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Flying Saucers are on the wäy For many years we'we had reports of so-call- ed Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) As a rule those who clalm to have seen them report tremendous speeds ability to maneuver as no jet-pla- ne can weird lights etc Usually the UFO has a shape like a saucer In ourphoto is a saucer-shape- d flying machine now being prepared in USSR It's for real It's on the way The artisfs drawing above shovvs that this "flying mac-hine" is about 1000 feet across (diameter) Those small things on the edge of the "saucer" are stan-dard Soviet turbo-j- et engines four of them drive the saucer in any desired direction So this "UFO" isn't going to fly at 5000 miles per hour and it isn't driven by exotic nuclear-rock- et engines It's freighter That round thing in its centre is a unique loading-unloadin- g "ramp" It is lovvered 1 20 feet down to earth (when the ship is docked) and is strong enough to allow bulldo-zer- s excavators trucks etc to be driven to the ground on this odd-ba- ll ramp When unloading is done the ramp is sucked up into the ship for flying away for another load This identified flying object is being prepared for test-fligh- ts at the Moscow Aviation Insti-tute (you see the Russian in-iti- als on the "saucer") Intended ed to lift 1 500 tons An airship (dirigible) to handle that load vvould have to be 2400 feet long (cigar-shape- d) Most important: the MAI craft is made of light fleible plastic film In contrast to the heavy rigid framework of air-shi- ps In fact the MAI saucer is a huge plastic container blovvn to saucer-shap- e by compressed air Its "frame" is like a gigantic bicycle vvheel complete with rim spokes and hub Inside the "saucer" when it's inflated are places for freight and maybe 100 pass-enge- rs What's behind this weirdo flying structure? © Its wind-resistan- ce is equal on ali sides overcoming a very bad defect of airships it can maneuver easily © No need for any "landing station'" (as for mooring an airship) because the cylindrical "ramp" easily locks the ship to the ground when it's extended © Airships must be cons-tantl- y kept pointing down-win- d but the MAI craft is perfectly stable in any position © The huge circular shape of the ship creates a strong air-li-ft of its own (much like the lift of an airplane's wings) when the four engines drive it fonvard ® Lifting force stability control ali make this ideal for carrying big loads at moderate flying speeds Early in the design Studies experts raised the grim problem of icing Often fatal to dirigibles No big problem here Turbines will heat the air used to inflate the "saucer" so ice will never form And hot air will markedly increase buoyancy or lifting power 12 Yes this MAI ship does use some helium gas for its bu-oyancy (lift) effect But only enough to "balance" the vveight oT the framevvork etc Air vhich costs nothing and is heated to 250 degrees by the turbo engines "for free" pro-vid- es the main freight-liftin- g force Actually the "air" provided by the turbine engines is really hot exhaust gases But they're confined inside the tough plastic housing vvhere they perform their other function: ice pre-vention This brings your attention to a really wonderful design fea-ture of this ship As with old-fashion- ed balloons ali you do to make the loaded MAI rise up for flying is to let the turbo-jet- s fill it with very hot gases And ali you do to make the ship come down for a landing is to open big valves that allow cold outside air to replace those hot gases Both take-of- f and landing is therefore free since the turbo engines are running anyway (to propel the ship) LUBRICATING OIL FROM RAPESEED Finland's Raision Tehtaat has developed a range of lubrication oils from rapeseed oil Most of the products are intended for industrial use for specific applications but there is also two-stro- ke motor oil and motor-sa-w cutting chain oil Raision Tehtaat began six years ago studying how ra-peseed oil could be used as a lubricant because the excellent lubrication qualities of vege-tabl- e oils were known Finland has a surplus production of rapeseed oil and much of the oil is exported in non-refin- ed crude form The threshold question of the development work turned out to be the cold-resistan- ce and oxidation of the vegetable oil These problems have now been solved Lubricating oils are manu-facture- d from completely pure or refined oils Their price is set between that of mineral and syntheticoils Considering their quality the price is competitive At this stage Raision Teh-taat is not intending to export the new oils but is eager to sell the know-ho- w The products have been patented in Finland and patent applications are pending in ten countries INDIVIDUAL SOLUTIONS TO LUBRICATION PROBLEMS Hydraulics oil various u v -- A i "T --tv i'" r" "' rS'-- rt ' ' i 'f'lrtt- l i i1 :EäSiÄ f d'--" m%msm&mrjmrfxi&ti!&h%wjyjx'i ' -- v iiivv" ii iii &iBHH&w }TiKrjrK'-:y7- y ' läM hM '"' jfW-r'- " i m t r ErffliSiflvE8 1?ymT#TffiT!'t"uWHyjV-nT%rltfifrWfin- i - -- " _ r £S6S'3SS Now what fuel will those turbo-engin- es burn? Liquified (compressed) na-tur- al gas Very cheap clean abundant ali over USSR MAI engineers figure that four gas-fuel- ed engines of stan-dard Soviet design (TU-11- 4) will drive a fully loaded "sau-cer" 5000 km (3000 miles) at a speed of 200 km per hour At remarkably low cost: a load 1500 tons will becarriedatjust 1 0 percent of the cost of truck-in- g and only 20 percent of flying it by freight aircraft When you think of the tremendous development and construction work they have ahead of them in distant areas you realize what immense savings are possible And then the roominess of the "saucer" makes it ideal to handle any kind of heavy cum-berso- me machinery gas pipe Iines and pumping stations even sections of nuclear power plants To say nothing of the comp-lete towns (of pre-fa- b buildings) which must be built ali along the new BAM Siberian Railway that reaches thousands of miles through wilderness But when will the MAI flying saucer fly? Reporters have been invited to apply for der'onstration flights within year Actually plans are so far advanced that the designers are conveyor and circulation lubri-cating oils machine oil for the foodstuffs industry and chain oil for motor-saw- s are ali ready for marketing now and two-stro- ke motor oil will come out later this year The advantages of the lub-ricating oils made from rape-seed include excellent lubri-cation high viscosity index good adhesion and low risk of seizure When used in forestry work on saw conveyors and outboard motors the fact that vegetable oils cause no harm to the environment or the user is an important asset The practical tests have been carried out under the most stringent conditions The hyd-raulics oils for example are is use in mines in heavy ore transporters The chain oils and two-stro- ke motor oils have been extensively tested by the armed forces and the State Institute for Forestry Research VM Jr" jT-jBMfcfca-tMK-VvfrA- UJT!- rfTV" e zm"y-xvjzvarf&ssxtK-rtt-' jrjM &♦ rr?siiK&i BIJKJHI flJjSr nMft 'fe m bi -- v r — a P&iaÄ&k öftSsaÄKäEvrs ' -- ~rt'5:J5B "~ Ti u£' gfUF 'it L's sAt workin on a supcr-sauic- er Powered by a nuclear engine such a ship vvill carry loads of 3000 tons Like using a whole freight-trai- n where no rails (or even trails) now exist NN Second coming at Rome trial Seldom has the law looked so stupid Italian authorities finally paraded out their star (and only) witness May 27 to "prove the Bulgarian connection" in the 1981 assassination attempt on the Pope The result was tragi-coine- dy pure farce You would think having worked on Mehmet Agca"s head for almost four years to get his frame-u- p story straight Ita-lian police and the CIA could come up with something better than what an incredulous world heard "I an Jesus Christ I am omnipotent I am here to an-noun- ce the end of the world" Agca told his judges with the world press looking on With that insane outburst Agca just about announced the end of Italy's "trial of the century" and with it the careers of the prosecuting team One year after his convic-tio- n Agca a neo-fasci- st Turk-is- h extremist concocted (with help) a story that Bulgaria was involved in his botched bid to kili the Pope A Bulgarian Citi-zen Sergei Antonov was pick-e- d up and has been held since The deal was that Agca would provide evidence against Antonov which would "prove" il I Hiilly y! i 1 1 ! 1 1 i HHK%IM@iiM$ MIIIMM llll- - IM- -H ! n -- „„--J-w:----- Pin it on the Bulgarlans and 111 make you Jesus LöUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S91 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury AUNIITA W UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Podlcratkaa hakemassa fciiktoakakmitentaiis FLOWER SERVICE Pah elin 67-- 05 252 Regrent St S Hasel kadon lrolm 22 Dorham St N SUDBUBT that Bulgaria acting for the Soviet Union was involved with Agca and others in the crime The Vatican vvill also be confused by Agca's claim to be Jesus If false Agca is shown for the demented person he is — hardly a credible star witness to implicate Bulgaria If true it vvill mean Italy has Jesus Christ in jail serving a life term — a problem too complex even for the Vatican and the Pope to contemplate The headline in UOsservatore Ro-mano would then read: "Jesus Christ Attempts to Kili John Paul II" quite a departure from its usual dust-dr- y fare Ali this in just the first days TM ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin maarataan Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan!
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, June 17, 1985 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-06-17 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000456 |
Title | 000277 |
OCR text | Flying Saucers are on the wäy For many years we'we had reports of so-call- ed Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) As a rule those who clalm to have seen them report tremendous speeds ability to maneuver as no jet-pla- ne can weird lights etc Usually the UFO has a shape like a saucer In ourphoto is a saucer-shape- d flying machine now being prepared in USSR It's for real It's on the way The artisfs drawing above shovvs that this "flying mac-hine" is about 1000 feet across (diameter) Those small things on the edge of the "saucer" are stan-dard Soviet turbo-j- et engines four of them drive the saucer in any desired direction So this "UFO" isn't going to fly at 5000 miles per hour and it isn't driven by exotic nuclear-rock- et engines It's freighter That round thing in its centre is a unique loading-unloadin- g "ramp" It is lovvered 1 20 feet down to earth (when the ship is docked) and is strong enough to allow bulldo-zer- s excavators trucks etc to be driven to the ground on this odd-ba- ll ramp When unloading is done the ramp is sucked up into the ship for flying away for another load This identified flying object is being prepared for test-fligh- ts at the Moscow Aviation Insti-tute (you see the Russian in-iti- als on the "saucer") Intended ed to lift 1 500 tons An airship (dirigible) to handle that load vvould have to be 2400 feet long (cigar-shape- d) Most important: the MAI craft is made of light fleible plastic film In contrast to the heavy rigid framework of air-shi- ps In fact the MAI saucer is a huge plastic container blovvn to saucer-shap- e by compressed air Its "frame" is like a gigantic bicycle vvheel complete with rim spokes and hub Inside the "saucer" when it's inflated are places for freight and maybe 100 pass-enge- rs What's behind this weirdo flying structure? © Its wind-resistan- ce is equal on ali sides overcoming a very bad defect of airships it can maneuver easily © No need for any "landing station'" (as for mooring an airship) because the cylindrical "ramp" easily locks the ship to the ground when it's extended © Airships must be cons-tantl- y kept pointing down-win- d but the MAI craft is perfectly stable in any position © The huge circular shape of the ship creates a strong air-li-ft of its own (much like the lift of an airplane's wings) when the four engines drive it fonvard ® Lifting force stability control ali make this ideal for carrying big loads at moderate flying speeds Early in the design Studies experts raised the grim problem of icing Often fatal to dirigibles No big problem here Turbines will heat the air used to inflate the "saucer" so ice will never form And hot air will markedly increase buoyancy or lifting power 12 Yes this MAI ship does use some helium gas for its bu-oyancy (lift) effect But only enough to "balance" the vveight oT the framevvork etc Air vhich costs nothing and is heated to 250 degrees by the turbo engines "for free" pro-vid- es the main freight-liftin- g force Actually the "air" provided by the turbine engines is really hot exhaust gases But they're confined inside the tough plastic housing vvhere they perform their other function: ice pre-vention This brings your attention to a really wonderful design fea-ture of this ship As with old-fashion- ed balloons ali you do to make the loaded MAI rise up for flying is to let the turbo-jet- s fill it with very hot gases And ali you do to make the ship come down for a landing is to open big valves that allow cold outside air to replace those hot gases Both take-of- f and landing is therefore free since the turbo engines are running anyway (to propel the ship) LUBRICATING OIL FROM RAPESEED Finland's Raision Tehtaat has developed a range of lubrication oils from rapeseed oil Most of the products are intended for industrial use for specific applications but there is also two-stro- ke motor oil and motor-sa-w cutting chain oil Raision Tehtaat began six years ago studying how ra-peseed oil could be used as a lubricant because the excellent lubrication qualities of vege-tabl- e oils were known Finland has a surplus production of rapeseed oil and much of the oil is exported in non-refin- ed crude form The threshold question of the development work turned out to be the cold-resistan- ce and oxidation of the vegetable oil These problems have now been solved Lubricating oils are manu-facture- d from completely pure or refined oils Their price is set between that of mineral and syntheticoils Considering their quality the price is competitive At this stage Raision Teh-taat is not intending to export the new oils but is eager to sell the know-ho- w The products have been patented in Finland and patent applications are pending in ten countries INDIVIDUAL SOLUTIONS TO LUBRICATION PROBLEMS Hydraulics oil various u v -- A i "T --tv i'" r" "' rS'-- rt ' ' i 'f'lrtt- l i i1 :EäSiÄ f d'--" m%msm&mrjmrfxi&ti!&h%wjyjx'i ' -- v iiivv" ii iii &iBHH&w }TiKrjrK'-:y7- y ' läM hM '"' jfW-r'- " i m t r ErffliSiflvE8 1?ymT#TffiT!'t"uWHyjV-nT%rltfifrWfin- i - -- " _ r £S6S'3SS Now what fuel will those turbo-engin- es burn? Liquified (compressed) na-tur- al gas Very cheap clean abundant ali over USSR MAI engineers figure that four gas-fuel- ed engines of stan-dard Soviet design (TU-11- 4) will drive a fully loaded "sau-cer" 5000 km (3000 miles) at a speed of 200 km per hour At remarkably low cost: a load 1500 tons will becarriedatjust 1 0 percent of the cost of truck-in- g and only 20 percent of flying it by freight aircraft When you think of the tremendous development and construction work they have ahead of them in distant areas you realize what immense savings are possible And then the roominess of the "saucer" makes it ideal to handle any kind of heavy cum-berso- me machinery gas pipe Iines and pumping stations even sections of nuclear power plants To say nothing of the comp-lete towns (of pre-fa- b buildings) which must be built ali along the new BAM Siberian Railway that reaches thousands of miles through wilderness But when will the MAI flying saucer fly? Reporters have been invited to apply for der'onstration flights within year Actually plans are so far advanced that the designers are conveyor and circulation lubri-cating oils machine oil for the foodstuffs industry and chain oil for motor-saw- s are ali ready for marketing now and two-stro- ke motor oil will come out later this year The advantages of the lub-ricating oils made from rape-seed include excellent lubri-cation high viscosity index good adhesion and low risk of seizure When used in forestry work on saw conveyors and outboard motors the fact that vegetable oils cause no harm to the environment or the user is an important asset The practical tests have been carried out under the most stringent conditions The hyd-raulics oils for example are is use in mines in heavy ore transporters The chain oils and two-stro- ke motor oils have been extensively tested by the armed forces and the State Institute for Forestry Research VM Jr" jT-jBMfcfca-tMK-VvfrA- UJT!- rfTV" e zm"y-xvjzvarf&ssxtK-rtt-' jrjM &♦ rr?siiK&i BIJKJHI flJjSr nMft 'fe m bi -- v r — a P&iaÄ&k öftSsaÄKäEvrs ' -- ~rt'5:J5B "~ Ti u£' gfUF 'it L's sAt workin on a supcr-sauic- er Powered by a nuclear engine such a ship vvill carry loads of 3000 tons Like using a whole freight-trai- n where no rails (or even trails) now exist NN Second coming at Rome trial Seldom has the law looked so stupid Italian authorities finally paraded out their star (and only) witness May 27 to "prove the Bulgarian connection" in the 1981 assassination attempt on the Pope The result was tragi-coine- dy pure farce You would think having worked on Mehmet Agca"s head for almost four years to get his frame-u- p story straight Ita-lian police and the CIA could come up with something better than what an incredulous world heard "I an Jesus Christ I am omnipotent I am here to an-noun- ce the end of the world" Agca told his judges with the world press looking on With that insane outburst Agca just about announced the end of Italy's "trial of the century" and with it the careers of the prosecuting team One year after his convic-tio- n Agca a neo-fasci- st Turk-is- h extremist concocted (with help) a story that Bulgaria was involved in his botched bid to kili the Pope A Bulgarian Citi-zen Sergei Antonov was pick-e- d up and has been held since The deal was that Agca would provide evidence against Antonov which would "prove" il I Hiilly y! i 1 1 ! 1 1 i HHK%IM@iiM$ MIIIMM llll- - IM- -H ! n -- „„--J-w:----- Pin it on the Bulgarlans and 111 make you Jesus LöUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S91 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury AUNIITA W UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Podlcratkaa hakemassa fciiktoakakmitentaiis FLOWER SERVICE Pah elin 67-- 05 252 Regrent St S Hasel kadon lrolm 22 Dorham St N SUDBUBT that Bulgaria acting for the Soviet Union was involved with Agca and others in the crime The Vatican vvill also be confused by Agca's claim to be Jesus If false Agca is shown for the demented person he is — hardly a credible star witness to implicate Bulgaria If true it vvill mean Italy has Jesus Christ in jail serving a life term — a problem too complex even for the Vatican and the Pope to contemplate The headline in UOsservatore Ro-mano would then read: "Jesus Christ Attempts to Kili John Paul II" quite a departure from its usual dust-dr- y fare Ali this in just the first days TM ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Danforth Ave on auki kello 10 jälkeen jo-kaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Ter-vetuloa rentoutumaan juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa! CANADA NL-SEUR- A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN matkatoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto On-tario THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset naalilla 316 Bay St joka kuukauden en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip Ikinuorten voimisteluharjoituk-set joka keskiviikko alkaen kello 1 1 ap Lauluharjoitukset ensim-mäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin maarataan Järjestön kuukausikokous toi-nen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston koko-ukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Pos-tiosoite: PO Box 354 Station 'B' Sudbury Ontario P3E 4P2 Sudburyn Seurakerhon viikot-taiset harjoitukset-j- a ajanvietetilai-suud- et Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiistai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa ker-homme toimintaan! |
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