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"Ydinaseeton maailma vuonna 2000" vvas the slogan under vvhich the Finnish Peace Committee held their annual Congress at the beginning of April The Finnish language may be one of the more obscure languages in the Western vvorld but the sentiments are'nt "For a Nuclear Weapon-fre- e World in the year 2000" is a slogan vvhich peace movements ali over the vvorld support The thirty thousand-stron- g Peace Committee brought together over 400 people in the Northern Finnish city of Oulu to discuss the struggle for peace and Strategies for the peace movement Opening the two-da- y session chair of the Finnish Peace Committee Matti Ruokola declared "Patriotism in the 1980's is patriotism vvhich has internal dimensions "We must ask ourselves in the 1980's vvhether patriotism can mean not being a member of the peace movement" Congress of Finnish Peaee Committee WARSAW TREATY: TASKS ROLE AND PEACE INITIATIVES The military and political defensive alliance of the People's Republic of Bulgaria the Hungarian PeopIe's Republic the German Democratic Republic the Polish PeopIe's Republic the Socialist Republic of Romania the Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic vvas founded in the spring of 1955 in the Polish capital in response to the increased threat on the part of the NATO bloc set up six years earlier The internationalism solidarily and unity of the socialist coun-trie- s liave more than once played the role of decisive force in foiling the aggressive schemes of impe-rialis- m and its accomplices The Political Consultative Commit-tee (PCC) is the embodimcnt of equality and sovereignty of the nllied states On the basis of a friendly exchange of opinions participants in the PCC work out a common approach to the key problems of international relations In the framevork of an agreed political course the Varsaw Treaty member stalcs take collec-tiv- e actions and come np vith in-divid-ual initialives at the UN at the conferences in Stockholm and Gcneva and at the Vicnna talks Tlie stales of the socialist commu-nit- y cnmc out for developmcnt of mutually beneficial relations vith the capitalist and developing coun- - Terrorism How are we to understand Reagan's rec-e- nt words that the US strike against Libya vvas "a single engagement in the long battle against terrorism" We should remember what it has meant of late when the Reagan Administration has used such language It has meant war death and sufferiiig somevvhere in the vvorld Such vvas the excuse for the US invasion of Grenada- - an act of naked aggression Could the Reagan Administration have picked a smaller nation to attack? Such vvas the excuse for the US arming and financing Israel for its 1982 invasion of Lebanon vvhere so many innocent people vvere killed vvounded or made homeless lf the Reagan Administration vvants to combat terrorism it can begin by cutting off ali funding to the Nicaraguan CONTRAS vvho are nothing but terrorists If the Reagan Administration wan's to combat terrorism let it stop supplying the military regimes in El Salvador and Guate-mala vvho have slaughtered thousands of innocents lf the Reagan Administration vvishes to make a contribution in the "long battle against terrorism" let them stop supporting General Pinochet in Chile vvhose hands are stained vvith the blood of thousands of Chi-- lean patriots since 1973 If the Reagan Administration vvants to help in the battle against terrorism let it enforce real sanctions against US corpora-tion- s doing business vvith the Apartheid Regime in South Africa And if the Reagan Administration vvants to be considered an Administration that has contnbuted to vvorld peace it must join the Soviet Union in a bilateral ban on the testing of nuclear vveapons Rob Prince 12 In a speech vvhich aroused much controversy in Finland Mr Ruokola hit out at the West German decision to co-opera- te in Star Wars research and reminded people of the Finnish-Sovi- et treaty vvhich states that in the event of a military threat from West Germany the Soviet Union vvould come to Finland's aid General Secretary Johannes Pakaslahti stressed the dangers of Finland being dravvn into high tech-nolog- y European research projects such as the "Eureka" project vvhich has close links vvith Star Wars deve-lopme- nt This he emphasised could threa-te- n Finland's neutral status in Europe "Economic and technologi-ca- l co-operati- on has to be deve-loped- " he told the congress "but Fin-nish national and political identity has to be maintained" In far-reachi- ng discussions run-nin- g through the congress the issues of neutrality national Security nuc- - tries including in the political sphere and consistently pursue this line The Warsaw Treaty member coun-trie- s communist and vorkers' parties are consistently and reso- - lutely vorking for the pcaceful coexistence of states for honest and constructive negotiations on the basis of equality OVER THE 30 YEARS OF THE WARSAV TREATY ORGANIZA-TION'- S EXISTENCE ITS MEM-BER- S HAVE PUT FORTH UP-VAR- D OF 100 INITIATIVES AND PROPOSALS AIMED AT THE REDUCTION OF ARMA-MENT- S AND THE STRENG-THEN1N- G OF UNIVERSAL PEACE HERE nE JUST SOME OF THEM: © 1956 Proposal on crcating a collective security system in Euro-pe as a subsiitute for military groupings © 1958 Proposal addressed (o the NATO countries on concluding a nonaggression pact © 1966 Proposal on convening an ai!-Europe- an conference on Secu-rity and coopcration in Europe © 1974 The Political Consultative Committee of the member states once again expressed its readiness to disband the VVarsavv Treaty Or- - ganization simultaneously vvith disbandment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or as the first step to dissolve their military or-ganizati- ons © 1976 The VVarsavv Treaty mem-ber countries called on ali states not to take steps vvhich could lead to the expansion of already exist-in- g or creation of new Indepen-dent groupings and niilitary-poli-tic- al alliances © 1978 The socialist countries came out for the reallzation of the follovving measures: — concluslon of an international agreement on nonuse of force in international relations — realization of a proposal accord-in- g to vvhich ali states — partici-pants in the all-Europe- an conferen-ce should pledge not to be the' first to use nuclear vveapons — measures for strengthening guarantees of the security of non-nucle- ar states © 1983 The VVarsavv Treaty mem-ber states adopted the Praguc Po-litical Declaration vvhich proposed in particular to conclude an agree-ment vvith NATO on mutual nonuse of military force and main- - w lear disarmament and how to build the peace movement dominated The question of how far the peace movement should involve itself in the domestic policies of the country vvas also a topic for discussion follovving the Finnish Peace Committee's expe-rience- s earlier in the year over the country's proposed investment in a Chilean copper mine News vvas leaked to the press of the state-ovvne- d mining corpora-tion- s intention to buy a copper mine in Chile vvhich sparked a spontene-ou- s and effective campaign initiated by the peace committee to prevent this happening Pertti Voutilainen General Direc-to- r of the company vvhich is called Outokumpu Oy reacted by publicly denouncing the Finnish Peace Com-mittee as being comprised of "terro-rists" On other issues such as South Africa Nicaragua and the situation in the Middle East the Finnish Peace taining relations or peace © 1984 Proposal addressed to the NATO countries to hold talks on freeing Europe from Chemical vveapons as vell as on non-increa-si- ng military spendings and on their reduction © 1985 The USSR proposed to the USA to reach agreement on a complete ban on striking space vveapons for both sides and on re-duction by 50 per cent of their nuclear armaments reaching each others' territory Canada CPA Campaigns to Stop Star Wars At its spring meeting in Calgary Alberta the Canadian Peace Alliance (CPA) decided to initiate an ongoing campaign against any Canadian involvement in the American Star VVars programme The CPA campaign opposes any direct or indirect Canadian participa-tio-n including Star Wars contracts to Canadian companies formal Canad-ian government backing for the pro-gramme integration of existing NORAD infractructures vvithin the vvider Star Wars plans deployment of comprehensive air defences in Northern Canada CPA alternatives to Star Wars inc-lud- e strengthening the 1972 Anti-Bal-list- ic Missile Treaty betvveen the US and the USSR immediate agreement on a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban and support for an International Satellite Monitoring Agency The campaign vvill use a petition directed to Prime Minister Mulroney establish a Star VVars VVatch Commit-tee to monilor Star Wars contracts to Canadian companies government grants to subsidize those companies and any parliamentary developments related to Star VVars The petition vvas launched at the Vancouver Peace Festival in April vvith the deadline for the collection of signatures UN Disarmament Week in October Canadian companies avvarded Star Wars contracts vvill be targetted by the CPA vvith vigils letters and tele-gra- ms of opposition Pedal Povver to end the Arms Race A number of people from Canada Czechoslovakia the USSR and the US have joined together to hold an international Bike for Peace '86 tour to mark the United Nations Inter-- Committee has been outspoken in its demands for justice and peace Inter-national appreciation for their sup-port vvas reflected in the presence of guests from these countries and regions at the congress In a series of final declarations at the close of the congress the Peace Committee stated clearly that it sees mobilising opposition to Star VVars as one of its central tasks The Committee demands that the political leadership of Finland should condemn the SDI programme and do everything possible to oppose it in international arenas They should also ensure that corporations in Fin-land do not participate in any vvay vvith Star Wars development In a further declaration the Peace Committee reiterated its support for economic co-operati- on betvveen Fin-land and the Soviet Union This co-operati- on is in the vvords of the Fin-nish Peace Committee "practical everyday peace politics" fter more than tvvo tlecades the devel-opment stage in the iMrW& establishment of Finnish banks overseas has novv reached a peak No further big dramatic steps can be ex-pect- ed A milestone vvas marked this year vvith the es-tablishment of branches in London and New York by the tvvo big Commercial banks Kansallis-Osake-Pank- ki and the Union Bank of Finland Finnish banks have been vvell to the fore in this foreign expansion The first units vvere operating vvell before the rapid upsvving in Euromarkets at the beginning of the 1970s The trend is unlikely to stop novv and the near future vvill obviously see new but small strides fonvard Tokyo is the next on the agenda where re-presenta- tive offices are already being strengthened and re-sour- ces developed for banking proper A change in status is ex-pect- ed in Singapore Actual branches are likely to replace or operate side by side with the present subsidiary banks There are no official barriers to this move and the decision is up to the banks themselyes New units could additional-l- y spring up in the latest off-shore centres but in their ex-te- nt capital and operations they vvill remain limited Like-wis- e associate banks may in-cre- ase their shares or alterna-tivel- y reduce their presence or withdraw entirely Capital irnported The establishment of Finnish banks abroad began well be-fore the burgeoning of Euro-markets Finland especially in the 1960s was a country that irnported capital The develop-ment of industry required huge investments and funding had to be obtained on foreign capi-tal markets The state also ex-ploit- ed the money and capital markets Establishment started off in Europe first in Switzerland and France in the mid-196- 0s It was the turn of London at the end of the decade The pioneers were KOP and UBF but others have followed suit although progress has not been uni-for- m national Year of Peace Starting this spring the tour vvill run from Kiev- - Prague- - Montreal-Ne- w York under the motto of the IYP: To Safeguard Peace and the Future of Humanity Other slogans adopted by the cyclists call for a hait to the arms race the use of outer space for peace and a nuclear vveapon free vvorld by the year 2000 mM I wm
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, July 07, 1986 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1986-07-07 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000505 |
Title | 000869 |
OCR text | "Ydinaseeton maailma vuonna 2000" vvas the slogan under vvhich the Finnish Peace Committee held their annual Congress at the beginning of April The Finnish language may be one of the more obscure languages in the Western vvorld but the sentiments are'nt "For a Nuclear Weapon-fre- e World in the year 2000" is a slogan vvhich peace movements ali over the vvorld support The thirty thousand-stron- g Peace Committee brought together over 400 people in the Northern Finnish city of Oulu to discuss the struggle for peace and Strategies for the peace movement Opening the two-da- y session chair of the Finnish Peace Committee Matti Ruokola declared "Patriotism in the 1980's is patriotism vvhich has internal dimensions "We must ask ourselves in the 1980's vvhether patriotism can mean not being a member of the peace movement" Congress of Finnish Peaee Committee WARSAW TREATY: TASKS ROLE AND PEACE INITIATIVES The military and political defensive alliance of the People's Republic of Bulgaria the Hungarian PeopIe's Republic the German Democratic Republic the Polish PeopIe's Republic the Socialist Republic of Romania the Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic vvas founded in the spring of 1955 in the Polish capital in response to the increased threat on the part of the NATO bloc set up six years earlier The internationalism solidarily and unity of the socialist coun-trie- s liave more than once played the role of decisive force in foiling the aggressive schemes of impe-rialis- m and its accomplices The Political Consultative Commit-tee (PCC) is the embodimcnt of equality and sovereignty of the nllied states On the basis of a friendly exchange of opinions participants in the PCC work out a common approach to the key problems of international relations In the framevork of an agreed political course the Varsaw Treaty member stalcs take collec-tiv- e actions and come np vith in-divid-ual initialives at the UN at the conferences in Stockholm and Gcneva and at the Vicnna talks Tlie stales of the socialist commu-nit- y cnmc out for developmcnt of mutually beneficial relations vith the capitalist and developing coun- - Terrorism How are we to understand Reagan's rec-e- nt words that the US strike against Libya vvas "a single engagement in the long battle against terrorism" We should remember what it has meant of late when the Reagan Administration has used such language It has meant war death and sufferiiig somevvhere in the vvorld Such vvas the excuse for the US invasion of Grenada- - an act of naked aggression Could the Reagan Administration have picked a smaller nation to attack? Such vvas the excuse for the US arming and financing Israel for its 1982 invasion of Lebanon vvhere so many innocent people vvere killed vvounded or made homeless lf the Reagan Administration vvants to combat terrorism it can begin by cutting off ali funding to the Nicaraguan CONTRAS vvho are nothing but terrorists If the Reagan Administration wan's to combat terrorism let it stop supplying the military regimes in El Salvador and Guate-mala vvho have slaughtered thousands of innocents lf the Reagan Administration vvishes to make a contribution in the "long battle against terrorism" let them stop supporting General Pinochet in Chile vvhose hands are stained vvith the blood of thousands of Chi-- lean patriots since 1973 If the Reagan Administration vvants to help in the battle against terrorism let it enforce real sanctions against US corpora-tion- s doing business vvith the Apartheid Regime in South Africa And if the Reagan Administration vvants to be considered an Administration that has contnbuted to vvorld peace it must join the Soviet Union in a bilateral ban on the testing of nuclear vveapons Rob Prince 12 In a speech vvhich aroused much controversy in Finland Mr Ruokola hit out at the West German decision to co-opera- te in Star Wars research and reminded people of the Finnish-Sovi- et treaty vvhich states that in the event of a military threat from West Germany the Soviet Union vvould come to Finland's aid General Secretary Johannes Pakaslahti stressed the dangers of Finland being dravvn into high tech-nolog- y European research projects such as the "Eureka" project vvhich has close links vvith Star Wars deve-lopme- nt This he emphasised could threa-te- n Finland's neutral status in Europe "Economic and technologi-ca- l co-operati- on has to be deve-loped- " he told the congress "but Fin-nish national and political identity has to be maintained" In far-reachi- ng discussions run-nin- g through the congress the issues of neutrality national Security nuc- - tries including in the political sphere and consistently pursue this line The Warsaw Treaty member coun-trie- s communist and vorkers' parties are consistently and reso- - lutely vorking for the pcaceful coexistence of states for honest and constructive negotiations on the basis of equality OVER THE 30 YEARS OF THE WARSAV TREATY ORGANIZA-TION'- S EXISTENCE ITS MEM-BER- S HAVE PUT FORTH UP-VAR- D OF 100 INITIATIVES AND PROPOSALS AIMED AT THE REDUCTION OF ARMA-MENT- S AND THE STRENG-THEN1N- G OF UNIVERSAL PEACE HERE nE JUST SOME OF THEM: © 1956 Proposal on crcating a collective security system in Euro-pe as a subsiitute for military groupings © 1958 Proposal addressed (o the NATO countries on concluding a nonaggression pact © 1966 Proposal on convening an ai!-Europe- an conference on Secu-rity and coopcration in Europe © 1974 The Political Consultative Committee of the member states once again expressed its readiness to disband the VVarsavv Treaty Or- - ganization simultaneously vvith disbandment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or as the first step to dissolve their military or-ganizati- ons © 1976 The VVarsavv Treaty mem-ber countries called on ali states not to take steps vvhich could lead to the expansion of already exist-in- g or creation of new Indepen-dent groupings and niilitary-poli-tic- al alliances © 1978 The socialist countries came out for the reallzation of the follovving measures: — concluslon of an international agreement on nonuse of force in international relations — realization of a proposal accord-in- g to vvhich ali states — partici-pants in the all-Europe- an conferen-ce should pledge not to be the' first to use nuclear vveapons — measures for strengthening guarantees of the security of non-nucle- ar states © 1983 The VVarsavv Treaty mem-ber states adopted the Praguc Po-litical Declaration vvhich proposed in particular to conclude an agree-ment vvith NATO on mutual nonuse of military force and main- - w lear disarmament and how to build the peace movement dominated The question of how far the peace movement should involve itself in the domestic policies of the country vvas also a topic for discussion follovving the Finnish Peace Committee's expe-rience- s earlier in the year over the country's proposed investment in a Chilean copper mine News vvas leaked to the press of the state-ovvne- d mining corpora-tion- s intention to buy a copper mine in Chile vvhich sparked a spontene-ou- s and effective campaign initiated by the peace committee to prevent this happening Pertti Voutilainen General Direc-to- r of the company vvhich is called Outokumpu Oy reacted by publicly denouncing the Finnish Peace Com-mittee as being comprised of "terro-rists" On other issues such as South Africa Nicaragua and the situation in the Middle East the Finnish Peace taining relations or peace © 1984 Proposal addressed to the NATO countries to hold talks on freeing Europe from Chemical vveapons as vell as on non-increa-si- ng military spendings and on their reduction © 1985 The USSR proposed to the USA to reach agreement on a complete ban on striking space vveapons for both sides and on re-duction by 50 per cent of their nuclear armaments reaching each others' territory Canada CPA Campaigns to Stop Star Wars At its spring meeting in Calgary Alberta the Canadian Peace Alliance (CPA) decided to initiate an ongoing campaign against any Canadian involvement in the American Star VVars programme The CPA campaign opposes any direct or indirect Canadian participa-tio-n including Star Wars contracts to Canadian companies formal Canad-ian government backing for the pro-gramme integration of existing NORAD infractructures vvithin the vvider Star Wars plans deployment of comprehensive air defences in Northern Canada CPA alternatives to Star Wars inc-lud- e strengthening the 1972 Anti-Bal-list- ic Missile Treaty betvveen the US and the USSR immediate agreement on a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban and support for an International Satellite Monitoring Agency The campaign vvill use a petition directed to Prime Minister Mulroney establish a Star VVars VVatch Commit-tee to monilor Star Wars contracts to Canadian companies government grants to subsidize those companies and any parliamentary developments related to Star VVars The petition vvas launched at the Vancouver Peace Festival in April vvith the deadline for the collection of signatures UN Disarmament Week in October Canadian companies avvarded Star Wars contracts vvill be targetted by the CPA vvith vigils letters and tele-gra- ms of opposition Pedal Povver to end the Arms Race A number of people from Canada Czechoslovakia the USSR and the US have joined together to hold an international Bike for Peace '86 tour to mark the United Nations Inter-- Committee has been outspoken in its demands for justice and peace Inter-national appreciation for their sup-port vvas reflected in the presence of guests from these countries and regions at the congress In a series of final declarations at the close of the congress the Peace Committee stated clearly that it sees mobilising opposition to Star VVars as one of its central tasks The Committee demands that the political leadership of Finland should condemn the SDI programme and do everything possible to oppose it in international arenas They should also ensure that corporations in Fin-land do not participate in any vvay vvith Star Wars development In a further declaration the Peace Committee reiterated its support for economic co-operati- on betvveen Fin-land and the Soviet Union This co-operati- on is in the vvords of the Fin-nish Peace Committee "practical everyday peace politics" fter more than tvvo tlecades the devel-opment stage in the iMrW& establishment of Finnish banks overseas has novv reached a peak No further big dramatic steps can be ex-pect- ed A milestone vvas marked this year vvith the es-tablishment of branches in London and New York by the tvvo big Commercial banks Kansallis-Osake-Pank- ki and the Union Bank of Finland Finnish banks have been vvell to the fore in this foreign expansion The first units vvere operating vvell before the rapid upsvving in Euromarkets at the beginning of the 1970s The trend is unlikely to stop novv and the near future vvill obviously see new but small strides fonvard Tokyo is the next on the agenda where re-presenta- tive offices are already being strengthened and re-sour- ces developed for banking proper A change in status is ex-pect- ed in Singapore Actual branches are likely to replace or operate side by side with the present subsidiary banks There are no official barriers to this move and the decision is up to the banks themselyes New units could additional-l- y spring up in the latest off-shore centres but in their ex-te- nt capital and operations they vvill remain limited Like-wis- e associate banks may in-cre- ase their shares or alterna-tivel- y reduce their presence or withdraw entirely Capital irnported The establishment of Finnish banks abroad began well be-fore the burgeoning of Euro-markets Finland especially in the 1960s was a country that irnported capital The develop-ment of industry required huge investments and funding had to be obtained on foreign capi-tal markets The state also ex-ploit- ed the money and capital markets Establishment started off in Europe first in Switzerland and France in the mid-196- 0s It was the turn of London at the end of the decade The pioneers were KOP and UBF but others have followed suit although progress has not been uni-for- m national Year of Peace Starting this spring the tour vvill run from Kiev- - Prague- - Montreal-Ne- w York under the motto of the IYP: To Safeguard Peace and the Future of Humanity Other slogans adopted by the cyclists call for a hait to the arms race the use of outer space for peace and a nuclear vveapon free vvorld by the year 2000 mM I wm |
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