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Traitor and murderer lives in Canada Thirty-si-x years have passed since the rout of fascism yet new testimonies of the bloody crimes of Ukrainian na-tionali- sts perpetrated jointly with the nazi invaders come to light Many of those traitors have fled abroad The article below telIs of one such criminal 'Bakutin Vasyl polizei SD inspector of the Selidove dist-ri- ct police participated in mass tortures and killings of Soviet civilians and prisoners of war These Iines are taken from an official document This quote brings back to memory an occasion which several years ago helped expose one more traitor who had gone in hiding on the other side of the ocean War veterans were talking One of them D Yatsenko mentioned a former resident of Selidove Vasyl Bakutin whom the nazis allegedly forcedly took to Germany and vho was currently residing in Canada Some time later vvhile perusing the vvartime news-pape- rs I spotted an articlepub-lishe- d right after the liberation of the Donets basin in a Red Army newspaper of September 15 1943 It carried an offical report of the horrible crimes perpetrated by the nazis and their accomplices who in Se-lidove District alone had murdered 6918 people The district crime investigation Commission drevv a conclusion that 'shootings were executed by the German military police together with the traitors to the Homeland who had voluntarily stayed behing to serve the Ger-man bandits Among these were polizeis Yukhym Dovhobrod Vasyl Bakutin' A thought crossed my mind: Wasn't it that same AUNIITA IM UKKIA mm UUKKKKAALKAIIMTTPEPIUTJAA mm FodJcetkaa hakemassa kiikkakalleniteilnine FLOW£R SERVICE Puhelin 673-95- 85 252 Regcnt St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Dnrham St N New Sndbury hatQipa&cskas i SUDBURT L Rakas ystävä! 12 Bakutin of whom D Yatsenko spoke? My trips around cities and villages of Donetsk Region and conversations with the eye-witness- es to those events left no doubt: polizei Vasyl Bakutin and the person living under the same name in Toronto Onta-rio Canada is one and the same man In his personal reference list the traitor vvrote in his own hand: 'Polizei of the Selidove district police' Bakutin joined the force on December 8 1 94 1 receiving a monthly alIowance of 30 marks (the sum prompts some association vvith Judas' money) Together vvith similar traitors of the Ukrainian people he took the follovving oath: 'As the one belonging to the Ukrai-nian defense police I pledge to be loyal brave and obedient honestly fulfilling my dutics vvhile fighting Bolshevism' The captured nazi archives contained lists of the 'personnel of the department of the Selidove district police' of May 1 942 vvhere under number 16 Bakutin vvas already listed as an inspector of the crime in-vestigation squad A round stamp vvith the fascist svvastika on the ID card of this nazi bootlicker attested to his promotion on November 15 1942 to a highcr post of SD senior inspector A rank-and-fi- le polizei an inspector and a senior SD inspector — such vvas the service record of Bakutin vvho had sold himself for the 30 Ju-das' coins The nazis didn't take Ba-kutin to Germany by force He vvas fleeing on his ovvn to escape the just punishment vvhich he knevv vvas inevitable Hardly had Bakutin joined the police force together vvith other nazi accomplices vvhen he vvas already escorting the first Jcvvish families to the sitc of the execution On December 25 1941 at Jo kauan olen halunnut kirjoittaa sinulle tämän kirjeen Nyt sen kirjoitan Rakas ystävä kirjoitan siis Sinulle tämän kirjeen Ota ja lue Siis tämä kirje Tässä kirjeessä kirjoitan Sinulle miksi en ole kirjoittanut Sinulle Siis niitä syitä miksi kirjoittaminen on jäänyt Tiedätkö että kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Niin on tä-mänkin kirjeen Siksi kirjoitan Sinulle tämän vaikean kirjeen että saan kertoa Sinulle että kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Ymmärrätkö vaikeaa Kun pitäisi jotain sanoa eiosaakkaan sanoa siksi kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Nyt kun joka tapauksessa kirjoitan kysyn: Mitä kuuluu? Mulle kuuluu hyvää Miten sukulaisesi voivat? Minun voivat hyvin Onko ollut kauniita ilmoja? Täällä on Joko olet lomasi pitänyt? Minä olen Paperi loppuu täytyy lopettaa Kirjoitellaan Ystäväsi Karl Pukaran orkesteri voitti jälleen! Kansas Cityssä Missourissa äsken suoritetuissa haitari-kilpailuis- sa voitti Pukaran haitariorkesteri ensimmäisen pal-kinnon seitsemästä osaaottaneesta orkesterista Pukaran orkesterilla ja koulun yksityisillä oppilailla on useita arvok-kaita kansainvälisiä saavutuksia mm nykyinen opettaja lona Reed voitti haitarinsoiton maailmanmestaruuden Tshekkoslovakiassa vuonna 1962 2 pm from the building of the district police' testificd a participant of that terror action O Ziva T together vvith other policcmen Avramenko Vasy-lenk- o Ostapcnko Starostenko and Bakutin escorted to the horse yard of the former district military commissariat a group of Soviet citizens of the Jevvish nationality" According to O Ziva among the victims vvcre Abrahan Kovalcvsky his vvifc Fenia vvith their childrcn: tvvo-year-o- ld daughter in hands four-year-o- ld daughter Anna and nine-ycar-o- ld daughter Ly-ub- a Etya Kovalevska vvith the one-year-o- ld son and eight-year-o- ld daughter and Sara Mezhirovska and 70-year-o- ld Aron Mezhirovsky The latter fell victim at the hand of policeman Vasylenko vvho couldn"t vvait tili they reachcd the place of the execution and butchercd the old man vvith a stick cursing avvay that he vvantcd to 'sparc a bulleton him" Ali in ali 250 people vvcre executed near the military commissariat This vvas disc-overe- d during the cxcavation vvhen a mass burial vvas pcr-form- ed We may continue the list of crimes Party and Komsomol members Jevvs and Ukrainians vvho passed through the blood-staine- d hands of the SD in-spector vverc handed over by him to the gendarmerie con-centrati- on camps shot or taken to Germany In the summer of 1942 M Radchenko the former Secre-tary of the YCL committce of the district finance department vvas arrested by Bakutin 'On February 2 1943 I as a member of the Communist Party vvas arrested by SD in-spector Bakutin' says I Ko-rov- ka 'and vvas taken to the district police of Selidove vvhere I vvas put in jail On the same day together vvith other 28 people under arrest I vvas escorted to the gendarmerie and later to a concentration camp' 'On April 30 1943 SD senior inspector Bakutin my-sc- lf and other policemen staged a roundup for the local youth to be taken for forced labor to Germany During the nighttime loundup in Kameno-Lysychan-- ka wc detained several girls VVhencver wc couldn't find the young people wc arrested their parents so as to intimidate the locals" testificd former police deputy chief M Udovenko Libcrating the tovvns and villages of Donetsk Region from the nazi scum the Red Army Ibught ils vvay to Kras-noarmiy- sk Sensing the imminent dan-ge- r Bakutin together with the same kind of Hitlcritc lackeys flcd from his native land as a skunk from a holc follovving the retreating fascist troops Before moving to Canada he had been ehascd by fear throughout Fiuropc It is not knovvn perhaps to the citiens of the Canadian city of Toronto that one of their tovvnsmen Bakutin was a fascist excculioncr Thai man vvho put to dcath hundreds of innocent people and perpetrat-ed many other horrible crimes novv poscs hinself as a dcccnt Christian a tender falher and a virtuous citizen V Topolya Abntlgcd from Radyanska Donechyna IKINUORTEN 'Jumppa-arpajaiset- !' Torstaina syyskuun 17 paiva on Don haalilla Ikinuorten kerhon vuotuiset arpajaiset jo-hon voittoja onkin taas kerään-tynyt aika monia Kaikki jotka ovat luvanneet (tai ajatelleet avustaa arpajaisiamme käsitöil-lä ja muilla tavaroilla pyyde-tään tuomaan ne haalillc hy-vissä ajoin Kiittäen jokaista avustanne h ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Toronton Ikinuorten Finlandia kuoron harjoitukset joka torstai klo 1 1 a p Uudetja entiset laulajat tervetuloa kuoroon! CSJ:n 70-vuot- is juhlabanquei järjestetään Toronton osaston toimesta Fmbers lavintolassa lauantaina lokakuun 3 1 paiva 781 Warden Avo Scarbo-roug- h Ont alkaen tilaisuus klo 6 juhla aici ui kiv " lopuksi tanssia Li _ vu etukäteen juhlakomiki jasemlrt Don haulilta Ukrainalainen Veryovka kuoro orkesteri ja tanssiryhmä esiintyy Massey HaH'illa To-rontossa perjantaina syyskuun 18 päivä klo 8 illalla Liput: $15 $13 $11 ja $9 Tiedus-telut puh: 698-227- 7 CANADA-NL-SEUR- A järjestää filmitilaisuuksia per-jantaisin seuran huoneustossa 165 Bloor St E Toronto alk klo 8 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai teksillä varustet-tuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoitettu tila! SUDBURY CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 ap Postiosoite CSJ:n Sudburyn osasto PO Box 354 Station 'B Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 Sävel kuoron harjoitukset ovat torstai-iltaisi- n kello 700 UUDET JÄSENET tervetu-loa mukaan! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip Kaiku-kuoro- n harjoitukset joka tiistai-ilt- a klo 7 Uudet ja entiset laulajat tervetulleita! 1 S j n osaston kokouksetjoka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip TMfflginmtj Kunniatilaisuus Bill Rossille hänen 30-vuotise- sta toimin-nastaan kommunistisen liik-keen johdossa Canadassa Lauantaina syyskuun 19 p Ukrainian Labour Temple 591 Pricthard Ave Win-nipe- g Man COCTAILS KLO 530 BANQUET KLO 630 Ohjelmaa ym Liput etukäteen $10 Lapset alle 14 v $500
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, September 07, 1981 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1981-09-07 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000271 |
Title | 000349 |
OCR text | Traitor and murderer lives in Canada Thirty-si-x years have passed since the rout of fascism yet new testimonies of the bloody crimes of Ukrainian na-tionali- sts perpetrated jointly with the nazi invaders come to light Many of those traitors have fled abroad The article below telIs of one such criminal 'Bakutin Vasyl polizei SD inspector of the Selidove dist-ri- ct police participated in mass tortures and killings of Soviet civilians and prisoners of war These Iines are taken from an official document This quote brings back to memory an occasion which several years ago helped expose one more traitor who had gone in hiding on the other side of the ocean War veterans were talking One of them D Yatsenko mentioned a former resident of Selidove Vasyl Bakutin whom the nazis allegedly forcedly took to Germany and vho was currently residing in Canada Some time later vvhile perusing the vvartime news-pape- rs I spotted an articlepub-lishe- d right after the liberation of the Donets basin in a Red Army newspaper of September 15 1943 It carried an offical report of the horrible crimes perpetrated by the nazis and their accomplices who in Se-lidove District alone had murdered 6918 people The district crime investigation Commission drevv a conclusion that 'shootings were executed by the German military police together with the traitors to the Homeland who had voluntarily stayed behing to serve the Ger-man bandits Among these were polizeis Yukhym Dovhobrod Vasyl Bakutin' A thought crossed my mind: Wasn't it that same AUNIITA IM UKKIA mm UUKKKKAALKAIIMTTPEPIUTJAA mm FodJcetkaa hakemassa kiikkakalleniteilnine FLOW£R SERVICE Puhelin 673-95- 85 252 Regcnt St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Dnrham St N New Sndbury hatQipa&cskas i SUDBURT L Rakas ystävä! 12 Bakutin of whom D Yatsenko spoke? My trips around cities and villages of Donetsk Region and conversations with the eye-witness- es to those events left no doubt: polizei Vasyl Bakutin and the person living under the same name in Toronto Onta-rio Canada is one and the same man In his personal reference list the traitor vvrote in his own hand: 'Polizei of the Selidove district police' Bakutin joined the force on December 8 1 94 1 receiving a monthly alIowance of 30 marks (the sum prompts some association vvith Judas' money) Together vvith similar traitors of the Ukrainian people he took the follovving oath: 'As the one belonging to the Ukrai-nian defense police I pledge to be loyal brave and obedient honestly fulfilling my dutics vvhile fighting Bolshevism' The captured nazi archives contained lists of the 'personnel of the department of the Selidove district police' of May 1 942 vvhere under number 16 Bakutin vvas already listed as an inspector of the crime in-vestigation squad A round stamp vvith the fascist svvastika on the ID card of this nazi bootlicker attested to his promotion on November 15 1942 to a highcr post of SD senior inspector A rank-and-fi- le polizei an inspector and a senior SD inspector — such vvas the service record of Bakutin vvho had sold himself for the 30 Ju-das' coins The nazis didn't take Ba-kutin to Germany by force He vvas fleeing on his ovvn to escape the just punishment vvhich he knevv vvas inevitable Hardly had Bakutin joined the police force together vvith other nazi accomplices vvhen he vvas already escorting the first Jcvvish families to the sitc of the execution On December 25 1941 at Jo kauan olen halunnut kirjoittaa sinulle tämän kirjeen Nyt sen kirjoitan Rakas ystävä kirjoitan siis Sinulle tämän kirjeen Ota ja lue Siis tämä kirje Tässä kirjeessä kirjoitan Sinulle miksi en ole kirjoittanut Sinulle Siis niitä syitä miksi kirjoittaminen on jäänyt Tiedätkö että kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Niin on tä-mänkin kirjeen Siksi kirjoitan Sinulle tämän vaikean kirjeen että saan kertoa Sinulle että kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Ymmärrätkö vaikeaa Kun pitäisi jotain sanoa eiosaakkaan sanoa siksi kirjeen kirjoittaminen on vaikeaa Nyt kun joka tapauksessa kirjoitan kysyn: Mitä kuuluu? Mulle kuuluu hyvää Miten sukulaisesi voivat? Minun voivat hyvin Onko ollut kauniita ilmoja? Täällä on Joko olet lomasi pitänyt? Minä olen Paperi loppuu täytyy lopettaa Kirjoitellaan Ystäväsi Karl Pukaran orkesteri voitti jälleen! Kansas Cityssä Missourissa äsken suoritetuissa haitari-kilpailuis- sa voitti Pukaran haitariorkesteri ensimmäisen pal-kinnon seitsemästä osaaottaneesta orkesterista Pukaran orkesterilla ja koulun yksityisillä oppilailla on useita arvok-kaita kansainvälisiä saavutuksia mm nykyinen opettaja lona Reed voitti haitarinsoiton maailmanmestaruuden Tshekkoslovakiassa vuonna 1962 2 pm from the building of the district police' testificd a participant of that terror action O Ziva T together vvith other policcmen Avramenko Vasy-lenk- o Ostapcnko Starostenko and Bakutin escorted to the horse yard of the former district military commissariat a group of Soviet citizens of the Jevvish nationality" According to O Ziva among the victims vvcre Abrahan Kovalcvsky his vvifc Fenia vvith their childrcn: tvvo-year-o- ld daughter in hands four-year-o- ld daughter Anna and nine-ycar-o- ld daughter Ly-ub- a Etya Kovalevska vvith the one-year-o- ld son and eight-year-o- ld daughter and Sara Mezhirovska and 70-year-o- ld Aron Mezhirovsky The latter fell victim at the hand of policeman Vasylenko vvho couldn"t vvait tili they reachcd the place of the execution and butchercd the old man vvith a stick cursing avvay that he vvantcd to 'sparc a bulleton him" Ali in ali 250 people vvcre executed near the military commissariat This vvas disc-overe- d during the cxcavation vvhen a mass burial vvas pcr-form- ed We may continue the list of crimes Party and Komsomol members Jevvs and Ukrainians vvho passed through the blood-staine- d hands of the SD in-spector vverc handed over by him to the gendarmerie con-centrati- on camps shot or taken to Germany In the summer of 1942 M Radchenko the former Secre-tary of the YCL committce of the district finance department vvas arrested by Bakutin 'On February 2 1943 I as a member of the Communist Party vvas arrested by SD in-spector Bakutin' says I Ko-rov- ka 'and vvas taken to the district police of Selidove vvhere I vvas put in jail On the same day together vvith other 28 people under arrest I vvas escorted to the gendarmerie and later to a concentration camp' 'On April 30 1943 SD senior inspector Bakutin my-sc- lf and other policemen staged a roundup for the local youth to be taken for forced labor to Germany During the nighttime loundup in Kameno-Lysychan-- ka wc detained several girls VVhencver wc couldn't find the young people wc arrested their parents so as to intimidate the locals" testificd former police deputy chief M Udovenko Libcrating the tovvns and villages of Donetsk Region from the nazi scum the Red Army Ibught ils vvay to Kras-noarmiy- sk Sensing the imminent dan-ge- r Bakutin together with the same kind of Hitlcritc lackeys flcd from his native land as a skunk from a holc follovving the retreating fascist troops Before moving to Canada he had been ehascd by fear throughout Fiuropc It is not knovvn perhaps to the citiens of the Canadian city of Toronto that one of their tovvnsmen Bakutin was a fascist excculioncr Thai man vvho put to dcath hundreds of innocent people and perpetrat-ed many other horrible crimes novv poscs hinself as a dcccnt Christian a tender falher and a virtuous citizen V Topolya Abntlgcd from Radyanska Donechyna IKINUORTEN 'Jumppa-arpajaiset- !' Torstaina syyskuun 17 paiva on Don haalilla Ikinuorten kerhon vuotuiset arpajaiset jo-hon voittoja onkin taas kerään-tynyt aika monia Kaikki jotka ovat luvanneet (tai ajatelleet avustaa arpajaisiamme käsitöil-lä ja muilla tavaroilla pyyde-tään tuomaan ne haalillc hy-vissä ajoin Kiittäen jokaista avustanne h ERILAISET TILAISUUDET TORONTO Toronton Ikinuorten Finlandia kuoron harjoitukset joka torstai klo 1 1 a p Uudetja entiset laulajat tervetuloa kuoroon! CSJ:n 70-vuot- is juhlabanquei järjestetään Toronton osaston toimesta Fmbers lavintolassa lauantaina lokakuun 3 1 paiva 781 Warden Avo Scarbo-roug- h Ont alkaen tilaisuus klo 6 juhla aici ui kiv " lopuksi tanssia Li _ vu etukäteen juhlakomiki jasemlrt Don haulilta Ukrainalainen Veryovka kuoro orkesteri ja tanssiryhmä esiintyy Massey HaH'illa To-rontossa perjantaina syyskuun 18 päivä klo 8 illalla Liput: $15 $13 $11 ja $9 Tiedus-telut puh: 698-227- 7 CANADA-NL-SEUR- A järjestää filmitilaisuuksia per-jantaisin seuran huoneustossa 165 Bloor St E Toronto alk klo 8 illalla Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai teksillä varustet-tuja Tulkaa ajoissa — rajoitettu tila! SUDBURY CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina klo 1 1 ap Postiosoite CSJ:n Sudburyn osasto PO Box 354 Station 'B Sudbury Ont P3E 4P2 Sävel kuoron harjoitukset ovat torstai-iltaisi- n kello 700 UUDET JÄSENET tervetu-loa mukaan! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alk klo 130 ip Kaiku-kuoro- n harjoitukset joka tiistai-ilt- a klo 7 Uudet ja entiset laulajat tervetulleita! 1 S j n osaston kokouksetjoka kuukauden toinen lauantai klo 130 ip TMfflginmtj Kunniatilaisuus Bill Rossille hänen 30-vuotise- sta toimin-nastaan kommunistisen liik-keen johdossa Canadassa Lauantaina syyskuun 19 p Ukrainian Labour Temple 591 Pricthard Ave Win-nipe- g Man COCTAILS KLO 530 BANQUET KLO 630 Ohjelmaa ym Liput etukäteen $10 Lapset alle 14 v $500 |
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