1954-07-22-03 |
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m. omistaja Hani aage ^ a . , toteutti jtätej,^ lansa kahvilansa aej. skiUauseen perusteella: Haan-vain 80 vuotti .ka ovat vanhempien^ I'p2i;änä tuh ravinto; . H . P. stratton Seatt.' lan Isansa kanssa. Ha-' ensin hammastyneeii; kuitenkin laskun. < .EX VAARA yksen johtaja, jcka tut-een cmlstajam välisti .ähtyi tutkimaan ita. i : "Tulipalon sattuessa tasapuolisesti •' likovat tunnelituioi Yhdysvaltalaisten fi. :anssa on tehty sopi. rustsella ne saavat 5fl :aikk> tulotsiitämaan-' •oka. rakennetaan joen' an Quebecin ja Levisin unnelln rakennuskus-;;] reilaan nousevan • $30! lanin. iipungin «valtuusto hy-^- ] :sen vajaan 20 mlnuu-' 1 Jälkeen. Champlain-itiön presidenttinä tui''' ''ilbrodLanglais. jonka-jism kannattajia maa-tijakunnassa. Hän tu-: i ison new>orkilaisen Kuhn & Loebin edus^' 1, etta kaikki tunnelin .tarvittavat teknikot ja lan Yhdysvalloista mukaan yhtiöllä on ol-aisesta tunnelia käyt- 1, 50 senttiä,, kuorma- : tonniin asti 75 sent-: nmista kuorma-autois-' )ttoripyonstä sekä pol-senttiä. [iPP:n aluekomitea on^ tunnelin rakentaminen aa liittovaUion, maa-cunnan hallinnot eikä jn yhtiö, joka tulee »n-viioden aikana huo-otymaanperimlstääni Aluekomitea on lUt, että tunnelin käyt-aikille ilma.nen. 'at nyt"» silmälläpidon Jtetyillä a lueilla, missä kenneliä."' Toisin sa-keskitysleireilla ihtaja - selittää edel-irassä. antikommunisti-saan on Siamm halli-: a .voimakkaana tuke-lat, joka vume vuosina : suuremman vaikutus- ' .Hän kertoo amenk-onantajista armeijassa sa, mutta han ei mal-; laaja vaikutus • todelli- :osyynäan "kommunis-H t a " pystyttää Yhrfys- ^sarmeijaa, joka tules > nperialistien kaskyläf-n laskelmien .mukaan ivoimista ja 95% lento-.? idysvaltojen aseilla va-: ilntäin 82 strate^ta, me vuosina rakennettu n imperialistit ovat: imin sotilaalliseksi ta-do- Kiinaa ja Kiinan aa vastaan. Haan Imä; joka on kauttaal-nen Yhdysvaltam lm-; auodostaa vaaran naa-.* lUitsevaa klikkiä kay »pulana Yhdysvaltpjea-rikollisessa politiikassa,: vastaan ; ei olisi sekään, vaikki; a väkivaltaa käyttäen hilen taatusti kommo- '^presidentin-johtaniij tUalle saataisiin täy-ikkalaismielinen | sellainen kurittomnDSj atta jatkua McCarthy-naissa. Silta on rndS •kkinä Guatemala. , mennen sanoen, yh***! Jopomojenkin sanotatf ^ Munauksensa Guatena-j He. Ennenvanhaan s»-] [en vaUoittaneen äijiltä ja mantuja ja *»' een lähetyssaarnaaj» m voitelua niille, jo»^ tiin "ostaa" polkubj jh suiden f nautittava*»: 1 ötainä kerrottim | mtiön Ja Yhdysvaltaa ntin armosta toiflJi*»^, ^unionistisen" UOäai» neuvoteUeet AFL:n P i n kanssa ^Utä, » » * itemalan työväeaB» imunlsnolsta siten. 1 jhdonkin'taholta B»-! «pomojen ääni. iJ^l mdaan^ ampuen t^lTiij xstakin.' [ Joitiikseä ja Uitenelden 'Jan'**2[ sta peukaloa-yn*»! The National Grbups And Their Future The Ukrainian - Camp. at Falermo^ Ont., was the scene of a gay yonth ffstival on the Canada Day weckend. The province Wide festival attea^ 2,000'voun? pcople from all:over the province, many of whom töok an activc part i n the sports and cultnral program provlded at ^^^t Yritys members totA aa aetive part te Ihe «nck meet.' The abore.iAoto sbows the yoong partlcipants parading from the sports field to the con-cert site.wbere the festival finalewa8held^^^ 8 pjumises to be an annnal event. ' ' iinii BY STANLEY LINKOVICU I thcir cultural hcritage.^; v l^ -me hlstory of our youth movcmcnt ''V^' T"^^' ^^T' fn Canada is unique. We do not ^^•'"^fi'''"!'il"""* "TJ""^""?. haVe cnly one progresshe youth o r - T ; , ^ "^r.^^.Z,^^ the YouU, «anizatlon. We have many ' f f '^T'*' To undcrstand these youth org^iea-tlönsi yoii hiftve; to.'undentand their Kievin Dymam voitti ^Norjan' maajouldafeeii Klev. ~ muOU suoritetuin heinäk. 14 pnä paikftlllMp 'Dynamo-seuran Joukkueen Ja Norjan maajoidckueen: välinen Jalk^7allOrOttelu.Ja1ca päättyi Dynamon Aroittooo S <-> 2. Vierailijat salvat: sydämellisen vastaanoton. ?ECORDS THREATENED |Whitefish Speed Will Be Among ajor Contenders at Liittojuhlas UniDSS Yritys or some of the. other | 273.93; Kitts and -Palomäki, despitc blubshave.somethinghiddenup their^their: lowef pointSi put Up a good llcere, Speed A/ C. from, \^hitefish , showing in most events but Kitts, who lUl be one of. the major contenders li the Annual Sports Meet i n Toronto i-hic.n. \vill.'be held July 31 and Augr ist 1, This. ccnclusicn was drawn. l>y »st CI thcspectators who attendeci |h5 Spced sponsored meet at Beav^r liie. Sunday July 11. : Although pax^. xipation iro.Ti Alerts and Jehu-vas |iHiitsd, the Whitefish athletes niade ip^ for it by turning out m ; larger luinbeiö than have .been seen for jny years from this farming^com--: rjnity. Not only was. theiniunber liSp3ed:particip>ant5 encouraging but^ [cme of .tne; results of. Sundays meet; yjii to very good possibihties, ; , : The highlight, of; the meet occurred |n.tiieSOO mebre;run,',when Tauno-jaan, of Speed poured on the steam;: »nd did his two.laps around.the 400 letre track m 2, minutes ,and five teconds flat, which • i s ; 3.9 seconds ;tter:.thau the existmg; federation re-; 3rd.;in; the under-^l- class held.:b3^: )im (T^isty) Oja of the Alerts. he unfprtuna te part:, is r that, a i - ' jnoiigh. three watches^were beingf^used; n the .tming, ?only .two ;were b record Saan's time, which means Ibat a new record cannot ibei applied |or, HQwever, Whitefish is not down jn the mouth over the incident, äs [ney are cpnfident that Tauno Saari lul bo able to better; his time ät the ttojuhlas in Toronto. .TTie Whitefish team i n the practlce snedi5>i relay also put up a flne io»ing, daspite. the f act that ali the embersof the team had only shortly rfore entcred -the 800 metre: grihd; IS the opmicn of / most spectators jhat it will • ta ke a good team to vkeep fp^ith t.^c Speed tcam at liittojuh-[! ["IVE EVE.NT RESULTS In the open class five-event, .which ncludcd IGO metres, shotput. discus, Ir^d jump and hop, ;step and jump, llelvin Latvala, Alerts led the field r establi,hing a lead i n the discus |'oad jump and hop, step and Jump, F the 100 metres he was liudged out I' fir.v. Place by Speed's Jorma Palo-raii ^^hose time was 12 6, while in "2 shoiDut V. Sytela of Speed was: to .,'ct a little mofe "oomph" "hiHj tne shot to reach the 8.93 p^tr? maik. The following points f-e achir./ed by the four contes- ^its h M Latvala,* Alerts 320.25 2) S.>te!a, Speed 304.44 3) G . K i t t s. fPeed 280 72 4) J . Palomäki. Speed hasn't participated in track and field for a number of years, lost pomts on the discus, VWhile Palomäki m the hop. step and jump had difffculty in reaching the pit because i t was his flrst atte^pt at this event. Bothof them. will be raising their pomts counl Tvhen they master these events. : . -In the under 21 class five-event Tauno Saari; Speed, piled up a safc : l 6 a d l n points byestablishing a good lead orver his rivals ,m the 100 metres, and by. vmning the hop, step and: jimjp. byjcoverlng almost 12 metres. -Allan Hinvela.- Alerts. took; the top laurcls m. the 12.pound shot and the broad 'jump. while R. Passi, Speed. f excelled i n , the discus throw. The results: 1) , T . Saari, Speed 326;70 2) A. Hirvelä. iAletts 306.75 3) R.° Passi, Jehu 306.12 4) D. Pulras, Speed 263 35. WOaiEN'S THREE-E\^NT • Joyce Lujanen -led the way i n -the -wDmen's events • by ';leading v i n . ali events, 60 metres. shotput and broad jump. The 60 metres she. cavered.: i n ' t he enviable.timelof 9 seconds f lat. • The final pomts were as follows:;l):Joyce; Lujanen 204.27 2) G. K i t t s 170.82 3) , V . Etula 165.18. ÄLARMING GROWTH OF yiÖLENCEON U;S.TV "Telewision: A World Survey", r e - cently published by the United, Na-- tions Educational, Scientific and Cul-^ tural .Organizatldh. jCUiNiESCQ)dis-closes : that .violence is increasing on U. S ; television • programs,, includmg children's programs. The Teport states. that .over three m i l h o n American children under six-, : teen still have their eyes glued, to the television .soreen a^ midnight each night. It estjmates that 36 miUion American children a r e teloviewing at 5 p.m. each night. j "liittle more than-one-tenth of the children's programs are devotcd to Information V and instruction. ,; even ;when historical and adventure dra-mas are counted i n , " says the.report. Both advertismg and violence are moreasing on U.S. television.: Number of acts of: violence m ali programs (except sports, news, weather.public Issues and pubhc events) rose from 2.970. in a specimen week of 1952 to 3,539 m a specimen 1953 week. : " I n children's programs, the violence rose-from 1,278 to 1,412 or a - bout 10 percent. For ali time. there were 5.8 acts and threats. and hour in 1952 and 6.3 m 1953. a 9 percent increase." ; >Keporting great controversym the U. S. about the content of TV. .programs, the report says: "Orime programs, and , off-color jokes may be a drawing :card : w t h a great section of: the audience. but it Is asked whether the broadcaster does nothave a responsibility :whlch Impprtant Alerts Meeting Sundäy at Työn Puisto It is hoped that members of i Alerts will make a speclal effort to attend »club membership meetins whlcfa wil be held at Työn Puisto at four In the aftemoon, foIIowing the chlldren*8 program on Sunday.: Two important items; partlcipa-tion in the liittojuhlas and- the . Question of holding ;a meet' In ,mid August will be' the main matters to be dlscuss^ - V The club Is planning to charter • a bus for the ^^Toronto. trip. • Thfcre - ^ Is ^ stilt some space ravailable' f or passengers and'Propectlve'passen- - -: gers are. urged to contact "Melvin I.atvala at OS 3-2026 between 5 and 6 in the evening. , i - - PASCUNIAK; YOU .«AAJce A NEW FlTTl.^lG FOfe /AV -HIM ^PEND A YOU DO THE MOST FOR... IS THE ONE TO. EXPEa THE LEAfT FROM should restrain .faim frpm .exploiting, the weaknesses of viewer5?'i iMany. countrles .''regard wlth consl-derable: apprehension developments m the XJJS. and elsewhere ;WihIcih ex- . tend/, the broadcast day, .fxom early. moming untillat e at night. .. "Critics are concemed with the I n - roada which television Is liable to make upon other forms of entertain-ment and instruction. : "F.ducatcrs express the fear that television may dominate the life o f children an'd lead them to spend much of their time as spectators rather thän as : active partlcipants j n play and leaming. " T h e result of long hours of programs is bound to be that quallty becomes the exception, that, creatlve talent among -vriters, performers and producers alike gets stale and ex-hausted. and that tiie public is swamped w i t h a ; flood of programs which deaden its discriminative taste." • • • On S<wiet television, the report says that besides three stations >— M<ftcow Leningrad and Klev- — transmttting regular broadcasts; amateur construc-tion of television station and recelv-mg cquipment is highly developed. Radio amateurs i n K h a r k o y ; took the initia-tive in constructlonv of a television : centre: vorkers In .mahy Kharkov factories devoted i h e l r - l e l - sure hours to making transformers transmitters and rectifiers,? aerlals and other accessoriesfree of charge. Radio amateurs in many other towns are also iMJginning. to bujld television centres. Alerts Triick Meet Siinday, Juiy 25 • < - l . ! ' f * t : . ? liast'Tyedhesday -the-^erts athl^tic, field was the^ scene. of .busy- ^^tvfties, Volunteer$,\|ro]^er4 .with iS^pveL-^jia^ rakes ;de|5cen<ie<V on ^tiie ^ movedthe^' atoundantici^P,pf weed5; and grass that :hasil)een>growlng;unr; disturbed since the;5now melted, v,- - - =• Others, no doubt influenced'.by^:the fact that thef^riners arebusy.haying kept the.scy1^p,pioving.with,the re-, suit that the 'thxowing f ield now locrics as it, should. Although , everyone worked steadily.the work could,not be completed :in/^lme;and: a new,,work day is planined for.this<wwk.i^:^ T^ track. ;throwipg field ; and^ Jumping pits wiU then be in firstclass shape. Then on Sunday, July 25rat 10 AJM. local athietes will be ableto test their : W sliould remember. that the his- ; toiy pf Canada is a hUtöry of imnii- .!gration. .Bven as . native" Canadian Jdeas, customs and habits grc\v, there :Wasva constant influx of newipeoplei .Wilh new ideas. new. habits ajidcus-- toms continually bCiig added. • : The working people who came to this country - i . pften their o n l y s k i ll being Jn - gnarled hands and muscled backs —'found i t difflcult to inte--' grate themselves :into the new land; The language and customs of a strange. comitry do not come easlly to a man who Is mouldmg, building, m i - nlng, lumbermgi railroading, farming, änd - who has little • i f any ability to; rejMi and wrlte oven in his own ton-gue.- Thus, the newconiers tended to group.themselves by language. In the westi you find rwhole districts which' •are Russian orUkramian. There are a great number of Hungarians around '.Delhi, Ontario, and so it gocs. Many of these people came from countries rife ^ i t h - turbulencc and revolutionary tunes. - Many of.: them had? f led the- oppression of their homelands. They had , Icarned to struggle and they had learned the, (value of organi2!ation. Thus the most mihtant of them grouped to- ^ether in small clrclesi discussion and study groups. in Canada. To fmd a means of relaxation, of, education; of cultural expresslon. they formed larg;^; er. mass organizations — led by tlic most progi-essive and: militant of the inunigrant workers. I n their long and rich histoiy thcsc organizations have <:ontributed much to Canadian life. : Tliey have added to Cahada's wealth of culture. They have in:tiated .and; participated in .people'fiaotions for better conditions, f o r , malntaining and extcndlng the rights of people, for pcace and a-galnst war. FOBMATION OF YOUTII DIVISIONS Stlll comparatively f resh f rem theur homeland, the immlgränts wantcd to pi-esenve their Ideas,: their language and culture^ of their childrjen.Love ^f homeland ]iles - slowly and ;even remains af ter the love of the' new land has taken roots and grpwn deep.' They^orgänized language'and CUIT tiu*^ ^^ools for the children.. ]l*he crilldren ^^many of them Jjornin,'the Old counti'y and grown up. in Canada — were. eager. to learn. • To some of these;youth, the role of; the Soviet Union iin the 2nd World W»r gaye a. greatj: impetus to desire to maanlain origin and hlstory i n Canada. Is thcre a futiu-e for dur progres-r si vc mass youth organizations? X be-licve thcrc is and that lt's a luture o; growth. ' ' : .We have gone forward from ;our initial idea of' prcserivlng --the herl>i' tage oiu: parents brougl|t to thlS couriti-y. Today -our• aims are much hroader.-Today, we are' interested :in dovelopihg our lieritage V as - part .of the riöh Canadian heritage.: But v;we recognize that the Canadian heritage goes far beyond what wc brougth to! this country. ; Therefore we are more and morc intcrcsted m dovcloplng the finest ideas and traoitions. the full cultural heritage of: the Canadian people —^ of which we. ourselves are a part. llOW THE NFLY CAN HELP : I f s truc: that our organizations face prcblems — one o f them ?being. the problem of leadership, :I do not think that the N F L Y cansolve these prob-lems for n s - but they can help us soi ve them ourselves. \For example; a two-week cultural summer schooI wa8 suggcstod..CcrtainIy ali the mass youth organizations can be Invlted to send students, .NFLY clubs can ot-ganize Joint, forums : with mass •youth organizations'^ can try to In-volve mass youth organizatlon mem bers in ed^ic^tloYial and^ pi^bllc a c t l - 'vity - r and y<iuth organteatldns can bencfit from 'Joint social. and recrta^^ ticnal actlvltlcisT TOWARDS UNITY The future of/our mass youth orgar nizations and the people who make them up depends on the future of Canada; When American comlc book culture thrcatens Canadian culture/ it also threatcns the culture being de-f veloped by the mass organizations of youth. Wh€n American dumplng^ f.orccs Canadians cut of Jobs, i t also: forcesmembers of the mass; youth" organlzations' out • ofJobs; - The Bomb threatens ali of us. • Thcreare nb differenccs whlch d l - - vlde the NI»LY arid the proferresälve mass youtii groups. Both strlve to develop: the Ilnest' Ideals'and 'hlghesfr 'quälitlGs in- tht- humdnibeliig,'; 'Both 'belleve in anö'struggle fdr' the de-mocrätlö'% Hti'äna'the mipcndinde of CanadfaH pe'6i)lö.''^Botli'hav€f the sanie insplrlng vision of; Canada — a greater Canada in a World at iieäce; Today we are ali' faced with 'the great patrlotic* task' of defeatlnfit those' Torstaina, lielnak. 22 p. — Thursday, July 22,19514 « ^ . 4 ^ BndapJEst '-^ ITnkarilftintn f-^"^-^*''' seura saavutti keskMiUsoBB, maailmanennätyksen^ '4xläMbV juoksussa. Aika oii 152U. .fSnUam/, \' ennätys 1527,2 oli ens^ntUalsteD']!^ Uikomaalaiset isännM Helsingin heinältuun Itisojen juoksutajefisa; Käuliänen yllätysmies keihäänJieilossä Helsinki. — (VS) Heinäkuun 1& pnä alkoivat tääUä VU:n <Ja HKV:n Järjestämät kansainväliset yleisurheilu-kilpailut. Sää oli pilvinen Ja väUllä satoikin. MyOskin itse kUpallut jäivät latteatuAtuislksi. vaikka kohta laisia tuloksia saavutettiinkin.^^^ M lenkiintolsin nähtävyys oU 800 metrin Juoksu; Jonka i Unkarin Barkanyl voitti lujalla loppukirillä. Keihäänheitossa sattui - scHatnen että tamperelainen Kauhanen: ^voitti kaikki kulutsat nimimiehet. USA:n kuuluisa Held tyytyi peräti vain 65 metrin heittoihin, koska Joutui käyttämään suomalaista keihästä. < Juoksuissa veivät ulkomaalaiset en-f siulan kaikissa laajeissa mihin heitä osallistui. 100 metriä -voitti USA:n Lea aijalla 10,9. Baran, Makkablsta oli toinen Strand kolmas. .400 aidoissa oli Mildh ylivoimainen, Juosten aUan 53.3. 800 metrin (juoksu oli kaunis nähtävyys, .vaikka tulokset eivät -olleet-, kaan kaikkien korkeinta huippuluokkaa. Alussa ryntäsi Johtoon USA:n mustapintalnenBright, mutta pian. Siirtyivät unkarilaiset'johtoon. -Pian sitten kiristi liindström jänikseksi ja veti'joukkoa ensimmäisen Iderrokscn loppuun, jolloin lopetti. Toiselle kierrokselle lähdettiin taos Brlghtln ollessa kärjessä, mutta sitten kärkimies vaihtui yhtämittaa. Viimeiselle suoralle painuttiin Vähärannän Johdolla, mutta oli pakoltettu lopussa päästämään Unkarin Barkanyln ohitseen, ii Amerikkalaiset Jäivät neljänr neksi (Ja seitsemänneksi neekerin sammuessa lopussa melkein koko-; noan. Ajat: Bairkanyin 1.61.5, U. Vä-hftranta 1.51,7, J;Bakos, Unkari- l',5l.7.* L. Spurrier, USA, 1,62,8. ' ' nKuten «anottu, keihäänheitto muo-, <!ostui / yUätykseUisciksl,^ kun Tampereen Pyrinnön O. Kauhanen kukisti kaikki nimimiehet, saaden voiton tuloksella ' 73,32.' Norjan Danlelseh sijoittui toiseksi 7.50" hettoUaaa Ja Hyytiäinen kolmanneksi 7pJ3( tuloksella. Seuraava Vesterinen 70.45.^, Korkeushypyssä oli yuvoiinalnen uaA:n SL Sheltbn, nraDdu tuloe 'J8»-; kin hänelle «vaatimattomaksi-3^|,<r;r Ahonen oli toinen 1 ^ tuloksella. n>;t{..in Halmetoja ^voltti moukarinhei(9n'^ tuloksella 54.60,.toisena Kallioisiin.'"' Landy ei yritä uutta- /'"'^^l ennätystä Vancouverissa'!^ Montreal. — Kun australialaisia" suurjuoksijalta tiedusteltUn, /täällä',- millaiseksi hän uskoo brittiläisen lm«^ periumin kisoissa mailin > juoksuna muodostuvan, niin oli vastaus xvccat^r^^^ va: "Juoksen siellä voittaakseni,'en tnnätystä tehdäkseni."-* , ' Hän sanoi kuitenkin olevansa i\t£^ mieltä, että Joillaan brittUäiBlllä Ja^' amerikkalaisilla on mahdoUisuua nen ennätyksensä rikkomiseen. > • Skobla työnsi 17.42. Tukholman -kisoissa Tukholma. Täällä heinäk- 17fPqäi alkaneissa heinäkuun ^kilpailuissa., työnsi Tshekkoslovakian ekobia i^&wi*f[, laa 17.42. Buotain Nilsson sai tulok- { sen 16.01. • ' ' ' ' ' , 5,000 metrin Juoksim voitti Belgian Hanswyck ajalla 14.18,0, toisena, ^Bel- - glan Harman ,14il8.4. Buotsin 'AI7, ibertson tyytyi aikaan 14,28,6. •' ' - Nilsson paransi^ ' ' taas lcorkeush>[pyh^ ' i " Euroopan ennätystä r Göteborr. «-Ruotsin Ja, Ranskan ^ yIeisurheiluma»>t1«l(lui''toi8ena pälyä'^^^- nä Äaavuttl Ruot8iii::BepKt^'NUa8oii'\- uuden EuroopanientiätykBen^korlM^'^'!^ ' liypyssä„hyppäätnäii^ tiilok^n >2.1p^.' Joka' ,on maailman^ käirkltulo^, vuonna. i ic t Ui' FAIB WABNING One f a:r day two hoboes decidcd to ,go to the country for a picnic. The spot they chose Just happened: to be the golf course of a -very swank country club and shortly af ter they'd settled themselves one of-the swank golfers spotted them; tBrandishlng-his club in the ah-, the ntember sbout-ed "Get cut of here, you bumsl This is private; property ? It costs $500 to belong to this club" • "Okay.okay,":sald one of the V hoboes stralghtening to his full height and brushing himself of f, "But let me wam you, this.is no way tovgetnev members!" EVEN MATCH An old nachelor surprlsed his f riends by-manying. A few months later the brldegroom was vlsiUng iirith some fonner cronies wben one of ''them asked: - John, teli us, «Just TVbat kind of a match did you makel"' "V/eU", sald John, "J tUdn't <Io so well as I expected.' Be paused and tbought a moment, ^And to teli you the trutb. I doa%. think-sbe did citber; forni at the track meet being sponsored by the club. The. main event for open class men and under 21 will be a f.ve-event - including the 100 metre run,; shot ; put, discus, high jump and hop, step^and Jump. The 1,500 metre nm will be •thrown in f or good measure as an open class event. The women will have a three-event consisting of 60 metres,; shotput and high j^unp: The qhildren will also be able to participate in a 60 metre race which will be held for them. Three trophieswiIlbepresented in ali the events, except in the child-ren's race, where ali partlcipants will receiive an award. In addition to these events a prac-tice. 4xl00 metre relay wlll be beld for 1x)th men's and women's teams.- Although the prime purpose of the meet is to form the club's team wh{ch wlll be sent to Toronto the followlng Week and for whichvreason club ath-.. letes wUl oblIgated,to^partlcipate If they wish to make a berth on the team. athletes from other local clubs are also encouragtd to attend. Tbls first meet that the club ha« sponsoretl wlll certainly not not be the last one:this season now that the field is in good shape. But now. Iet's make sure, this meet is a successf ui one by tummg out to either compete or spec» tate . —Mlt TOO BOUGH The nurse at the hospital had Just f inlshed making; the young of f I - cer c(Hnfortable f or the ni{^t. and be-fore goin^ off^ duty "she asked: "Is there anythlng i can do lor you be-fore I leavc?"' The offteer r^lied:- "Weil, yes! I s]iould like v « 7 much to be kissed good night!" ' ' \ The nuree rustled .to' the door. "Just Walt tiu I call the oiderly", she saiid. "He does ali the rough work herc." DOLDBUBI8 Two businessmen, both, financial "sharples", hadn't «ecjn each other In Svlongr time and finally got togethet^ for luncb. "r ; ^ ? - "Bmr»^ bininess?" asked one, „; . "»ottdi;''. replied ttut other wlth a idgb.^ IS It kM|w up« myincometox report wai be)Ji»t «boufr C5orrwt.T '^hö;wöuld• betray Canada; ofrendlng the yanki?9,domlpatton of our country, of bulljling New Horizons: for Young Canada^ ' l''orns the achiover ment of these tasks depends on de-velopingf the uhlty of Canadian youth; and in the first place, the stronijest unity of tl>c Progressive youth. ' I thiiik it i s in this unltcd struggle to achieve new horfzons that we can lind the answers: to ali our problcms —the problems of:growth, of leadership : and; the luture of our organizations. We can «ee how this is bome out by the fine developments which have taken place tn' the preparatlons for the Ontario Youth Festival for a Greater Canada; w^ groups have been reactlvated — whcre new: actlvities have begun—- where Old habits and sectarianism are being rooted out — where, the atten-tion of äll: the progressive: youth:.is being focused on the struggle for the future of* our country. This then is my concluslon ~ that ali the progressive youth begiii to co-cpcrate more. and morc in actlvlty — that we;dcveJop.thc strongcst unity of ali progressive youth in. the first place — and that ali the progressive Canadian youth: struggle ;together to win new ttorizons for Canada'» youth. Matti Piesaseh KuoU heinäkuu 22.|«ivii|iä Mä kumpuni vierellä ^selAhc^ Ja muistelen oneimyttävallcaa. . • He retket Jotka yhdessä kuIJettUn niitä sydämessäni kaipaan,'^ ''' On muistoissa yhteinen elttmämmer hälpymätön mielcssäln aina, HELO». " KIITOS ! Lausumme sydämelliset laitokset sukulaisille Ja ystäville siitä kati-nilsta yllätyksestä Jonka Järjestitte meille North Brancbin baalilla heinäkuun 10 pnä aviplilttommc, johdosta. . ' Kiitos Ifatkista arvoMkaista lalti-' joista Ja rahalahjasta'. Kiitos kerääjille, illan emännlUe, v.- Ja u.-'' ^seura Enolle sekä kaikiUeJotluita-r valla tai toisella avustivat. Vielä, kerran kiitos teille ystävyyden osoituksesta, AULI J A ED. DOHEHT^X,,., 374 8. High 8(. * Pori Arthur. Ont. Tbe Old art. of fencini; Ix: a xport Ibat is very seldomheard of tn, tfafs age of baseball, football and-liockey. I|owever, these yoimg Jadles:of, the Toronto Unirendtr.fencinjg; team.sfaotddIgIve the' sport ä ahot In the ann," Younjr ladies (alented to anotber fleld of sportir'^gymnastics;'will; beputting on their osnal :blgh; level .^er- ^ fonaaaee:, at^^' tbe/ Fbmlsb-Caaadlan Amatenr i Sports .Federation Annnal Sportti Festival wbich wlll be held ta Toronto July 31 and VIETTÄKÄÄ KESÄLOMANNE SYNNYINMAASSANNE * Matkailutoimistomme järjestää matkanne L E N T Ä M Ä L IÄ MONTREALISTA HELSINKIIN BRITISH OVEHSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATIÖN'to päivittäin tapahtuvissa turisti-tai ensimmäisen lupkan lennoissa : Lentolipun hinnat Montrealista Helstaklln; vv. TURISTILENNOSSA Yhiäällö päin $373^ Edestakaisin $672.30 .^-«/^'-••-•>4'.-J->ir' ENSIMMÄISEN LUOKAN LENNOSSA Yhtäälle pain ' $474.50 Edestakaisin l $894.10 Lähempiä tietoja saatte kirjoittamalla, soittamalla tai kUmiUft ' ' matkatoimi8t<Jssamme < /pTJ*"^ VARAUS Travel J l i ^ 100 Elm St. West or P.O. Box 69 Sttdlmry. Ontoif|o;vj , ' - ^ * . i ^ r ^ ^ - ' J " laiHi ;^,h«." 'ZZ^ZmZ^SlX^\ Annnal Sport* Fertlval wliich wlll be held ta Toronto July and ; • " ' mmm m •Mm i a wm ti m
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, July 22, 1954 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1954-07-22 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus540722 |
Title | 1954-07-22-03 |
OCR text |
omistaja Hani aage
^ a . , toteutti jtätej,^
lansa kahvilansa aej.
skiUauseen perusteella:
Haan-vain 80 vuotti
.ka ovat vanhempien^
I'p2i;änä tuh ravinto;
. H . P. stratton Seatt.'
lan Isansa kanssa. Ha-'
ensin hammastyneeii;
kuitenkin laskun. <
yksen johtaja, jcka tut-een
cmlstajam välisti
.ähtyi tutkimaan ita.
i : "Tulipalon sattuessa
tasapuolisesti •'
Yhdysvaltalaisten fi.
:anssa on tehty sopi.
rustsella ne saavat 5fl
:aikk> tulotsiitämaan-'
•oka. rakennetaan joen'
an Quebecin ja Levisin
unnelln rakennuskus-;;]
reilaan nousevan • $30!
iipungin «valtuusto hy-^- ]
:sen vajaan 20 mlnuu-'
1 Jälkeen. Champlain-itiön
presidenttinä tui'''
''ilbrodLanglais. jonka-jism
kannattajia maa-tijakunnassa.
Hän tu-:
i ison new>orkilaisen
Kuhn & Loebin edus^'
1, etta kaikki tunnelin
.tarvittavat teknikot ja
lan Yhdysvalloista
mukaan yhtiöllä on ol-aisesta
tunnelia käyt-
1, 50 senttiä,, kuorma-
: tonniin asti 75 sent-:
nmista kuorma-autois-'
)ttoripyonstä sekä pol-senttiä.
[iPP:n aluekomitea on^
tunnelin rakentaminen
aa liittovaUion, maa-cunnan
hallinnot eikä
jn yhtiö, joka tulee
»n-viioden aikana huo-otymaanperimlstääni
Aluekomitea on
lUt, että tunnelin käyt-aikille
'at nyt"» silmälläpidon
Jtetyillä a lueilla, missä
kenneliä."' Toisin sa-keskitysleireilla
ihtaja - selittää edel-irassä.
on Siamm halli-:
a .voimakkaana tuke-lat,
joka vume vuosina
: suuremman vaikutus-
' .Hän kertoo amenk-onantajista
sa, mutta han ei mal-;
laaja vaikutus • todelli-
:osyynäan "kommunis-H
t a " pystyttää Yhrfys-
^sarmeijaa, joka tules >
nperialistien kaskyläf-n
laskelmien .mukaan
ivoimista ja 95% lento-.?
idysvaltojen aseilla va-:
ilntäin 82 strate^ta,
me vuosina rakennettu
n imperialistit ovat:
imin sotilaalliseksi ta-do-
Kiinaa ja Kiinan
aa vastaan. Haan
Imä; joka on kauttaal-nen
Yhdysvaltam lm-;
auodostaa vaaran naa-.*
lUitsevaa klikkiä kay
»pulana Yhdysvaltpjea-rikollisessa
; ei olisi sekään, vaikki;
a väkivaltaa käyttäen
hilen taatusti kommo-
tUalle saataisiin täy-ikkalaismielinen
sellainen kurittomnDSj
atta jatkua McCarthy-naissa.
Silta on rndS
•kkinä Guatemala. ,
mennen sanoen, yh***!
Jopomojenkin sanotatf ^
Munauksensa Guatena-j
He. Ennenvanhaan s»-]
[en vaUoittaneen äijiltä
ja mantuja ja *»'
een lähetyssaarnaaj»
m voitelua niille, jo»^
tiin "ostaa" polkubj
jh suiden f nautittava*»: 1
ötainä kerrottim |
mtiön Ja Yhdysvaltaa
ntin armosta toiflJi*»^,
^unionistisen" UOäai»
neuvoteUeet AFL:n P
i n kanssa ^Utä, » » *
itemalan työväeaB»
imunlsnolsta siten. 1
jhdonkin'taholta B»-!
«pomojen ääni. iJ^l
mdaan^ ampuen t^lTiij
xstakin.' [
Joitiikseä ja
Uitenelden 'Jan'**2[
sta peukaloa-yn*»!
The National Grbups
And Their Future
The Ukrainian - Camp. at Falermo^ Ont., was the scene of a gay yonth
ffstival on the Canada Day weckend. The province Wide festival attea^
2,000'voun? pcople from all:over the province, many of whom töok an
activc part i n the sports and cultnral program provlded at ^^^t
Yritys members totA aa aetive part te Ihe «nck meet.' The abore.iAoto
sbows the yoong partlcipants parading from the sports field to the con-cert
site.wbere the festival finalewa8held^^^ 8
pjumises to be an annnal event. ' '
thcir cultural hcritage.^; v l^
-me hlstory of our youth movcmcnt ''V^' T"^^' ^^T'
fn Canada is unique. We do not ^^•'"^fi'''"!'il"""* "TJ""^""?.
haVe cnly one progresshe youth o r - T ; , ^ "^r.^^.Z,^^ the YouU,
«anizatlon. We have many ' f f '^T'*'
To undcrstand these youth org^iea-tlönsi
yoii hiftve; to.'undentand their
Kievin Dymam voitti
^Norjan' maajouldafeeii
Klev. ~ muOU suoritetuin heinäk.
14 pnä paikftlllMp 'Dynamo-seuran
Joukkueen Ja Norjan maajoidckueen:
välinen Jalk^7allOrOttelu.Ja1ca päättyi
Dynamon Aroittooo S <-> 2. Vierailijat
salvat: sydämellisen vastaanoton.
|Whitefish Speed Will Be Among
ajor Contenders at Liittojuhlas
UniDSS Yritys or some of the. other | 273.93; Kitts and -Palomäki, despitc
blubshave.somethinghiddenup their^their: lowef pointSi put Up a good
llcere, Speed A/ C. from, \^hitefish , showing in most events but Kitts, who
lUl be one of. the major contenders
li the Annual Sports Meet i n Toronto
i-hic.n. \vill.'be held July 31 and Augr
ist 1, This. ccnclusicn was drawn. l>y
»st CI thcspectators who attendeci
|h5 Spced sponsored meet at Beav^r
liie. Sunday July 11. : Although pax^.
xipation iro.Ti Alerts and Jehu-vas
|iHiitsd, the Whitefish athletes niade
ip^ for it by turning out m ; larger
luinbeiö than have .been seen for
jny years from this farming^com--:
rjnity. Not only was. theiniunber
liSp3ed:particip>ant5 encouraging but^
[cme of .tne; results of. Sundays meet;
yjii to very good possibihties, ; , :
The highlight, of; the meet occurred
|n.tiieSOO mebre;run,',when Tauno-jaan,
of Speed poured on the steam;:
»nd did his two.laps around.the 400
letre track m 2, minutes ,and five
teconds flat, which • i s ; 3.9 seconds
;tter:.thau the existmg; federation re-;
3rd.;in; the under-^l- class held.:b3^:
)im (T^isty) Oja of the Alerts.
he unfprtuna te part:, is r that, a i - '
jnoiigh. three watches^were beingf^used;
n the .tming, ?only .two ;were
b record Saan's time, which means
Ibat a new record cannot ibei applied
|or, HQwever, Whitefish is not down
jn the mouth over the incident, äs
[ney are cpnfident that Tauno Saari
lul bo able to better; his time ät the
ttojuhlas in Toronto.
.TTie Whitefish team i n the practlce
snedi5>i relay also put up a flne
io»ing, daspite. the f act that ali the
embersof the team had only shortly
rfore entcred -the 800 metre: grihd;
IS the opmicn of / most spectators
jhat it will • ta ke a good team to vkeep
fp^ith t.^c Speed tcam at liittojuh-[!
In the open class five-event, .which
ncludcd IGO metres, shotput. discus,
Ir^d jump and hop, ;step and jump,
llelvin Latvala, Alerts led the field
r establi,hing a lead i n the discus
|'oad jump and hop, step and Jump,
F the 100 metres he was liudged out
I' fir.v. Place by Speed's Jorma Palo-raii
^^hose time was 12 6, while in
"2 shoiDut V. Sytela of Speed was:
to .,'ct a little mofe "oomph"
"hiHj tne shot to reach the 8.93
p^tr? maik. The following points
f-e achir./ed by the four contes-
^its h M Latvala,* Alerts 320.25 2)
S.>te!a, Speed 304.44 3) G . K i t t s.
fPeed 280 72 4) J . Palomäki. Speed
hasn't participated in track and field
for a number of years, lost pomts on
the discus, VWhile Palomäki m the
hop. step and jump had difffculty in
reaching the pit because i t was his
flrst atte^pt at this event. Bothof
them. will be raising their pomts
counl Tvhen they master these events.
: . -In the under 21 class five-event
Tauno Saari; Speed, piled up a safc
: l 6 a d l n points byestablishing a good
lead orver his rivals ,m the 100 metres,
and by. vmning the hop, step and:
jimjp. byjcoverlng almost 12 metres.
-Allan Hinvela.- Alerts. took; the top
laurcls m. the 12.pound shot and the
broad 'jump. while R. Passi, Speed.
f excelled i n , the discus throw. The
results: 1) , T . Saari, Speed 326;70
2) A. Hirvelä. iAletts 306.75 3) R.° Passi,
Jehu 306.12 4) D. Pulras, Speed
263 35.
• Joyce Lujanen -led the way i n -the
-wDmen's events • by ';leading v i n . ali
events, 60 metres. shotput and broad
The 60 metres she. cavered.: i n ' t he
enviable.timelof 9 seconds f lat. • The
final pomts were as follows:;l):Joyce;
Lujanen 204.27 2) G. K i t t s 170.82
3) , V . Etula 165.18.
"Telewision: A World Survey", r e -
cently published by the United, Na--
tions Educational, Scientific and Cul-^
tural .Organizatldh. jCUiNiESCQ)dis-closes
: that .violence is increasing on
U. S ; television • programs,, includmg
children's programs.
The Teport states. that .over three
m i l h o n American children under six-,
: teen still have their eyes glued, to the
television .soreen a^ midnight each
It estjmates that 36 miUion American
children a r e teloviewing at 5 p.m.
each night.
j "liittle more than-one-tenth of the
children's programs are devotcd to
Information V and instruction. ,; even
;when historical and adventure dra-mas
are counted i n , " says the.report.
Both advertismg and violence are
moreasing on U.S. television.: Number
of acts of: violence m ali programs
(except sports, news, weather.public
Issues and pubhc events) rose from
2.970. in a specimen week of 1952 to
3,539 m a specimen 1953 week.
: " I n children's programs, the violence
rose-from 1,278 to 1,412 or a -
bout 10 percent. For ali time. there
were 5.8 acts and threats. and hour
in 1952 and 6.3 m 1953. a 9 percent
; >Keporting great controversym the
U. S. about the content of TV. .programs,
the report says:
"Orime programs, and , off-color
jokes may be a drawing :card : w t h
a great section of: the audience. but
it Is asked whether the broadcaster
does nothave a responsibility :whlch
Impprtant Alerts Meeting
Sundäy at Työn Puisto
It is hoped that members of
i Alerts will make a speclal effort to
attend »club membership meetins
whlcfa wil be held at Työn Puisto
at four In the aftemoon, foIIowing
the chlldren*8 program on Sunday.:
Two important items; partlcipa-tion
in the liittojuhlas and- the
. Question of holding ;a meet' In ,mid
August will be' the main matters
to be dlscuss^ -
V The club Is planning to charter
• a bus for the ^^Toronto. trip. • Thfcre
- ^ Is ^ stilt some space ravailable' f or
passengers and'Propectlve'passen-
- -: gers are. urged to contact "Melvin
I.atvala at OS 3-2026 between 5
and 6 in the evening. , i - -
FlTTl.^lG FOfe /AV
should restrain .faim frpm .exploiting,
the weaknesses of viewer5?'i
iMany. countrles .''regard wlth consl-derable:
apprehension developments
m the XJJS. and elsewhere ;WihIcih ex-
. tend/, the broadcast day, .fxom early.
moming untillat e at night.
.. "Critics are concemed with the I n -
roada which television Is liable to
make upon other forms of entertain-ment
and instruction.
: "F.ducatcrs express the fear that
television may dominate the life o f
children an'd lead them to spend
much of their time as spectators
rather thän as : active partlcipants
j n play and leaming.
" T h e result of long hours of programs
is bound to be that quallty
becomes the exception, that, creatlve
talent among -vriters, performers and
producers alike gets stale and ex-hausted.
and that tiie public is
swamped w i t h a ; flood of programs
which deaden its discriminative
• • •
On S |
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