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Rays ofhope in acid räin The Finns became worried about the state of their soft-wo- od forests especially spruce this spring when it was noticed that their needles had turned brovvn and were drop-pin- g off Suspicions turned to acid räin and some people did not hesitate to hurl accusations at industry Fortunately forest experts vvere already at vvork on field Studies and soon reported that there was no need for alarm The brown and withered nee-dles vvere the latest ones to have grovvn (and those that usually react last to acid räin) They had been killed by last A td hoost Finland's development aid vvill receive a long avvaited boost The present level of 041 per cent of the GDP vvill be hiked to 047 next year and to 055 in 1986 Thus the official target recommended by the United Nations 07 per cent of the GDP vvill be reached in 1989 The level of development aid has been a source of con-trover- sy in Finland for years Foreign Ministry officials have pledged to adhere to the UN target but their Finance Minis-try colleagues in Helsinki have Prelude Brussels More than a hundred English football fans vvhose enthu-sias- m erupted into hooligan-is- m made the acquaintaince of the Finnish police's "accomo-datio- n facilities" vvhen they spent a night and most of the next day in the cooler after an international match in Helsin-ki The Helsinki police found a completely new use for the bats used in the national game "pe-säpallo" a variation on Amer-ican baseball The bats proved their vvorth in bringing the hooligans to heel The trouble began vvhen thousands of British fans ar-riv- ed for a match betvveen Fin-land and England in the qual-ifyin- g round of the World Cup championship Seventy six came faster than sound in the to For Mumbling Mullahs Authorities in Perak State Malaysia are to pro-vi- de ali toothless mullahs vvith artificial dentures 12 winter's record frosts a phe-nomen- on that had last oc-curr- ed in the 1950s but vvill grovv again Almost immediately after that there was further good news Finnish industry has now brought its overall sul-ph- ur emissions vvithin interna-tionall- y recommended limits according to a study involving forestry experts nature conser-vationis- ts and representatives of the Greens environmental grouping A shift away from heavy fuel oil on the part of industry and considerable investments in anti-polluti- on facilities have obviously yielded results argued that the target is too high The decision reached by the government vvas a compro-mis- e and foreign Minister Paa-vo Väyrynen for one ispleased about it The decision came af-ter 134 members of parliament (out of 200) had tabled a ques-tio- n about it Finland's 041 per cent con-tributi- on this year is vvorth Fmk 1332 billion ($220m) Last year Finland's aid vvas 036 per cent of the GDP vvhich placed it as number 10 on the OECD list of 17 countries Concorde and returned home immediately after the game Hovvever there vvas also a mi-nori- ty vvhich had come for oth-e- r reasons than to vvatch the football The first four made contact vvith the police almost immediately after they disem-barke- d from the Stockholm ferry because they had stolen the cash box from the ship's cafeteria en route The booty about $15000 vvas recovered The game itself vvent off vir-tual- ly vvithout trouble It did not go according to English plans though because the sup-posed- ly underdog Finns scored a goal in the fifth minute and held the lead tintil the sixth minute of the second half The final result vvas a dravv vvhich tasted like a victory to the Finns Reuter reports follovving complaints from congrega-tion- s that they cannot under-stan- d mumbled Koran verses "lt's a strango game they play here You have innings when you have outings" ' I The Magic Spell of Algoma Algoma hills can east a spell With puli so strong you may as weli Get thereaso fast as jou can go To play your part in Magic show Those feet of yours will itch and burn Until Algoma ways they learn And only then hou coast along But feel this Magic very strong The mountains touching sky you'11 see And higher still clovvda floating free And down below lakewaters quake And wave to shorelines where the break There murmur of the mountain streams Can stir your heart by Magic means The whispering leaves of lofty trees Can softly touch your soul to please There don't go hiking on a trail With noisy friends — you'll always fail To find the peace of mind you seek For gang willjabber gab and speak For Magic spell you'11 go alone For Nature's call you've never known: Alone you:ll see and feel so much To contact Creation's Magic touch For Nature's sake alone you stroll Get off the path from vale to knoll Green moss below blue sky above You there will sense that God is Love God made this earth and made that sky Made animals and birds that fly And fish thatswim in waters deep Made ali of this in one big sweep Nowhere on Earth can you still find Such Godly peace to tili your mind In ali this show you play a part Let Magic fill your mind and heart Let Magic fill your mind and heart And when you have to go away You vv7 be back again some day To Magic there you give respects That is ali Algoma expects Jospeh U Kaksonen Turks to watch Salora Assembly of Finnish Salora TV sets has begun in a factory ovvned by the British company Pölly Peok International in Manisa Turkey The brand-ne- w factory vvas opened by Turkish prime minister Turgut Özal at the end of May The five-ye- ar deal is vvorth about $10m a year to Salora The company attaches great importance to it because the market in Turkey vvhere co-lo- ur transmissions began a year ago is seen to have con-siderable potential Demand for colour receivers is expected to reach 800000 a year in the near future Salora's latest 22" and 26" colour models vvill be assem-ble- d in the Turkish factory They can receive both PAL and SECAM signals The new factory has 400 em-ploye- es Salora has trained them both at its ovvn factories in Finland and in Turkey No Absolution BfcA Nagasaki town fathers have rejected US airman Kermit Beahan's offer to make a publie apology Reu-ter reports This man who piloted the B-- 29 vhich 40 years ago dropped the A-bo- mb on Nagasaki exacting a death toll of upwards of 70000 was polrtely told that ALUMIINI MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminiurv i-d- ing scarp (rom- -) päivän kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-- tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Pcdloottoaa hakemassa kukkakeOerotanknna FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin G7S-0S- D3 252 Reffent St O Basel ladun kolm 22 Durham St N SUDBUEY the bombing victims and successive senerations iad no wish to see the nuclear killer ERILAISET l TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten järjestä-mänä tarjoillaan lohimojakka päi-vällinen torstaina syysk 26 päivä kello 1130 Toronton osaston jäsenkokous on sunnuntaina lokakuun 20p kello 1230 Kokouksen jälkeen kahvitarjoilu ja Darlene Niemen terveiset Maailman Nuorisofesti-vaalista CANADA NL-SEU-RA 977-58- 19 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 11 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-070- 5 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kMTjyfBffin SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keski v klo 11 ap — 9 lp Puh 869-29- 20 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä' Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kuitn Sudbury Jos lehtenne myöhästyy usein täyttäkää allaoleva kuponki ja lähettäkää Viikkosanomien konttoriin tai antakaa paikkakuntanne asiamiehelle Name (Nimi) Addres (Osoite) Issue No: (Lehden numero) Arrived (Saapui) ' Viikkosanomat 1088 Pape Ave Toronto Ontario M4K 3W5
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, September 23, 1985 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-09-23 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000468 |
Title | 000416 |
OCR text | Rays ofhope in acid räin The Finns became worried about the state of their soft-wo- od forests especially spruce this spring when it was noticed that their needles had turned brovvn and were drop-pin- g off Suspicions turned to acid räin and some people did not hesitate to hurl accusations at industry Fortunately forest experts vvere already at vvork on field Studies and soon reported that there was no need for alarm The brown and withered nee-dles vvere the latest ones to have grovvn (and those that usually react last to acid räin) They had been killed by last A td hoost Finland's development aid vvill receive a long avvaited boost The present level of 041 per cent of the GDP vvill be hiked to 047 next year and to 055 in 1986 Thus the official target recommended by the United Nations 07 per cent of the GDP vvill be reached in 1989 The level of development aid has been a source of con-trover- sy in Finland for years Foreign Ministry officials have pledged to adhere to the UN target but their Finance Minis-try colleagues in Helsinki have Prelude Brussels More than a hundred English football fans vvhose enthu-sias- m erupted into hooligan-is- m made the acquaintaince of the Finnish police's "accomo-datio- n facilities" vvhen they spent a night and most of the next day in the cooler after an international match in Helsin-ki The Helsinki police found a completely new use for the bats used in the national game "pe-säpallo" a variation on Amer-ican baseball The bats proved their vvorth in bringing the hooligans to heel The trouble began vvhen thousands of British fans ar-riv- ed for a match betvveen Fin-land and England in the qual-ifyin- g round of the World Cup championship Seventy six came faster than sound in the to For Mumbling Mullahs Authorities in Perak State Malaysia are to pro-vi- de ali toothless mullahs vvith artificial dentures 12 winter's record frosts a phe-nomen- on that had last oc-curr- ed in the 1950s but vvill grovv again Almost immediately after that there was further good news Finnish industry has now brought its overall sul-ph- ur emissions vvithin interna-tionall- y recommended limits according to a study involving forestry experts nature conser-vationis- ts and representatives of the Greens environmental grouping A shift away from heavy fuel oil on the part of industry and considerable investments in anti-polluti- on facilities have obviously yielded results argued that the target is too high The decision reached by the government vvas a compro-mis- e and foreign Minister Paa-vo Väyrynen for one ispleased about it The decision came af-ter 134 members of parliament (out of 200) had tabled a ques-tio- n about it Finland's 041 per cent con-tributi- on this year is vvorth Fmk 1332 billion ($220m) Last year Finland's aid vvas 036 per cent of the GDP vvhich placed it as number 10 on the OECD list of 17 countries Concorde and returned home immediately after the game Hovvever there vvas also a mi-nori- ty vvhich had come for oth-e- r reasons than to vvatch the football The first four made contact vvith the police almost immediately after they disem-barke- d from the Stockholm ferry because they had stolen the cash box from the ship's cafeteria en route The booty about $15000 vvas recovered The game itself vvent off vir-tual- ly vvithout trouble It did not go according to English plans though because the sup-posed- ly underdog Finns scored a goal in the fifth minute and held the lead tintil the sixth minute of the second half The final result vvas a dravv vvhich tasted like a victory to the Finns Reuter reports follovving complaints from congrega-tion- s that they cannot under-stan- d mumbled Koran verses "lt's a strango game they play here You have innings when you have outings" ' I The Magic Spell of Algoma Algoma hills can east a spell With puli so strong you may as weli Get thereaso fast as jou can go To play your part in Magic show Those feet of yours will itch and burn Until Algoma ways they learn And only then hou coast along But feel this Magic very strong The mountains touching sky you'11 see And higher still clovvda floating free And down below lakewaters quake And wave to shorelines where the break There murmur of the mountain streams Can stir your heart by Magic means The whispering leaves of lofty trees Can softly touch your soul to please There don't go hiking on a trail With noisy friends — you'll always fail To find the peace of mind you seek For gang willjabber gab and speak For Magic spell you'11 go alone For Nature's call you've never known: Alone you:ll see and feel so much To contact Creation's Magic touch For Nature's sake alone you stroll Get off the path from vale to knoll Green moss below blue sky above You there will sense that God is Love God made this earth and made that sky Made animals and birds that fly And fish thatswim in waters deep Made ali of this in one big sweep Nowhere on Earth can you still find Such Godly peace to tili your mind In ali this show you play a part Let Magic fill your mind and heart Let Magic fill your mind and heart And when you have to go away You vv7 be back again some day To Magic there you give respects That is ali Algoma expects Jospeh U Kaksonen Turks to watch Salora Assembly of Finnish Salora TV sets has begun in a factory ovvned by the British company Pölly Peok International in Manisa Turkey The brand-ne- w factory vvas opened by Turkish prime minister Turgut Özal at the end of May The five-ye- ar deal is vvorth about $10m a year to Salora The company attaches great importance to it because the market in Turkey vvhere co-lo- ur transmissions began a year ago is seen to have con-siderable potential Demand for colour receivers is expected to reach 800000 a year in the near future Salora's latest 22" and 26" colour models vvill be assem-ble- d in the Turkish factory They can receive both PAL and SECAM signals The new factory has 400 em-ploye- es Salora has trained them both at its ovvn factories in Finland and in Turkey No Absolution BfcA Nagasaki town fathers have rejected US airman Kermit Beahan's offer to make a publie apology Reu-ter reports This man who piloted the B-- 29 vhich 40 years ago dropped the A-bo- mb on Nagasaki exacting a death toll of upwards of 70000 was polrtely told that ALUMIINI MIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminiurv i-d- ing scarp (rom- -) päivän kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-- tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 AUNIITA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Pcdloottoaa hakemassa kukkakeOerotanknna FLOWER SERVICE Puhelin G7S-0S- D3 252 Reffent St O Basel ladun kolm 22 Durham St N SUDBUEY the bombing victims and successive senerations iad no wish to see the nuclear killer ERILAISET l TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! Toronton ikinuorten järjestä-mänä tarjoillaan lohimojakka päi-vällinen torstaina syysk 26 päivä kello 1130 Toronton osaston jäsenkokous on sunnuntaina lokakuun 20p kello 1230 Kokouksen jälkeen kahvitarjoilu ja Darlene Niemen terveiset Maailman Nuorisofesti-vaalista CANADA NL-SEU-RA 977-58- 19 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 11 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young 0J OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-070- 5 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kMTjyfBffin SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keski v klo 11 ap — 9 lp Puh 869-29- 20 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä' Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kuitn Sudbury Jos lehtenne myöhästyy usein täyttäkää allaoleva kuponki ja lähettäkää Viikkosanomien konttoriin tai antakaa paikkakuntanne asiamiehelle Name (Nimi) Addres (Osoite) Issue No: (Lehden numero) Arrived (Saapui) ' Viikkosanomat 1088 Pape Ave Toronto Ontario M4K 3W5 |
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