1950-03-09-05 |
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Heipä hei sistot ja veljet! gj.r.r. pakkasukko ei näy ollen-föan säälivän meitä, aina on yhtä fHoirard mainitsee kirjeessään, että Ihin ei ole varma miUä osoitteeUa las- L j kirjeet olisi lähetettävä. Kaikki L i u t epäilevät jäsenet, ottakaa huo-px) n,että osoite ön: Sistcr Marsaret. IBflxea, Sndbnry, p nt IxAjn oU ahke-a tällä viikolla sillä jlän kirjoitti meille kaksi kirjettä, jojjjjt kirjoittanut yhden suomeksi, se \<M ollut hauska lukea myös. Kiitos oikein paljon kuvastasi. JAnna-Liisa. Kyllähän olet osannut fkasm! Muistan vielä kuin eilisen päivän kun käväsit meillä pyytämässä "pepsi-colaa", muistatko vielä sitä? I Kirjoitit viime vuonna kahdeksan kirjettä meUle. Melvin. Aiotko paran tuon määrän tänä vuonna? Saimme kaksi uutta jäsentäkin. He orat Mariene Ranta, Beaver Lakelta ja Kerry Wayne Maki, R.B. 1. Coppet Cliff, Ont Tervetuloa perheeseemmel Saiaune runsaasti kirjeitä tällä vii» kolia sillä meille kirjoitti myös Fian- L,BiUy, Unto, Veikko, Lahja, Voitto. Iflanna, May, Olavi, Rose, Ellen, Eeroi Anneli, Anita ja Ihni. Kyllä heUlä onkin kaikenlaista hauskaa kerrotta' Taa. Huomaatteko, että melkein puolet kirjeistä tällä viikolla ovat pojilta? Kim vielä vähän ponnistatte, poijat, niin saavutatte vielä tytöt kirjeiden kirjoittamisessa. ] Siis ei muuta kuin lukekaa korin läksyjänne sillä pääsiäiskokeet ovat pian tulossa. Hyvästit Siskonne, Alarsaret. Evelpts MiUs Dear big sister Maxgaret and all tbe readers and writers of this page. ; How is Margaret and eveiybody else feeljng? 1 am leeling Just grand. < We are supposed to have a nice day today. I hope so. The memoy is supposed to dimb right tq} to 30 above zero. I am still waitu3g for a letter trom the San. telling me that I have to go for an x-ray. Pather says that even if I don't get any word hell take me there on Wednesday or •niursday. I am 'nraiting for mother to come and get my basin out. Here stoe comes SO m have to leave this for awhUe until she mak«5 my bed. 1 guess Rose and I are the same. I wovaän't miss my daily "soap operas*' for anyUilng. I ilsten to 4 in the moi-ning and two in the afternoon. Mom brought me a slip frotn towD on Saturday but it is too smali; It was a size 16. My aunttook it home to t i y it on and if it fits her or her daughter, 5he's goihg to buy it. , Mable, the teacher from our school, was pver last night imtU half past nine.,:, Here are two riddles: If a cow had ä rope that was 5 yards long tied around its neck and there was a bale of alfalfa 20 feet äway, could she reach the alfalfa? Answer: Wby snre, if the other eod of the rope Tram't tied to anything. Two miners had been working in a coal niine and came up after the day's work, one •with a dirty face, one witb a c l e a n one. When they said good night the clean-faced one went to the wash basin where he scrubbed his face Vigprously while the dirty-faced one wcnt on just as he was. Why? Each assnmed his face l o o k ^ like the other's. Checrio! Evelyn Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. May's Riddles manna Misses iHer Sister Hl sister Margaret and all the read- |ers and vvriters of this page. We sure are getting a lot of new iTOters. We should be able to fill [up our wonderfui page with letters. It is snowing over here nbw but it |iai.'t cold. - -r -^7^ - 1 thihk I will pass from this grade. jlhope SO. I have a riddle. What b:s a leg: bat jcannot walk? I will answer it in my |nert letter. . . It is sure lonely without my sister. [My brother Heray is home from the [camp but. my dad is still there with the horse. He comes home every Sun- |day.'.- • I would Ijke to have penpals from all over the World. I would answer all their letters. I will close now. Good-bye sistel Margaret and ali. Hanna Hanninen, Gardiner, Ont. Emil Heinosen kuolinpesän tointeimistöille ja irtaimistoille. ir ic KIINTEIMISTÖÄ 1- Asunto autovajoiheen, Lockerbyssa. ^ S v ö n ä " * ° Nipiwassing IRTAIMISTOA: I- 1947 Packard auto 2. 1932 Chevrolet troki }a trailer 3. Vene *• UlkolaiJamoottori 5. Piaaohaitari 8. Täydelliset puusepän työkalut • pJa.rj-o-ui—csVe t tehtävä kirjeellisestL ^ ^ o i u j a t ovat vahniita näytkään yllämainitut omaisuudet. Jnikm voi arvioida tarjoultse^ Pesänboiujat ^WLN SUKSI J A AI3IO 5IÄKI ®4 S^*-*^ 4-<715 Ui 3-a0l3 Sii4bnz7,Ont. Hi sister Margaret and all the rest. Weil, here 1 am again, I thought r d write as I haven't anything else to do. Yesterday my sister and her hus-band came here and today my brother Oiva came. Last night I was at ä show called "Northwest Mounted Police". It was a good show. Many people were there. My three sisters, my brother, mother and 1 went to see it. It is the first show mother has seen, We had to wait for almost one hour before we got into the theatre. Were there ever a lot bf people there! I haven't been skiing or skating very often lately. At school there is a big jtmip. I went down it once and fell. It is about 4 ft. high. The jiunp wasn't fixed yet and 1 guess thafs why I fell. My two older Sisters are trying to solve a puzzle. They solved one which was i n the North Bay Nugget. Today the Camerön Beavers play-ed hockey with the Matta wa High School. The Beavers lost 3 to 1. Thiey are having their playoffs now. I hope the Cameron Beavers win the cup this year. I have been reading a book called "The Bandlfs Daughter". It is a mystery book and is it ever good. I flnished a book Just lately. It was called "Behhid the Green Door". It was a Penny Parker mystery story book. I read another one of those books älso. It was called "Signal in the Dark". I heard that my nephcw has start-ed writing to this newspäper too now. 1 guess we're keeping you btisy with letters, sister Margaret. I will asksome riddles: When is a rock not a rock? What did the queen say when the fcing fell inio the water? i wlll answer them in my next letter. Ooodbye! May Maki, R. R. 1, Mattawa. Ont. Lahja Got Very Good Report Cari Dear big sister Margaret. ^^\y. Lsst year I only wrQte two^elters so I thought T d write at leäst that many this year. .1 wiU try.to write morc though. Thank you very much for the snap-shot album and ibsaatilul card. I recited the first yerse of the pocm at the Finnish Christmas concert. 1 got a l o t o f gifts. I also got the mumps for Christmas. Was I ever mad because I cotiidnt gb out for 16 ,days.,'. I got 78.75 on ipyretiort the last time and this tlme 1 göfc 83. The high* est was 83.50. My brother got 79^6 on his first report and then 76.6 on his second one. My teftchers' names are Mr. Timmins, Mr. Smith, Miss Harrison and Mr. Carpönter. I^told you befcffe^tbat my mother was going to ha-ve a baby. Weil, she did and it was a stiU-bom eight pound boy. • ... ..y.v, Jack Hymander,' the gym teacher from Sudbury, is ~ here teäching us gym. We gavc a concert last iSunday and are giving a tigger and bettcr one this Sunday. He. also tead^s us dances. For tomorrow we are döing "Turkey in the Straw". I go to choir practice every Monday and Wednesday at f our D'clöck, danc- Ing on Friday at 6.30 pan. and gym &t 6 p.m. every night. We will only be having it about once 'br twice a .week when Jack Hymander goes away. Is it ever cpld down here now. W€ had some vei7 nice weather about two weeks ago but now, br-r-r. In the highest piaces the snpw is about 3 Vi feet deep, We have a skating rink at school. I go there about twice a week on the average. I like skiing best but I hardly ever have time to skl. When I dö it is too cold. They are having a school ski-meet here on the llth. My brother, vrho is qulte a good skler, is in it. The "mestaruuskilpailut" were:here last week-end. Weil, I guess thafs all I can think of for now. Lahja Maki, 51 Dixon Ave., Kirkland Lake, Ont. Eero odottaa hartaasti HaUoo Margaret-siskö ja kaikki tämän osaston. kirjoittajat. Njrt on taas talvi pian mennyt. K y l lä nyt on ollutkin niiii kova talvi ja ankaria pakkasia ja paljon lunta, ettei tahdo päästä aamuisin koulutm. K y l lä toivoisin, että tuUsi.pian kevät ja tumi alkaisi sulamaan ja järvistä lähtisi jäät, että päästäisUn kesäkäm-pälle kalastamaan.. Pidän niin paljon kalastamisesta. Olen jo saanut itsekin kalaa monena vuonna kun olen isäni kanssa ollut soutelemassa. Sitten se haaskaa on kun tulee kesäloma ja pääsemme sinne asumaan. Minulla on koulutovereita. Jotka asuivat samassa saaressa. Kyllä meUlä on hauskaa! Leikinune koulua ja uimme ja saamme muuttaa värimme ketun, väriksi. Kyllä nyt täytyy lopettaa ja mennä nukkumaan. Hauskaa kevättä teille kaikille siskot ja veljet. Eero Laakso, Hearst, Ont. Frances Got Shock Wliile Fatting Dog Hi everybody. I received a letter from Evelyu KiTl today but I guess that r u bave to answer it tomorrqw night. , Daddy is'^goh3g up north soon. He went to town this moming. He got all bis things packed yesterday. To-morrow he is going to Sunbury to meet another man. The roads are getting awful bumpy. Our road is full of hoics npw. We're having a mathematics test tomo!rrow. We had a social Studies test last w e ^ and I got 55 Olit of 75. There's a ghrl in my room who got 65 out of 75. : We made somc Junket at school in the cookihg lab. My junket t u m - ed out pretty good. Some kids* Junket curdled. My cat is. on the coiich xelaxlng. I have ,tb go to' the dentist on Thursday. My honie-room teacher bought her-self an apartment house. It has 20 rooms hl it and lour five-room suites. IIn.Webster'5 Cprners a baby dled early this moming. It had a cold and it choked on something. The mother went to see why it didn't wa&e up för its feedhig, and found it dead. It.was still wann when they fotmd it.' Mommy bought'^me a skirt. It's wine colour. It's too long.so she' has to fix it from the~ti'aist. rve got slx penpals now. Fm going to get one from Scotland and Australia, boys if possible. T v e been trying to sell operetta tlckets. I've sold three of them a l - rcady.. They are 50 cents caäi. Tm getting a Toni on Saturday. I bought myself a palr of rubbers last Week and also a pure sllk kerr chief. 1 was playing wlth a little girl yesterday. I had my hand on our electric fencc yesterday and our dog Sklpper cäme along. I started to pat it but before I knew It the d<^ yapped and I got a big shock,. too. When I keep both hands on the wlre I don't feel hardly any shock. • I guess 1*11 branch off for now so chcerio! Frances Söderholm, Webster's Comer, B. C. Melvin Made Show-House Hi sister Margaret and all the readers and. writers of this page. The weather here has l>een cold and drifty. How has the weather been in Sudbury, sister Margaret? First I would like to ask sister Margaret how many letters I wrote last year. I didn't keep track of them myself. Did you receive the Valentine card I sent you, sister Margaret? I didn*t see ainy mcntlon of it in your letter. I made a snowhouse of blocks of snow yesterday and when I went to putthe roof on, one wall canie down. I theh put the Wall up agato. When I got it up I got some water and then threw it on the walls so it would freeze and get harder. I then put the roof on and put some snow on it.. . My sister got her gold-plated name pin already. Checrio! Melvin Niemi. Silver; idbunUin, Ont. {9.7J9} Anneli is Seven Years Old Now Here I am again. My birthday was on the 7th of this month. I am 7 now. I got lois of presents. I got nice shoes and r U b bm from mother and I got a book and paints, too. We have three cats. One of the catB is «hite and two of them are brown. I thtok m close for now. Anneli Kozpela, Kaministiqnia, Ont. Anita Looking Fonvard to School Party Dear sister Margaret and all the readers and wrlters of this page, Hexe I am again. I was visiting at Violefs placc yesterday. We went shdlng on the big hills. Did we ever have fun. I only fell down once. We ate going to' haVe a party at the school on Friday. We are goihg to go sliding on a big hlll, then we are gohig to build a braifire and make coffee. We are going to go there tomorrow. I have nöt much to say so good-bye! A n i t i Koipela, KaministiQUia, Ont. 1 Howard Wants Penpals Dear sister Margaret and everybcdy. The snow here in Chase is sure meltUig fast. It's nearly all gone now. There has been slides coming off the mountalns every day. : My uncle went up to Revclstoke. to see the ski-jump. He said it was good. He got our "sauna** water thawed out. It was idce to go "kylpemään" again. I like the idea of translating the letters but somethnes you like to see the letter i n EngUsh. too. (l can't read Finnish very Weil). In school we are starting B. C. Job Study. I thhik ITI wrlte about a salesman. You don't have to be whät you write about. David, Alice and I went skatbig last night. It wasn't very good. I got quite a few Talentines and a box of chocolates irom my cousin. Thete are quite a few people sk± here. l l i e flu and nuBSi» are goizxg around. I haycn't had either yet. I can't think of anymore to write. Sb-long. Bovaird Silander. Chase, B. C. P. 6. — Penpals pleasel Kerry's First Letter '' Dear sister Margaret and all the readers of this page. This is my first letter to this page. I am 6. years Old. My birthday Is on March 26th. I am in grade two. I have one brother. His name ia Leslie. He is one year old. I have one good dog. His name is Perky. My. cat'8 name is Kuti-kuti. We have a new school. I have to take my lunch to school as it is almost ä half a mlle away. Good-bye now. I will wTite again •soon;- • Kerry Wayne Mald, ... R. R. 1, Copper Cliff, Ont, Evelyh Ordered New Lounglng Set Dear big sister Margaret and all the readers and writcrs of this page. • Here I am again with pen and paper, scribbling a fcw Iines. Gce, what weather we are haying. snow; snow, and more sno*. We'vc been having snow nearly all week, I'm Just tlred of writtag letters. I've «Titten three already and this one makes four. I guess ni leave for now and eat an orahge,; I won't make any pro-mises tiiat m retiuii to this letter today for rm tlred already. Yes, I did eome batic My sister Elsie went to towh today wlth my aimt and uncle. She weht to look for a Job SO mom and I are home alone. Father and Esko are ih the bush and the others are at school.' I ordered the new three-piece pa-jama set from Eaton'8 yesterday. It has a studio coat, bottoms and a ktod o^ blouse. l ^ e bottoms can be wom as slacks in the siunmer time. The blouse and coat are rose and the slacks are blue. I guess r u close for now. Adios! Erelyn K i r i, Silver Mountain, Ont, Rose was Frightened By Orphaned Mouse Dear big sister Margaret. The weather here has been fair. Some days it has snowed and other daj's it has been cold . and windy though lately it has been \-iery nice outside. I have toeen skiing very often these weeks because it has been excellent ski weather. I just came home from a hockey game in Mattawa. Cameron Beavers played agälnst Mättawa High School and Beavers tied 4-4. Boy, there. sure was a lot of tripping and hittiiig going on. The referee was not^a very good one. I sure was cheering for Cameron. ./ • My sister Lily and her husband Bill came ä<?\m from Levack and are visiting here. I don't know whcn they are retumlng. My brother Oiva also came home rom Copper Cliff but went back today. Did I ever get a few scares one night. It hapiiened like this. I v^^as sitting down in an casy chaUr reading when all of a sudden a tiny mouse comes rushing up under my arm. I jumped up so fast that the mouse ran and hid. I sat down to read again and the inousc came crawl-ing around me again. Did 1 ever squeal. i t kept coming around the chair every once in a while but latcr I brought my kltten- near and it caught it, brought it into the kitchen and played with it. Later on she ate it. I think it wa5 a baby mouse because it was so small. 1 think my kitten caught "Mother Mouse" and ate her up and now the wee ones are running everywherc. The night before the same thing happened but tonlght there are no signs of mlce: Thank gooduess! On Saturday night we all went tö a show called "Northwest Mounted Police", It was really good. It was the first time my mother has ever gone to a show in Mattawa. She doesn't care for shcws one bit but we finally got her to go. She undcr-stoodquitealotof it, Cheerio! Rose Maki, R. R. 1, Mattawa. Ont.. Ilmi is Selling Seeds and Cards Hellb Margaret and all the others of this page. Are you fecliug fhic these Winter dajTs? I"m feellng Just fine. Weil, Winter wlll soon be gono again. There's lots of snow around here. Is there lots of snow in Sudbury, Margaret? There is going to be a show next Saturday tUght. I think wc are going. They are building a new bridge here at Silver Mountain. I wrotc a letter to Liisa Uusitalo who had to go to the san. I havcn't had au answer yet. I ordered $3.50 worth bf secds and Easter cards to sell. Tm gOing to Ellen Was Glad She Missei Dentist Dear sister Margaret. , How is everybody? I am fine, All tifie ,.5now has gone from here andi snpwdrops are up as Weil as some other flowers. It is spring here already, I am glad spring is here and I don't have to feed the birds any-more, .1 got a good report card. We play hopscotch at school. Our cat sleeps all day and runs aw|iy in the moming, One moming he :weht out 6omewhei'e and didri't come back until the next day. I was supposed to go to the dentist but he wasn't in. Boy, was I ever glad. I take my dog for a little walk and he ruhs all the time. I have a little stick and I prod him on a bit. My brother has to wear shoes as big as mlne and he is only flve years old while I am going to be ten in April. . I will close now, Good-bye!. EUen Pietilä, Parskvilie, Van. Isl. B . C . take the money. We won*t get very much mllk from cur cow because it is going to fresh-en soon. We get mllk from Nicml's and somctlmes mrs. PjTkäri brlngs mUk. Somctlmes wc play school and I'm the teacher. We play in the summer kitchen. Wc've got a big table in there. IVe bewi wrlting in the dlary you sent me. I haven't got any picturcs in the snapshot album because I haven't been taklng any pictures yet. My baby brother has grown a lot. He is i year and 9 months old now. I went to see Evelyn. My mother, father, Shirley, Arvo Jr. and Evold wcre there also, I've only got five packagcs of secds to sell anymore, Easter is. next month, i've got somc Easter cards. I guess I will close now. Good-bye l Mml Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. Marlenen ensimmäinen kirje meiUe Hello Margaret-sisko. Minä olen vielä pieni. Täytän maaliskuun toinen päivä kuusi vuotta. Minä lähetän terveiset kaikille kh-Joittajille. Minä olen lasketellut kelkalla paljon kun on niin paljon lunta. Kun Ia.skln mäkeä alas. meiii kelkka niin lujaa, että lensin nenälleni lumeen. Vähän lunta meni niskaani. Kyllä se oli kylmää. Bye-bye! Marlene Ranta, Beaver Lake, Ont. Halloo Margaret-sisko Ja kalkki l u kijat Ja kirjoittajat. Minä ainakin pitäisin sUtö. että kirjeet käännettäisiin suomenkielelle. Xitikin osaisi sitten lukea khrjcet kuten muutkin vanhemmat. ' Se vastaus arvoitukseeni, jonka csi-thi viime kirjeessäni on kirkko. Täällä WAnupissa on hirveän kylmä. Oli 45 astetta alapuolella nollan tänä aamuna. Kannoin puita Uitin! kanssa tällä aamuna ja Jalat melkein palcltulvot. ma& lähetän kauniit kiitokset Härkösen pojille. Edwille ja Binolic Qui-bcUiin Valcnthio-kortista. Sc olikin kaunis jo otin sen ilolla vastaan. Nyt kirjoitan runon. Ole hyvä, älä vastahan rujaisc, kun orpo pirttlhls astuu. Ole hjrvä Ja hymyllä lohduta, Ken silmä kyynelin kastuu. Minä kuimtelcn Joka paivu radiosta uutiset ja paljon hauskoja kertomuksia. Hyvästi Margaret-sisko ja perheen nuoremmat. Veikko Laakao, Wanup, Ont Billy harrastaa jääkiekkopilliä Halloo slsko Margaret ja kalkki tämän osaston lukijat. iCyll änyt on paljon lunta. Mc saamme koulussa lämpöisen puolisen. Mrs. Mandi Ojala on meidän kokklmme. Hän keittää hyvää ruokaa. Meidän JäUkiekkoJoukkuccmmc pelasi Nohrnla vastaan ja Nalrn hävisi. Pelin luku oli 7-5 meidän hyväksemme. Sitten ho tulivat meidän radallemme ja pelasivat taas toisen kerran. He hävisivät taas sillä pelin luku oli 12-5:, Meidän ratamme on nyt niin täynnä.lunta, cttH ci siinä voi pelata Täällä oh hallituksen lumiaura 17 p:nä'ja se aukaisi meidän kylämme tien. Kyllä se on nyt komea. Etköhän tämä nyt riitä tällä kerralla. Checrio! Billy Ranta, R. R. 1. Worthlngton, Ont. Dear sister Margaret and^äl^^ttie>' readers and wrlters of this päge, How is the weather down there? I t K was snowing a bit this vaania^» W0 ^ have a slide at school and my blotber and I brought our toboggan to school. Some of the kids brought tiSä8:*"Uy sister went down the hlll and Oevf head fhst into the snow. Oid she eVer get snowy! > I V .'.'•,.•1 Wc wercn't at school on Tuesday because thert; was no wood to makp a firc with. We had a lot of fun skatlnff and skiing. I am reading a Penny Parker, book,v - "Signal in the Dark". I don't'.know if I wiU fiuish it because it lsn't,very ' intcresthig. I ha\'cn't very much to say now be* causc I havcn't got my thhiklns cap on but 1*11 try to find It by the time I am rcady to writc another letter. 8o good-bye and swcet dreams elster Margaret! Voitto Saari, R.R. 1, Mattawa, Ont. Unto kirjoittaa vaikkei ole vuororisakaan Halloo Margaret-sisko ja kalkki tä-män osaston kirjoittajat Ja lukijat. Jos taas kirjoittaisin jonkun rivin Se Oliisi oikein Martin vuoro kirjoittaa mutta kun hän on ollut niin laiska niin minä kirjoitan. Kyllä nyt on tullut paljon lunta, täytyy käyttää suksia. Olemme kulkeneet suksilla koulussakin. Meillä ci ollut Valentine-paartl9 koulussa, jaettiin vain kortit. Siinä nyt kaikki tällä kertaa. Hyvää vointia käikiUe, Unto Luoma, Rheault PO., Sudbury, Ont. — Uudesta Englannista fcaapuncct brittiläiset valicittivat Acadian v. 1654. Olavi Can Play Tune on His Accordian Hello.blg sister Margaret. I thought rd drop a fcw Iines to this pägc again sincc I haven't wrlt-ten for awhile. This is my third letter to this page and I wlll be wrlt-ing many more yet this year; I am ten years Old now but I won't teli whcn I will be elcvcn. 1 mlght tcll in my next letter. I am waiting for the Eastcr holidays sb I can taikc it easy at home for a chaiigc and writc a fcw letters to this page. I haven*t been trappi ng hardly at all this Winter because I couldn't find all my traps. . I can play "Home Swcct Home" on my accordian. It 1« 18 bclow now. I vas going to go vl.sitlng todny but it is too cold out n o w . I t Lsflfteen after twclvc now and I havch't got veiy mucl) to write about now. I am going to go slldliig with my toboggan. That will be all for now, ril write some more next tlmc. Checrio! Olavi Ojala, Intola. Ont. Todistaja sanoi vieneensä pommin lentokoneeseen Quebec. — Mrs. A. Fitre todisti tlts-taina Quebecin rikosoikeudessa/että han vei pahvilaatikossa pomttiiiisU* hcn lentokoneeseen, mikä teki viime .syyskuun 9 p:nä lentorikon sillä fieu* rauksclla, että 23 henkilöä sai fiumuiQ» sa. Hän kertoi luulleensa silloin,^ «ttä pahvilaatikossa oli "kuvopatsas'V'Ja sanoi saaneensa tietää 10 päivääi l e n torikon jälkeen siitä, että paUrvUaatl-kossa oU pommi. Todistaja sanoi, että .täkäläinen juuvclikauppias J . Albert Oua3r,'J0ta syytetään vaimonsa murhasta; ilmolt* ti Uistä asiasta hänelle syyiflcuuttMS pnä ja kchoitti häntä tekemään i t semurhan , etteivät poliisit: votslf tcuu* lustolla häntä. Todistaja kertoi'/Vie-nccnsä pahvilaatikon lentokoneiseen Guayn pyynnöstä. -' Muuan kemian professori "todisti, että lentokoneen pirstaleista löydetyt kemikaalit osoittavat dynamlitlnjttt-jähtäncen Icntokonecsfla. ~ ii: Työttömyys lisäänty- | nyt 16 maassa ' Geneve. — Kansainvälinen työvl*: rasto ilmoitti maanantaina, että tyjit-tömyys lisääntyi viime •vuoden aikana 10 maassa Euroopassa Ja PabJols^A* mcrikassa; Yhdysvallötsää oli tyfittO* micn lukumäärä 4/180,000. lähes 6 prbs. sen maan työvoimasta. Britanniassa oli vuoden Ippulla lähes 1,000.000 työtöntä. iVöVitasfoO: tilastoissa el ole otettu lukuun'^Neu-vcBtoIilttoa eikä kansand^pöSratlan malta. Virasto mainitsi vain neljft sellaista kapitallstUnaata. missä työttömyys ei ollut lisääntynyt. Me .ovat Irlannin tasavalta. Ruotsi; Australia ja Ulisi Seelanti. Onnea Alma ja Antti Rannan uuteen kotiin , toivottavat ™ 's. V ^'jS' Anna-Liisa Got Watch For Her Birthday •Dear sister Margaret. I hope you wlU foigtve me for not writing for such a long time. The weathcr up here is ^ t e cold and the snow in our back yard is quite a bit higher than our f ence. This is quite a good time to vsrritc because I have a sore throat and will not go to school, this af temoon. I received a watch from my mother and father for my birttidäy. March the Ist is quite a cold day in South Porcupine, Last month Jack Hymander was up here and then we had a cbhcert. I was i n It doing gym and dancing to -Itokey to the 8traw". 'Weil. i guess that will be all for now. Cbeetfo! Anaa-Lilsa O la Soutb Porctiplne, Ont, KATSELKAA NÄITÄ RÄHM msimmim KANANPOIKIEN Ae% aloittamismäskiä ^ löpros. KASVATUSMXSKIX . . . . . . . . • • -• .«UNITUSMÄSKIÄ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. • KANOJEN BAAFPIMISMÄSKIA. (4 jyvää, mabfsl yhtenä) KUUDEN JYVÄN RAAPFIMISMÄSKIÄ , . , , . . . . . . . . • • MUNALAATIKOITA SIAN ALOITTAMISUUOKAA 18% SIAN KASVATUSEUOKAA -. J6% SIAN LOPETTAMISBUOKAA • EMIXSIAN SEOS . . . . . . . . . . . .....U.c SraOJEN MINERAALIA ••^^ P' POLTETTUA RAUTAA . . . . . . . . . . . . u«lpiirkkl — 16 ons. RAUTATULIHAPPOSUOLAA ... • .32 on». SIAN MATOLÄÄKE 25 ons. VASIKANJAIJHOJA . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . ^ . . . . . . •• • W p. VASIKAN ALOITTAMISRUOKAA . . . . . . . . .....ZZ% ItlArrOKARJAN SEOKSIA - •'iSTf MAIDON TUOTTAJA •24% DBY & FBESHING-SEOS . . . . . . • • • MAITOKARJAN KONSENTROITUA .....32% KARJAN MINERAALEJA .25 p. RAAKAA PELLAVAN8IEME.VÖLjrÄ »all. KALANBfAKSAOLJYA ^....... . . . . . . . gM, H, T. H, KLORIINI DESINFIOIMISAINE .^s RUOKINTAKAUROJA, No. 1 lännen • - -1W p. ONTARION KAUROJA ,100 p. KAUROJA. sUpnttaJa. tai pnristettoja • «»• K A U R A - J A OHRASILPFUA ., 100 p. OHRASILPPUA 100 p. RUOKINTANI8UA >W P' KOKO MAISSIA MO p. HALAISTUA MAISSIA .100 p. KANOJEN ROUHETTA .100 p. OISTERIN KUORIA .100 p. JAUHOJA—IVORY «eipä.) .... - W p. JAUHOJA—QUAKER (yletetä) .....08 p. JAUHOJA—QUAKER (yleistä) .24 p. JAUHOJA—SAXON (piirakka) . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 p. JAUHOJA—WHOLE WHEAT ,98 p. KAURANRYYNYJX 5 P. po«i KAURANRYY.VNEJX—hienoja tai karkelto 20 p E E i m O r H A I S S U A U B O J A 24 p. BIOOTTORIOLJYA—MARVELUBE .....kv. ,30 f a a I.IS UOOTTORIOUYX—MOBII£ .kv. .40 l.SO SHOBTS ...........Säkki MIDDLINGS •'••|?J*i BBAN , ....Säkki 'M' 2M
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, March 9, 1950 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1950-03-09 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus500309 |
Title | 1950-03-09-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
Heipä hei sistot ja veljet!
gj.r.r. pakkasukko ei näy ollen-föan
säälivän meitä, aina on yhtä
fHoirard mainitsee kirjeessään, että
Ihin ei ole varma miUä osoitteeUa las-
L j kirjeet olisi lähetettävä. Kaikki
L i u t epäilevät jäsenet, ottakaa huo-px)
n,että osoite ön: Sistcr Marsaret.
IBflxea, Sndbnry, p nt
IxAjn oU ahke-a tällä viikolla sillä
jlän kirjoitti meille kaksi kirjettä,
jojjjjt kirjoittanut yhden suomeksi, se
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