns youth and students: economic cooperation and develop-men- t rights of youth and students the day of the host-countr- y and many olhers The festival's organizers believe that special place in the program must be given to thematic centers for an exchange of opinions to be placed in different districts of Moscovv 15 such centers — anti-imperiali- st solidarity peace and disarmament economic cooperation national independence ahd others — have been agreed upon The festivaTs cultural and sports programs will not be of competitive character so that ali guests could participate These could be folk per-formanc- es concerts of classical and modern music national cultural prog-rams " 4" Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan ' juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu- - ja voimisteluharjoitukset torstaisin kello 10 laulu ja iltapäivällä voi-mistelu Entiset ja uudet harras-tajat tervetuloa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario Ukrainalaisten Shevchenko musiikki-- ja tanssiryhmä tulee jär-jestämään laulu- - ja- - tanssi-illa- n huhtikuun 27 päivä kello 8 ip Ryerson teatterissa Lippuja puh: 533-272- 5 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 1 2 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-uks- et joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S9I 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0JD OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv klo 11 ap — 9 ip Puh 869-29- 20 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA FaUoetkaa hakemassa taikkokatexvtartame FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin 673-85- 85 252 Regent St S Basel kadon kulm 22 Dnrham St N SUDBURY |
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