1960-07-09-03 |
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ls>-ft'i.HLfiLk\i' ^. 5 , , ' ,.)>.,...-,-...,.,.,... _ ,>/, , . „ . , „ . . . , ' ,. .^^ . . - il '. . ,„< - _ , ... . , h , f r: .LT i.jla iNanjuKsen "••'-iilut; onnistui•va t |!;Va,i|f erittäin .hyvin-sekä,'osahoton ja IStiiiostVa puolesta." Osanottajia öll yli •J^M, joista suurin osa' oli nuorta pol- .Tulokset monessa lajissa olivat ^.sellaisia, etta ne']'osoittivat poikien Ir r^f^rja tyttöjsn olevan kunnossa. Joissa- 'g? k!n lajeissa vaikutti, tiukka päivän ^''ohjeliha tujo^isiin,^ silla ei ollut a i - ^r-kaa/lantaa osanottajille 'tarpeellista '^'elpyinisaikaa. Kuitenkin kaikki ym4 märsivät^ täinän_ja' kilpailut meni- V',lvät' iäpi' ilman moitetta. Seuraavat kilpailut Iskun Puistossa tulevat olemaan heinäk. 17 pnä kurf ^i^,pidetään pienet Suurjuhlat, joissa l^i-annetani^ateaus paikalliselle .yleisöI-^> f . le* siitä-mitä tulee olemaan Suurjuh- 1* l i l l a . - - / Sitä seuraavana viikonloppuna t u - . lee olemaan osuustoiminta juhla ja 1-^' sen 'yhteyteen myös järjestetään \'A kilpailut sekä paljon muuta ohjel- &maa;>,Toivottavasti kaikki saapuvat 1^^. silloin"seuraamaan näitä juhlia. . TULOKSIA , Miesten yleinen: l^c. 100 M : R. McAlpine 11,6; D. Moly- 'neaux 11.8; K . ^agner 11.9. ^: ,400 M : D. Molyneaux 54.9; W. By- "^^ l ik 56.7; R. Mclntosh 60. l:C 800 M : D. Molyneaux 2.07,3; T. \ Kozura 2.13,9. l 3000, M : T. Kozura 10.40; I. Kozu-ra li!o3; R. Mclntosl^. r Pn;UUSHYPPY: R.' McAlpine 556;' M. Puumala 513; R. Lmkkonen 490; •p KOilKEUSr R. McAlpme 157; K . Wagner 152. 't , SEIVÄS: R. McAlpine 322. K I E K K O : R. Linkkonen 37.98; J . Vaharaho 31.17; L. Bode 30 21. KEIHÄS: R. Lmkkonen 41.30; K. Kaarela 39.55; T; Viitanen- 36.70.V K U U L A : R. Linkkonen 10.70; D. Molyneaux 8.19. ' ••HM Much Ado About Camping Ikämiehet: ' 100 m: K . Wagner 13.0; A. ' W i d - gren 14.0; P. Voutilainen 15 4. , PITUUSHYPPY: K. Wagner 504; K. Kaarela 432; A . Widgren 421. K I E K K O : L Pehkonen 32 04; T. Viitanen 28.01; K. Kaarela 25.06. -KUULA: L Pehkonen 12 75;^ A. Widgren 10.68; K. Kaarela 10 59. Pojat yli 18 V.: ' lOO.-M: P. McCallum 12.0. ; 800.M: L Kozura 217,4; R. M c l n tosh 2.19,6; E. Pajala 2.28,3. PITUUSHYPPY: P. McCallum 552; E. Pajala .527; R. Mclntosh 421. KORKEUS: J . Vaha-aho 157; P. > McCallum 157; E. Pajala 152. , KUULA: J . Vaha-aho 12.76; E . P a jala 9.41; D. Harju 9 39. Pojat alle 16 v.: 100 M : E. Piccinato 116, 2) B. Le- I ' w i n s k i 12.0; C. Munson f2.1. 400 M : C. Munson 57.2; E. Piccina-v t o 57.8; B . Lewinski 58.4. PITUUS: Karl Kaarela 499; E. Piccinato 490; B. Lewlnski 485. - KORKEUS: Karl Kaarela 142; B . l Chambers 139; M . Puumala 135. c , KUULA: E. Sabaz 12.47; K . K a a - rela 10.75; M . Puumala 10.63. ' Tytöt yli 18 v. 100 M : M . LiUie 13 3; H . Neuwirth 14.0; B. Montgomery .14.1. PITUUS: M . Lilhe 431; T. Vuori- \ nen 411; B. Montgomery 355. , KORKEUS: T., Vuorinen 133; A. j '^Kaarela 118. ' ' KIEKKO: T. Vuorinen 24.95; A. i' Kaarela 1631; A. Viitanen 14 78. ^ KUULA: T. Vuorinen 10 55; B. \ Montg;omery 6.75; A. Kaarela 6 57. . , Tytöt alle 16 v.: 60 M : M . LUlie 8.1; L . Parviainen <^ 8.6; E. Merko 8;6. PITUUS: L. Parviainen 428; E. ' J Merko^420; H . Neuwirth 415. > ; ^ K O R K E U S : H. Neuwirth 128;, J . j Ward 123; E. Gotzaman 106. ' K I E K K O : H. Wuwirth 12.07, LEO'S B/A SERVICE iKunnaistetaan; kaikenmallisia an-, toja. B / A autorenkaita ja välineitä Puhelin 4-8231 Cumberland ja Munro kat. kulm. Port Arthur Ontario -Kaikkea raijiäkauppa-alaan kuuluvaa tavaraa lANGILA ]HARDWARE LTD. ---r^PUHELIN-4-3508 0,-10 Cumberland St. N. . Port Arthur. Ontario In our fast and civilized world of today, it has^ bocome neeessary for most people to turn to periods of relaxation for at least a few veeksveachiyear.vFotsome people these periods are true vacations of.'"rest and cessation of wÖrk'MI quote) Webster); .while others tend to abuse their holidays., These other 1 ^peak of ^ r e the cottagers, and tliose who regularly spend their holidays at various resorts. It^painsme to discoyer the number,; of Finns who visit a cottage or resort yearafteriyear without.;fail. Td illustratemy pointj here is how one.;of my typical conversations on the subject ran last weekend: "Where do you pian to spend the summer J i m ." •'We'll be up at the cottage . . ." i "Sounds good." '/. . ' . As usual." As usual. Yet that is how the majority of answers ran. Others said.they were going to a lodge or lesort, "As we usually do." How can, anyone relax spending year af-ter year at a cottage. You get no relaxation, dear friends, -you be-come stagnant,;with little^privacy and you soon confDcm: wilh your neighbour's» ways, coming part of the great water-front suburbia. Yet there are those, who, during their holidays, do achieve relaxation,: whose: minds and bodies great-ly benefit from close contact with nature, .who attain. complete peace of mind, and havegone .about:as lar: Jis one can'go, in: the search for •privacy. They are the campers. Unhke the cottagers, they are presented : with: an ever changing World of beauty, peace and solitude Completely.. excluded v from their mmds are the, many tiresomeprob-; lebs and :worries: of city hfe. Gone from their ears are the shouts \of the neighbours kids or the harsh Avhine of; motorboats .speeding: across the lake ali day. Not for themthe modern conveniences of cottagers (who are -supposedly try-ing to get away from it ali) e.g. stove, fridge velectticityi^^^^^r or piimp; water, toilets etc, etc every:year,;increasing numbers :of-news; gadgets appearionthe market for the modern day camper . . . to make you feel at home on the-t r a i l . " . ' ~ i When_I see ads like that in our newspapers, I begin.to think that campers today are homesick. To illustrate a few of these appliances, we have the camp stove (one of campings . major evils), portable f reezers;: air mattresses;: camp cots, and many :more-'which can be seen in: any one of theihundreds of.Ttent: communities :which spring. .up i n : Canada each summer. The tent community is hy the way another one öf campings' sins. To show you what: I niean, try. and picture a family striving for privacy and •rest J n a camping sitecontaining from fifty to five hundred tents. In ali fairness though, I , must add that thiS type of camping does have an advantage in that it is 'a very economical vvay (and an i n - teresting one at that) of seenig the country. In fact, many poeple have seen Canada coast to. coastJn this manner, traveHing by car or hike by day and pitching a tent at n i g h tm one of the numerous'gov' ernment campsites, föimd along the nation's highways. Roadsjde camping however, is not a substitute for true camping and cannot possibly supply the enjoy-nient of a scenic^canoe Irip, or of camping by one of the beautiful uncottaged lakes of Canada. The question one may ask now is, where: to camp? This problem is easily solved for (as I menttoned before) Canada has an unlimited number of lakes. rivers, forests; and: best-of-ali the provmcial parksand game reserves. Algonquin Provincial Park for instance is situated in Central: On^ tario and it is the province's largest park and is one which a great num-. ber of people know very little about;- For a history and detailed study of the park; I recommend "The Algonquin Story" by Audrey Saundeis (Dept. of Lands & Fo-rcsts) Y<-t the best way to dis-cove.- the pinkr is to visit it and Instead they lead a simple exist-j ptr.:'. a couple of \veeks under ence for two or three weeks, Ir.mg by lakes and woods as our abon-gines, the Indians did in eaihei-days. However before I mis^ead >ou, I vvould like to mention.ial this point that I am not speaking of: the latesi, method of camping the modern vvay, with ali the conveniences of home. As I see i t , you should go camping to get away from the modern life of home. Nevertheless. KUULA: E. Merko 6 96; J . Periin 6.71; R. Groome 6.55. Pienet pojat 12 V. ja alle: 60 m: D. Perlan 9.4; G., Gotzaman 9 5; M . Muzyka 9.6. PITUUS: D. Perlan 411; G. Gotzaman 352; M . Muzyka 350. Tytöt 12 V. ja alle: 60 M : R. Groome 8 9; E. Gotzaman 9.3; L Walker 9 9. PITUUS: R. Groome 365; E. Gotzaman 345; P. Pehkonen 338, Tylöt 10 V. ja alle: 60 M : A. Pakkala 12 0; H. Ferguson, H. Blunt. PITUUS: A. Pukkala 244; H . Ferguson' 202; H. Blunt 19o! Tyttöjen 4x100 m viesti: Ncuvvirth, Montgomery, Merko, Lillie 57.8. Groome, Fletcher, Morris, Perlan 62.8. Andrews, Ferguson, Bishop, Dou-cette 73.4. Poikien alle 16 v. tasoituskilpailu: Munson, Lewinski, Piccinato 49 2. AOe 16 V. pojat: Miller, Siegried, Lindsay, Lillie 56.5. " Alle 12 v. pojat: ' Gotzaman, Perlan, Wagner, Iwä"- senko 68 9. — A. W. RAKENNUSKAUSI ALKANUT! MeUtä saatte kaikenlaIaU rakennustarpeita. ' THUNDER BAY LUMBER CO. (FORT WILLIAM) LTD. 'HENKILÖKUNNANJOMISTÄMA-HENKILÖKUNNAN JOHTAMA- "Kuuluisa palvelustaan" ^ Puh. 3-7469 ' 516 Simpson St. . Fort'William ÄBlloin hyyäiisäLtarvit^ite ruokatavaraa lihaa tai miesten"'vaatetusta; osta^ ne osuuskaupastanne .anv:i=. Several books on camping .0!- the uniniliated may be obtained ai the iiorary and the park is the ideal place for .the flrst outing. It is a haven not only for the novice, but also for the grizzled vvoodsman. Picture spending yoiir days idly paddling amongst the sparkling lakes and rivers. On one shore you may see deer taking a drink. on the other. a family of bears fishing. Or, if you are lucky, you may round a bend in a quiet B.C. Scandinavian Queen FInnisli Canadian Vancouver. — The annual Mid Summer Festival sponsored. by the Scandinavian Central Committee was well attended by Finnish Can-adians this year. A good thing it was too, because there was a lot to cheer about. First and föremost otcourse^Irene Suojanen ;waspick-ed Queen öf the Scandinavian Community for 1960—61. (There vvill, I am sure, be a picture and write-up later on so we'll content ourselves with carrying the first report.) Secondly, as mentioned in earlier reports, the Finnish Canadian Folk Dance Group was the lone repre-sentative of Scandinavian Folk Dancing. (Not foc lack of groups mind you — even older .more ex agreed that the Finns had reached Ihc for m which was neeessary to occupy Ih.s highlight positiona To summarize the group's per- .'oiiTiaiicc lefs* just recall an earlier Jiub News item and then add that (hc group slid, jumped, laughed, smileU, hopped, stomped, clapped, and ,mimed its vvay around the stage, over the footlights and right Into the good graces of the au-dience. Anothcr important summit has been reached by the group and each of its members should feel proud of the work they have done. Hard work, co-operation and a positive"' approach to, ali the prob-lems which may arjse are three secrets 'to siicccss thai come to mind when considfiring the future of the group. ButHhen whal do other dancers have'to,.say? Lefs .see Vour j m - river and come into" view of a majestic buU moöse. You may wish to browse'around the ruins of the "Camboose" logging camps,' rem-nants of the parks earlier lumber Industry. You w i l l waik the same trails and portage your canoe over the same portages that the cour du bois used. Catchmg your limit of fish each day is quite usual but you will have to learn to prepare fish in several ways, for on a camping trip fish will be one bf your main staples. Food never tastes sogood as>:when it is cooked on an open ' f ire, and rest never comes as ;:quickly as \it: does in - a sleeping bag: after a d a y :of camping. ' Before retiring for the day though' you:;may;.wish to watch the beaversswimming along the shore beginning their evening's work, or yöucouldpaddle out onto the lake over the glasslike waters of dusk to watch the beautiful sunset. Af-ter, when night falls. tali tales are often swapped over -the campfire. Then when your -eyes cannot re-main open any longer,~"you are lulled to rest by the haunting cry of the loon. Yes, camping is for everyone, the active and the lazy, the young or Old the curious, and the bored, the lovers of wildlife, photography fans and is equally enjoyed by both sexes; After spending, a few • days: i n the woods , you • w i l l emerge .a healthy relaxed person, \ ready to face once more, the hectic city: life. There is nothing wrong vvith v i - sjting the cottage, but do not make a habit out of it. You owe it to yourself to try camping at least once, before making a decision about it, but Tm sure that after your first trip you'!! never "resort to a resort" each year. Just obtain some equipment, a friend. a book on camping, rent a canoe, buy a map of : the^ park and f i nd a small chain of lakes, and camp! If you have a keen ear, perhaps on a ;windless day just as the sun is disappearing on the horizon, you may ; hear < the • songs of the voya^ geurs drifting over the water — " E n roulant ma boule roulant. En roulant ma boule . . ." H. T. ' Yritys Softball Scheäule Wednesday, Jnly 20th 6:15 p.m. Yritys V. Metro > Offset Fridlay, July 22ncl 8:00 p.m. Yritys V. FMUps E. ' =^Tuesday, July 26th 8:00 p.m. _ lYritys V. Pennant F. Thursday, July 28th 6:15 p.m. Yritys y. Dyment Ltd. Ali games at Dentonia Park — near Dawe8 Rd. and Danforth Avenue. -\. - With the Editors Ah, yes! .Things are happening. We decided at our last Editorial meeting, under :theshade of the old "Crab Apple" tree at Tarmola (such working conditions) to start a su rvey. of our present: and: poten-tial readership. We Hope to get something going on this in conjunc-tion, with the "Haasteryntäys" for our paperwhichbeglns August 1. We vvill have much more to say about this a little later. Now, to keep you posted on what's coming up. The history of the FCASF has been translated and the first instalment will be in next week's issue. A brand new contri-butor haspromised ns aihumourous: essay on the\"Fear of Dogs." We intend to keep after "lika" for more of her :reviews on books. The: editors have also been looking at the Cuban situation yery closely and we will be edltorializing on it very soon. And, while we are on the line — we received a short article "What Religion Means to Me" which we want to publisih in the "What Do You Think" column. Unfortu-nately it was unsigned. We ask that the writer contact us because we must • know the sourcc of our contributions. This is regular newspaper policy. Of course, if the writer does not want his or her näme publishcd, it will not be; But the editors must know whQ are its contributors. Torontoa Naä GymrPrpration^ ; ^ Toronto, — > Toronto mass "gym^ rehearsals are-well,under-.way i n ' preparätion for/the coming Music: & Sports Festival i n South' Porcu-; pine—Timmirts on J u l y 3 0 and'31. No doubt other centres i n Ontario are equally' busy. Rehearsals are heldN twice weekly, on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternpons; at Camp Tarmola. r Toronto seems to be i n an' un* usual situation this year, because it appears there vvill b e m o r e £el-lows than, girls in the gym. Its quite certain that opposite to this sitjiation exists i n the other^ centres. The ideal situation would be to have a very.largeivgym-group com-T; posed of an equaU number of girls and fellovvs. Here in Toronto; ef-forts will be made to get a few nume girls interested in the mass gym, and a l i other centres should try to get a few more £ellows into their groups. For instance, i t has been heard, via the grapevine that Sudbury Alerts have no fellows in their group. Elsie J . has spent a considerable amount of t i m e a n d energy in de-veloping this year's gym routine 'and it is very apparent that the mass gym w i l l . again l)e. the. highlight of the Sunday afternoon program. — E . M . — ; Neuvostoliittolaiset tiedemiehet ovat ennustaneet, että seuraavan .15 vuoden aikana • Siperiassa: rakenner taan. 50 -uutta rautatietä.: 'joiden y h teinen .pituus tulee :olemaan 12,000 mailia: Suurimmat näistäovat Jo r a kenteilla. Torstaina, heinäk. 14 p. — Thursday, July 14,4960 Sivu 3' ' If -we a l i l i v e d l i n Toronto' or Vancouvei*, or Montreal, we could see*"a live-pläy almost any d a y of the Week.- But those of us'who äre not fortunate ,must make do w i i h - a good alternative — reading plays. Jtf you read them often enough- you get so that you can visualiz^ the characters and as you read they. come ^to life in^ yoiir mind, vvhich is furnished per stage directions. Want some practice? The Arthur Miller's The Crucible If you start vvith one like this, which is highly dramatic, it is easier to make -your characters vvallc and taik. The play is based on the Salem, Massachusetts vvitch hunts of:1692. The-hysteria^roused b y - a group of vvild" young girls (whose leader intuitively knovvs that there really are no witches) creates a furor among their P u r i - tan elders vvhich snowballs into the most shameful fiasco that has) ever been committed :in the name of religion. Can you not easily visualize: the. worldly-:wise.Abigail as shecoerces her; friends to swear they saw: vvitches where there were no witches? Can you not feel the suffering of Proctor as he sees truth bludgeoned by lies, while the Puritan judges, at first de-c e i v e d b y A b i g a i l , later cannot re-: tract their witch-findings because they vvould lose face? Or take A Raisin in the Sun by LorraineHansberry. This play: has a ^ contemporary setting in the Negro tenements of Chicago's Whät Do YOU Think? RELIGION - History Part II .i. — Jos sitruunat ovat: kuivuneet ja näivettyneet koviksi, ne voidaan u u - flelleen pehmittää kaatamalla kiehuvaa vettä niiden paallev antaen nli-T den:sersoa: vedessä: joitakm-mmuut-teja Editorial Unemployment - But Why? . The most serious problem in the national life o£ Canada today.::is- unemployment.; .:: We aslc — WHY? Why is :it becoming' more and more difficult for young people to find work? ,\ ' ^v^^^^^^^^i: .W shoved aside into forced .retireraent ai though they have many years to go before they can even receive:that:pittance called old age pension? Why does it mean the misery of being out of work to some when technological advances are inlroduced in Industry?; And how. can those, whO'benefit in their' pocket books from. these advances have the gall to blandly ignore •this miseryvwith: the heartless comment that it has been so •since the first machinehelped man produce more. Surely, they must know this is 1960, not 1760 nor 1860. :^^^^^^;^^^^ W that there are 100's of millions. of people on this.earth who desperately need the products:we can produce; and when we consider hovv much. :our Canada needsdevelopment of her resources for herself and the world,^^^^ w^ a labour shortagc — not unemployment. ' " . V - a: W basic causes for this national sickness. ;The: first ,and foremost is' that we are tied like a • marionette to the^w the United States. A - leading/G agrees that war eco- ; nomy (or.*more.;politely " spending") does not create : wörkpand-:in::iact;?inri^ development, The^ se-cond cause i s a reflection of the first. Because we are tied to ^ the United States, economically we are following them like pcrienced groups- as a matter of sparrows behind a horse in mattcrs of foreign policy. This ^^^••^.T.u"! IK! 2frl"L^Ti!!!l^!!T is keeplng us from recognizing and trading'with China (imagine hovv many cars a country of 650 million vvould need) and it aIso~ties us up" in various U.S. "plans" vvhen-it/ comes to trading_with the new countries that have risen from colonialisrn: The third caupe is perhaps'the shameful and; vexing manifestation of the first one. Not only äre we < tied to the U.S. economy, we afe "owned" by U.S. interests who are certainly .nöt interested in the fuU economic-productive: development'.of.Canada, unless a bit of it happens to come about while seeking their own profit. But hovv ( often do,we hear: tl^ati?^^^ made cheaper in the States". Our natural resour'ses are, sent south of the border, pro-cessed and manufactured into' oconpmic goods, and sold back to us. These products should bo _madc by Canadian workers. We wonder'how much Canada costs per "pound , to these foreign'interests. The indignation of the Canadian people is ,rising and - , shovving itself in many ways. We are ccrtain^that this na- , tionäl spirit will grow, and the people vvill make darn sure that any-.morG p6lillcal "vision.s" of Cannda's fuluro vvill bo ' soon through good glasscs — M A D E IN CANADAT ^ . As man's environment and sur-roundings change (l.e. hls: problems enemies and f ears), :SO .does his: re-, : ligion. The progresslve changes r^from huntlng stages to: pastoral stages: to agrlcultural stages iindicate similar changes in his bellefs.and rituals.•:• The: huntlng stage. .wherein :*:sud-den force;: sudden calamity and sud-den death are extant is Indicated in his attempts to force the' gods or spirits to be hls allies i n thnes of war, or to aid in his tasks or huntlng. The idea of magic must be brought into the discussion^at this polnt. Maglc to the early: . ^ an : takes the form very akln to science today; W i t h s o : many: differenttypes ofji enemy demanding. immediate and very often brutal: action, the: huntlng :society; could not afford ;the luxr-ury of a single spirit or god. The gods or spirits ;Were:,assumed to be of basically human form (do we dif-fer tö-day?) and tO;-the early. man; subject to similar desires and man-- ners or modesof life;.;He vlsualizsd the spirits to be-similar to man with special ;gifts or povverSi :which, how-ever, were operative letc,: . Not yet being an agrlcultural society, they did. not requU-e: any major spirits for rainior fertility to,the crops.etc. The Problem OfWebster's Corners Hall Vancouver. — Every year about this time jve are confronted vvith the problem of the Webster's Corners Hall. At least on the surface it seems at times that it is a completely negative situation particu-larly vvhen you are winding up an hour's long "talkoot" of hay cut-ting etc. in order that the one lone picnic for the year can be held. Yes* it does seem like a pretty fruitless chore at times . . . but let's;consider:a few of the positive aspects: 1. We do own (a very strange Word in the modern vocabulary) a piece of land, 80 per cent cleared and located in vvhat seems to be a popular camp area (i;s. Ukrainians, Estonians,:Norwegians, Boy Scouts and Provincial deveiopments.) 2. There_is, on the property an older type building but vvhich is still in first class condition for use spring, summerjind fall. A good sized dance area, a stage and kit-chen_ are facilitics vvhich vvould take a lot of cash, time ^niLIabour to- build. AI though the undersigned vvishes to go on record right here for the idea that wc' must eihter find a way to improve our present sitc or find an even more suitable one . . . the fact^^^still-remains that we do have many possibilities for more activity in the "old h a l i " ! So for the. preseht lefs take a positive view of the problem . . . l e f s do vvhat, is possible at the present location and thus' build up an cnthusiasm for a bigger, better arid more demanding project .either with this site (if the land problem can ho overcome) or on a .nevv-location, IIL. ' ' ' 'This-column is for th^ ^eirsro-nal opinions,. ideas,vand.observa- :fions of the readfers on any print-. able subject. It does not. reflect the editorial' policy of this sec-tion or the paper, • except: that, we believe in the free expres-sion of ideas. Also since these spirits were con-sidered to. be:'in.human form; with many human' weaknesses:; and «foib-les,' it was:assumed that they could be forced to hifluence events in their speclal fields: by following. a certain ritual, or threatenmg them hl certain ways For instance, it appears from Studies, of v the, Winne-bago Society; that an offeringof to-bacco f o r c e s the spirit to grant the requestmade of it^in, its sphere of - influence;; ;Also, • the natives of South ^Andaman; threaten the spirit Billku with the bite of a mythical snake v to-Tforce it to follow xertain courses.'The'gods or spirits did not "appearto be thought of as.allrknovv-ing outside their special spheres since the natives did not consider i t u n e t h i c a l to deceivc the-spirits. (For instance,: by::following a certain; ntual, they believed that rain could be caused for usefui purposes. If the. use of ram .could cause discomfort to an enemy,' they had not second thoughts about performmg the r i tual to cause the rain, even - though; they had no immediate need of the ra m . for themselves;: Their ••• belief in the .ritualvas being ^thei^forcingtrig':: : ger is similar to our ideas of Chemical experimentsalivaysleadlng: "to the same ' result,: provided; that-^.the conditions alwaysremain the ; same. (l.e. .the-ritual:must:be followed very-: closely). AS \\e progress to the nomadic (Confd on Page 4) - nsis o Parkway Bakers PUHELIN EM. 3-7676 290 QneenSt.W, Toronto 2-B,Ont; AKE SAARINEN Joseph P. Thompson (1957) LTD. HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 132 Carlton st., Toronto, Ontario (Ainoa osoitteemme) A L E X CX)LLINS, johtaja WA. 1-3971 — WA. 1-1793 FLORIST "Kukkasovitelmamme erikoisalamme" Puhelm HU. 5-2918 695 BAYVIEV7 AVENUE (Lähellä Eglmtonia) T O R O N T O , O N T . ••• o i ::p v:b o o Dr. R. SAVIJÄRVI ^ SUOMALAINEN HAMMASLÄÄKÄRI ; 598 Bayvievv Ave. Toronto Ontario Puhelin HU. 5-1177 Vastaanotto : tilauksen, mokaan. ;- ÄLÄ VÄLITÄ — ANNA MANKISEN VÄLITTÄÄ Jos olet talon osto tai myyntiaikeissa soita MR. R. HEYNO 110. 1-1114 UNO MANKIN REALTOR 392 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO Toronto Real Estate Boardin jäsen # W. C. MCLAUGHLIN LTD., Realtors ^ ^ 360 BLOOR ST. E. — TORONTO ^ X (Toronton Real Est. Boardin Jäsen) ^ Tooden kokemus kiinteimistö jen ostossai^ m ^nlsetn. Olemme aina: valmis:Teitä palvelemaan. Soittakaa; ^ I LAURI A. LATVA 1 TKonttori: WA. 4—1146 ,^ Kotiin: nU. 1—0474 ^ • VALTUUTETTU VALAN OTTAJA^. • Käyttäkää "tOfS ÄLL" joka voittaa kaikki pesuaineet! On valmistettu 7. aineesta. Siinä ei ole mitään jauhetta, rasvaa ^ eikä gasoliinia. • - '^ff Puhdistaa perusteellisesti, sulattaa lian ja jättää pysyvän kiillon. Se on mietoa eikä vauriolta maalia tai vernissaa. Uudistaa ja suojaa pinnan: AUTOISSA; maaliin, niklattuihin osiin ja tckonahkaan. ._KOTONA: Iattia-tilej:nijattoon,j)josjii^^ latuihin seiniin, vernissaan, puuosiin, helloihin, jääkaappeihin, pöydänpäällisiin, ikkuna- ' lautoihin, kuvastimiin, metalliin ym. Käyttäkää TOP'Sia kostean vaatteen avulla. Saatavana,paunan kannuissa. — Hinta $1.98.. - V A P A U S PUBLISHING CO. L T D X 100,Elm St. WeBt ^ Sudbury, Ontario Southside. Have you ever t r i e d ' t O " -| put yourself' i n ttig,;NegroV place , as he contendsday by day.withjthe,^';;'; browness of his' skin? Here'i>-ä],-, » chance to see and' feel hovir. 'the' 7 \ Negro feels and sees, for'this play i is about the five members of t h e * Younger family wliO try to exist according to the rules, only to f i n d , that the rules are the white man's and do not apply to them. 'W,alk around that upper storey and try to imagine your reactions wheri a * white man offers you money NOT *^ to mpve next door to him'^whileM he preaches the brotherhood-_ of man. Or try figuring out where , to start with-cross-cultural under-standing — in Africa or in A m e ^ rica? ' J , JMaybe three-acters are at first too -long for a su^tained play-in-the- mind. Why not t ry one-acters? \V. S. Milne has edited a collection^ of seven one-act plays by Canadian writers called Curtain Rising. May-be Play Festival people wiU -re-> member P r o t e s t b y Norman W i l liams (presented at Sudbury by Yritys players in 1958). Weil, of the other six "Worlds Apart" is comparably dramatic. Merrill Deni-: son's The Weather Breeder is about . an old Canadian farmer whose prognostication about the weather affect his reactions to his daugh-ter's marriage. Some of you might' find a suitable play here for pre- \ sentation at the next Play Festival. Who knovvs, you might even win with it! , Good play readingl — J l k a . iii imi m •Am 11 II I 'mM i i l i l 1^ mm m iw
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, July 9, 1960 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1960-07-09 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus600709 |
Title | 1960-07-09-03 |
OCR text | ls>-ft'i.HLfiLk\i' ^. 5 , , ' ,.)>.,...-,-...,.,.,... _ ,>/, , . „ . , „ . . . , ' ,. .^^ . . - il '. . ,„< - _ , ... . , h , f r: .LT i.jla iNanjuKsen "••'-iilut; onnistui•va t |!;Va,i|f erittäin .hyvin-sekä,'osahoton ja IStiiiostVa puolesta." Osanottajia öll yli •J^M, joista suurin osa' oli nuorta pol- .Tulokset monessa lajissa olivat ^.sellaisia, etta ne']'osoittivat poikien Ir r^f^rja tyttöjsn olevan kunnossa. Joissa- 'g? k!n lajeissa vaikutti, tiukka päivän ^''ohjeliha tujo^isiin,^ silla ei ollut a i - ^r-kaa/lantaa osanottajille 'tarpeellista '^'elpyinisaikaa. Kuitenkin kaikki ym4 märsivät^ täinän_ja' kilpailut meni- V',lvät' iäpi' ilman moitetta. Seuraavat kilpailut Iskun Puistossa tulevat olemaan heinäk. 17 pnä kurf ^i^,pidetään pienet Suurjuhlat, joissa l^i-annetani^ateaus paikalliselle .yleisöI-^> f . le* siitä-mitä tulee olemaan Suurjuh- 1* l i l l a . - - / Sitä seuraavana viikonloppuna t u - . lee olemaan osuustoiminta juhla ja 1-^' sen 'yhteyteen myös järjestetään \'A kilpailut sekä paljon muuta ohjel- &maa;>,Toivottavasti kaikki saapuvat 1^^. silloin"seuraamaan näitä juhlia. . TULOKSIA , Miesten yleinen: l^c. 100 M : R. McAlpine 11,6; D. Moly- 'neaux 11.8; K . ^agner 11.9. ^: ,400 M : D. Molyneaux 54.9; W. By- "^^ l ik 56.7; R. Mclntosh 60. l:C 800 M : D. Molyneaux 2.07,3; T. \ Kozura 2.13,9. l 3000, M : T. Kozura 10.40; I. Kozu-ra li!o3; R. Mclntosl^. r Pn;UUSHYPPY: R.' McAlpine 556;' M. Puumala 513; R. Lmkkonen 490; •p KOilKEUSr R. McAlpme 157; K . Wagner 152. 't , SEIVÄS: R. McAlpine 322. K I E K K O : R. Linkkonen 37.98; J . Vaharaho 31.17; L. Bode 30 21. KEIHÄS: R. Lmkkonen 41.30; K. Kaarela 39.55; T; Viitanen- 36.70.V K U U L A : R. Linkkonen 10.70; D. Molyneaux 8.19. ' ••HM Much Ado About Camping Ikämiehet: ' 100 m: K . Wagner 13.0; A. ' W i d - gren 14.0; P. Voutilainen 15 4. , PITUUSHYPPY: K. Wagner 504; K. Kaarela 432; A . Widgren 421. K I E K K O : L Pehkonen 32 04; T. Viitanen 28.01; K. Kaarela 25.06. -KUULA: L Pehkonen 12 75;^ A. Widgren 10.68; K. Kaarela 10 59. Pojat yli 18 V.: ' lOO.-M: P. McCallum 12.0. ; 800.M: L Kozura 217,4; R. M c l n tosh 2.19,6; E. Pajala 2.28,3. PITUUSHYPPY: P. McCallum 552; E. Pajala .527; R. Mclntosh 421. KORKEUS: J . Vaha-aho 157; P. > McCallum 157; E. Pajala 152. , KUULA: J . Vaha-aho 12.76; E . P a jala 9.41; D. Harju 9 39. Pojat alle 16 v.: 100 M : E. Piccinato 116, 2) B. Le- I ' w i n s k i 12.0; C. Munson f2.1. 400 M : C. Munson 57.2; E. Piccina-v t o 57.8; B . Lewinski 58.4. PITUUS: Karl Kaarela 499; E. Piccinato 490; B. Lewlnski 485. - KORKEUS: Karl Kaarela 142; B . l Chambers 139; M . Puumala 135. c , KUULA: E. Sabaz 12.47; K . K a a - rela 10.75; M . Puumala 10.63. ' Tytöt yli 18 v. 100 M : M . LiUie 13 3; H . Neuwirth 14.0; B. Montgomery .14.1. PITUUS: M . Lilhe 431; T. Vuori- \ nen 411; B. Montgomery 355. , KORKEUS: T., Vuorinen 133; A. j '^Kaarela 118. ' ' KIEKKO: T. Vuorinen 24.95; A. i' Kaarela 1631; A. Viitanen 14 78. ^ KUULA: T. Vuorinen 10 55; B. \ Montg;omery 6.75; A. Kaarela 6 57. . , Tytöt alle 16 v.: 60 M : M . LUlie 8.1; L . Parviainen <^ 8.6; E. Merko 8;6. PITUUS: L. Parviainen 428; E. ' J Merko^420; H . Neuwirth 415. > ; ^ K O R K E U S : H. Neuwirth 128;, J . j Ward 123; E. Gotzaman 106. ' K I E K K O : H. Wuwirth 12.07, LEO'S B/A SERVICE iKunnaistetaan; kaikenmallisia an-, toja. B / A autorenkaita ja välineitä Puhelin 4-8231 Cumberland ja Munro kat. kulm. Port Arthur Ontario -Kaikkea raijiäkauppa-alaan kuuluvaa tavaraa lANGILA ]HARDWARE LTD. ---r^PUHELIN-4-3508 0,-10 Cumberland St. N. . Port Arthur. Ontario In our fast and civilized world of today, it has^ bocome neeessary for most people to turn to periods of relaxation for at least a few veeksveachiyear.vFotsome people these periods are true vacations of.'"rest and cessation of wÖrk'MI quote) Webster); .while others tend to abuse their holidays., These other 1 ^peak of ^ r e the cottagers, and tliose who regularly spend their holidays at various resorts. It^painsme to discoyer the number,; of Finns who visit a cottage or resort yearafteriyear without.;fail. Td illustratemy pointj here is how one.;of my typical conversations on the subject ran last weekend: "Where do you pian to spend the summer J i m ." •'We'll be up at the cottage . . ." i "Sounds good." '/. . ' . As usual." As usual. Yet that is how the majority of answers ran. Others said.they were going to a lodge or lesort, "As we usually do." How can, anyone relax spending year af-ter year at a cottage. You get no relaxation, dear friends, -you be-come stagnant,;with little^privacy and you soon confDcm: wilh your neighbour's» ways, coming part of the great water-front suburbia. Yet there are those, who, during their holidays, do achieve relaxation,: whose: minds and bodies great-ly benefit from close contact with nature, .who attain. complete peace of mind, and havegone .about:as lar: Jis one can'go, in: the search for •privacy. They are the campers. Unhke the cottagers, they are presented : with: an ever changing World of beauty, peace and solitude Completely.. excluded v from their mmds are the, many tiresomeprob-; lebs and :worries: of city hfe. Gone from their ears are the shouts \of the neighbours kids or the harsh Avhine of; motorboats .speeding: across the lake ali day. Not for themthe modern conveniences of cottagers (who are -supposedly try-ing to get away from it ali) e.g. stove, fridge velectticityi^^^^^r or piimp; water, toilets etc, etc every:year,;increasing numbers :of-news; gadgets appearionthe market for the modern day camper . . . to make you feel at home on the-t r a i l . " . ' ~ i When_I see ads like that in our newspapers, I begin.to think that campers today are homesick. To illustrate a few of these appliances, we have the camp stove (one of campings . major evils), portable f reezers;: air mattresses;: camp cots, and many :more-'which can be seen in: any one of theihundreds of.Ttent: communities :which spring. .up i n : Canada each summer. The tent community is hy the way another one öf campings' sins. To show you what: I niean, try. and picture a family striving for privacy and •rest J n a camping sitecontaining from fifty to five hundred tents. In ali fairness though, I , must add that thiS type of camping does have an advantage in that it is 'a very economical vvay (and an i n - teresting one at that) of seenig the country. In fact, many poeple have seen Canada coast to. coastJn this manner, traveHing by car or hike by day and pitching a tent at n i g h tm one of the numerous'gov' ernment campsites, föimd along the nation's highways. Roadsjde camping however, is not a substitute for true camping and cannot possibly supply the enjoy-nient of a scenic^canoe Irip, or of camping by one of the beautiful uncottaged lakes of Canada. The question one may ask now is, where: to camp? This problem is easily solved for (as I menttoned before) Canada has an unlimited number of lakes. rivers, forests; and: best-of-ali the provmcial parksand game reserves. Algonquin Provincial Park for instance is situated in Central: On^ tario and it is the province's largest park and is one which a great num-. ber of people know very little about;- For a history and detailed study of the park; I recommend "The Algonquin Story" by Audrey Saundeis (Dept. of Lands & Fo-rcsts) Y<-t the best way to dis-cove.- the pinkr is to visit it and Instead they lead a simple exist-j ptr.:'. a couple of \veeks under ence for two or three weeks, Ir.mg by lakes and woods as our abon-gines, the Indians did in eaihei-days. However before I mis^ead >ou, I vvould like to mention.ial this point that I am not speaking of: the latesi, method of camping the modern vvay, with ali the conveniences of home. As I see i t , you should go camping to get away from the modern life of home. Nevertheless. KUULA: E. Merko 6 96; J . Periin 6.71; R. Groome 6.55. Pienet pojat 12 V. ja alle: 60 m: D. Perlan 9.4; G., Gotzaman 9 5; M . Muzyka 9.6. PITUUS: D. Perlan 411; G. Gotzaman 352; M . Muzyka 350. Tytöt 12 V. ja alle: 60 M : R. Groome 8 9; E. Gotzaman 9.3; L Walker 9 9. PITUUS: R. Groome 365; E. Gotzaman 345; P. Pehkonen 338, Tylöt 10 V. ja alle: 60 M : A. Pakkala 12 0; H. Ferguson, H. Blunt. PITUUS: A. Pukkala 244; H . Ferguson' 202; H. Blunt 19o! Tyttöjen 4x100 m viesti: Ncuvvirth, Montgomery, Merko, Lillie 57.8. Groome, Fletcher, Morris, Perlan 62.8. Andrews, Ferguson, Bishop, Dou-cette 73.4. Poikien alle 16 v. tasoituskilpailu: Munson, Lewinski, Piccinato 49 2. AOe 16 V. pojat: Miller, Siegried, Lindsay, Lillie 56.5. " Alle 12 v. pojat: ' Gotzaman, Perlan, Wagner, Iwä"- senko 68 9. — A. W. RAKENNUSKAUSI ALKANUT! MeUtä saatte kaikenlaIaU rakennustarpeita. ' THUNDER BAY LUMBER CO. (FORT WILLIAM) LTD. 'HENKILÖKUNNANJOMISTÄMA-HENKILÖKUNNAN JOHTAMA- "Kuuluisa palvelustaan" ^ Puh. 3-7469 ' 516 Simpson St. . Fort'William ÄBlloin hyyäiisäLtarvit^ite ruokatavaraa lihaa tai miesten"'vaatetusta; osta^ ne osuuskaupastanne .anv:i=. Several books on camping .0!- the uniniliated may be obtained ai the iiorary and the park is the ideal place for .the flrst outing. It is a haven not only for the novice, but also for the grizzled vvoodsman. Picture spending yoiir days idly paddling amongst the sparkling lakes and rivers. On one shore you may see deer taking a drink. on the other. a family of bears fishing. Or, if you are lucky, you may round a bend in a quiet B.C. Scandinavian Queen FInnisli Canadian Vancouver. — The annual Mid Summer Festival sponsored. by the Scandinavian Central Committee was well attended by Finnish Can-adians this year. A good thing it was too, because there was a lot to cheer about. First and föremost otcourse^Irene Suojanen ;waspick-ed Queen öf the Scandinavian Community for 1960—61. (There vvill, I am sure, be a picture and write-up later on so we'll content ourselves with carrying the first report.) Secondly, as mentioned in earlier reports, the Finnish Canadian Folk Dance Group was the lone repre-sentative of Scandinavian Folk Dancing. (Not foc lack of groups mind you — even older .more ex agreed that the Finns had reached Ihc for m which was neeessary to occupy Ih.s highlight positiona To summarize the group's per- .'oiiTiaiicc lefs* just recall an earlier Jiub News item and then add that (hc group slid, jumped, laughed, smileU, hopped, stomped, clapped, and ,mimed its vvay around the stage, over the footlights and right Into the good graces of the au-dience. Anothcr important summit has been reached by the group and each of its members should feel proud of the work they have done. Hard work, co-operation and a positive"' approach to, ali the prob-lems which may arjse are three secrets 'to siicccss thai come to mind when considfiring the future of the group. ButHhen whal do other dancers have'to,.say? Lefs .see Vour j m - river and come into" view of a majestic buU moöse. You may wish to browse'around the ruins of the "Camboose" logging camps,' rem-nants of the parks earlier lumber Industry. You w i l l waik the same trails and portage your canoe over the same portages that the cour du bois used. Catchmg your limit of fish each day is quite usual but you will have to learn to prepare fish in several ways, for on a camping trip fish will be one bf your main staples. Food never tastes sogood as>:when it is cooked on an open ' f ire, and rest never comes as ;:quickly as \it: does in - a sleeping bag: after a d a y :of camping. ' Before retiring for the day though' you:;may;.wish to watch the beaversswimming along the shore beginning their evening's work, or yöucouldpaddle out onto the lake over the glasslike waters of dusk to watch the beautiful sunset. Af-ter, when night falls. tali tales are often swapped over -the campfire. Then when your -eyes cannot re-main open any longer,~"you are lulled to rest by the haunting cry of the loon. Yes, camping is for everyone, the active and the lazy, the young or Old the curious, and the bored, the lovers of wildlife, photography fans and is equally enjoyed by both sexes; After spending, a few • days: i n the woods , you • w i l l emerge .a healthy relaxed person, \ ready to face once more, the hectic city: life. There is nothing wrong vvith v i - sjting the cottage, but do not make a habit out of it. You owe it to yourself to try camping at least once, before making a decision about it, but Tm sure that after your first trip you'!! never "resort to a resort" each year. Just obtain some equipment, a friend. a book on camping, rent a canoe, buy a map of : the^ park and f i nd a small chain of lakes, and camp! If you have a keen ear, perhaps on a ;windless day just as the sun is disappearing on the horizon, you may ; hear < the • songs of the voya^ geurs drifting over the water — " E n roulant ma boule roulant. En roulant ma boule . . ." H. T. ' Yritys Softball Scheäule Wednesday, Jnly 20th 6:15 p.m. Yritys V. Metro > Offset Fridlay, July 22ncl 8:00 p.m. Yritys V. FMUps E. ' =^Tuesday, July 26th 8:00 p.m. _ lYritys V. Pennant F. Thursday, July 28th 6:15 p.m. Yritys y. Dyment Ltd. Ali games at Dentonia Park — near Dawe8 Rd. and Danforth Avenue. -\. - With the Editors Ah, yes! .Things are happening. We decided at our last Editorial meeting, under :theshade of the old "Crab Apple" tree at Tarmola (such working conditions) to start a su rvey. of our present: and: poten-tial readership. We Hope to get something going on this in conjunc-tion, with the "Haasteryntäys" for our paperwhichbeglns August 1. We vvill have much more to say about this a little later. Now, to keep you posted on what's coming up. The history of the FCASF has been translated and the first instalment will be in next week's issue. A brand new contri-butor haspromised ns aihumourous: essay on the\"Fear of Dogs." We intend to keep after "lika" for more of her :reviews on books. The: editors have also been looking at the Cuban situation yery closely and we will be edltorializing on it very soon. And, while we are on the line — we received a short article "What Religion Means to Me" which we want to publisih in the "What Do You Think" column. Unfortu-nately it was unsigned. We ask that the writer contact us because we must • know the sourcc of our contributions. This is regular newspaper policy. Of course, if the writer does not want his or her näme publishcd, it will not be; But the editors must know whQ are its contributors. Torontoa Naä GymrPrpration^ ; ^ Toronto, — > Toronto mass "gym^ rehearsals are-well,under-.way i n ' preparätion for/the coming Music: & Sports Festival i n South' Porcu-; pine—Timmirts on J u l y 3 0 and'31. No doubt other centres i n Ontario are equally' busy. Rehearsals are heldN twice weekly, on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternpons; at Camp Tarmola. r Toronto seems to be i n an' un* usual situation this year, because it appears there vvill b e m o r e £el-lows than, girls in the gym. Its quite certain that opposite to this sitjiation exists i n the other^ centres. The ideal situation would be to have a very.largeivgym-group com-T; posed of an equaU number of girls and fellovvs. Here in Toronto; ef-forts will be made to get a few nume girls interested in the mass gym, and a l i other centres should try to get a few more £ellows into their groups. For instance, i t has been heard, via the grapevine that Sudbury Alerts have no fellows in their group. Elsie J . has spent a considerable amount of t i m e a n d energy in de-veloping this year's gym routine 'and it is very apparent that the mass gym w i l l . again l)e. the. highlight of the Sunday afternoon program. — E . M . — ; Neuvostoliittolaiset tiedemiehet ovat ennustaneet, että seuraavan .15 vuoden aikana • Siperiassa: rakenner taan. 50 -uutta rautatietä.: 'joiden y h teinen .pituus tulee :olemaan 12,000 mailia: Suurimmat näistäovat Jo r a kenteilla. Torstaina, heinäk. 14 p. — Thursday, July 14,4960 Sivu 3' ' If -we a l i l i v e d l i n Toronto' or Vancouvei*, or Montreal, we could see*"a live-pläy almost any d a y of the Week.- But those of us'who äre not fortunate ,must make do w i i h - a good alternative — reading plays. Jtf you read them often enough- you get so that you can visualiz^ the characters and as you read they. come ^to life in^ yoiir mind, vvhich is furnished per stage directions. Want some practice? The Arthur Miller's The Crucible If you start vvith one like this, which is highly dramatic, it is easier to make -your characters vvallc and taik. The play is based on the Salem, Massachusetts vvitch hunts of:1692. The-hysteria^roused b y - a group of vvild" young girls (whose leader intuitively knovvs that there really are no witches) creates a furor among their P u r i - tan elders vvhich snowballs into the most shameful fiasco that has) ever been committed :in the name of religion. Can you not easily visualize: the. worldly-:wise.Abigail as shecoerces her; friends to swear they saw: vvitches where there were no witches? Can you not feel the suffering of Proctor as he sees truth bludgeoned by lies, while the Puritan judges, at first de-c e i v e d b y A b i g a i l , later cannot re-: tract their witch-findings because they vvould lose face? Or take A Raisin in the Sun by LorraineHansberry. This play: has a ^ contemporary setting in the Negro tenements of Chicago's Whät Do YOU Think? RELIGION - History Part II .i. — Jos sitruunat ovat: kuivuneet ja näivettyneet koviksi, ne voidaan u u - flelleen pehmittää kaatamalla kiehuvaa vettä niiden paallev antaen nli-T den:sersoa: vedessä: joitakm-mmuut-teja Editorial Unemployment - But Why? . The most serious problem in the national life o£ Canada today.::is- unemployment.; .:: We aslc — WHY? Why is :it becoming' more and more difficult for young people to find work? ,\ ' ^v^^^^^^^^i: .W shoved aside into forced .retireraent ai though they have many years to go before they can even receive:that:pittance called old age pension? Why does it mean the misery of being out of work to some when technological advances are inlroduced in Industry?; And how. can those, whO'benefit in their' pocket books from. these advances have the gall to blandly ignore •this miseryvwith: the heartless comment that it has been so •since the first machinehelped man produce more. Surely, they must know this is 1960, not 1760 nor 1860. :^^^^^^;^^^^ W that there are 100's of millions. of people on this.earth who desperately need the products:we can produce; and when we consider hovv much. :our Canada needsdevelopment of her resources for herself and the world,^^^^ w^ a labour shortagc — not unemployment. ' " . V - a: W basic causes for this national sickness. ;The: first ,and foremost is' that we are tied like a • marionette to the^w the United States. A - leading/G agrees that war eco- ; nomy (or.*more.;politely " spending") does not create : wörkpand-:in::iact;?inri^ development, The^ se-cond cause i s a reflection of the first. Because we are tied to ^ the United States, economically we are following them like pcrienced groups- as a matter of sparrows behind a horse in mattcrs of foreign policy. This ^^^••^.T.u"! IK! 2frl"L^Ti!!!l^!!T is keeplng us from recognizing and trading'with China (imagine hovv many cars a country of 650 million vvould need) and it aIso~ties us up" in various U.S. "plans" vvhen-it/ comes to trading_with the new countries that have risen from colonialisrn: The third caupe is perhaps'the shameful and; vexing manifestation of the first one. Not only äre we < tied to the U.S. economy, we afe "owned" by U.S. interests who are certainly .nöt interested in the fuU economic-productive: development'.of.Canada, unless a bit of it happens to come about while seeking their own profit. But hovv ( often do,we hear: tl^ati?^^^ made cheaper in the States". Our natural resour'ses are, sent south of the border, pro-cessed and manufactured into' oconpmic goods, and sold back to us. These products should bo _madc by Canadian workers. We wonder'how much Canada costs per "pound , to these foreign'interests. The indignation of the Canadian people is ,rising and - , shovving itself in many ways. We are ccrtain^that this na- , tionäl spirit will grow, and the people vvill make darn sure that any-.morG p6lillcal "vision.s" of Cannda's fuluro vvill bo ' soon through good glasscs — M A D E IN CANADAT ^ . As man's environment and sur-roundings change (l.e. hls: problems enemies and f ears), :SO .does his: re-, : ligion. The progresslve changes r^from huntlng stages to: pastoral stages: to agrlcultural stages iindicate similar changes in his bellefs.and rituals.•:• The: huntlng stage. .wherein :*:sud-den force;: sudden calamity and sud-den death are extant is Indicated in his attempts to force the' gods or spirits to be hls allies i n thnes of war, or to aid in his tasks or huntlng. The idea of magic must be brought into the discussion^at this polnt. Maglc to the early: . ^ an : takes the form very akln to science today; W i t h s o : many: differenttypes ofji enemy demanding. immediate and very often brutal: action, the: huntlng :society; could not afford ;the luxr-ury of a single spirit or god. The gods or spirits ;Were:,assumed to be of basically human form (do we dif-fer tö-day?) and tO;-the early. man; subject to similar desires and man-- ners or modesof life;.;He vlsualizsd the spirits to be-similar to man with special ;gifts or povverSi :which, how-ever, were operative letc,: . Not yet being an agrlcultural society, they did. not requU-e: any major spirits for rainior fertility to,the crops.etc. The Problem OfWebster's Corners Hall Vancouver. — Every year about this time jve are confronted vvith the problem of the Webster's Corners Hall. At least on the surface it seems at times that it is a completely negative situation particu-larly vvhen you are winding up an hour's long "talkoot" of hay cut-ting etc. in order that the one lone picnic for the year can be held. Yes* it does seem like a pretty fruitless chore at times . . . but let's;consider:a few of the positive aspects: 1. We do own (a very strange Word in the modern vocabulary) a piece of land, 80 per cent cleared and located in vvhat seems to be a popular camp area (i;s. Ukrainians, Estonians,:Norwegians, Boy Scouts and Provincial deveiopments.) 2. There_is, on the property an older type building but vvhich is still in first class condition for use spring, summerjind fall. A good sized dance area, a stage and kit-chen_ are facilitics vvhich vvould take a lot of cash, time ^niLIabour to- build. AI though the undersigned vvishes to go on record right here for the idea that wc' must eihter find a way to improve our present sitc or find an even more suitable one . . . the fact^^^still-remains that we do have many possibilities for more activity in the "old h a l i " ! So for the. preseht lefs take a positive view of the problem . . . l e f s do vvhat, is possible at the present location and thus' build up an cnthusiasm for a bigger, better arid more demanding project .either with this site (if the land problem can ho overcome) or on a .nevv-location, IIL. ' ' ' 'This-column is for th^ ^eirsro-nal opinions,. ideas,vand.observa- :fions of the readfers on any print-. able subject. It does not. reflect the editorial' policy of this sec-tion or the paper, • except: that, we believe in the free expres-sion of ideas. Also since these spirits were con-sidered to. be:'in.human form; with many human' weaknesses:; and «foib-les,' it was:assumed that they could be forced to hifluence events in their speclal fields: by following. a certain ritual, or threatenmg them hl certain ways For instance, it appears from Studies, of v the, Winne-bago Society; that an offeringof to-bacco f o r c e s the spirit to grant the requestmade of it^in, its sphere of - influence;; ;Also, • the natives of South ^Andaman; threaten the spirit Billku with the bite of a mythical snake v to-Tforce it to follow xertain courses.'The'gods or spirits did not "appearto be thought of as.allrknovv-ing outside their special spheres since the natives did not consider i t u n e t h i c a l to deceivc the-spirits. (For instance,: by::following a certain; ntual, they believed that rain could be caused for usefui purposes. If the. use of ram .could cause discomfort to an enemy,' they had not second thoughts about performmg the r i tual to cause the rain, even - though; they had no immediate need of the ra m . for themselves;: Their ••• belief in the .ritualvas being ^thei^forcingtrig':: : ger is similar to our ideas of Chemical experimentsalivaysleadlng: "to the same ' result,: provided; that-^.the conditions alwaysremain the ; same. (l.e. .the-ritual:must:be followed very-: closely). AS \\e progress to the nomadic (Confd on Page 4) - nsis o Parkway Bakers PUHELIN EM. 3-7676 290 QneenSt.W, Toronto 2-B,Ont; AKE SAARINEN Joseph P. Thompson (1957) LTD. HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 132 Carlton st., Toronto, Ontario (Ainoa osoitteemme) A L E X CX)LLINS, johtaja WA. 1-3971 — WA. 1-1793 FLORIST "Kukkasovitelmamme erikoisalamme" Puhelm HU. 5-2918 695 BAYVIEV7 AVENUE (Lähellä Eglmtonia) T O R O N T O , O N T . ••• o i ::p v:b o o Dr. R. SAVIJÄRVI ^ SUOMALAINEN HAMMASLÄÄKÄRI ; 598 Bayvievv Ave. Toronto Ontario Puhelin HU. 5-1177 Vastaanotto : tilauksen, mokaan. ;- ÄLÄ VÄLITÄ — ANNA MANKISEN VÄLITTÄÄ Jos olet talon osto tai myyntiaikeissa soita MR. R. HEYNO 110. 1-1114 UNO MANKIN REALTOR 392 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO Toronto Real Estate Boardin jäsen # W. C. MCLAUGHLIN LTD., Realtors ^ ^ 360 BLOOR ST. E. — TORONTO ^ X (Toronton Real Est. Boardin Jäsen) ^ Tooden kokemus kiinteimistö jen ostossai^ m ^nlsetn. Olemme aina: valmis:Teitä palvelemaan. Soittakaa; ^ I LAURI A. LATVA 1 TKonttori: WA. 4—1146 ,^ Kotiin: nU. 1—0474 ^ • VALTUUTETTU VALAN OTTAJA^. • Käyttäkää "tOfS ÄLL" joka voittaa kaikki pesuaineet! On valmistettu 7. aineesta. Siinä ei ole mitään jauhetta, rasvaa ^ eikä gasoliinia. • - '^ff Puhdistaa perusteellisesti, sulattaa lian ja jättää pysyvän kiillon. Se on mietoa eikä vauriolta maalia tai vernissaa. Uudistaa ja suojaa pinnan: AUTOISSA; maaliin, niklattuihin osiin ja tckonahkaan. ._KOTONA: Iattia-tilej:nijattoon,j)josjii^^ latuihin seiniin, vernissaan, puuosiin, helloihin, jääkaappeihin, pöydänpäällisiin, ikkuna- ' lautoihin, kuvastimiin, metalliin ym. Käyttäkää TOP'Sia kostean vaatteen avulla. Saatavana,paunan kannuissa. — Hinta $1.98.. - V A P A U S PUBLISHING CO. L T D X 100,Elm St. WeBt ^ Sudbury, Ontario Southside. Have you ever t r i e d ' t O " -| put yourself' i n ttig,;NegroV place , as he contendsday by day.withjthe,^';;'; browness of his' skin? Here'i>-ä],-, » chance to see and' feel hovir. 'the' 7 \ Negro feels and sees, for'this play i is about the five members of t h e * Younger family wliO try to exist according to the rules, only to f i n d , that the rules are the white man's and do not apply to them. 'W,alk around that upper storey and try to imagine your reactions wheri a * white man offers you money NOT *^ to mpve next door to him'^whileM he preaches the brotherhood-_ of man. Or try figuring out where , to start with-cross-cultural under-standing — in Africa or in A m e ^ rica? ' J , JMaybe three-acters are at first too -long for a su^tained play-in-the- mind. Why not t ry one-acters? \V. S. Milne has edited a collection^ of seven one-act plays by Canadian writers called Curtain Rising. May-be Play Festival people wiU -re-> member P r o t e s t b y Norman W i l liams (presented at Sudbury by Yritys players in 1958). Weil, of the other six "Worlds Apart" is comparably dramatic. Merrill Deni-: son's The Weather Breeder is about . an old Canadian farmer whose prognostication about the weather affect his reactions to his daugh-ter's marriage. Some of you might' find a suitable play here for pre- \ sentation at the next Play Festival. Who knovvs, you might even win with it! , Good play readingl — J l k a . iii imi m •Am 11 II I 'mM i i l i l 1^ mm m iw |
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