1955-02-17-03 |
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vjimvrn vxnu. Iti, &kö tämä valssi «aa laaa Jota^da..,. jotakinl i trarmastt* Ik^yft kjrUäl vJi&oUa Utavuorassa. • • « JALVSI KUDNMEUA )las: Miaim ei tanrit aroltani, n6 Jsyllä pohttvaj an. »s: — No, ol^a sitten aa, että Toln toiulla; mit ti. onko siniUIa; lapsia? ole, haOcara ei kai ole,] oksenL tiUes täti. Jos oletuiini: iot tuollaisiin iiaikaj^t n saat tosiaankin syytt )llei sinulla ole:lapsia! idan suoinalaistei soldrja julkais» lähiaikoina i and Mail-lehden tietJ lv on;; entinen torontolaSl Wuorio kirjoittanut Vxking"-nimisen nuorten a julkaistaan lähiaikoina. »Totaan miten kolme cat asta: ovat • tavanneet sella I aikojen sankareita kuin cson; Louis Hebert.samueJ ain ja Böömin prinissl Buj J^Tuorio on' kotoisin' I tullut tähän maahan kaij käytyään Hän toimi rlobe and Mail-ja Tel€ raportterina ja liittsri sen acljean's Magazine toimit i=n jälkeen on hänen a julkaistu monissa cana aikakaus- ym Jtilkaiau iti*neljä Vuotta sitten Väli Iin ja asuu nykyään in saarilla. Hänen ilme Irjoitta van siellä parhaii Irjaansa. koskaan ole jättänjrt mi 1 julistettu ja sotajoukot jan. Mutta sotamiehet ät kun eivät tavanneet' Ie olivat jo; kulkeutuneet lan. ivverran: naapi lUkeakuului. ilaulua, lotoisia, kaihoisia lauluj^ ta, kodista, sydänkäpys a -he näkivät ihmisiä, na ja lapsia kauniissa puv heitä vastaan laulaen ja k| taen. Jotkut naisista jä antoivat käsivarrellaan •Aiui.tan laulussa;erään n kauniisti harmonisena Sten korkeat hopean kirii .roln kuulla sen nytkin Hyksissä sydämeni suli, us^ nuajhyvät ystävät, se ei uoruuteni rakkaudesta loa jaf hellyyttä kohtaan, 1 elaman rajattomasta kalld i ihmisten valtavasta voim4 • hyökiäävien sotilaiden alla suli,; muutamia. harvd ilaukauksia kuului, ma\ aikki lauloivat mukana ja ppunut ennenkuin se oli ai 1. . näkemys, on rohkaissut ;emattomina vaikeina hetkiij rhden kysymyksen se on ai b auki. Mikä on tuo kar L tämä horjumaton usko elj tämä voima, uskallus ja ittaa paha'.hyvällä; Nyt täi s alkaa minulle selvitä. £tävät >vielä kerran lausi] irdämelliset kiitokset kaiS ilkä on tehnyt tämän pälv unohtumattoman kauniili smesta ensin mkrgarllnia, sil skiä voirasvaa "gheeta" ja Iq jhkä^'' tavallista kärryr sitäkään! ^ lei tietenkään ole mitään silj , että tältä mantereelta lähd esnnerkiksi voita Pakistaniiij ja Egypthn. Päinvastoin i eikö voitaisi ajatella sell järjestelyjä että, mainittuje kansat saisivat oikeata voit haa puhua siitä, etteivät, meidän voistamme. Kysymy 1 siitä, ettei hiillä ole <va.n\ oita. Icö voitaisi ajatella myös at [ voita on niille myytävä polku| a — niin miksi sitä ei void kotimaassa sellaisilla hinnoill työläiset Ja ^ielä työttömyys! iksenkln .varassa elävät ihmil hrat sitä oataa? Sa vähent sen "ylijäämävarastoja" ja jlj l kansanJoulEkojen .voimaa j ^ ä. ällitus voi luovuttaa tuklrabo kultakaivosten omistajien hy-j iiin totta kai se voi mySnt oja myös voin tuottajain (far-j > hyväksi inlta, että heidän tu4 ysyvät «inaikin nykyiseasi taH aikka voin Täbittäiahintaa a-^ ilsiln siinä määrin, että,kan-j i voisi lisätä voin kulutusta. I d tarvitsisi ajatellakaan si-i liittyisimme kansakuntaoal gtonin herrain "nerokkaisiin'] yksihi siinä mielessä, että hy-maukkaasta ja ravit me t«(htälsiln. härskiä voiras-j Ä myiytälsUn veronmaksajalnl irmarien kuin muidenkin \ao kustannuksella' polkuhin* lUcomaille. <- Rätisäkoura. Figure Skafing TitreWonBy Canadian Pair Cana(ia'& Francea Dafoe and Norris Bowden svrept to thelr second succcs-sive. World pairs figure skating cham-ploxishlp with a dazzUng performance that thrlUed a capacity audience. lAnöther Toronto couple ItnlÄed .The above ii^ a charming scene from "Maria Chapdelaine" with WUly Blok HansOn and her dancing daughten .intematiomllyacclaimed dancer, Willy Blok Hanson is appearing in a recital at the Sudbury MlnerMiil Hall on' February 25 and 26. The dancie company has been seen many times on TV: and on stages throughout the continent. The special recital in Sudbury under the sponsorship of Mine-Mill is an event not to be missed. There wlll be an evening performance on Friday, February 2.5, and a matinee on Saturday, February 26 at 2 pjn. Tickets are popularly priced. FCASF CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS Jehu Emerged Victorious Despite Stiff Opposition of Eclio and Spe^d fifth in the paärs despite the f act qne of the partners f eli, and a young Toronto senior fitoodelghlh at, ttoe «nd of the fIrst day of the men*5 «vent töglve Canada a solid showlng in the openihg fijssion of t^e world cham-pionships. Miss Dafoe and Bowden, .who have been skating togetiver for six years, didn't waste any time in shoving a sellout crowd of 6,500 Viennesevfhy they are considered the best com-bination in the world. At the end thelr brilllant skating diew an ovatlon. They were called back on to thpice for an encore' by the thunderous ap-plause by the crowd vrhldh Includcd numerous Soviet of f Icen» servlng wlth the occupatlon forcea . Happily fingering the medal they won, amid camerämen flashing thelr lights at them. Bowden sald: "l could feel it was golng just beautifully ali the. way. My partner was grand/' 11 OOTARIQ YODTH li^TIVAL Pafermo W i l l A s a i n Rins To Enthusiasm of Youth LastSatm-day: and Sunday Jehu skiers again took top honors for thelr club at the F C A S F championship cross-countiy mfiet which. v/aa spon-sored by Speed and held at .White-f ish. Of ihe ten championshlps that were at stake- Jehu valked off with eight •while F.TIIO and Jymy shared the other two. Despite thelr good efforts Speed and Alertssltiers were unable to talce a singlefirst. ' Perhaps it is not quite right to say thatJehu valked off with the cham-plonshipa because in many of the races the competitlon was very close. Both Echo and Speedhave developed to the extent that now. there are three olubs In the FCASF that are falrly equally matched In skiing. Next year could see a considerable.change in this fleld if ali these dubs keep up the good work. The results in the imder 21 class 10 hm. event lUustrate this polnt quite well. Eino Ijadonlahti, Jehu. won the event •with hla tlme of 50.25 but he .was hard pressed by Echo's Kaino Korhonen. who was only 38 seconds behind, while Speed's Karl Palomäki came thlrd ,with a tlme of 52.36 and fouxth.. place went to Don Pulras of Speed whose time was only 3 mlnutes and 31 seconds slower than the best tlme. Bven a small sUp could have reversed the reaults m this event and perhaps In other snow condltions results vvould be entirely different, Jehu's Antti Ranta again this year emerged as the :PCASF's top man. On Saturday he oovered thelO km. course in 47.01 to take f irst spot and then on Sunday he came in second best in the 20 km. event being beaten by last winter's Canadian Champ Arvo Äyräntö, vho however was not eliglble for the FCASF championship afr he was representlng an outside club, Voima. Thus Antä copped the FCASF championshlps in tlie two main events. In the 10 km. event he.was hard pressed by Speed's Karl Pulras, who has shown conslderabble improvement this season. Karl was only 54 secondS behind Antti, Thlrd place vent to X>liver Tdovinen Echo, whose time waa 4S.46. Allan Johnson, Jehu, and Jorma Branny, Echo, were also in the running with their results of 5059 and 51.36 whlch netted them 4th and 5th spots respectively. In the 20 ikm. event Äyrantö's tlme was 1,25.37. 'Antti put In a flne show-ing tt-lth his tlme of 1.3155 establish-ing a good margin over his closest ri-val Karl Puiras, Si>eed vvho made the four five km- laps In a time of-1.41.58. Pourth place man Ohver Tuovinen, Echo, was close behind wlth a time of 1,42.24. Karl Krata, oi Jehu who is general-ly conceded to be top FCASF eonten-der in'the: tmder 18 class was away at the Canadian junior championshlps. W3re he won a x second in the six-mile cross-country event. But ne-vertheless the championship stayed in the famlly when brother BUly covered the S km: distance In the time of 26Xn. Seoond place went .to A. Oja Echo who was 2 mlnutes and 20 seconds behind Krats and third place went to lAckle-Teen skier B. Molcs. In this race too the top f ive men •were within mlnutes of each other. The ladles* two km. cliampionship event attracted only two competitors and Echo's Helen Aiu:anenwas able to squeeze a .victory.by thft.slina margin of 2 seconds^over Jeliu'6 Elma Mäkinen. Thus Helen von'the only championship medal for her club. • Although considerable Improvement has been shown in the participatlon of men in skllng the same gain has •not beeii leflected on the part of wo-men, which ia indicated by the. f act that (very few women entered the competitlons. On the other hand the number of partlcipants does not re-flect a true Picture as Jehu has a number of women skiers who were unable to cnter because; they. could not get time off from work. These glrls tumed out Sunday to help form Jehu's women*s relay team, which was the only team entered. > Four Jehu gtrls entered the under 16 ghrls 1 km. competitlon in which the championship was won by Elma Mäkinen wlth Viesti Manninen second and Anneli Rintamäki thlKi. Entriea hi the veteran's classes have dropped off In the past year v but Lefs hope that again next year ve can register the saune galns in skllng. again this year old-tlmer Kalle Nler mela, Jjmiy, entered despite his ad-' vanced years and although in the over 35classlO''lan; event he had to be content with second place with the champigmhip^golng tp;Swa,nte, Kant gas, Jehu,'^ he nevertheless put. in a flne performance. On sunday he was the:only entry in tlhe;over 45 5 km event, Coverlng ;the five kto; course in 32,14 he won another champlon-. ship medal to hla collection. The team competitiön on the basis of the three best times in the 10 km. event won by. Jehu has been one of the central events at the cross-coun-try championshlps, This year the event suffered . somewhat. from the f act that the trophy donated by the Vai d'Or branch of the Finnish Or-ganizatlon was won last Winter by the Jehu team after being .in circulation for a number of years, and there.was no trophy to replace It.' Any donora In the house? Ali In ali skiers and spectators alike were very satisfied with the- way in which Speed handled the,meet and only beef that could be lodged Is that arrangements should ha<ve been made with the weatherman to have a Sudbury To Enter Two Plays In Drama Festival Budbmy is off- to a good start in the Fhinish Organlzatlon YoiÄh Dra-^^ ma Festival, whlch wlll be. held In Sudbury over the Easter veekend. Two plays have alrcady been selected and casta: chosen wlth rehearsals scheduled to start tiils week."*^- ,'jPonowlng, the,, gen?iflj[.,^ehd" csta-blished at previous. festivals^ the drama commlttee of the Finnish Orga-nlzation local is sponsorlng a Finnish play, while thevAlerts' A. C: Js spon-sorlng an EngUsh play. Both of theas plays wonld fall into the drama class and the Finnish play has a large east whlle the -Ei^llsh play has only a east of three., This year emphasls has been pläced on drawlng in young people wlth the result taiat the roles are In the hand£ of a younger group than In the two previous festivals. little warmer weather: on Saturday and to do away with the stIff wind whlch caused hardshlps for the skiers and forced spectators Into the shel-ter of the hali from time to time. Ferhapa the club. had considered this factor and ordered the cold wea-ther SO that spectators would not forget to partake of th6 coffee and "mojakka" -which 'were ayailable in plentlful supply. HOLLYWOOD REGRETS ^^Grapes of Wrath'' BT TED TINSLEY Twentleth Century-Fox has been plannlng to release the film, "Gra-pes of Wrath," for distribution In Japan but the latest new3 is that they may drop the project because i t may. have been "Oommimist insplred." The original idea was to send the picture to Japan with a foreword ex-plainlng to the people tliat the, picture. dealing with "Oakies" in the Oklahoma dust-bowl. respresented a "special situation", and now, of cöiurse no such situatlon exists. Isn't It straoge that the only time Hollywood feel4 called upon to apolo-gize is when thoy make a good film? I have vrltten a new scenario for Hollywood, embodying the explana-tion- prindpie they hitended to apply to "The Gnypes of Wrath." George, the owner of a huge ranch in Califomla, meets Nellie k beautiful schoolteacher. After thelr first meetlng she disappears. George dis-covers she was only m Califomla to vlslt, she has retumed to her job In New Yoräc City. He decides to follow h e r . i - • • ••• On his trip eaat he happens^bo drlve through Oklahoma where it is very dusty. Here the story breaks. and the Offi-clal Epq>laiDer appea rs on the screen tb say: "The audience must remember that this Story takcs place in the year d933, when there was dust In Oklahoma." "VPhen George arrive» in New York, äie discoven Nellie sick in bed with a bad ookL Here we pavsa for the Ofr fidal Explainer who says: "This takes place under the -Roosevelt Administration when 'Amerlcans caught com-^ mon colds. Today there are no more common colds. They have bsen com-pletalyreplaced by Virus X." Nellie recovers and retums to work. George cannot bear being separated from her, and.eo he goes to the pubiic school where she teaehes. He disco-vera that her class has three: shifts. and the children sit two to a seat. The camera shifts to the Officlal Explainer who says: "Our picture is now in the present Itis worth noting tliat In the 193G's only one childwas permit-: tsd in a seat ThLs situation led to raorbid Icneliness and morbld intros-pection." Nellie is dixatlsfled with her pay as a teacher and qults to.take a Job as a waltr£fis, Tois entire sequence is not shown to the publlc. Instead we insert shots of a bathing beauty contest in Miami. Nellie Is too proud to many George lest she be thought a gold-dlgger. But_the reataurant where .sh» works fails and Nellie is jobless. Ci»t to the Offici&: irxplalner: "Ac-tually no restaurant in America failed slnce 1883 and that was due to the bllTzard," : Nellie now desperate marrles Georga,. At the wedding she receives a telegram Informing her that her uncle has died and leit her a control-llng Intcrestm A. T! & T. The Officlal Explainer now points out to the audience that "mider the Eisenhower Adminki!:ration every valtress ha« an uncle who dles and leaves r inost of A. T. & T. . u Back' to Califomla go Nellie and G«orge happy In thelr löve. They paas through Oklaihoma where H Is dusty. Do you need the Officlal Explainer to teli you that this dust Is left over from the 1930's?« TBCE LO.VE ' On Uie Tirst day of school a teacher was trying to get her small pupils sorted out. For her class records she declded to compile the names. of pa-rents- •, '"'What is your father called?" the teacher asked one flve-ycar old; "I call him Daddy." replled the Uttle girL ^•I know," sighcd the teacher rbut what does your mother call hlm?" "Mummy doesn't call hlra any-thing", the amall glrl answered. "She llkes hlm." A MVLTIP1£ PBOBLOI "Are you the man 'Who gavc my little brother a rabbit last weelc?v; "Yes," "Weil, mother says youVe got to come and take them ali back." UNEMPEX>YMENT "Good news! rve booked your per-forming plgeona," "Too late. rve eaten the act." A SUP OP THE ifIND "I flunked that qulz." "What was the matter, dldn't you know the answers?" "'Yes, but I had vaseline on n y hair and they eUpped-my micd." F,Jfibty^ight years sgo this comins July l . Canada joined th^ wörld's family of natlons. as a statc in Its own right. *^from sea unto «ä-, as It says on our coat of arms. Since that tlme, July 1 hasbecome for ali patriots' a day of honorlng our beautiful and rich land; and renewing the pledge to make It great. That is why the progresslve youth of Ontario called thelr Festival lasi summer on the Canada Day wcek end, the fhrst Ontario Youth Festival for a Greater Canada. Since the 1953 event was SO successfuiin bringing to-gether thousands of youth in qporta, cultural and social actlvities, it has been decided to hold a Second Ontario Youth Festival for a Greater Canada once again on the Canada Day'Week-end. Friday and Saturday July 1 — 2 1955. A special meeting of the Festival Co-ordina ting Committee held Ja nu-ary 25, with representatlves and ob-servers from dozens of organizations, agreed to hold the gala week-end at; Camp Palermo, the site of last .year*s festivlties. Friday July 1, Canada (Day, wlll be a big picnic. featurlng the openlng of the £oorts events, and a huge concert. The day would con-clude with: a youth bonfire. Saturday. would see the continuation of sports and cultural events. and would end with.a grand dance or banquet. Several members of the Coordinat- Ing Committee ha>ve been .rvLsiting Ontario centres to dlscuss with them local plans for Festival participatlon. Windsor,' Ottawa and Hamilton have held special Festival meetings and conferences. In the capital and the fiteel city, the youth are plannlng to hold pre-Featlval picnics on the May 24th week-end to prepare for thelr sports, songs and dances. Cash prlzes of $10 and $5 for f Irst and second place winners wlll be a-warded in the Festival arts competitlon. The theme of the competitlon Is 'Canada — Her Land,Her People, Her Futiure" Categories for the entrles are: 1)' Short Story (2,000 words. maxi-mum) true or fiction; or play or skit (1 act, 15 — 30 mlnutes.); 2.) POetry; 3.) Song (original mua:c to original words or old vvords original music); 4.) Painting (oil or «ater color); 5.) Poster; 6.) Photography; ; flöie.deadllne for the contest Is May 13, byVhich tlme air entrles must be Sour Grapes, Not Sportsmanship On Percivars Program BY \VALTEB CHERNYSH The kind of "malarity" that came over the airwaves from Lloyd Percl-val's "Sports College'.' recently pro-bably contaminated the air for months to come, The discussion was on why the Soviet people are Intercsted In partl-cipating m sports and what are the reasons for the great success they have enjoyed in the past three or four years in international competitlons, Here are söme of the "reasons" of-fexedby this program. The Rusaians take part in sports In such large num-bers m order to avoid doing ^voluntary labour, after working hours. The re-cent success by the Busslans in sports on the International scene Including the last Olympics Is apurred by the fear of being sent to the Siberian sait mines or perhaps even shot for failures, What kind of nonsense is this, Mr, Perclval? At least have some respect for the intelligence of your radio audience. As a rule we have found your program In the past both Interesting and informatlve .— but thlsi — oh brother! Hbwever, the question of why the Soviet people participate in sports in sudh great numbers and how come thelr great achlevements, have been speculated on and battered about by Westem sports writers Last December.Toronto's "Evening Telegram" carried a scrles of artlcles by Marguerlte Higgins, Pulltzer Prlze Winner who spent tv/o and a half months in the Soviet Union, one of which dealt wlth Soviet uporf^ In an Interviev/ wlth some top notch athletcs and coachts at the Dynamo Stadlum, •Marsfuerlte Higgins asked a senior Russian coach how he accounted for the great achlevements In Soviet sport, "In the flrst place," he angHered. "the Soviet Union has a lot of people to choase from^ And In rccent year» the govemment has been making Special efforts to encourage sportfj at ali levels. Ali the big cl ties are buildlng sports »tadiunu filmilar to this one, "Not only «chools but factorles, trads unions, and In f act ali kinds of organiaatlons are «taging »portfli competitlons throughout the Scr/iet Union. In these contests we ferrct out the -very bfist and put them into International meet$. It is a great honour In the SoTict Union to be a sports Champion. Ou&pecple try very hard." in the hands of the Arts Committee: The age Umlt is 32 for ali entranta. who may , come from anywhcre in Canada. As well as the Individual competU tions. plans are to hold group competitlons for folk song grouivi folk dances. and dramatlc groups. Regio-nal eliminatlons are proposed for Toronto. Windsor and Hamilton, to in-dude surroundlng points: Windsor could include Chatham and Leamlng-ton, and Hamilton, London, Brantford and Ounnville for example. Coordl-natlng commlttees of youth groups supporting the Festival should be set up where they do not yet exif t to ait the datcs and pian these regional events. Stipulations for the cultural group competitlons are that of the two songs and dances asked for. at least one must be of Canadian origin. In the drama section, entrants will.compete in one-act plays, maxlmum tlme 30 mmutes, preferably but not necesaari-ly on a Canadian theme. This year. it Is not planned to haye a mass gymnastics display. Hovever groups and organizations that have gymnastics groups and would like them to perform. at one or anot^her of the Festival events, should cert««n-ly do ro, and Inform the Coordinating Committee in Toronto of thelr plans. In Toronto, athletlc and social afr fairs are continulng around the frame work of the Ontario Youth Festival preparations, ) The International Sports League, which comprises seven boy's basketball teams, and..three girl's teams, has just completed the flrst Rjctlon of its Schedule. Leading the League is the Russian Canadian Youth Club, followed by the UJPO Youth. West Toronto AUUC and the Canadian Carpatho Russian Youth Chib, are tled for third place in the boy's league. Plans are for the continuation of the basketball Schedule until April when volleyball wlll begin for boys* and glrls' teamSi Each Sunday. llvely youth dances are held by a committee representlng seven Pfeotlval partlclpating groups The dances aitemate v •between two progresslve halls. 280 Queen St. W.. and 6 Denison St. Each group Is In ciiarge of an entire evenlng's program Including floor show and novelty dances. The dances are proving to be a good rallylng point of sevei-alhun dred yöung -people from the Festival participating groups. SudburySkiersWin Laurels at Junior Chantpionships Lastvreekend proved to be a victor- '491^ «"eekend for Sudbury skiers who particlpated in the Canadian junior Skl champoimthips nt Lap Seauport^ Quebec. Strong showlngs on the part cf Sudbury skiers- weremalnly res-ponslble for the Ontario team wln-nlng the Pcpsi-Cola trophy for Interf divisional competitlon. ~ . , On Saturday the Sudbury boys threatened to run off wlth the meet; by taking the flrst three spots jn the slx-mllecrosscountry event. "Top place wa.s taken by Nickle-Teen 4kier Bob Gray ij^hofiJ tlme was 42.24. Se-; cond place went to Jehu member Karl Krats wlth a time of 44.03 while third: cams Nickel-Teen member Peter Scott. whose tlme \vas 45.15, Karl Krate was the only Finnish-Canadlan to enter the Junior champioaships, Murray Elder of Montreal proveB hlmself the best of male competitors, wlnnlng the slalom, plckUig up a second In the jumps and placlng third In downhill. ~ Helen Welder of Collingwood swept the women's events by winning the championshipa in both women's events the slalom and downhilh She is already Ontario junior slalom, downhiH and cross-country champlon;^ Gary Foy of Sudbury took top ho-; nors in the downhiU whilc second place went to Hugh Harris of Ottawa. Third spot went to (Murray Elder. In the Jumps Elder made the long^ est jump of the day 121 feet, but Yves Doucet of Trois-Riivleres was awarded more points for Qiyle to win the Jump-ing championship. Eldeb was second while Gerald Gannon of Port Arthur came third. Top 'honors in the slalom went to Elder with second place golng tq Francois Jobin of Quebec whlle thlrd place went to Dnuy Porteous of Montreal. Nuorten Iconsertti St. Catharinesissa ensi sunnuntaina st. Caiharlnes. — Täkäläisellä ukrainalaisten haaliila on ensi sunnun-tai- iltana. tk. 20 pnä kiinnostava nuorten konsertti, -Jossa esiintyvät karpatialais-venäläiset tansaijat Ja NPLY laulajat Torontosta, Wellandin ukrainalaisten tanssijat Ja Garden Cityn nuoret laulajat. . Muistakaa, että tämä tilaisuus ai-kaa klo 8 illalla. Kalkki ovat ter-vetulleet! — M. P. NL:lia kolmoisjohto MM-luisteiussa Kuopio. -^Naisten pikaluistelun MM-kUpailut alkoivat täällä helmikuun 13 pnä eriomaisissa olosuhteissa. NenvostoUiton luls-" telJJat olivat maineensa veroisia ja johtivat ensinuuätoen päivän^ Jälkeen Mlpallua kolmen lulstcU-Jattaren voimalla. Suomen Eevi Huttusen ollessa neiiäntenä yhteispisteissä. NeovoftolUton entinen inestariluistelljatar Biouna Shukova johtaa kilpailua ennen Alma Atassa ME-tuloksIa luistellutta Tamara Bylovaa Ja nuorta Sofia Kondafcova» voitettnaan 3,000 metrin 'luistelun erinomaisella aJaUa Ja tultuaan 500 met-rllläkin kolmanneksi. ; "Suomen tohro" Eevi Huttunen luisteli mainiosti 3,000 metriä sijoittuen tolxoksi ennen Rylovaa Ja ex-maail-manmestarla Sclihovaa, 'Huttusen ohella myös toinen suomalainen, 14- vuotlas Iris Sihvonen onnistui erittäin hyvin Ja on plst«is.sä kahdeksantena ennen pohjoismaalaisia Ja tshekkejä. TULOKSET 500 metrn viralliset tulokset; 1) Tamara Rylova, Neuvostoliitto 48^ pisteet 48;9O0. 2) Sofia Kondaltova, Neuvostoliitto 49,1, 49400 3) Rimma Shu-koVa. Neuvoatollitto 49,5 49,500. 4) Bemma ilenshova, Neuvostoliitto 49,6. 49,600, 5) Iris Sihvonen Suomi 50A 50Ä», 6) Eevi Huttunen, Suomi 50,5 50,500, 7) Vera Posnlkcva, Neuvosto-, liitto 50,7. 50,700, 8) Lydia Selihova, Neuvostoliitto 50.7, 50,700, 9J Sonja Ackerman-Olsen, Norja 52,0, 62,000, 10) Aatrls Mähre, Norja 52.6, 5 2 ^ . 3,000 metrin lopulliset tulokset. 1) Rimma Shukova, NcuvoÄtoliltto 5,33,1 pisteet 55,517,2> Eevi Huttunen, Suomi. 537,3,56:217 3> Tamara Rylova Neuvostoliitto 5.404> 56^17, 4) Lydia Sglihova, Neuvostoliitto 5.4ij6 56^3 5) Vera. Postnlkova. Neuvostoliitto, 5.42/) 57,000, 6) Sofia Kondskova, Neuvostoliitto 5Mfl, 87,333, 7) Rcm- Kuopiossa Hiilvtourheilijoita ammattilaisiksi Cortina Dampezzo, Italia. — Kansainvälinen hiihtoliitto on Julistanut neljä huomattua hlihtourhellijaa ammattilaisiksi >ja on uhannut Julistaa kilpailukelvöttomlksl jokaisen amatöörin, Joka kilpailee heitä vastaan. Ammattilaisiksi Julistetut ovat: Italialainen syökaiyn entinen maailmanmestari Zeno Colo; Itä-vnltalainen syöksyn maailmanmestari ; Christian Pravda, norjalainen syöksyn mestari Stein Ericksen Ja ranskalainen Lu-clehne Schmid-Couttet. Ammattl-lalspäätös tehtiin Juuri täällä pidettävien kuuden maan syöksykilpallujen edellä, ' Kooplo. — Naisten pUoUttistelutt M M kisojen juhläUlnen aVaJaiattlAi- 6UUS pidettiin Jublavalal^tuA ksupmi^ gintalon edustalla perjantalnii/|let« mik. 10 pnä. Saapuvilla. oU^isonlfeu^ hatpäinen , Juhlayleisö ' 6ek& lifilb edustava kut«uvlerasjou]dco.:TKuopioh varuskxmnan soittokunnan mittacftäi Fuclkln marssia ^ladlaattbriett tulo*! marssivat kllpsUuUiin vi ossdllBtav|eii Viiden maan. Suomen; l^ekkosioi^^ klan. Neuvostoliiton. Ruotsin jaNor* Jan Joukkueet Uppuinen katq>iinglnta^ ion edustalle asettuen riv^töön |a yleisön tervehtiessä voimakkain atto< suosionosoituksin, ' Pikaluistelun maallmanm^taniul' kilpailujen 600 metrin ja SjOOO' metrb arvonta suorltettInperJantalo!a!|.!KU< paltut alkoivat lauantaina. '' } Moskovan MM-kisoissa mu1(aha ; 14 maata Moskova. ~ TASS Ilmoitti helm kuun:l2 pnä/että Moskovasiiahelin kuun 19 — 20 päivinä pidettäviin luli telun M%l-kllpalluihin onilmoittat tunut luistelijoita 14maasta, •nir Yhdysvalloista.-^ Norja Ja'Neuvosti lUtto osallistuvat tähän kUpaUau kuuden miehen volmaliia. Ruotsi^ hettää' ndist, Suomi j a Japant^;i|tittap kin neljä. Itävalta. Unkari H o l^ Yhdyavallat ija Tshekkoslovakia kute kolme, Englanti. Länsi-Saksa.: Sveitsi kukin kaksi mieltä ja Austri 11a yhden osanottajan, ' ' TASS huomauttaa, että tulienr luistelun.MM-kllpailut kuuluvat ml osanottajien lukumäärään ia jou kueiden kokoonpanoon ' tulee" j^tl mattaArimplin luistelun liiator^ Päätuomarina kilpailussa;on neäv^ toliittolalnen M. SemenoV, Poliisi voittanut icolme kilpailua olympialkofkeissa Saskatoon, Sask. — Calgarylalnen poliisi, 29-vuotla8. Ralph Olin voltti täällä viilcon vaihteessa pidetyissä pikaluistelun olympialaiskarsinnoissa kolme kilpailua, saaden siten varman palkan Canadan eduntajaksitahri-olympialalaiin. Hän voitti 1.500, 5,000 Ja 10,000 matkoilla. Mr. Olin oli Canadan edustajana edellislssäi vuonna 1952 pidetyissä talviolympialaisissa. ma Men£»hova Neuvostoliitto, 5.45,0 57,600, 8) Iris Sihvonen, Suomi 5.47,5 67.917. 9) Sonja . Ackerman-Olsen. Norja 5.55.2, 59,200. JO) Inger Brus-ven. Ruotsi. 6.58,8, 59,800, Ensimmäisen päivän pisteet: 1) Shukova. 105.017, 2) Rylova, 105, 717; 3) Kondakova 106,433, 4) Huttunen 106,717, 8), Menahova 107,100, 6) Selihova 107,633, 7) Poatnikova 107. 7C0,8) Sihvonen 108,417.9) Ackerman Olsen, 111,200.10) Mähre 113,233. Madras, Intia — Intiassa vler^ matkalla kulkeva neuvostoliittolain Jalkapallojoukkue voltti täällä tkf, pnä erään intialaisen Joukkueen'8 O valitaan Neuvoätolalsjoukkueen':]! teinen maalltulos on tähän mennä 5 6 - 3 '„;: ^ Sanomalehti OB ikkuaaitill maailmaan'. TllatkaaliaaTf JOULU 1954 ; ON NYT SAATAVANA MELKEIN, I ILMAISEKSI AINOASTAAN '< (TAVAI,L,-60c) ' ! VAPAUS Publlshincr Co. Ltd.; BOX 69. SVDBVBY, ONT; SydämeHiset onnittelumme teUle -^il^ ADA JA JALLU KILKKI omassa kodissanne toivottavat allamainitut: Leila, Ray ja Michael Fanni Carlson Olga Hämäläinen Irene Lehto Sonja ja Melvin Lehto Maire Ja Leo Inkeri ja Lasse Aino Ja John Lahti Sigrid Lahti Mr. Ja mrs. T, Kivimäki ja Jussi Mr. Ja mr», T. Tohmo Hilda Haapa Elli Ja Lauri Johnson- . Stephen, Eine Ja Ty Lemberg Mrs, Vera yarady Eva Ja August Laitinen Mari Ja L. Alanko 0 Aino Koskinen • Saimi ja Konstantin >Pfob Hilkka Ja Stanley MCOowieU.t MUJa Ja John Vataja Salmi, Anita ja Bruno ' Leppänen <,< Leena Ja Frank Rossi Bertha Ja Matti Ramberg Annie Ja Wm. Holt Leila ja Karl Gloria, Jimmy Ja Ronnie Lyyli ja Wm, Niemi _ KIITOS Sydämellisei kiitokset teille kalkille siitä tosiyllätykseatä. min» saitte aikaan, kun tulitte meidän kotiamme katsomaan. Kiitos siltä arvokkaasta lahjasta Ja herkullisesta tarjoilusta. Kllt0 /alkuunpanijoille Ja kahvinkeittäJUle, Myös kiitos nlUle jotka otUya' osaa. mutta eivät voineet olla mulcanä, Tämä yllätys säilyy mielessämme ahia. Vielä teitä kaikkia kUttäcn, ; ' ^% ADA JA JALLU. KILKKI 170 WestTlew Blvd. Toronto, Ontarl
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, February 17, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-02-17 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550217 |
Title | 1955-02-17-03 |
OCR text |
vjimvrn vxnu.
Iti, &kö tämä valssi «aa
laaa Jota^da..,. jotakinl
i trarmastt* Ik^yft kjrUäl
vJi&oUa Utavuorassa.
• • «
)las: Miaim ei tanrit
aroltani, n6 Jsyllä pohttvaj
»s: — No, ol^a sitten
aa, että Toln toiulla; mit
ti. onko siniUIa; lapsia?
ole, haOcara ei kai ole,]
tiUes täti. Jos oletuiini:
iot tuollaisiin iiaikaj^t
n saat tosiaankin syytt
)llei sinulla ole:lapsia!
idan suoinalaistei
soldrja julkais»
i and Mail-lehden tietJ
lv on;; entinen torontolaSl
Wuorio kirjoittanut
Vxking"-nimisen nuorten
a julkaistaan lähiaikoina.
»Totaan miten kolme cat
asta: ovat • tavanneet sella
I aikojen sankareita kuin
cson; Louis Hebert.samueJ
ain ja Böömin prinissl Buj
J^Tuorio on' kotoisin'
I tullut tähän maahan kaij
käytyään Hän toimi
rlobe and Mail-ja Tel€
raportterina ja liittsri sen
acljean's Magazine toimit
i=n jälkeen on hänen
a julkaistu monissa cana
aikakaus- ym Jtilkaiau
iti*neljä Vuotta sitten Väli
Iin ja asuu nykyään
in saarilla. Hänen ilme
Irjoitta van siellä parhaii
koskaan ole jättänjrt mi
1 julistettu ja sotajoukot
jan. Mutta sotamiehet
ät kun eivät tavanneet'
Ie olivat jo; kulkeutuneet
lan. ivverran: naapi
lUkeakuului. ilaulua,
lotoisia, kaihoisia lauluj^
ta, kodista, sydänkäpys
a -he näkivät ihmisiä, na
ja lapsia kauniissa puv
heitä vastaan laulaen ja k|
taen. Jotkut naisista jä
antoivat käsivarrellaan
•Aiui.tan laulussa;erään
n kauniisti harmonisena
Sten korkeat hopean kirii
.roln kuulla sen nytkin
Hyksissä sydämeni suli, us^
nuajhyvät ystävät, se ei
uoruuteni rakkaudesta
loa jaf hellyyttä kohtaan,
1 elaman rajattomasta kalld
i ihmisten valtavasta voim4
• hyökiäävien sotilaiden
alla suli,; muutamia. harvd
ilaukauksia kuului, ma\
aikki lauloivat mukana ja
ppunut ennenkuin se oli ai
. näkemys, on rohkaissut
;emattomina vaikeina hetkiij
rhden kysymyksen se on ai
b auki. Mikä on tuo kar
L tämä horjumaton usko elj
tämä voima, uskallus ja
ittaa paha'.hyvällä; Nyt täi
s alkaa minulle selvitä.
£tävät >vielä kerran lausi]
irdämelliset kiitokset kaiS
ilkä on tehnyt tämän pälv
unohtumattoman kauniili
smesta ensin mkrgarllnia, sil
skiä voirasvaa "gheeta" ja Iq
jhkä^'' tavallista kärryr
sitäkään! ^
lei tietenkään ole mitään silj
, että tältä mantereelta lähd
esnnerkiksi voita Pakistaniiij
ja Egypthn. Päinvastoin
i eikö voitaisi ajatella sell
järjestelyjä että, mainittuje
kansat saisivat oikeata voit
haa puhua siitä, etteivät,
meidän voistamme. Kysymy
1 siitä, ettei hiillä ole |
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