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r UV V "' if 'fi FfiA ' u ifjj j f- - v rt i ' f j A 4 r ' Whöse jöbs are going to be filled by robots © Robot is a friend of Soviet worker There is no threat for a worker to lose his job because of robot installation According to the estimates of Ame-rican experts at the end of the pre-se- nt decade the USA will have 120000 robots which will take up the place of one million workers in production "Steel-collars- " as the robots have been dubbed by the press are con-tendi- ng for millions of jobs in other Western countries too Does the introduction of robots not pose problems before the Soviet Union too which has not known of unemploy-men- t for half a century now? It does and fairly complex problems at that These problems hovvever are totally different from those posed by robotics before the Western countries where the number of unemployed has exceeded 30 million The production of robots has sharplv increased in the USSR in the current five-yea- r pian (1981-1985- ) For the sake of comparison the production of robots in 1976-198- 0 totalled only 4085 units It is expected that by the end of 1985 the army of robots in the USSR vill have oxceeded 36000 units This is the first step toward produc-tion robotization in the USSR It must be added here that even this number does not meet the demand of the national industry (according to experts the optimal number of ro-bots required in 1985 is 60000) and only partially contributes to resolving The Bible and Oil Andy Sorelle owner of Energy Exploration Inc is about to start prospecting for oil in the Carmel area in North Israel reports the West German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau His decision was prompted by the Bible namely by the Book of Deuteronomy which speaks of Asher who may "dip his foot in oil" Mr Sorelle took this as Gospel truth and went to work He has studied geographic maps and seismic measurements and believes that he has found the place where Asher liv-e- d Equipment capable of drilling to a depth of 7200 metres has already arrived from the United States The Israeli govern-me- nt has agreed to help finance prospecting Question Unansvvered o-- - "ä Jimmy Boyle sentenced in 1967 to a lengthy prison term for murder was call- - the problem of labor shortage in the national economy Apart from this notes Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Igor Makarov one of the leading Soviet experts in robotechnics the index of personnel "relief" at So-viet enterprises through the introduc-tion of robots is practically senseless so far for it is normally used in the places where a certain labor shortage exists already In today's USSR more than 100 types of robots operate die-casti- ng machines stamping presses quenching and electroplating baths program-con-trolle- d and semi-automat- ic machine-tool- s and so on They apply ceramic coatings to east models paint metal and other parts make integrated circuits and TV picture tubes and perform load-handlin- g operations With increasing the number of robots and extending their opportunities So-viet engineers are also working to devise robotic systems and to broaden the scope of their application It has been calculated that in machine build-in- g alone the scope of robots' applica-tion projected for "the period of up to 1990 can be actually trebled Now Ibcie are quite a few other indu-strie- s such as say mining where va-rio- us types of automatic handlers can be effectively used too There is no doubt about the fact that robots will contribute to the settlement of the labor shortage problem in non-pre-stigio- us fields of production speed up the introduciion of new techno-logie- s and boost labor productivity and product quality -- £- # Kuule Sampson minulla on huonoja uutisia sinulle Daily World USA ed "one of the most violetit criminals in Scotland" In jail he wrote an auto-biograp- hy vvhich proved to be so popular that it was televised A while back Boyle was released At the prison gate the "celebrity" was met by many reporters who wanted to know his plans Boyle told them that he "vvould hke to help unemployed young people" But he refused to say how he intended to do it Records An unusual international competition recently took place in Caracas the cap-ital of Venezuela It was won by a snail represent-m- g Argentina which covered 51 centimetres in five minutes ' and 22 seconds The magazine Jeune Afrique says it not only outpaced competitors from 11 countries of the Old and New worlds but set a new record for mol-lus- ks The snail represent-in- g the United States was only two seconds behind The race was covered by the Caracas radio and television Letter from camp: "Dear Mom and Dad — The counsellor said we should write home twice a week This is once Love Valya" i ' t fH Lottario Aug 27 VVirining numbers were 8 12j 17 18 19 30 The bonus number was 3 AH six regu-la- r numbers won $69143760 Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus num- ber won $4164880 Any five regular numbers won $300280 Any four regular numbers won $5030 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 10 12 28 36 AU four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won S 17300 'j Oymsa Vinning numbers were 9 16 18 20 26 43 The bonus number was 38 Ali six regular numbers won $27305930 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonub number vere worth $35522610 bui the vinning combination vas not se-lect- ed Any five regular numbers won $252940 Any four regular numbers von $10710 Any three regular numbers won $10 Supr Loto Aug 28 The winning numbers for $1 million were 2291136 2128124 1619177 2757807 iast six digits von $50000 last five digits won $5000 last four digits won $500 last three digits won $100 last two digits won $10 The winning numbers for $100000 vvere: 046B351 853B405 697B828 286B896 942A492 The vinning number for $100000 waj 305675 The first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other -prizej: 810000 — 666497 552326 $1000 04421 $100 - 9254 $50 - 0 1 2 3 6 7 in any order $10 — 653 Win'fall — 97 My&tery Bonus — 25222 ProvenciaB Sept 2 The vvinning number for $500000 was 2679899 Last 6 digit won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits von $25 lasi 2 digits vvon $10 CSJ:n osastojen kokoukset CSJ:n Toronton Osaston kokoukset pidetään johtokun-nan kustusta 215 Danforth Ave CSJ:n Vancouverin Osas-ton kuukausikokoukset pide-tään ukrainalaisten naalilla 805 E Pender St jokaisen kuukauden toisena sunnun-taina klo 12 Kirjeenvaihto osoitteella 805 E Pender St Vancouver BC Puh: 254-343- 6 tai 298-470- 6 Sampolan ikinuorten tilai-suudet kuukauden joka toinen keskiviikko Joka neljäs on omistettu kokoukselle Tilai-suudet alkavat klo 1230 ip 805 Pender St E CSJ:n Sudburyn Osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toisena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354Station "B" Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 CSJ:n Wanupin osaston ko-koukset pidetään joka kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maa-nantaina CSJ:n Thunder Bayn O-sast- on kokoukset joka kuu-kauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ALUMIINJMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 17 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 nugi Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden almistaja Torontossa I 2} Laird Di Toronto 1 7 Ont Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mmmc Lukkia luitui tuoreui lihaa lihajalosteita saikkkeita juustoia Icipaa m ruokatavaraa suoiuin tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljettu Tiistai S-- 6 Keskiviikko 8-- 6 Torstai tffi Peijantai 8-- 7 Lauantai 8-- 2 RO ja Roger Young 0JO OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLAS8A Kesklv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pnh 869-29- 20 AUNIfTA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa kukkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY " ERILAISET v ti v 1 TILAISUUDET -- TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CANADAVNL-SEUR- A jär-jestää fllmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran' huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 11 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös-kin tervetulleita! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 ip WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 1 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo kello 1 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mallin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S91 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury 12
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, September 12, 1983 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-09-12 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000369 |
Title | 000405 |
OCR text | r UV V "' if 'fi FfiA ' u ifjj j f- - v rt i ' f j A 4 r ' Whöse jöbs are going to be filled by robots © Robot is a friend of Soviet worker There is no threat for a worker to lose his job because of robot installation According to the estimates of Ame-rican experts at the end of the pre-se- nt decade the USA will have 120000 robots which will take up the place of one million workers in production "Steel-collars- " as the robots have been dubbed by the press are con-tendi- ng for millions of jobs in other Western countries too Does the introduction of robots not pose problems before the Soviet Union too which has not known of unemploy-men- t for half a century now? It does and fairly complex problems at that These problems hovvever are totally different from those posed by robotics before the Western countries where the number of unemployed has exceeded 30 million The production of robots has sharplv increased in the USSR in the current five-yea- r pian (1981-1985- ) For the sake of comparison the production of robots in 1976-198- 0 totalled only 4085 units It is expected that by the end of 1985 the army of robots in the USSR vill have oxceeded 36000 units This is the first step toward produc-tion robotization in the USSR It must be added here that even this number does not meet the demand of the national industry (according to experts the optimal number of ro-bots required in 1985 is 60000) and only partially contributes to resolving The Bible and Oil Andy Sorelle owner of Energy Exploration Inc is about to start prospecting for oil in the Carmel area in North Israel reports the West German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau His decision was prompted by the Bible namely by the Book of Deuteronomy which speaks of Asher who may "dip his foot in oil" Mr Sorelle took this as Gospel truth and went to work He has studied geographic maps and seismic measurements and believes that he has found the place where Asher liv-e- d Equipment capable of drilling to a depth of 7200 metres has already arrived from the United States The Israeli govern-me- nt has agreed to help finance prospecting Question Unansvvered o-- - "ä Jimmy Boyle sentenced in 1967 to a lengthy prison term for murder was call- - the problem of labor shortage in the national economy Apart from this notes Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Igor Makarov one of the leading Soviet experts in robotechnics the index of personnel "relief" at So-viet enterprises through the introduc-tion of robots is practically senseless so far for it is normally used in the places where a certain labor shortage exists already In today's USSR more than 100 types of robots operate die-casti- ng machines stamping presses quenching and electroplating baths program-con-trolle- d and semi-automat- ic machine-tool- s and so on They apply ceramic coatings to east models paint metal and other parts make integrated circuits and TV picture tubes and perform load-handlin- g operations With increasing the number of robots and extending their opportunities So-viet engineers are also working to devise robotic systems and to broaden the scope of their application It has been calculated that in machine build-in- g alone the scope of robots' applica-tion projected for "the period of up to 1990 can be actually trebled Now Ibcie are quite a few other indu-strie- s such as say mining where va-rio- us types of automatic handlers can be effectively used too There is no doubt about the fact that robots will contribute to the settlement of the labor shortage problem in non-pre-stigio- us fields of production speed up the introduciion of new techno-logie- s and boost labor productivity and product quality -- £- # Kuule Sampson minulla on huonoja uutisia sinulle Daily World USA ed "one of the most violetit criminals in Scotland" In jail he wrote an auto-biograp- hy vvhich proved to be so popular that it was televised A while back Boyle was released At the prison gate the "celebrity" was met by many reporters who wanted to know his plans Boyle told them that he "vvould hke to help unemployed young people" But he refused to say how he intended to do it Records An unusual international competition recently took place in Caracas the cap-ital of Venezuela It was won by a snail represent-m- g Argentina which covered 51 centimetres in five minutes ' and 22 seconds The magazine Jeune Afrique says it not only outpaced competitors from 11 countries of the Old and New worlds but set a new record for mol-lus- ks The snail represent-in- g the United States was only two seconds behind The race was covered by the Caracas radio and television Letter from camp: "Dear Mom and Dad — The counsellor said we should write home twice a week This is once Love Valya" i ' t fH Lottario Aug 27 VVirining numbers were 8 12j 17 18 19 30 The bonus number was 3 AH six regu-la- r numbers won $69143760 Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus num- ber won $4164880 Any five regular numbers won $300280 Any four regular numbers won $5030 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 10 12 28 36 AU four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won S 17300 'j Oymsa Vinning numbers were 9 16 18 20 26 43 The bonus number was 38 Ali six regular numbers won $27305930 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonub number vere worth $35522610 bui the vinning combination vas not se-lect- ed Any five regular numbers won $252940 Any four regular numbers von $10710 Any three regular numbers won $10 Supr Loto Aug 28 The winning numbers for $1 million were 2291136 2128124 1619177 2757807 iast six digits von $50000 last five digits won $5000 last four digits won $500 last three digits won $100 last two digits won $10 The winning numbers for $100000 vvere: 046B351 853B405 697B828 286B896 942A492 The vinning number for $100000 waj 305675 The first 5 or last 5 digits won $5000 first 4 or last 4 digits won $100 first 3 or last 3 digits won $10 Other -prizej: 810000 — 666497 552326 $1000 04421 $100 - 9254 $50 - 0 1 2 3 6 7 in any order $10 — 653 Win'fall — 97 My&tery Bonus — 25222 ProvenciaB Sept 2 The vvinning number for $500000 was 2679899 Last 6 digit won $50000 last 5 digits won $1000 last 4 digits won $100 last 3 digits von $25 lasi 2 digits vvon $10 CSJ:n osastojen kokoukset CSJ:n Toronton Osaston kokoukset pidetään johtokun-nan kustusta 215 Danforth Ave CSJ:n Vancouverin Osas-ton kuukausikokoukset pide-tään ukrainalaisten naalilla 805 E Pender St jokaisen kuukauden toisena sunnun-taina klo 12 Kirjeenvaihto osoitteella 805 E Pender St Vancouver BC Puh: 254-343- 6 tai 298-470- 6 Sampolan ikinuorten tilai-suudet kuukauden joka toinen keskiviikko Joka neljäs on omistettu kokoukselle Tilai-suudet alkavat klo 1230 ip 805 Pender St E CSJ:n Sudburyn Osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toisena maanantaina klo 1 1 aamupäivällä Postiosoite: PO Box 354Station "B" Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 CSJ:n Wanupin osaston ko-koukset pidetään joka kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maa-nantaina CSJ:n Thunder Bayn O-sast- on kokoukset joka kuu-kauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ALUMIINJMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 17 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Puh: 421 1572 nugi Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden almistaja Torontossa I 2} Laird Di Toronto 1 7 Ont Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mmmc Lukkia luitui tuoreui lihaa lihajalosteita saikkkeita juustoia Icipaa m ruokatavaraa suoiuin tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljettu Tiistai S-- 6 Keskiviikko 8-- 6 Torstai tffi Peijantai 8-- 7 Lauantai 8-- 2 RO ja Roger Young 0JO OPTOMETRISTIT Pah konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin 673-07- 05 CITY CENTRE HUONE 216 Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLAS8A Kesklv klo 11 ap — 9 lp Pnh 869-29- 20 AUNIfTA UKKIA UKKAKIMPPUJA UKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa kukkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY " ERILAISET v ti v 1 TILAISUUDET -- TORONTO Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CANADAVNL-SEUR- A jär-jestää fllmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin seuran' huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto alk klo 730 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! CANADA NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEURA- N mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-132- 3 280 Queen St W Toronto Ontario SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee naalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 11 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset-- ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös-kin tervetulleita! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lil- la 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 ip WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 1 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous kello 1130 Bingo kello 1 LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mallin säteellä Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 PUHELIN 6739S91 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury 12 |
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