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w " j ' -- f ( KL -- l v m &M KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO Killer Robot UUDENVUODENJUHLAA THE HEAD OF THE WASHINGTON POST'S MOSCOVV OFFICE D DODER ASKED KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO TO ANSVER SOME QUESTIONS ON SOVIET-U- S RELATIONS A SUBJECT VVHICH THE NEVVSPAPER REFERS TO AS OF CONCERN TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND NOT JUST TO THE ' WASHINGTON POST'S READERS BELOV ARE THE ANSVVERS KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO GAVC Q President Reagan has said that the United Sta'es Is prepared to resume dialogue with the Sovief Union on a wide range of issues including arms Control How does the Soviet Union react to this? A This is not the first time we have heard words about the US Admi-nistration readiness for talks but they have never been backed by real action vvhich would atfesf to a genuine desire to reach agree-men- f on a just and mutuall" acceptable basis on even one of the essential issues relevanf to our relations particularly in terms of arms limiiation and reducing the danger of war Every time we put forward specifir proposals they have run into a blind wall Let me give some examples Such was the case last March vvhen we identified a whole set of prob-lem- s Reaching agreement on them or at least on some of them vvould bring a real shift in Soviet-U- S relations and in the interna-tional sifuation as a whole But response to our proposals was me-rel- y shirked aside Such was the case in June when we proposed an agreement on pre-venti- ng space militarization This time we were answered but what with? An attempt was made to substi-tut- e the very subject of negotia-tion- s if was proposed fo discuss issues relafed to nuclear weapons issues which had previously been discussed at the talks in Geneva vvhich were vvrecked by the United States ifself The United States has not only refused to remove fhe obstacles created by fhe deploy-me- nt of new US missiles in Western Europe but is going ahead with their deployment And what about outer space? Insfead of preventing an arms race in space we vvere invited fo pro-cee- d to work out rules for such a race in effect to legalize it Ob-vious- ly we cannot agree to that Our objecfive is to keep space a zone of peace and we shall per-sistent- ly work towards this Such are the facfs of the matter Let us turn now fo President Rea-gan statement which you have referred to If what the President has said about readiness to ne-gotia- te is not merely a tacfical move the Soviet Union will not be found vvanting We have always been prepared for serious and bu-sinessl-ike negotiafions and have repeatedly said so We are ready fo proceed to nego-tiafions with a view to concluding an agreement on preventing space militarization including complefe renunciation of anti-satelli- te Sy-stems with a mutual moratorium on testing and deployment of space vveapons to be established from fhe moment talks begin This is pre-cise- ly the vvay we formulated our proposal from the outset Now it is for Washington to respond The Soviet proposal that the nuclear povers freeze quantitatively and qualitafively ali nuclear vveapons af their disposal also remains valid Agreement on that matter entails mutual cessafion of the build-u- p of ali components in existing nuclear arsenals including delivery vehicles and nuclear vvarheads The nuclear arms race vvould thus be stopped This vvould decisively fa-cilit-afe further agreements on re-ducfi- ons in and the eventual comp-lefe scrapping of such vveapons The White House still has before it our official proposal that the So-viet Union and the United States inifially agree to freeze their nuc- - lear vveapons thus sefting an example for other nuclear povvers There is a real opportunity fo complete the elaboration of an agreement on the complete and ge-neral prohibition of nuclear-weapo- n tests Should there be no such fesfs these vveapons vvill not become more sophisticated and this vvill brake the nuclear arms race Here too fhe United States could prove in deeds the sincerity of its declarations for nuclear arms limitation The United Stafes could also demonstrate that by rafifying the Soviet-Americ- an Treaties on underground nuclear explosions These treaties vvere signed as far back as 1974 and 1976 This vvould be demonstrated precisely by rati-ficati- on and not by inviting obser-ver- s as suggested by the Ame-rican side vvho vvould merely dis-passiona- tely ascertain the fact of explosion The Sovief Union has repeatedly called upon Washington to follovv our example in assuming an obliga-tio- n not to be the first fo use nuc-lear vveapons Every time fhe ans-vv- er has been "no" Imagine fhe reverse: the United States assumes an obligation not to be the first fo use nuclear vveapons and calls upon us to reciprocate vvhile vve say "no" this does not suit us and vve reserve fhe right to a first nuclear sfrike Whaf vvould people in the United States think of our inten-tio- ns in that case? There can be no two vievvs on that score I have mentioned several of the most pressing matters relafed to ending the arms race and strengthen-in- g Security There are other impor-ta- nt questions vvhich I believe the President is vvell avvare of Ali of them call for solution and definife efforts Unless backed by action vvords about readiness fo negotiate mean nothing I believe the above ansvvers your quesfion Q It has been offen said recently that there has been a shift vvhich could lead fo better Soviet-U- S relations What do you think about this and vvhat is your vievv of fhe prospects for these relations in coming months? A Indeed sentiments in favour of a shift for the better in the Soviet-U- S relations are vvidely held throughout the vvorld This in our vievv reflecfs grovving understand-in- g of the importance of these relations particularly in the current international situation Unfortunafely so far there has been no real evidence of such a shift in Soviet-U- S relations Is such a shift possible? I shall give an unequi-voc- al ansvver to this question: yes it is possible Resolution of the issues to vvhich I referred earlier vvould help bring if about I am convinced that there is no sound alternative to constructive development of Soviet-U- S rela-tions We do not overlook fhe fact fhat vve have different social Sys-tems and vvorld ouflooks But if the responsibility vvhich rests vvith our two countries is constantly kept in mind if policy is oriented tovvard peace and not vvar these differen-ce- s not only do not exclude the search for mutual understanding they demand it I have said in the past and I vvish to stress it once again: vve stand for good relations vvith the USA and experience shovvs that fhey can be such What is required is a mufual desire to build relations as equals to mutual benefif and in fhe cause of peace m Karel Capek coined the word robot and SF vvriter Isaak Asimov thought up the laws of robotion chief of which is that no robot must ever endanger human life Not so in the USA today vvhere a $200000 robot has been devised that can see hear and pnmari-l- y kili It vvill be used to guard a U S mihtary base in the Middle East the Egyptian Al-Ahr- am reports They Drink VVater Now 'fc$ss A recent public opinion poll conducted by the Journal du Dimanche vveekly of Paris refutes the A Way Out VVorned about their ten-year-o- ld daughter having to cross Dortmund's red-lig- ht district to get to school two anxious parents went to court the Stuttgart Sonntags aktuell reports The upshot vvas that the town hali vvas obliged to provide the httle girl vvith a free monthly tram ticket to make a detour GROTESQUE By J Alvin Fifty million dollars plus To fund one papal tour Just think of vvhat such funds could do To help the sick and poor? The budget of the Vatican Would buy so much reprieve From misery and hunger In vvhich those poor folk grieve 'Tis ironic that our Saviour Rode upon an ass But he they call His emissary Travels in such class Sincerity is not in doubt It's just the circumstance Of vvasting so much money That could give the poor a chance There are other such examples Not only this one When man sorts out priorities 'Twill be honor to God's Son Madame Tussaud's Latest Madame Tussaud's nevvest vvaxvvork is of pop music star Boy George who per-sonal- ly unveiled the figure It is his spitting image down to lipstick naii polish earrings and pigtails He vvas most happy to see the figure placed next to that of celebrated tennis player John McEnroe not of Princess Margaret vvho called him a "made-u- p tart" on edistysmielisille ihmisille Vancouverissa tullut tavaksi juhlia RUSSIAN PEOPLES' HOME 600 Campbell Ave Tilaisuus 3112 1984 alkaa illallisella kello 7 illalla jatkuen tanssilla kello 830 Palkintoja ym:ta hauskaa Sisäänpääsy etukäteen $16 hengeltä jälkeen 26:n joulukuuta $21 Varatkaa lippunne hyvissä ajoissa TIEDUSTELUT: 254-343- 0 tai 254-648- 8 tai 253-303- 2 FEDERATION OF RUSSIAN CANADIANS Vancouver B C vvidespread notion that French people have red vvine at mealtimes It ap-pea- rs that only 16 per cent of the people pollea drink vvine while 49 per cent prefer vvater 13 per cent — soft drinks 10 per cent — beer 6 per cent milk True as the London Ob-server Paris correspondent comments it is mainly the fair sex that chooses vvater VVinning numbers vvere 11 22 27 33 36 37 The bonus number vvas 39 Ali six regular numbers vvere vvorth $755473-4- 0 but the vvinning combina-tio- n vvas not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $36888-3- 0 Any five regular numbers vvon $182680 Any four regular numbers vvon $4160 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers vvere 3 15 20 35 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday 'vvon $11960 Lotto 649 Nov 10 VVinning numbers vvere 20 22 27 34 44 48 The bonus number vvas 41 Ali six regular numbers vvon $234464520 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber vvon $10686530 Any five regular numbers vvon $225950 Any four regular numbers vvon $8200 Any three regular num-bers vvon $10 Wintario Nov Ä5 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas D542643 Ali six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digite vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: B688041 A520361 A649314 Other prizes: $10000 — 125589 740490 $1000 — 87025 $100 — 7240 $50— 1 144 5 7 in any order $10 — 437 VVhVfall — 78 Mystery Bonus — 271963 Provincial Hov £6 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 4104300 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 1 0 on lauluja iltapäivällä voimistelu Entiset ja uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! VANCOUVER Tn Helen Caldicott puhuu aiheesta "Ydinhulluus pysäh-dy terv a" maanantaina 2611 mo 8 p Vancouverissa War Meni i ui Gym -- huoneustossa Kyyti ym tiedustelut Osmo Lahti puh: 325-414- 7 Asccleivat murhaa vain aseina vaan nuhin käytettyinä varoina MALANKA-ukrainalai-ne- n uudenvuoden juhla tammi-kuun 19 p 1985 klo 7 ip 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Juhla-illalline- n tanssia ohjel-maa virvokkeita ym hauskaa Kaikki tervetulleita Tiedust 253-303- 2 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al-kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 4B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! 12
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, November 26, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-11-26 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000429 |
Title | 001133 |
OCR text | w " j ' -- f ( KL -- l v m &M KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO Killer Robot UUDENVUODENJUHLAA THE HEAD OF THE WASHINGTON POST'S MOSCOVV OFFICE D DODER ASKED KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO TO ANSVER SOME QUESTIONS ON SOVIET-U- S RELATIONS A SUBJECT VVHICH THE NEVVSPAPER REFERS TO AS OF CONCERN TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND NOT JUST TO THE ' WASHINGTON POST'S READERS BELOV ARE THE ANSVVERS KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO GAVC Q President Reagan has said that the United Sta'es Is prepared to resume dialogue with the Sovief Union on a wide range of issues including arms Control How does the Soviet Union react to this? A This is not the first time we have heard words about the US Admi-nistration readiness for talks but they have never been backed by real action vvhich would atfesf to a genuine desire to reach agree-men- f on a just and mutuall" acceptable basis on even one of the essential issues relevanf to our relations particularly in terms of arms limiiation and reducing the danger of war Every time we put forward specifir proposals they have run into a blind wall Let me give some examples Such was the case last March vvhen we identified a whole set of prob-lem- s Reaching agreement on them or at least on some of them vvould bring a real shift in Soviet-U- S relations and in the interna-tional sifuation as a whole But response to our proposals was me-rel- y shirked aside Such was the case in June when we proposed an agreement on pre-venti- ng space militarization This time we were answered but what with? An attempt was made to substi-tut- e the very subject of negotia-tion- s if was proposed fo discuss issues relafed to nuclear weapons issues which had previously been discussed at the talks in Geneva vvhich were vvrecked by the United States ifself The United States has not only refused to remove fhe obstacles created by fhe deploy-me- nt of new US missiles in Western Europe but is going ahead with their deployment And what about outer space? Insfead of preventing an arms race in space we vvere invited fo pro-cee- d to work out rules for such a race in effect to legalize it Ob-vious- ly we cannot agree to that Our objecfive is to keep space a zone of peace and we shall per-sistent- ly work towards this Such are the facfs of the matter Let us turn now fo President Rea-gan statement which you have referred to If what the President has said about readiness to ne-gotia- te is not merely a tacfical move the Soviet Union will not be found vvanting We have always been prepared for serious and bu-sinessl-ike negotiafions and have repeatedly said so We are ready fo proceed to nego-tiafions with a view to concluding an agreement on preventing space militarization including complefe renunciation of anti-satelli- te Sy-stems with a mutual moratorium on testing and deployment of space vveapons to be established from fhe moment talks begin This is pre-cise- ly the vvay we formulated our proposal from the outset Now it is for Washington to respond The Soviet proposal that the nuclear povers freeze quantitatively and qualitafively ali nuclear vveapons af their disposal also remains valid Agreement on that matter entails mutual cessafion of the build-u- p of ali components in existing nuclear arsenals including delivery vehicles and nuclear vvarheads The nuclear arms race vvould thus be stopped This vvould decisively fa-cilit-afe further agreements on re-ducfi- ons in and the eventual comp-lefe scrapping of such vveapons The White House still has before it our official proposal that the So-viet Union and the United States inifially agree to freeze their nuc- - lear vveapons thus sefting an example for other nuclear povvers There is a real opportunity fo complete the elaboration of an agreement on the complete and ge-neral prohibition of nuclear-weapo- n tests Should there be no such fesfs these vveapons vvill not become more sophisticated and this vvill brake the nuclear arms race Here too fhe United States could prove in deeds the sincerity of its declarations for nuclear arms limitation The United Stafes could also demonstrate that by rafifying the Soviet-Americ- an Treaties on underground nuclear explosions These treaties vvere signed as far back as 1974 and 1976 This vvould be demonstrated precisely by rati-ficati- on and not by inviting obser-ver- s as suggested by the Ame-rican side vvho vvould merely dis-passiona- tely ascertain the fact of explosion The Sovief Union has repeatedly called upon Washington to follovv our example in assuming an obliga-tio- n not to be the first fo use nuc-lear vveapons Every time fhe ans-vv- er has been "no" Imagine fhe reverse: the United States assumes an obligation not to be the first fo use nuclear vveapons and calls upon us to reciprocate vvhile vve say "no" this does not suit us and vve reserve fhe right to a first nuclear sfrike Whaf vvould people in the United States think of our inten-tio- ns in that case? There can be no two vievvs on that score I have mentioned several of the most pressing matters relafed to ending the arms race and strengthen-in- g Security There are other impor-ta- nt questions vvhich I believe the President is vvell avvare of Ali of them call for solution and definife efforts Unless backed by action vvords about readiness fo negotiate mean nothing I believe the above ansvvers your quesfion Q It has been offen said recently that there has been a shift vvhich could lead fo better Soviet-U- S relations What do you think about this and vvhat is your vievv of fhe prospects for these relations in coming months? A Indeed sentiments in favour of a shift for the better in the Soviet-U- S relations are vvidely held throughout the vvorld This in our vievv reflecfs grovving understand-in- g of the importance of these relations particularly in the current international situation Unfortunafely so far there has been no real evidence of such a shift in Soviet-U- S relations Is such a shift possible? I shall give an unequi-voc- al ansvver to this question: yes it is possible Resolution of the issues to vvhich I referred earlier vvould help bring if about I am convinced that there is no sound alternative to constructive development of Soviet-U- S rela-tions We do not overlook fhe fact fhat vve have different social Sys-tems and vvorld ouflooks But if the responsibility vvhich rests vvith our two countries is constantly kept in mind if policy is oriented tovvard peace and not vvar these differen-ce- s not only do not exclude the search for mutual understanding they demand it I have said in the past and I vvish to stress it once again: vve stand for good relations vvith the USA and experience shovvs that fhey can be such What is required is a mufual desire to build relations as equals to mutual benefif and in fhe cause of peace m Karel Capek coined the word robot and SF vvriter Isaak Asimov thought up the laws of robotion chief of which is that no robot must ever endanger human life Not so in the USA today vvhere a $200000 robot has been devised that can see hear and pnmari-l- y kili It vvill be used to guard a U S mihtary base in the Middle East the Egyptian Al-Ahr- am reports They Drink VVater Now 'fc$ss A recent public opinion poll conducted by the Journal du Dimanche vveekly of Paris refutes the A Way Out VVorned about their ten-year-o- ld daughter having to cross Dortmund's red-lig- ht district to get to school two anxious parents went to court the Stuttgart Sonntags aktuell reports The upshot vvas that the town hali vvas obliged to provide the httle girl vvith a free monthly tram ticket to make a detour GROTESQUE By J Alvin Fifty million dollars plus To fund one papal tour Just think of vvhat such funds could do To help the sick and poor? The budget of the Vatican Would buy so much reprieve From misery and hunger In vvhich those poor folk grieve 'Tis ironic that our Saviour Rode upon an ass But he they call His emissary Travels in such class Sincerity is not in doubt It's just the circumstance Of vvasting so much money That could give the poor a chance There are other such examples Not only this one When man sorts out priorities 'Twill be honor to God's Son Madame Tussaud's Latest Madame Tussaud's nevvest vvaxvvork is of pop music star Boy George who per-sonal- ly unveiled the figure It is his spitting image down to lipstick naii polish earrings and pigtails He vvas most happy to see the figure placed next to that of celebrated tennis player John McEnroe not of Princess Margaret vvho called him a "made-u- p tart" on edistysmielisille ihmisille Vancouverissa tullut tavaksi juhlia RUSSIAN PEOPLES' HOME 600 Campbell Ave Tilaisuus 3112 1984 alkaa illallisella kello 7 illalla jatkuen tanssilla kello 830 Palkintoja ym:ta hauskaa Sisäänpääsy etukäteen $16 hengeltä jälkeen 26:n joulukuuta $21 Varatkaa lippunne hyvissä ajoissa TIEDUSTELUT: 254-343- 0 tai 254-648- 8 tai 253-303- 2 FEDERATION OF RUSSIAN CANADIANS Vancouver B C vvidespread notion that French people have red vvine at mealtimes It ap-pea- rs that only 16 per cent of the people pollea drink vvine while 49 per cent prefer vvater 13 per cent — soft drinks 10 per cent — beer 6 per cent milk True as the London Ob-server Paris correspondent comments it is mainly the fair sex that chooses vvater VVinning numbers vvere 11 22 27 33 36 37 The bonus number vvas 39 Ali six regular numbers vvere vvorth $755473-4- 0 but the vvinning combina-tio- n vvas not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $36888-3- 0 Any five regular numbers vvon $182680 Any four regular numbers vvon $4160 Any three regular numbers vvon $5 Early bird numbers vvere 3 15 20 35 Ali four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday 'vvon $11960 Lotto 649 Nov 10 VVinning numbers vvere 20 22 27 34 44 48 The bonus number vvas 41 Ali six regular numbers vvon $234464520 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus num-ber vvon $10686530 Any five regular numbers vvon $225950 Any four regular numbers vvon $8200 Any three regular num-bers vvon $10 Wintario Nov Ä5 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas D542643 Ali six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digite vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: B688041 A520361 A649314 Other prizes: $10000 — 125589 740490 $1000 — 87025 $100 — 7240 $50— 1 144 5 7 in any order $10 — 437 VVhVfall — 78 Mystery Bonus — 271963 Provincial Hov £6 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 4104300 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten laulu-ja voimisteluharjoitukset aloite-taan torstaina lokakuun 4 päivä Kello 1 0 on lauluja iltapäivällä voimistelu Entiset ja uudet har-rastajat tervetuloa! VANCOUVER Tn Helen Caldicott puhuu aiheesta "Ydinhulluus pysäh-dy terv a" maanantaina 2611 mo 8 p Vancouverissa War Meni i ui Gym -- huoneustossa Kyyti ym tiedustelut Osmo Lahti puh: 325-414- 7 Asccleivat murhaa vain aseina vaan nuhin käytettyinä varoina MALANKA-ukrainalai-ne- n uudenvuoden juhla tammi-kuun 19 p 1985 klo 7 ip 805 E Pender St Vancouver B C Juhla-illalline- n tanssia ohjel-maa virvokkeita ym hauskaa Kaikki tervetulleita Tiedust 253-303- 2 THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluhar-joitukset joka keskiviikko al-kaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoi-tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toi-sena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamu-päivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 4B' Sudbury On-tario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! 12 |
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