1955-04-14-02 |
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n ä n it n l - I-Ä l-miehen tao iuteuttöin J ä i S f^ ritetruaan tutktouksen.lJ^j^ "Oletan, että te olette muusikfa, ^ soitatte itoapalneella toimi^/^ "Aivan'nUn." "Se fielittää asiaa", lausm lääu 'Keuhkonne ovat selvästi rasit^*" kuriunpää on tulehtunut &ST^ jostakin epänormaalisesta j ^ r ^ sesta. Minkälaista instrumen^T soitatte?" J* '•Harmonikkaa,''. 1- 1- »- 5- si i - i - la 1- m in lä m 1- ui n, i- NOPEAM3U\KI\ . Mies yritti rohkaista itseään krt. siakseen mlelitettjään. mutta ei JAT tänyt tilanteeseen sopfvia sanoja, m meln hän sai änkytetyksi: •«a-fcaluatko auttaa" minua pa]kfa„, tuhlaamisessa?" /~7^ "=:yim vain", sanoi tyttö r,:pp^ "Tar-tarkoltan ikuisesti» w mautti kosija. ' 'Ei se niin pitkää iaikaa:^stä^ I-s-sa la at a-m II-e-la li-n- 5ti en fi-a- » li- 'ä. ut m, in in on iS-in k- >se :e-si- >a-eä ;en llä m-ttä ja itä sa, ur-bn ja iol- Ui-rew jat Puhelinsalaisuutta ei ole enää missäi sanoi asiantuntija Washingrton. — Eräs puhelimen a. lakuuntelun asiantuntija sanoi^e^as- 'ajahuoneen erikoiskömitean kiiului. telussa joku aika sitten, että mikään puhelinkeskustelu ei ole salainen kos-ka elektroonilaitteillä varustetut aah kuuntelijat- voivat kuulla vieläpä «1-" Iäisenkin puhelinkeskustelun, miia heillä ei ole minkäänlaista johtoyfi. teyttä. Kaiken lisäksi on tällaisia sa-lakuuntelijoita. hyvin vaikea saada selviUe. Tämä todistaja oli 33-^ tias Bernard Spindsil New Yoiki^a ja hänen lausuntonsa johtivat komt tean puheenjohtajan sanomaan, eta puhelinkeskustelujen salakuuntelu m Yhdysvalloissa saavuttanut "skandai. limaisen laajat mittasuhteet." Mr. Spindell sanoi, että hän^oi kieltäy^nyt hankkimasta itseljeffl puhelinta koska puhelinkeskustelujs voidaan seurata sellaisUla suunnatuilla elektroonilaitteillä. joilla ei ole mi-tään yhteyttä puhelinjohtoihin ja jotka voidaan suunnata yhtä tarkasti kuin kyetään .tähtäämään teleskck-tähtäim^ lläj. kaiken lisäksi, on sitty vielä sellaiset laitteet, jotkajks-täävät keskiisfelUjen .'ääniakUDtDoko huoneiden seinlstä-taf ikkhhbista.'OSi. neksi nämä viimeisimmät menettelytavat eivät ole varsin laajalti tiin-nettuja sillä ne ovat vain."meidän harvojen tiedossa-', sanoi mr. SpindeH 262 karkoitettiin Canadasta 1954 - pttawa. — Viime vuoden aikana karkoitettiin Canadasta kaikkiaan 262 henkUdä, todettiin parlamentin ala Jiuoneelle alistetuissa tiedoissa viime Viikolla,. Miltei puoaet eli kaikkiaan 130 Henkilöä ikaiikoitettiiri rikollisen menneisj-yden tähden, 80 palautettiin terveydellisistä syistä, 29 sen Johdosta että olivat saapuneet maahan laittomasti, 19 asn takia että olivat joutuneet huollettavien kirjoihin ja 4 "muista syistä." Karkoitettujen Mukana lähetettiin maasta 56 heidän huoUettaviaan. Karkoltetuista lähetettiin 108 Britanniaan, 74 Saiksaan ja 34 Italiaan.. Ford rakennuttaa Toronto. — Ford Motor Co. of Canada on ilmoittanut rakennuttavansa tähän kaupunkiin noin 8,600.000 ar-: voisen pääkonttorirakermuksen, jonSa pitäisi olla »valmis Jcdmen vuoden kuluessa. Rakennuksen .paikkaa ei ole vielä määrätty. >la-a l - rel-ke-jat vat vli- «s-aa-an- Jäl-cai- !ta-ista loea ilan tar-nu-- lUÖ^ iisia Jksi imi-ttai ras-sitä. läin i U-aa »V ter- Dnet ,mln inka johdosta joku ammatti-ilmiantaja roi "todistaa" heitä vastaan. : Ja kutai j sanottu, ; ammattitodistajan "ilmianto" on. merkinnyt työpaikan menetjs-j tä ja pahempaakin rajan eteläpuo-j lella. Sitäpaitsi monilla vapaamielisilii j amerikkalaisilla oli se harhakäsitys,| että he pelastuvat itse ilmiantajainj nuotasta, jos vlimeksimahiittujen sal-j Iitaan käyttää ja tuhlata energiansa j 'kommunisteja" vastaan. Mutta''kuten tapahtui Saksassa;j»| muissa fasistimaissa, Yhdysvalloissa-| kin ovatv nämä vapaamieliset piu^J (tri • Oppenhelmer, - Lattimore Jnö j saaneet kokea, että kukaan el ole sl-j loin turvassa, jos kansalaisoikeudet] riistetään: Joltakin väestöosalta, Samalla he' ovat saaneet nähdä, «täj ammatti-ilmiantajat pyrkivät Jatka-| vasti laajentamaan tohnintapiiriääaj Onhan selvää, että kommunlstiTastal-.| set väärät valat eivät voi pitkää aiö»| ^•ydyttää ihmisten mielien myikyrtii lä., On keksittävä yhä uusia Ja uvstj syytöksiä'Ja llniiantoja. jotu on aia»! uutta todistettavaa", mikä yksinäiaj takaa Juudaspenninkien jatkuvan ion, Ja.Ifun mies on juoppohuUu, oii3| hän tarvitsee elatuksensa lisäksi ss-'j voiset rahasummat väkijuomien osti-d iiilseen' ja sairaalahoidon roaksaB*x seen" kuten on asla Cveticin kohdalttJ se panee' keksimään entistä mieli)a:| vituJEselllsempIa "ihniantoja". Juuri tätä tarkoitti kirjailija Ste3r| beck selittäessään, ettei ybdaJ^I aifamattl-llmlantajan "todistaisfj voida uskoa. — Känsäkoura A SUCCE^FUL FESTIVAL Sudbury Won John Salo Trophy Sudbnry. — The Third Annual YouthDrama Festival of the Finnish Oifanizatton proved to be every Ijit the success that was expected. Anote-varthy f eatine of thls feaitival "R-as the iact that the over ali quality had im-proved to the point where very few people vvould be wllling to attempt to list the plays in order of pref erence and "vve are sure that if they did, complete unanhnity would be impos-siblc. This of course . f lu^ther enhanced the difficult task of the adjudicators. However when they announced that they had selected .the Finnish pr-, ganization entiy-frcm Sudbury. "So-tamorsiot", direcied by Helen Grenon, the applause "Df the audience indicat-ed that their choice had" been Mvell founded. The task of pickmg out the best actor and actress seemed even jnore difficult as the adjudicatora praised many participants . for fine performances. The f hial decision was that Ella Soderbacka in "Sotamor.siot" had best succeeded in interpreting her part. The leading male award went to Allan Waren f or his commendable performance in the Yritys sponsored play "Pot Luck" difected by Thora Neil. This -»as Allan's second "Oscar'.'. He von hls first "GciiaT" in the first festival, whloh wa5 held in Sudbury two years ago. At that time Allan played the lead role in an entry f rem South Porcupine. This was also the second time tfliat a play.directed by Helen Grenon won the top award of the festival, vhich is the John Salo. trophy. The comments of the adjudicators jiave already toeen publi&hed in this paper.so we -»111 confinc our remarks to other asi>ects of ths festival. . One of the weaknea>es of the festi-vals has been that the festivals have been generally confined to entrles from Toronto and Sudbury with only oneor two plays bemg entered from smaller centres. Participation in the festivals has indicated that tihe smaller centres can partlcipate on an cqual hasis and it is hcped that smaller centres will make serious planri to enter a,play in the next festival which wiU probably be held in Toronto. Every centre has the neces-sary forces, lefs get cracking. . Another shortcoming was the f act that this yearit was announced that the best play tvritten by a Finnish- Canadlan and performcd at the festival vould be awarded a trophy, but-we have not heard of any attempt,s made to write plays. We hope that next year this trophy will not rcmain on the shelf. Perhaps: in order to get work started m this field, wnters' workft'iop3 could . be. forxned where. such a task could be undertaken col-leclivcly. The older generation of Finnish-Canadians has produced a •svealth of plays, nowels and poetry. If we wish to carry on this cultural trar dition we'll really have to get busy. Much has been said about our indi-vidual "Oscars*' and itseems that generally the younger generation fa-vours the adoption of the samc system of awards aa has become common in other Canadian drama festivals, vhere the main individual "Oscars" are awarded to the. leading actress and actor and separate "Oscars" for the best supporting actress and actor. AH Ciubs Urged To Ätterid IndoorJump Championsiiips And 6ym Conipetition Toronto.— Ali clubs of the Fin-nish- Canadlan Amatuer. Sports Federation are hereby notified that the Indoor Jump Championship Meet, with the permission of the FCASF, will be sponsored by Yritys A. G. and • held in Toronto at the : Don; 'Hall, Saturday, April 23, at 2 P: M. • The program of FCASF championship Indoor events includes high jump, broad jump and hop. st^ and jump in the foIlowing classes: open, undcr 21 and undcr^ 17. Only first-place .medals will be .awarded In ali classes in ali events. In addition three-way championship medals wlll be avrarded for aggregate points achieved in the three evants. in ali three classes. Inter-club compe-tition Vili be on an unofficial basis 'with no trophy. GYM COMFETITION ' Immediately followIng the mdoor 'jump championship Yritys A.C. Is sponsoring a gym competitlon in •»hich all clubs- are Invited to partlcipate,, Tbe gym competition will not be. a championship event. •.. The program includes elementary movements on the high bar, parallel bars and'mat. The following movements are compulsory : High lar: 1) Front upstart. 2) Pree backward clrcIe. 3) Short un-derswing dismount. • Parallel bars: 1) Back Circle mount to front thigh leanmg rest. 2h Half scissors. 3) Shoulder stand; 4) Pika front roll. 5) Front or back dismount. Mat movements: 1) Front roll. 2) Dive — chest roll. 3) Jump through. 4) Upstart. 5) Headspring. Ali competltors will be entered in the same class. Trophies: will be awarded in each individual event as Weil as three-way trophies on the basis of points achieved in each individual event. Ali clubs are urged to send competltors to this meet. Yrity.s Athlcllc Club. The avvardmg of an "Oscar"; for di-rection has also reccivcd much popu-lar support. .; ' Year afler year the expcricnce of the festivals ha.T been that dramas are the best competitive plays and also have the griatest audience appeal, al-though a comcdy did win the main awaid m Toronto last year. The a-vailablc repertoire of Flimish plays includes a number of good dramas, but the selecticn of a good F.nglLsli drama is much more difficult. Ho\y-evcr, good competitive plays m the Enshsh lan^ruage can be foiuid if the field is prcpsrly explored. And if cne cannot be fpyund. then we must call on our prospective playwrights to producc ivhat ui requircd. That of cours* would be the best soiution. At carlier fcötivals a coiifermce'has been held \vhcre the different aspccts cf the festLval have been d.^cussed. TJnfortunately this year the conference did not matenalizc. Beoause of this it is important that siJscial meet-inss be called m ali c^^ntres to discu-'i^ the drama festivals and that all pro-posals be forwardcd to. the national executive of the Finnish Organization. The first festivaJ wa3 started as an experiment which has become a ccn-tnil pomt m the culturaY.actintics of Pinnlsh-Canadian youtli. Your sug-gcstions Will help to .make the festival an even moro inipartant aroect of our activilies. — KK ALL DEPCNOS "Is" it true tjiat it's toad lucik for a bladt cat to follow you?" "Dopends vhctljer you're a man or mousc." Vrifys Hocltey Team IVuids Up Season Toroolo. A tmy eeason iaaa cpndudcd for the Vrlty» horkcy tcam. Agiltt ibla ytMt as in mauy lutbt years ihe Ccam was able <0: erin a spot In flie play-doH- nsT. iloirever. t&e first eerifs in Ibe |>laydowns forccd tbe ieam to rctlre for the season as they n-erc tcaten oat to the f inal game of Ifae two>out>of-tliree serlies. The team triUbe biuik to business afrain ueit fall aod ire liope_^ l l i cy wUi f are even better. Brundage puts it Bluntly Aftcr all the fräntic fuss about beat-ing Russia that comes from bel.ow the border. it's indecd refrcshing to hear a different pomt of view. Especlally from one of the top dogs in the -U-S, sports \vcrld (stricUy ' amatcur", of course). Avery BrundagB of Chicago, presl-dcnt of the International- Olymblc Committee, recently retumed from a tour of European cputrles, hicluding the Sovict Union. His impresslons and ideas will not Improve Mr. DuUes* slccpless nights. Mr. Brundage docsn't agrce .wifrh the VS.: State Department. In laet, he fecls that the cold war policy as apphcd to sports Is not the success its sponsors think. Says he: "The United States is rapidly losmg its status as one of the great sport nations of the World." This Is not the fault of other coun-tries-^ but of the environment under Avhich the U.S. youth live and play. (Our own young people are not en-tirely. immune from this influence); Instead of TV and juvenllc delln-qucncy, the ^oviet Union, on the other hand. is developing a new generation of.7-'hard-muscled young people." Mr. Brundage was dccply movcd by an Athlctic Paradc he watchcd whilc in. Moscow.' Impressed by the "magnificcnce and beauty" oi the Soviet sports spcctacle,. he wcnt on to say—"It was like something out of the Arabian <Nights. It was not only a ejTnnastic demonstration,. but o colorfulartistic event." An cxhibltion like that, he felt, was the loglcal outcome of a planncd national physical culture program. (But It is more than that. In the Soviet Union, a Champion in sports Is given an; ^'honored place in his soclety." (Just like a Champion in any other field.) He contrasted the vltallty and high morals of Soviet sport life wlth the dccadence in the, U.S. sports World. .-v'-. Mr,. ' Brundage also warned the powers-that-be that U.S. forcign policy had allcnated the friendship of millions of people. In Russia, he sald ". V . tlie propaganda for peace has a tremcndous effect. They have stolen the ball from us. They have three quartcrs of the world's people think-ing the United States is the aggrcs-sive country," (Could 1,500,000,000 humans be wrong?) A TIMEI.Y BOOK Exposing tfie itom Spy Hoax "VVhen the, Roscnbergr-SobcU - trial ;ended, ibe prosecutor: made a Short ;statcmcnt:that the affair, wa5..a 'ncccssary • by-product -of tliic atbmic .ag<;.^^; . ,'rhe;purposc of: this bouli isi to recODsidcr the premises; on . wliich such- a jud-gment" iera''mfc'io:""tÄ'completcly ac:;';: . ccptcil In the United States, and tolry to ascertain whether cvcrj-- ^ thing^ that has happeric* in America in the first dccade of.tbe ato-mlc era, so completely symboli-zrd by such a procceding as the Koscnberg-Sobell (riaLj is rcafly a neccssary by-product. of our agc° or whcthcr by artful manu-facture^ it has only been made to sccm SO." (From tlic Prcfacc, by the author.) The auLhor is a newspap2rman for-merly with the New York Compass and the progressive;weckly paper The National Guardian. His articles which appeared in the National Guardian m the carly days of the Bosenbcrg- Sobell case natcr reprmled in many countries) wcre read by hundreds of thousands of people. His,closeness to the Rasonberg-Sobell case led hlm to mvcstigatc it and other cases dealt with in this book—widely known cases, as the AlgerHiss case, (Morton Sobell and othcrs.Three chapters in the book are devoted to the Canadian trials of 1945.' William Reubenrlghtly treats the Canadian trials'as thC:openlng. shot hl the cold.war,campaIgnrH»lculatcd " to weaken and ^atter tfie: friendship which was established between the U.S.S.R., the.U.SJV., Great Britain and Canada: in the war against Hit- Icrism, - Most of the book, whlch Is excit-ingly written, deals however, wlth the U..S. cases. Basing'his rftsearchon the UJ5. trial record and court pro-ceedings. Beuben firmly cstablishes three major ideas: 1. That there never was an atom bomb Secret (admltted. by prominent sÄentists today and even stated as early as 1945, before Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were convicted and scnt to the clectric chair.) 2. That the trials were aimed at creating international tensions. 3. That many Innocent people were victimized. The recent revelatlons of -Harvey Matusow (former FBI acc Inform-cr) m his book Falsc AVitness, only emphaslze the validity of the thesis in The Atom Spy Hoax. The Atom Spy Hoax Is a ponctrat-, ing book that will deepcn pcoplCs l>e-liefs that the 'atom spy trials" werc propaganda devices In' the coldvar. In a sense it Is a pionecr work, slnqc it Ls the first book.that attempts to analyze the "spy trials'^ of the past dccade—trials whlch have'had enor- ' mous signlfIcance in fanning ths cold war. Tons of newsprint; mlles of tcr-rlfylng headlincs and prcsent day "tensions testify Uythis fact.-- > - The openlng chapters whIoh dfeal wlth the Canadian trials wlll be con-sldered weak In comparison wUh his dcscrlption of the U.S. cases. It re-veals a lack of familiarlty with the Canadian sccne. The mcönslstenclcs in his presentation also tend to weak-cn these chapters. This however, does ,not takc away from the author's main thcsis. This book is a contrlbution to the fight for peace. It Ls a powcrlul vln-dlcation of Etherand Julius Rosenberg and ltwill help tho-se öhamplons of justice • who are secklng to wln freedom for Morton Sobell—U.S. Scientist, who un Icss grcater prcssurc is broughfc to bear, viii be forccd to sit in Alcatraz until 1982 bccause he won't "co-operate." Conccrning Mor- Torstalsia, iujhtikutui U p. --^Timsäfiiy^.Apmi*, » » 9 9 , m The Toronto Matlboros and Qaebce 'nronlcnacs are both f all of plenty of cnergr MUI luvc » bani< Ing desin» to icach the Mcmorlal Cup fInals and captnre the Junior ^AV title aialnsl the «fnner o the Wc8tem aemr-flnala, whieh b belns declded bctween Redna and Winnlper. Oat of Hvejrame played the Marlboros have won 3 and Ued otte whlle the Qaeface Ceam haa one Vto and one FrontcnaCs f iery coach Phil IVatsim Is shown In the centre, «rhlle the othets f rom lef t to rlght wr W. 0'&ee. J. Itoosseaa. L.'Anianlo and B. Bouchard. ADDLED BY ADDS BY BOB WARD Gloriiying pink chcmkcs, Eulogizing smcHy chcescs, . Dcifyiifg rubbcr tircs Sanctifylng plumbcrs* plicrs; Accolading rubbcr pantics, Sercnading jlappcrs' scantics, Rhapsodizing bathroom Jixturcs, : Scrmonizing on throat mixturcs; Somc call thcni t/ic new "toion erien," Others call thcm "cockeyed lian*' "AdvcTtislng," the adivcrtlsing man said, "is' wondcrful, :^Why, wIthout advertising people wouldn*t know a-bout all of the wonderful Uiings that good Old private entcaprise has produced just for thcm..." Of course, the. adman says mucli more tlian this ^ much, onuch niocrc, To wlt; to wlt; "Haivcyou Bloo-ed your Ild latöly? Rcmcmbor Bloo—the only Bloo that ls txuly whlte ... comcs In a red box witlh bl« ycHow lotters. Yessir, devcn out of tcn peoplevwhohuc use Bloo. :Don't ojy 'Boo'. say Bloo." Or tako the fcllow who advei'tlscs Dentoeth ... "Just chcw Dcnteeth after every mcal. It will removc food partlolos täiat even the tooth Urush mlsscs." What^thls adman omits to say Ls that If one chews cnough guan altorenough tncals,thai one wUl soon bexhewlnSjOn thom-rKtmis t)lm|>lfl. ,^• ' ",Thcn'thcre's a '*tooth* paatfe ,*whicK is -adn/or tisod -a» /;j3estroying. bac teriä wlth ono biujahlng." On TV they show millions and miUIons'of equlggJy, ^ris-gly, wlggly litUe bacterla — oh! are bhey cver a horrible alght. Then, one swlsh of Bllstorlnc, or It Gamble on Boxcars, and all of the squlggly, vvriggly, wlggly bactcria airc wipcd out. ton Sobell, Judgc R. Kaufman stated on Aprll 6, 11051:". , . the cvldcncc hl the case did not polnt to any ac-tivity on your part in conncction with the atom bomb projcct . , ." It took years before the innoccncc of sacco and VanzcttI waB provcn, and the Innoccnce of Tom <Moöncy and the Innoccnce of Dreyfus. Thls book is an Important contrlbution iq exposing one of the great lics of our time». And this, (the adman says, la be-causc, "It .wlpes out cnzynu»."v The troubjc here ls that "cnzjymcs" ac-cording to tho dlctlonairy, cxlst in oH Uvlng mattcr and lure very nccossary. So if the adman is rlght Jn w}iat hc says about hls product thorc mtght ooncctvebly bc a danger of - not only "wlplng out cnzyimcs", but also wlp-ing out m... One of the thlngs which has alway<i struok us otx>ut all of the advortislng ls that ovory odvertiscr has "the best product," And of coiursc, every product advertlscd has Vspccial featurcfl." All pöllshes, get UJC ruboicqulro "no po- Ifcshlng." • In the'field of whLHkers all razors whio'c whiäkcrs whi&ktly awayi iwiU) ono whlsk. "No rubblng, no; brushinp;. no lather,' no cffort no f'acc.V Our missu.'{ says Incidcntklly 'that one adman who odvertiscs both a safety ra» zor^and clcctiic razorniVBt bc,"two-faccd." ,, - . . , ^ All bccra ,arc, bnrrrplcr, fullbodlc-dcr, smooooootlicr, loiver calorJed, "Svvitch lo Schiltz. Rcmcmbor fichlltz TBX%X CONTENT A wcalthy lamknmer. poss fine-loo3dng fahn. vas ato see a sign on It! "I^vmgive 1 to anyone who ls tmily cont< covcrlnf from his surprlse, he **Wc]I, I have evoiythlng I I ought to be wcll quallfied ni opply". Accordlnsly, he knoc^ door of the owner of the. ehlcrly Quaker, and e:q>Ifl prescncc. "And 4heo is truJy contcnt: the Quaker. "Indeed I am. Ttlhere h more that I deslrc." "In that eosc, Prlcnd," the Quaker."what does wlth my land?t 'Then, too. there are all o ducts wlth all of the "mag; las in thcm. :*'Only I>ous 54339 in it." And altho' n< tells you what the "farmu rununcd; that this is really scoretaty*8 mother^-ln-laMr'! numbcr. • • • Wo rcad rcoenUy tbnt ad the.' axl of - maikin^ >• people what they jlust bought Is-i by the time'they get hctni dced ee:'öne.'llstens: to rad reads tlie new£pa!pcra, an OTC adyct^cdf ad;. Infinit jttst imäke^tis ipondcsff Gomei Adlhg the wholc questlo thU pnereadpr of flds f would \aQ''i\ai aseveli ^^u about «nuch of: ttie produ Obyld 'tUh9e. :oSvoe r'I-ctaonvrine:gu:5 baolsl8 (i \ixi bcor wlth the full-bodlcd brrrrrp-"} on thd subjcot -to ihe tune Thcrc arc^ds that sdi dclergcnts T/tcre are ads that scU us soaps Thcrc arc ads that plug allkinds of Products If tue bclicvcd thcm wc'd sure be dopes. There arc ads that taik Ö*/ our cotnplexion Say that ive can look just itke a youth XVhich provcs that ads are ccrtainly ad-dictt They just never teli the truth. FUNNY TO HER "I «cver »oe you with Joan nowa- "No, I <lon't like ttic way ahe KIIXO laughs." . "Really? Ilve never notlced It.V "Weil, yott wercn't ttioro whcn I proposcd to her," YOUTH LEADERS EXPRESS OPINIONvS Warsaw Festival Offers Opportunity For Youtb To Seek Understanding Some wedu ago we annoonced the end of the skiinr season, but rince then we rcceivcd the above photo of our leadinir FCASF sklers, and ire eoii)dn't nslst pablishhiff it, as there Is some dancer that next season other skicrs wriJl forgc ahead^and pnt ihe boys oat of the IhnelighL On the left We have the FCASF senior champ Anttt Ba-nta who rcpresento Jehu A,C. In the centre la runner-op Hart Pain» of Speed. who ahowed tremendoas hnpnmsnent last season. At the righi wc hare Unto Penttinen of Jeho, chalnnan of the FCASF sU etmuntut^ yrhfli^tn fffiftt «Tt a-^^* r»«^ hl »Idlnff althoosb he is better known for ihe fine votic he ha« done in promoUnc cros«-eoantJ7 iUfaiS both fn the FCASF and abo aa an aettve member of the Nerthem Ontaria .Ski Zone, vherebe has been commended for his nmtk, Nole the llashjr FCASF sld.ootflts Karl j-id Unto arc weAr'jag, LET'8 GO TO WABSAW! "Why* not go to the Festival" asks Rev, Grla Möller, General Secretary of the Ycung Mcn's and Young 'Wo-mcn's Christian Association in Den-mark. — 'It is Iruc thai thcrc arc many youth leadcr,? v/ho do not like their young people to go to big gath-crlnss held behind the ircriTcurtäin — nor wculd they «o thcmselvcs. But, is It righi to takc such a position? In my opinion, It Li nott The FcstjvaLi may have a political «ignl-fIcance, but thcir greatest aim i» to hlghllght the great sports and cultural compctltions. So it win tae at the Festival In •Warsaw, Naturally there may bc ma.^^ • dcmfm«tration'> v/hlch youth from Christian coun-trica W3ll not apprcclate bul whcther they ap.orovc or dlsapprove of the .system i t v/ould bc profitablc to Ieam the life and Idear, of people hving m CommunL^t countries. Youth v/ho are activc and attentive partIcJpanta wjn aJv/ays binefit from mccting other youth whosc Ideas may secm urvxiual but v/hosc hearls are human like thcir own," — LOOK FOR UMJERHTANfJiNO Rev, Henrik Dan-r Christensen. Presldent of the DaniKh Cultural Youth Organizations of more than m,00(f members wntcs: "Last fall I particlpatcd a» a guctt at the CounciJ Meeting of the WorJd Federation of Dcmocratlc Youth In Peking, where we diecuKsed amoni? other thSng», the Fe«tival tbl-s comJri? summer, Again I was convlnced that »e have to Ieam to understand each other In this w/M-ld. We have to meet on a peacefiil basis, have free and. open discu«5lons to try to find grounds for understanding rather than look on the thlngs whlch dlvidc us. Young people *hould not bring thcir idco-logics to the Festival but only thcir youth, If we can mcct on this basis at the Festival i t win bc an important and frultful event," CANADIAN VOUTI! LEAOEB8 COMMENO TIIE FESTIVAL Pcggy Stanley — Convenor of a United Churdi Young Adults Club in Torfmto say»:' •At the Festival wc »ee the young people of, other nation»' and they sec us U) best advantagc, I can think of no better way to in-omotc goodv/ill and understanding tiian the Festival — an opportunty for young people of all the World U) gcl ac-fjuaintcd,. In supporting the Festival Wc w;ll bc: doing more for the de-fehce of clyilizatlon than thosc who build atomlc bomfas," Eugene Dolny — Cultural Dircctor öf the AsBocIatlon of United Ukral-nlan Canadian* in Toronto — Dircctor of the 'HahJliÄ TVomen'» Cboir, v/hich won a Ist priste in the Klwa- Ti!.'< Fcgtival has the followhig to say; " I attcndtd the l«t World Youth Festival In Praguc, In 1947, an cvcnt whlch wlll live In my mcmory for years to rame, There is nothlng flner than to partlcipate in a Festival of song, dance, music — the international expresslon of love and friendship for, ä peaceful World, Canada »hculd be weil rcpreaented." Robert Stevens—- Presldent of Toronto Joint Soard, United Electrica) Workers — Gener»! Electric write8: "I ccrtainly endorsc the Pestlval as bclng a wonderful mcans ::for the young people of the World to g%ln knowlcdi{c and understanding of one anotlicrs' ways of life." r Monin kertainen ;J teille, kun saavuitte y] teen kotiimme suuren kon keralla. Se oli € ci unhoitiT kositaan. •Monet kiitokset niist tii lahjoista Ja kahvip< koincn Iditos toim< KUtosmyöe kaikille ottivat osaa, mutta c saapua. Ystävyydcllii teitä muistaen Siiri ja Sam l Eby Town»hip : SU. i [ i i ' i l i i l i l ! l i ! ! i i i M i l | ' ! ! l ' l ' H ! l ! l l ! l ' l ! ' i ' ' l " i i l i l i J i i i i i i i l l i i i i i i i S l i i i l M M I I i l l i i n l i i i l i i l l i t i l t l i l l ! ! » ' K I I T OS Parhaimmat kiitokseni teille Kapuskasingin ystävät e kasta kahvialstilaisuudcsta. Jonka minulle Järjestitte sy väni Johdosta saapuessani kämpältä, Jossa oli vieraita a tushcsta asti. Kaunis kiito» niistä «levistä Ja arvokkaista lahjoista, J «ain vastaanottaa hauskoin puhein, täyttäessäni 60. vuot Kiito» myöskin kämppä No, 84 työtovcrelUc saamasta nölliscstä Ja kalliista lahja,<}ta. YhtciscsU teitä, kaikkia kaikesta kiittäen. ANSELM SUURNIEMI KAPUSKASINO V Ä I N Ö L I N N A N kirjoittama suuri sotaromaani - ' ff* TUNTEMATON SOTII ensinunainen lähetys loppuiuunyyntU: neljän päivän a iltana HINTA $3.80 Uusi lähetys luhssa ja suurempi kuin ensimma Lähettäkää tilauksenne nyt, Jotka täytetään heU kon lofa saapao. VAPAUS PUBLISHING CO. BOX 69 SVDBUBY,
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, April 14, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-04-14 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550414 |
Title | 1955-04-14-02 |
OCR text |
l -
tao iuteuttöin J ä i S f^
ritetruaan tutktouksen.lJ^j^
"Oletan, että te olette muusikfa, ^
soitatte itoapalneella toimi^/^
"Se fielittää asiaa", lausm lääu
'Keuhkonne ovat selvästi rasit^*"
kuriunpää on tulehtunut &ST^
jostakin epänormaalisesta j ^ r ^
sesta. Minkälaista instrumen^T
soitatte?" J*
i -
i -
Mies yritti rohkaista itseään krt.
siakseen mlelitettjään. mutta ei JAT
tänyt tilanteeseen sopfvia sanoja, m
meln hän sai änkytetyksi:
•«a-fcaluatko auttaa" minua pa]kfa„,
tuhlaamisessa?" /~7^
"=:yim vain", sanoi tyttö r,:pp^
"Tar-tarkoltan ikuisesti» w
mautti kosija. '
'Ei se niin pitkää iaikaa:^stä^
ei ole enää missäi
sanoi asiantuntija
Washingrton. — Eräs puhelimen a.
lakuuntelun asiantuntija sanoi^e^as-
'ajahuoneen erikoiskömitean kiiului.
telussa joku aika sitten, että mikään
puhelinkeskustelu ei ole salainen kos-ka
elektroonilaitteillä varustetut aah
kuuntelijat- voivat kuulla vieläpä «1-"
Iäisenkin puhelinkeskustelun, miia
heillä ei ole minkäänlaista johtoyfi.
teyttä. Kaiken lisäksi on tällaisia sa-lakuuntelijoita.
hyvin vaikea saada
selviUe. Tämä todistaja oli 33-^
tias Bernard Spindsil New Yoiki^a
ja hänen lausuntonsa johtivat komt
tean puheenjohtajan sanomaan, eta
puhelinkeskustelujen salakuuntelu m
Yhdysvalloissa saavuttanut "skandai.
limaisen laajat mittasuhteet."
Mr. Spindell sanoi, että hän^oi
kieltäy^nyt hankkimasta itseljeffl
puhelinta koska puhelinkeskustelujs
voidaan seurata sellaisUla suunnatuilla
elektroonilaitteillä. joilla ei ole mi-tään
yhteyttä puhelinjohtoihin ja
jotka voidaan suunnata yhtä tarkasti
kuin kyetään .tähtäämään teleskck-tähtäim^
lläj. kaiken lisäksi, on
sitty vielä sellaiset laitteet, jotkajks-täävät
keskiisfelUjen .'ääniakUDtDoko
huoneiden seinlstä-taf ikkhhbista.'OSi.
neksi nämä viimeisimmät menettelytavat
eivät ole varsin laajalti tiin-nettuja
sillä ne ovat vain."meidän
harvojen tiedossa-', sanoi mr. SpindeH
262 karkoitettiin
Canadasta 1954
- pttawa. — Viime vuoden aikana
karkoitettiin Canadasta kaikkiaan 262
henkUdä, todettiin parlamentin ala
Jiuoneelle alistetuissa tiedoissa viime
Viikolla,. Miltei puoaet eli kaikkiaan
130 Henkilöä ikaiikoitettiiri rikollisen
menneisj-yden tähden, 80 palautettiin
terveydellisistä syistä, 29 sen Johdosta
että olivat saapuneet maahan laittomasti,
19 asn takia että olivat joutuneet
huollettavien kirjoihin ja 4
"muista syistä." Karkoitettujen Mukana
lähetettiin maasta 56 heidän
Karkoltetuista lähetettiin 108 Britanniaan,
74 Saiksaan ja 34 Italiaan..
Ford rakennuttaa
Toronto. — Ford Motor Co. of Canada
on ilmoittanut rakennuttavansa
tähän kaupunkiin noin 8,600.000 ar-:
voisen pääkonttorirakermuksen, jonSa
pitäisi olla »valmis Jcdmen vuoden kuluessa.
Rakennuksen .paikkaa ei ole
vielä määrätty.
l -
i U-aa
johdosta joku ammatti-ilmiantaja roi
"todistaa" heitä vastaan. : Ja kutai j
sanottu, ; ammattitodistajan "ilmianto"
on. merkinnyt työpaikan menetjs-j
tä ja pahempaakin rajan eteläpuo-j
Sitäpaitsi monilla vapaamielisilii j
amerikkalaisilla oli se harhakäsitys,|
että he pelastuvat itse ilmiantajainj
nuotasta, jos vlimeksimahiittujen sal-j
Iitaan käyttää ja tuhlata energiansa j
'kommunisteja" vastaan.
Mutta''kuten tapahtui Saksassa;j»|
muissa fasistimaissa, Yhdysvalloissa-|
kin ovatv nämä vapaamieliset piu^J
(tri • Oppenhelmer, - Lattimore Jnö j
saaneet kokea, että kukaan el ole sl-j
loin turvassa, jos kansalaisoikeudet]
riistetään: Joltakin väestöosalta, Samalla
he' ovat saaneet nähdä, «täj
ammatti-ilmiantajat pyrkivät Jatka-|
vasti laajentamaan tohnintapiiriääaj
Onhan selvää, että kommunlstiTastal-.|
set väärät valat eivät voi pitkää aiö»|
^•ydyttää ihmisten mielien myikyrtii
lä., On keksittävä yhä uusia Ja uvstj
syytöksiä'Ja llniiantoja. jotu on aia»!
uutta todistettavaa", mikä yksinäiaj
takaa Juudaspenninkien jatkuvan
ion, Ja.Ifun mies on juoppohuUu, oii3|
hän tarvitsee elatuksensa lisäksi ss-'j
voiset rahasummat väkijuomien osti-d
iiilseen' ja sairaalahoidon roaksaB*x
seen" kuten on asla Cveticin kohdalttJ
se panee' keksimään entistä mieli)a:|
vituJEselllsempIa "ihniantoja".
Juuri tätä tarkoitti kirjailija Ste3r|
beck selittäessään, ettei ybdaJ^I
aifamattl-llmlantajan "todistaisfj
voida uskoa. — Känsäkoura
Sudbury Won John Salo Trophy
Sudbnry. — The Third Annual
YouthDrama Festival of the Finnish
Oifanizatton proved to be every Ijit
the success that was expected. Anote-varthy
f eatine of thls feaitival "R-as the
iact that the over ali quality had im-proved
to the point where very few
people vvould be wllling to attempt
to list the plays in order of pref erence
and "vve are sure that if they did,
complete unanhnity would be impos-siblc.
This of course . f lu^ther enhanced
the difficult task of the adjudicators.
However when they announced that
they had selected .the Finnish pr-,
ganization entiy-frcm Sudbury. "So-tamorsiot",
direcied by Helen Grenon,
the applause "Df the audience indicat-ed
that their choice had" been Mvell
founded. The task of pickmg out the
best actor and actress seemed even
jnore difficult as the adjudicatora
praised many participants . for fine
performances. The f hial decision was
that Ella Soderbacka in "Sotamor.siot"
had best succeeded in interpreting her
part. The leading male award went
to Allan Waren f or his commendable
performance in the Yritys sponsored
play "Pot Luck" difected by Thora
Neil. This -»as Allan's second "Oscar'.'.
He von hls first "GciiaT" in the first
festival, whloh wa5 held in Sudbury
two years ago. At that time Allan
played the lead role in an entry f rem
South Porcupine. This was also the
second time tfliat a play.directed by
Helen Grenon won the top award of
the festival, vhich is the John Salo.
The comments of the adjudicators
jiave already toeen publi&hed in this
paper.so we -»111 confinc our remarks
to other asi>ects of ths festival.
. One of the weaknea>es of the festi-vals
has been that the festivals have
been generally confined to entrles
from Toronto and Sudbury with only
oneor two plays bemg entered from
smaller centres. Participation in the
festivals has indicated that tihe smaller
centres can partlcipate on an
cqual hasis and it is hcped that
smaller centres will make serious
planri to enter a,play in the next festival
which wiU probably be held in
Toronto. Every centre has the neces-sary
forces, lefs get cracking. .
Another shortcoming was the f act
that this yearit was announced that
the best play tvritten by a Finnish-
Canadlan and performcd at the festival
vould be awarded a trophy, but-we
have not heard of any attempt,s
made to write plays. We hope that
next year this trophy will not rcmain
on the shelf. Perhaps: in order to
get work started m this field, wnters'
workft'iop3 could . be. forxned where.
such a task could be undertaken col-leclivcly.
The older generation of
Finnish-Canadians has produced a
•svealth of plays, nowels and poetry. If
we wish to carry on this cultural trar
dition we'll really have to get busy.
Much has been said about our indi-vidual
"Oscars*' and itseems that generally
the younger generation fa-vours
the adoption of the samc system
of awards aa has become common in
other Canadian drama festivals,
vhere the main individual "Oscars"
are awarded to the. leading actress
and actor and separate "Oscars" for
the best supporting actress and actor.
AH Ciubs Urged To Ätterid IndoorJump
Championsiiips And 6ym Conipetition
Toronto.— Ali clubs of the Fin-nish-
Canadlan Amatuer. Sports Federation
are hereby notified that the
Indoor Jump Championship Meet,
with the permission of the FCASF,
will be sponsored by Yritys A. G. and
• held in Toronto at the : Don; 'Hall,
Saturday, April 23, at 2 P: M. •
The program of FCASF championship
Indoor events includes high
jump, broad jump and hop. st^ and
jump in the foIlowing classes: open,
undcr 21 and undcr^ 17.
Only first-place .medals will be
.awarded In ali classes in ali events.
In addition three-way championship
medals wlll be avrarded for aggregate
points achieved in the three evants.
in ali three classes. Inter-club compe-tition
Vili be on an unofficial basis
'with no trophy.
Immediately followIng the mdoor
'jump championship Yritys A.C. Is
sponsoring a gym competitlon in
•»hich all clubs- are Invited to partlcipate,,
Tbe gym competition will not
be. a championship event. •..
The program includes elementary
movements on the high bar, parallel
bars and'mat. The following movements
are compulsory :
High lar: 1) Front upstart. 2)
Pree backward clrcIe. 3) Short un-derswing
dismount. •
Parallel bars: 1) Back Circle mount
to front thigh leanmg rest. 2h Half
scissors. 3) Shoulder stand; 4) Pika
front roll. 5) Front or back dismount.
Mat movements: 1) Front roll. 2)
Dive — chest roll. 3) Jump through.
4) Upstart. 5) Headspring.
Ali competltors will be entered in
the same class. Trophies: will be
awarded in each individual event as
Weil as three-way trophies on the
basis of points achieved in each individual
Ali clubs are urged to send competltors
to this meet.
Yrity.s Athlcllc Club.
The avvardmg of an "Oscar"; for di-rection
has also reccivcd much popu-lar
support. .;
' Year afler year the expcricnce of
the festivals ha.T been that dramas are
the best competitive plays and also
have the griatest audience appeal, al-though
a comcdy did win the main
awaid m Toronto last year. The a-vailablc
repertoire of Flimish plays
includes a number of good dramas,
but the selecticn of a good F.nglLsli
drama is much more difficult. Ho\y-evcr,
good competitive plays m the
Enshsh lan^ruage can be foiuid if
the field is prcpsrly explored. And if
cne cannot be fpyund. then we must
call on our prospective playwrights
to producc ivhat ui requircd. That of
cours* would be the best soiution.
At carlier fcötivals a coiifermce'has
been held \vhcre the different aspccts
cf the festLval have been d.^cussed.
TJnfortunately this year the conference
did not matenalizc. Beoause of
this it is important that siJscial meet-inss
be called m ali c^^ntres to discu-'i^
the drama festivals and that all pro-posals
be forwardcd to. the national
executive of the Finnish Organization.
The first festivaJ wa3 started as an
experiment which has become a ccn-tnil
pomt m the culturaY.actintics of
Pinnlsh-Canadian youtli. Your sug-gcstions
Will help to .make the festival
an even moro inipartant aroect of our
activilies. — KK
"Is" it true tjiat it's toad lucik for a
bladt cat to follow you?"
"Dopends vhctljer you're a man or
Vrifys Hocltey Team
IVuids Up Season
Toroolo. A tmy eeason iaaa
cpndudcd for the Vrlty» horkcy
tcam. Agiltt ibla ytMt as in
mauy lutbt years ihe Ccam was
able <0: erin a spot In flie play-doH-
nsT. iloirever. t&e first eerifs
in Ibe |>laydowns forccd tbe ieam
to rctlre for the season as they
n-erc tcaten oat to the f inal game
of Ifae two>out>of-tliree serlies.
The team triUbe biuik to business
afrain ueit fall aod ire liope_^
l l i cy wUi f are even better.
Brundage puts it Bluntly
Aftcr all the fräntic fuss about beat-ing
Russia that comes from bel.ow the
border. it's indecd refrcshing to hear
a different pomt of view. Especlally
from one of the top dogs in the -U-S,
sports \vcrld (stricUy ' amatcur", of
Avery BrundagB of Chicago, presl-dcnt
of the International- Olymblc
Committee, recently retumed from a
tour of European cputrles, hicluding
the Sovict Union. His impresslons and
ideas will not Improve Mr. DuUes*
slccpless nights.
Mr. Brundage docsn't agrce .wifrh
the VS.: State Department. In laet,
he fecls that the cold war policy as
apphcd to sports Is not the success
its sponsors think.
Says he: "The United States is
rapidly losmg its status as one of the
great sport nations of the World."
This Is not the fault of other coun-tries-^
but of the environment under
Avhich the U.S. youth live and play.
(Our own young people are not en-tirely.
immune from this influence);
Instead of TV and juvenllc delln-qucncy,
the ^oviet Union, on the
other hand. is developing a new
generation of.7-'hard-muscled young
Mr. Brundage was dccply movcd
by an Athlctic Paradc he watchcd
whilc in. Moscow.' Impressed by the
"magnificcnce and beauty" oi the
Soviet sports spcctacle,. he wcnt on
to say—"It was like something out
of the Arabian |
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