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fTT " -- 17' fi H " I -- f- f World ässembly to pursue lastina peace TORONTO — The World Assembly for Peace and Life Against Nuclear War will take place in Prague Czecho-slovaki- a from June 21 to 26 1983 Canadian organizations — churches trade unions peace groups pro-fession- als political activists anists women's organizations and others — will make up a delegation of betvveen 60 and 80 Up to this moment reports Gor-don Flowers executive director of the Canadian Peace Congress which is co-ordinat- ing preparations in Canada English-speakin- g Canada has con-firmati- on from upwards of40 people and French Canada more than 20 The purpose of the Prague gatheringis to engage in "common action to liberate humanity from the danger of a nuclear holocaust to defend peace and life on our earth" Those words from the Appeal of the International VVorking Group (pre-parato- ry committee) spokespersons from 71 international and national organizations which met in Geneva in February lead off a program rich in ex-chang- es meetings and discussions vvith peace proponents of a multitude of in-tere- sts and convictions from around the Lottario Wlay 21 Vinning numbers were 9 10 16 18 20 35 The bonus num-be- r was 1 1 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $35541660 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $3303670 Any five regular numbers won $273130 Any four regular numbers won $5230 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 1 5 19 36 AH four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $15630 Lotto 649 May 21 Winning numbers were 6 7 10 32 36 38 The bonus num-ber was 46 Ali six regular num-bers won $243539270 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number von RIVER TRAFFIC UKItlA Poiketkaa FLOVVER Puhelin 252 Regent S kulm Durham SUDBURY 12 world from East and West from ali con-tinen- ts: "The year 1983" says the Appeal "is a crucial one for ali humanity above ali because of the dangers arising from the deployment of medium range missiles in Europe The negotiations now proceed-in- g in Geneva and elsewhere must make substantial progress the threat of nu-clear war is to be lifted The arms race involving the growing waste of the world' s resources must be halted and nuclear weapons banned" It promises at the Assembly an "open and frank dialogue on ali the threats to world peace It facilitate joint co-operat- ion at ali levels by ali who wish to participate" And sure enough the agenda offers an array of opportunities for dialogue such as would require a booklet — and they have produced one — to contain ali the variations Main topics proposed include: o The danger ' of nuclear war the threat to life and ways to prevent o European security and dis-armame- nt o The arms race and how to stop and reverse its economic aspects $13342210 Any five regular numbers won $498770 Any four regular numbers won $15050 Any regular numbers won $10 Wintario Riay 26 The winning number for $100000 was The first 5 last 5 digits won first 4 or last4 digits won $100 first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other prizes: $10r000 — 527955 819331 $1000 — 62800 $100 — 6890 $50 — 0 0 5 6 9 9 in any order $10 — 842 Win'fall — 01 Mystery Bonus — 68865 Provincial ftftay 27 The winning number for $500000 was 4610451 Last 6 won $50000 last 5 won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 SEED SOVVERS It is being projected that the The Chervona Zirka Agricultu- - Dnieper River will carry 54 ral Machinery Plant in million tons of freight and 25 Kirovohrad accountsfor40%of million Commercial passengers the Soviet Union's seed sower in this navigation season production Tohtori Eric Harcla DC ND KIROPRAKTIKKO JA NATUROPAATTI 331 Sheppard Avc E Willowdale Avoinna maanant: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 tiist: klo 5-- 9 illalla kcskiv: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 8 torst: klo 5-- 9 illalla pcrjant: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 lauant: sopimuksen mukaan Puhelin 224-044- 4 Aikatilaukset puhelimitse AUNIITA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA hakemassa kukkakalenterinne SERVICE 673-959- 1 St Hazel kadun 22 St N if will it it three 499772 or $5000 digits digits Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young OJ) OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Tolsassa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Kcskiv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pah 869-29- 20 Records PRAHA83 o The danger of war in the Middle East Africa Asia and Lätin America o Social and ethical aspects of the arms race and economic co-operati- on Besides a chance to see some of Czechoslovakia there will be a Wo-men- 's Centre operating throughout the Assembly and a Youth and Student Vil-lag- e throughout Meetings of Special interests groups Englishman John Massis ONLY A WORD A word is such a potent thing: A careless word may break a heart A bitter word may burn and sting A word can rip a home apart And yet a word can comfort bring A word can wound a word can mend Can lift the tallen lighten eyes A word can heal A word can send The soul a touch of Paradise A biting word can lose a friend So may the Lord grant to me The speech that spreads tranquility Saint Patrick's Day 1983 ALUMI1NIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury holding a rope between his tepth pulled two double-deck- er buses weighing to-gether 22 tons over a diat-an- ce of two metres The editors of the Guinness Bo ok of Records said it would have been enough to puli them one metre to have the event recorded in their Book ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn# osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitus- - ja ajanvie-tetilaisuud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita include women youth students trade unionists educationalists physicians writers and artists (cultural workers) elected representatives religious circ[es lawyers scientists journalists In addition there will be discussions on the mass media military industries Con-version Communications Sportsmen veterans businessmen and others will also have a chance to meet their counterparts while there will be many cultural events "Every movement for peace and dis-armam- ent ali groups and individuals ir-respec- tive of ideological political or re-ligious convictions must join together in the common struggle" the Appeal says "Ali questions and problems can be discussed with the aim of resolving the present tense and dangerous inter-national situation" Appealing for the survival of the world 's material and intellectual heritage — of which the Assembly site Prague has its share — the Appeal declares: "At the World Assembly in Prague we can reach a better understanding we can strengthen mutual trust security and co-operat- ion the only basis for lasting peace" Final Choice The city fathers of Santander (Spain) writes Frankfurter Rundschau decided to embellish the central square with a monument But to whom? The questlon was discussed at the city councll wlth the representatives of dlfferent partles and publlc organiza-tions namlng their can-dldat- es No one wanted to glve In however In the end they agreed on erect-In- g a monument to a mllch cow Because the city and its suburbs owe their prosperlty to the output and säle of dalry products Tilatkaa VIIKKOSANOMAT THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku' kuoron harjoitukset ovat joka lauantai kello 1 päi-vällä Entiset ja uudet laulajat tervetulleita! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip VVANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston no 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden en-simmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ont P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo klo 1
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, June 06, 1983 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-06-06 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000357 |
Title | 000260 |
OCR text | fTT " -- 17' fi H " I -- f- f World ässembly to pursue lastina peace TORONTO — The World Assembly for Peace and Life Against Nuclear War will take place in Prague Czecho-slovaki- a from June 21 to 26 1983 Canadian organizations — churches trade unions peace groups pro-fession- als political activists anists women's organizations and others — will make up a delegation of betvveen 60 and 80 Up to this moment reports Gor-don Flowers executive director of the Canadian Peace Congress which is co-ordinat- ing preparations in Canada English-speakin- g Canada has con-firmati- on from upwards of40 people and French Canada more than 20 The purpose of the Prague gatheringis to engage in "common action to liberate humanity from the danger of a nuclear holocaust to defend peace and life on our earth" Those words from the Appeal of the International VVorking Group (pre-parato- ry committee) spokespersons from 71 international and national organizations which met in Geneva in February lead off a program rich in ex-chang- es meetings and discussions vvith peace proponents of a multitude of in-tere- sts and convictions from around the Lottario Wlay 21 Vinning numbers were 9 10 16 18 20 35 The bonus num-be- r was 1 1 Ali six regular num-bers were worth $35541660 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $3303670 Any five regular numbers won $273130 Any four regular numbers won $5230 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 1 5 19 36 AH four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $15630 Lotto 649 May 21 Winning numbers were 6 7 10 32 36 38 The bonus num-ber was 46 Ali six regular num-bers won $243539270 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number von RIVER TRAFFIC UKItlA Poiketkaa FLOVVER Puhelin 252 Regent S kulm Durham SUDBURY 12 world from East and West from ali con-tinen- ts: "The year 1983" says the Appeal "is a crucial one for ali humanity above ali because of the dangers arising from the deployment of medium range missiles in Europe The negotiations now proceed-in- g in Geneva and elsewhere must make substantial progress the threat of nu-clear war is to be lifted The arms race involving the growing waste of the world' s resources must be halted and nuclear weapons banned" It promises at the Assembly an "open and frank dialogue on ali the threats to world peace It facilitate joint co-operat- ion at ali levels by ali who wish to participate" And sure enough the agenda offers an array of opportunities for dialogue such as would require a booklet — and they have produced one — to contain ali the variations Main topics proposed include: o The danger ' of nuclear war the threat to life and ways to prevent o European security and dis-armame- nt o The arms race and how to stop and reverse its economic aspects $13342210 Any five regular numbers won $498770 Any four regular numbers won $15050 Any regular numbers won $10 Wintario Riay 26 The winning number for $100000 was The first 5 last 5 digits won first 4 or last4 digits won $100 first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other prizes: $10r000 — 527955 819331 $1000 — 62800 $100 — 6890 $50 — 0 0 5 6 9 9 in any order $10 — 842 Win'fall — 01 Mystery Bonus — 68865 Provincial ftftay 27 The winning number for $500000 was 4610451 Last 6 won $50000 last 5 won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits won $25 last 2 digits won $10 SEED SOVVERS It is being projected that the The Chervona Zirka Agricultu- - Dnieper River will carry 54 ral Machinery Plant in million tons of freight and 25 Kirovohrad accountsfor40%of million Commercial passengers the Soviet Union's seed sower in this navigation season production Tohtori Eric Harcla DC ND KIROPRAKTIKKO JA NATUROPAATTI 331 Sheppard Avc E Willowdale Avoinna maanant: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 tiist: klo 5-- 9 illalla kcskiv: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 8 torst: klo 5-- 9 illalla pcrjant: klo 8-- 12 ja 2-- 6 lauant: sopimuksen mukaan Puhelin 224-044- 4 Aikatilaukset puhelimitse AUNIITA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA hakemassa kukkakalenterinne SERVICE 673-959- 1 St Hazel kadun 22 St N if will it it three 499772 or $5000 digits digits Frank R Block RO ja Roger Young OJ) OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Tolsassa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Kcskiv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pah 869-29- 20 Records PRAHA83 o The danger of war in the Middle East Africa Asia and Lätin America o Social and ethical aspects of the arms race and economic co-operati- on Besides a chance to see some of Czechoslovakia there will be a Wo-men- 's Centre operating throughout the Assembly and a Youth and Student Vil-lag- e throughout Meetings of Special interests groups Englishman John Massis ONLY A WORD A word is such a potent thing: A careless word may break a heart A bitter word may burn and sting A word can rip a home apart And yet a word can comfort bring A word can wound a word can mend Can lift the tallen lighten eyes A word can heal A word can send The soul a touch of Paradise A biting word can lose a friend So may the Lord grant to me The speech that spreads tranquility Saint Patrick's Day 1983 ALUMI1NIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin- - tonista itään Laird Drivesta Puh: 421-157- 2 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739591 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury holding a rope between his tepth pulled two double-deck- er buses weighing to-gether 22 tons over a diat-an- ce of two metres The editors of the Guinness Bo ok of Records said it would have been enough to puli them one metre to have the event recorded in their Book ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO CANADA NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ont SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn# osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitus- - ja ajanvie-tetilaisuud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen klo 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myöskin tervetulleita include women youth students trade unionists educationalists physicians writers and artists (cultural workers) elected representatives religious circ[es lawyers scientists journalists In addition there will be discussions on the mass media military industries Con-version Communications Sportsmen veterans businessmen and others will also have a chance to meet their counterparts while there will be many cultural events "Every movement for peace and dis-armam- ent ali groups and individuals ir-respec- tive of ideological political or re-ligious convictions must join together in the common struggle" the Appeal says "Ali questions and problems can be discussed with the aim of resolving the present tense and dangerous inter-national situation" Appealing for the survival of the world 's material and intellectual heritage — of which the Assembly site Prague has its share — the Appeal declares: "At the World Assembly in Prague we can reach a better understanding we can strengthen mutual trust security and co-operat- ion the only basis for lasting peace" Final Choice The city fathers of Santander (Spain) writes Frankfurter Rundschau decided to embellish the central square with a monument But to whom? The questlon was discussed at the city councll wlth the representatives of dlfferent partles and publlc organiza-tions namlng their can-dldat- es No one wanted to glve In however In the end they agreed on erect-In- g a monument to a mllch cow Because the city and its suburbs owe their prosperlty to the output and säle of dalry products Tilatkaa VIIKKOSANOMAT THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lilla 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip 'Kaiku' kuoron harjoitukset ovat joka lauantai kello 1 päi-vällä Entiset ja uudet laulajat tervetulleita! CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip VVANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston no 9:n kokoukset ovat kuukauden en-simmäisenä maanantaina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ont P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo klo 1 |
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