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W i łK37 rxr:twK'rjr sJtsf-śrrtfr- - c%:cr v- - —t"" — - - - -- -- + - -- ' -„- -i — Wf £ - "vife SfeS&li 4yiypowć ♦ V łł V- - — -- — ! v r łv dttm: m v mv h h h Ha h w h m m u n (Monthly English JS!S®S5Si£iiiS£ySS5£i®£S®£y Book Reviews: by Krzysztof M Gebhard The Organizational Structure i the Polish Canadian w - by Two recent works by Be- - nedykt Heydenkorn are no- - table additions to the some- - what impoverished biblio-- 'graphy of books relating to the study of Poles in Canada The first The Orqanizarional Structure of the Polish Cana- - dian Community (Struktura orrganizacyjna Polonii Kana- - and the second neutral on the ever the 0f the the baltles Heydenkorn Kana- - ter the Execu-- the Canadian of dyjskiej complement each otlier as tney concern tnem-- selves with the organizational life of Canada's Polish group There exisls a pronounced continuity between the two works even tliougli tlie iirst appearea in lingnsn lan-- ł~„V- - V0L IV for reflect guage second in use- - the is one dian issues any -- Polish the two effects due to the situa- - organizations within lunLcii uO0aja a tunci-iiui- i ui published documents and vignettes of prominent living in Canada In The Organizational Structure of the Polish Cana- - Corimunity first and the most mative esray is "The tion Polish in i i n-tr- - t rt 4 r ri „ — 1 Board: Tynclorf The no of It became member Canada" In a bul shorlcomings the Federation well researched form the was a success because it author the foundalion blazed the trail the found-an- d aclivities of that organi- - ing of the Congress zation Born in 1931 the Fed- - The above is docu-eratio- n became the first Pol-- a healthy and in appendix (73 Canada Wilhout u js composed of archival most salisiaciory ana re- - ealing is the section on early organization t is inleresting to here Ihal the impetus the formation of a cen- - policy upon orders from War-- saw This guiding was quality of leonsciousness within cannoi say than thal it in a murky slate and that it would difficult consider be a Polish Community" rlddlod with m- - ternal bitter feuds korn his whelher was of real slrenglh of lnlluence oi i-eae-ra-a secular social was overesumatea Dy lncluding Catholic clergy the earn oldest umuui-uuCuiclic- u uiSaiiiia- - tion the Association of &amm$£xmsmi Supplement) 28 1981 No Editorial Leszek Gebhard Editorial Board accepts responsibility by individual Articles do not necessarily the views any organization "Przywództwo Polonii Kanadyjskiej" Benedykt Heydenkorn tlie outlived history did not presents his- - Societies concise for ish uinbrella organization inleresting p) Tlie for organization the Furlhermore Krzysztof in Canada The egalitarian slance on religion by was largely for this refrac- - lormess on the part of the Catholic organizations The clencs felt that the Federa- - tion should exclusively sup- - port the faith of the rather than maintaining a In September 1943 the Federalion held a convenlion in Windsor which in effect became the swan-son- g the organization The consensus arrived al by the twenty-eigh- t d e 1 e g a t e s attending was that the Feder- - al mat ume an organization of a structure and eomposition was needed An to this dilemna was orchestrated the Cana- - clian Polisli was founded in October The aulhor that vhatevcr its weaknesses S0Urces -- drawn from the bul-- of the rep01ts minutes and rCports of General Con-- Vpn(mns ibp nprsnnal naners the Rules of the Conventions of Federation are ganda lactics outlined in the reports and correspondence oi uipioniais ur Jan rtiitiui- - kiewicz and Nalecz- - Dobrowolski Anti-Federali- on materiał by left-win- g Pol-- ish Workers' Association is also included In this instance the Federalion is using old clichgSł as a machi-- natlon fasclsts and priests n n m m „ n : s t nrMnizalinns The second The Organizational Structure of the Polish Canadian munity is essentially an his-- outimc entiliea "The Board of the d- ian vronsn iaongress łl niinl e hislory of the CPC is com of the histor ies of all its member organizations of the activily the Districts Hminc Cucu%t cMiuini1 nA uliriynMiijir PMw1uMu- - cii and the Executive in as It con-Cana- da as ACts on Ihe spur Thp moment and in nccessary because as one of lished in fuli in section 'the founders The involvement Ihe Pol-ther- c was a lack Pol- - ish Government in affairs ish national consciousness the is the members the denced by the careful scru-Canadia- n Polonia "Regard-- - observation and ]ng the omei- - wise to to sciously conflict and per- - the facilitate i member- - a a a however expresses reservations indicative to the and Ortł1łrxl!r mirtmiinn Wawrow Richard the ponsible maiority different attempt Congress 1944 concludes and the the of in Executive of evi-amo- ng CHOPIN DELFINY Przygotował wstępem i przypisami opatrzył GLIŃSKI i przesyłką Do nabycia w księgarni St W Toronto M6P Wysyłamy po uprzednim należności lub Money wystawiać na: Alliance MOODY ŻYCIE PO ŻYCIU Jest lo próba uporządkowania materiału zebranego podczas słuchania relacji ludzi którzy „otarli się" o śmierć byli to reanimowani ze klinicznej Cena z przesyłką Do nabycia w 1(538 St W Toronto M6P Wysyłamy po nade-słaniu lub Money wystawiać na: Alliance Community Board well as of the or- - ganizalions which belong to the Congress Under special status on principles different mem- - ber organizations The category includes the Adam Mickiewicz Foundation and the Canadian Polish Research Institule how- - and is divided into sec- - uons according to tlie of of the various pro- - sidents of the Congress: J W Grocholski D Kirejczyk J Kurosad Z and Z Jarmicki it is well known that the antagonisms dissention and the frustration with an impoverished operating bud- - gct During ils early" were the problems sfemming the fact thal the established Polonia misunderslood the neods concerns and of those who arrived the had In books with on trał organi7ation Poles 0f Julian Topolnicki well foreign was came from the Polish tiie pjew Archives in ceived of the in ATnnii-pn- i whiph Warsnw 'RvTJaws5 and this laler wrote elear of the of organization of tiny the Polish masses remains con-- support opinions generał umorena executed oi 10 ul i Its should in to as as the the as the of 'A the of uon Dr do MATEUSZ „Związkowca" Bloor 4A8 nade-słaniu Czeki Polish Press R A stanu śmierci $385 „Związkowca" Bloor 4A8 należności Czeki Order Polish Press as from of rogular This Jaworski SOnal from older ronsn jnic Mon- - są laining The had and this Cena 1G3B tive By Adam Bromke Prime Minister Pierre Tru- - _ -- ajeauis_ 'r ' i— oi- - wh cnsis is unfortunately a good-exampl- e of his y personal and erratic style in Ihe conduct of Canada's emotionai and confusing nianner The in Poland stands al the very centrę of the world stage and it should be handled with utmost care in that country continue deterio 'rate it niay ]ead to an ventjon "by the USSR — V1C „„"„„ „ }„~nA „:t:„„„i '~ iuu cuuuuu i umiiu unu luuiu strike at notice development would have repercussions in the internalional sphere NATO'S PREPARATIONS A Soviet attack against as a ago Josepn Luns the Secretary-Genera- l of NATO mdicated that the Western do not iu lebuoau niim„an„iy: xichi' --„-„- i-ii Wo V11: Vi 4tbłJ'I"V!J„Ł rtf A TnittłnMi- - Ł !LJI-ittt411J 7 _ inrrpnso rietc nf S_TV-- ' " _"_X " r: iiii vi w nvi cnni irnTi nnn lt 7 i i - i i it-i-ł-i- ii i i i m - i r u iii ni iiv _ „X V ° i i fnp fin ivSn_ t --- —_ -- w- v_ exolicitlv declared that detenie if the USSR were to vio-lat- e the basie rights of any state Western powers are determined not to repeat the v5cłlro łlimr nnfl in 10CO over uzecnosio aiua in aaopt- - a diplomatic posturę of near-indiferen- ce in order lo ginng Moscow a pretext for invasion Ihey have it that they do not intend to m any way in Polish internal affairs but have also au-uugi- y empiiasizea that expect the to do the same "Poland should be free to decide its futurę" the NATO communiąue The Western democracies also to an error smmmmmKmwmBMmm wmv ~? sUddofrand largo ihfltix tJf roies mio was a prlrnc conccrn for (ho Con- - gress during ils tirsl decailc of existencc The essay in qucstion how-eve- r concerns itself for the most part with the moro po-sitiv- e accomplishments of the Congress These arc excm-plifie- d willi the successful defence of the of Pol-is- li ex-soldi- crs conlracled to work on Canadian farms for two Many lliem-selve- s working lbng with poor pay and suslc-nanc- e The Congress inlcr-vene- d and the Canadian Gov-ernme- nt the restric-tion- s by allowing the ex-- soldiers to change employers with relative ease It is inleresting to nole the shilt in the main concerns of the that took place in the 1950's con- - tinually poli tiMl isines sin™ ils inenn- - tion the conlinually strived to disassociate jtself from the Canadian political scenę and funclion as a purc- - ly social organization Ncver-- theless the inevilable growlh nf-nnlil- irnl nn thn nart rr Mia PnnnHinn resulted in the involvemcnt political parties The Con- - gress retracted stand of apolicity and actively encou- - raged its members to partici- - pate in elections suppoKing candidates of Polish origin According to the dif- - ferences of opinion on Cana The work by Ihe CPC in the area of raising the image of Poles in Canada cannot be overlooked and is probably its grealest achievement Poslage stainps bearing the dyjskiej) itself Congress lhc°qua-Przywództw- o actWIUes established and ation its CPC exert Hcy- - fulness apparent fraught batlles between detrimental rela-lenko- rn three that world per- - tions tlie Congress Poles the probably infor-- Federa- - ti-ac-es essay ąuestion acted force be Although Federation Federation JANUARY e'xpressed contributors lcadcrshin Federalion Federation pub- - denounced posed propa- - these masses sonal ♦tion organ- - ization many Poles solve when press 'the essay torical Cana- - Head latter office there rn-uui- n oana-- innu Should the situation The ing said rights Although entrenched iu-ideolo- gy Erratic Trudeau mńlmr excuxsipn Congress T-t- _i r uments in lionour of reviewed various diplomatic and economic sanctions be lUfttii iii nic UL Jnlo pQ_ land lh did not are odl exttoacldAlyo lor sincc intervention may take different like to be frec to mea- - sures best filling specific situation TRUDEAU'S INITIATIVE Trudeau's Collective siderable Uve menberóiganStions ship Federatlon- - lo de- - to M druku $700 $770 Order $350 uprzednim those essay terms years from IlllaBe dians inio-in- e high to inter- - short grave allies plan thp wiłicnUi could arain avoid madę they USSR avoid (janacia years found eased in CPC --iwarpnnss Pnimiin its essay Head crisis Poles UVC1H they going they selecl in meeling ' however A Mnistpr Miftinfnn w ~ WU p participated In that gatherlng and seemed to satisfied with Yet next Trudeau madę an emotionai outbursl against suggesting lhe Trudeau ar- - the alliance in in- - terjected into the Pol- - :cVi -- ioic n„f i- - r v-ii:i- 10- "' V1CW Ul Luns' statement a ago tHn An +' r hn lllllT ł ftflfl"l iArl W ° --- --- - V' Trudeau complshed exactly site of ongmal goal Ile conveyed impresson of I-IIM-KM K III ll- - V 1'MIll nave nirina nic rnnmc n ino „t0„0„'1 CannandoaH ri"pngi"13!? ąuestion with Poland relatively low ranking ln canadian foreign policy Dur- - ing lhe 70s successive us presidents War- - nrpsiripnis and German chance!- - c „nnn Yet Canadian iY!i:i„ii:ia„iu„i iicvił łru„uikii „„ tiu„ go Nor there any knowledge Poland in they commited af the m- - Affairs Canadian embas-vasio- n of_ Afghamstan in res- - ]{ £ pondmg a haphazard and uyndeistaffed and even contradictory fashion have re-Conseąue- ntly the ministe- - rial in Brussels foreign service eslablishetl Ib furllior llio sumy 01 ino and a number of scholarships and nave established Tlie Congress has conlinually strugglod to mainlain the lionour and dignily of the nation laking a very position on various intcrnational Members of the Congress Eccutivo hołd rogular meetings willi Governinent leaders and havc consultcd by pol-ic- y groups on immigra-lio- n and multiculturalism The historical skelch the snin u fireł ińi siv vears of oislonrn 1044- - 1970 and first published in 1970 II is disappoinllnc that not brought up to dato wlien prinled in the pre-se- nt formal The 1970's werc an evenlful dccade and Uieir inclusion would have cn- - lianced the essay Heydenkorn's companion vr:inra u-- m nhnvo ™iw tion Przywództwo w Polonii Kanadyjskiej consists of an inlroductory discussion which touchcs on sovoral and sociological problems of Canada's Polonia This i™ hin-mi- ™! vi tmpttp imnbni„fni„ „i: yiduals who accordin to Heydenkorn fails to "leadership" as he sces or position mat- - concerns with in possoss w Polonii of 0f lilies of dian of mented with nole Com- - of an of MATA studied uiimlj w explam critoria applicd they are self-confide-nl selecl the twcnly-fou- r Ile mislic and don't harbour any does hovever out complexes views on zasieku jcunan winiu iiiu samu been issued przywódcy Byli zaslu- - their to Sovjel entry what Soviet would the this became results Soviet month Polish givcn visited the lhe the They group Polish issues study define tlie opti-l- o point beliefs active paiticipation or even iiumiiig uxecuuvo oincc m an organization does not no- - cessarily make a "lead- - er" Ile writes: "Każda z tych ma swoich rzeczników i orędowników na nej organizacyjnej a krajowej zarówno poprzez Kongres Polonii Kanadyjskiej jak i organizacje o wielkim - _ i _ i_ żeni działacze i lo na różnych efforl lo Polish to undcrsland the iiicuiauiu _iiiłii~vo nim- - u hełlla'st c]ecade The 0fficJal Canad'ai image of Poland" cwhanfg„erda the of of of to of pmmlre confrontational uded from world to long gone Polish failed letins DO have Such moniu irrpntlv elear they want hours forms tenal "day Union gued efecl itself „io ac_ oppo- - ronlan( of havc luncis bcen vocal becn CPC lnuwl Their lamous grup skali lokal- - nawet madę little sińce l-łł- OVŁT tJ knows adian Prime peaks fni" i)ln nllimipa nc n onlv DIPLOMACY" All being a in obseiwing NATO posturo Soiet in(ervention still leavcs diplomacy" aimed al defusing ip Pn country best filled with ussk of meffective the MÓW f Aint The w played a uiuiiu iii these circumstances uiuij iu i y - i 1 v i i i ł i iiw iii vt liii ' j l ~~ sa ui r [JS£RS®S!SS5!5ij?ggR3sg555y35ggg co" 10) Tlio porsolis whoso mini-biographi- cs appear in the book all wero living al the limo of publication Bioara-phica- l data as infor-malio- n on their world-vic- W ideoldgios werc oblained Ihrough personal inlcrviews This supplemcnted with lloydenkorn's personal knowlcdgc co] leci cd ohscrving Polonia threc decados twenty-fou-r who ap- - pear inP "cydonkorn's come from vaned back- - grounds — social profession al Woo ogical A undful wcro born Canada rje- - mainder arc inimigranls Of tho latler group the majorily arrived immedialely afler the Second World War In rcading thesc brief in-sigh- ls into their lives one cannot disagres willi the aulhor that all have madę significant centributions in a number of areas If aulhor's explanation of seloclion proceduro un-cle- ar a number of unifying themes appear each vi- - gnetle read havc adapted themsclves life in Canada and !l:irc wortliy zens of that country In other words they have accom-plishe- cl a greal deal Cana-dian- s and Polish Cana-dian- s For most part various problems are oflen cuiurucucioiy ioi euiiipiu their position toward present- - day Poland an issue bas been both an agent of unity division Canada's Po- - lonia Although their ideolo- - gies arc firmly entrenched Ueydenkorn's leaders posses thal ąualily which the ability rto be compromising l:i „i - j: mosl common deno- - could be a chance bul only a chance Canada to offer u iiumi łuł moi win _ a chann used reassure the Krcmhn IHIJUUH11V1 V VV Special allenlion should bo given to economic matters Here Canada has valid in-terests Polami owes woli over $1 billion An offer could be macie lo-co-ordin-ate Western eiforts lo rescue lhe baltered Polish cconomy with those of the USSR Such a Uon over Poland an area of Easl-We- sl cooperalion Pcihaps is what -- uciuuy iiau m mmu nic circumsianccs wnicn iniliative has been launched howcver do public quiet diplomacy jether Adam Bromke has rc-cent- ly retinned Jrom Poland Piojessor of Political ittitio um--t j j leaders that in exchange In contrast Western Euro- - the Sovicts' refraining from pean and in force in Poland Warsaw have watched the USSR's sccurily interests scenę closcly and they havc its western border would been moro altuned lo the bo fully respected Any inlcn-man- y subtlelies tion tearing Poland awav politics They are unlikely lo from the Warsaw Pacl should The avowed objective of be impressed cspccially be explicitly renounced The inilialive was to when it goes againsl their West could also use the con-try co-ordina- te the res-- judgment an influence excrted ponse Western counlries impromtu Canadian inilia- - through ils radio broadcasls to the developments Po- - Nor will Brczhncv be to te calm the political land Aftei' the NATO lllinis- - iinnrpscnrl nropkolu Iip -- ilmwnlinro in th:i( the Canadian Prime Minister basically joini vcnture exc Po and is not going start thought that NATO primary objective is and diaioguc could trans--K ils fold by 1938 Ileyden the th"d war As too fai By threatening rightly so serve form a polenlial confronta- - Ihe me ręs- - LISTY Oni ludzie księgarni Ont lve mtervene superiluous Jfixiernai rmps he be its Luns thal use sancti01)S against "" UUL n~i " P the his Ihe olc„ The all fol- - thal has Ihe use the on IlllllUUUbU cause he thal Can Minister nni whole but himsclf "QUIET this said Tru- - deau has point that lerrenl against mili- - tary Bul this room for "quicl r-ri- cic to deal ine mcrieasmgly and lak(J lei who there (p well and was by lor The list and the Ihe All citi-- Ihe thal and rare obvious for into this Iru- - uwu ioho policy for US by Iry COlirSe WOllld tllR United n J-- — mumąue apprenension QlołnevM 4 „„ a seems to been unwar- - „ =„ creuons ana i'viiuli niiiini: as is to to us „b_e rantea inaeea ' Dy piiDiiciy tlie Cai'tnr !) fi 111111 1 = 3LKIU111 fil fn nrnir sl rat lnn 1C aisunity western ranics Af£rhanistan are" Science at McMaster Univer-Ther- e is an element of ar- - ill-"tte- d to negatiate with the sity and an ezpert on Polish rnc°ranfr°or Triirl1pS nn'! sfnnrl RllSSiTns nvm Tnlinl nnlóip nnrl Pnmnrlinii fnppjrrlł tn wii the Relations have been three saw „„ Vrpryrh West tors Prime tuuu special-ize- d ter fa not there at presented cream of our meeting they by of was was historical it one tvt'_ learn or lillle Polish Ihe for -- the is The nnnffin Innm not Gcrmans7 ~~ the is as ub for jl~ jjluh munications łfcłJł for in his not indis- - is diplomals re sucn iui in slngularly in Ti om ici is in ambassadors it In is nr sh in as as is Kalendarzyk kieszonkowy 1981 Zawiera niezbędne informacje i adresy polonijnych organizacji oraz instytucji Cena $175 z przesyłka $200 JUŻ DO NABYCIA W „ZWIĄZKOWCU" 1638 Bloor St W7 Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 'Si®£v£ss£i£y2is£2£c£a£ minator dcrived(froHtri ana-lysis"- of UiWgroUp is "tholr gencrosityv of sotil and hiima-niiaria- n approach lo life Through these vignelteś Heydenkorn has conlrihulcd to the study of Polish organi-zational life in Canada as each biographical skelch pro-scnl- s an insight into one or morę organiazlions through the aclivities of that person The main regrel on lhe part of lhe rcviewcr is thal this mini version of "Who's Who" in lhe Canadian Polonia is in-compl-ele A handful of lhe personages arc from Mont-real and Otiawa while the rc-maind- er aro rcsidenls of To-ronto One cannot disputc lhe fact thal Toronto is today lhe most important Polish centrę in Canada That city boasls the largesl Polish pop-ulatio- n (80000) is lhe scal of lhe National Executive of lhe CPC Canadian Polish R e s e a r c h Institule and olhers and it is there thal threc of the four Polish lan-guag- e newspapers in Canada are published Nevcrlheless there arc substanlial Polish populations in other Ontario cilies and in Canada's west-ern provinces Heydenkorn recognized this hiatus in his inlroduclion yet did not he-sila- le to cnlille the book Przywództwo w Polonii Kana-dyjskiej A moro appropriale lilie would have been Przy-wództwo w Polonii wschodnio-Kanadyjski- ej The resource-ric- h western provinces are atlracling largo numbers of professionals skillcd workers and labourcrs from other parts of Canada and abroad Poles are included in the abovc eategories and for lhe first limo sińce lhe 1920's Polish population in the prov-ince- s of Saskatchewan and MkES ' --T T T T "r'v T f T T T W~~" 't 't T 'f - --T'" T 1 W THE P0L0NIAN FORUM welcomjs contributions from those ' interested in Polish and Canadian matters Forward correspondence to: Leszek Wawrow co The Polonian Forum ' [ 1638 Bloor St W ] Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 r-- Tel office 535-623- 3 home 532-56- 50 nic I' iWSłtin 'Alberta isVón'th"e upswihgv Heydenkorn' "Whq's Who4 will only be coirlplćte wKcn lic travpls to ceni res 'like Wiiinipeg Regina Saskaloon Calgary tidmonton Vancoti-ve- r and olhers alid produces a second volume In rcading the books dis-cuss- ed above one feels as if one sal down lo dinner bill lefl the table disappoinled because cven tliougli the food was superb the porlions wcro smali Essay colleclions are a mixed blessing Oltcn hclpful because they provide 'wide-rangin- g materiał in compact form they are fre-nuenl- ly frustrating because their brevily prevents in-dep- th exploral!on of impor-tant topics These parlicular works are nevertheless an achievement because they are informative and reveal-in- g Furthermore consider-abl- e Ume and research havo gone into their preparation In the lirst study the aulhor has succeedcd in demonstral-in- g that rich archival sources relating lo lhe area exisl in various forms No futuro stu-die- s can now ignore the sources ievealed by Heyden-korn These two books whet the appelile for morę studies re-lating to the study of the Canadian Polonia Heyden-korn an astute observer of ethnic problems has already extensivcly on the subject His numerous books and articles make him a lead-in- g contributor lo this area of study In this regard he is to be congratulated His con-Iributio- ns are of importance not only lo the history of the Canadian Polonia but also to the history of Canada $1400 $2300 $1250 $1100 NOWE KSIĄŻKI nie ujęte w poprzedniri katalogu RÓŻNE WYDAWNICTWA EMIGRACYJNE BYSZEWSKA A BYSZEWSKI S — Wspomnienia — Przygody i przcycia polskiej patriolki w czasie wojny i po jej zakończeniu Utwór wzbogacony w moralne i filozoficzne myśli GARLIŃSKI J — Enigma — Historia Enigmy jest naprawdę fantastyczna Mowa tu jest o osiąg-nięciach polskich kryploanalityków którzy metodą matematycznej dedukcji tylko przy częściowej pomocy wywiadu potrafili złamać niemiecki sekret CEGIEŁKA F — Siostra Faustyna siafarka miło-sierdzia Bożego — Autor tej książki korzystał z osobistych zapisków siostry Faustyny i in-nych źródeł które pomogły mu stworzyć pe-łen obraz posłannictwa siostry Faustrny $1000 JAN PAWEŁ II — Encyklika — Ojciec św zwraca się w niej (u progu swej papieskiej posługi) do kapłanów rodzin zakonnych oraz wszyst-kich liudzi dobrej woli $300 JUREWICZ L — Zbrodnia czy pociątek wojny do-mowej — AV książce tej po raz pierwszy przedstawiono w sposób dokumentarny spra-wę mordu GL pod Borowem Mowa tu jest także o preparowaniu aktów oskarżenia w PRL $1800 KRZYŻANOWSKI M — Anatomia rzeczywistości — Wyrażona jest tu wątpliwość czy istnieje ja-kieś „ja" transcendentne w stosunku do treści moich doznań Przedstawiona tu praca może czyni zaledwie krok w głąb badanego za-gadnienia $050 KRZYŻANOWSKI J R — Generał — Opowieść o Leopoldzie Okulickim Utwór poświęcony jest pamięci ostatniego dowódcy Armii Krajo-wej i wszystkich jej żołnierzy $1000 ŁYSEK P — Z Istebnej w świat — Utwór tym się 'różni od innych relacji wojennych że nie zo-stał napisany przez generała ale przez szere-gowca Jest niejako spojrzeniem na wojnę in-nymi oczami oczami człowieka który nie znał kulis ale widział fakty i umiał je przed-stawić w książce $450 MACHALSKI T — Co widziałem i przeżyłem — Pa-miętnik gen T Machalskicgo byłego attache wojskowego RP w Turcji — w czasie II wojny światowej $2300 MOSZKOW1CZ — Punkt zero — Powieść w której autor w sposób niebanalny przedstawia prze-życia i doznania bohatera (może swoje wła-sne) Charakter utworu oddaje końcowy frag-ment powieści: „Jestem pokutującą duszą jestem Golemem który szuka zaklęcia które przywróciłoby go życiu Jestem jednym z tych którzy szukają drogi do samego siebie I to jest moja wina SKORUSA S — Bywaj dziewczę zdrowe — Powieść z okresu wojny polsko-bolszewicki- ej „Dopóki młodzież polska będzie laka jak była tamta dotąd Polska zginie" - written _ _ W Księgarni „ZWIĄZKOWCA" otrzymasz każdą książkę wydaną w Polsce lub na emlgrdcjl Koszt przesyłki książek ponosi zamawiający Przy zakupie do wartości ?20 na przesyłkę należy doliczyć 10% Powyżej $20 — h% Księgarnia otwarta od 9 do 5 w soboty od 9 co 1 1638 Bloor St W Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 Polish Alliance Press Ltd — Book Storę i i v
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Zwilazkowiec Alliancer, January 28, 1981 |
Language | pl |
Subject | Poland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Poland; Polish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1981-01-28 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | ZwilaD3000842 |
Title | 000053 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | pNRf łOTsT" ut-y"-- ! W i łK37 rxr:twK'rjr sJtsf-śrrtfr- - c%:cr v- - —t"" — - - - -- -- + - -- ' -„- -i — Wf £ - "vife SfeS&li 4yiypowć ♦ V łł V- - — -- — ! v r łv dttm: m v mv h h h Ha h w h m m u n (Monthly English JS!S®S5Si£iiiS£ySS5£i®£S®£y Book Reviews: by Krzysztof M Gebhard The Organizational Structure i the Polish Canadian w - by Two recent works by Be- - nedykt Heydenkorn are no- - table additions to the some- - what impoverished biblio-- 'graphy of books relating to the study of Poles in Canada The first The Orqanizarional Structure of the Polish Cana- - dian Community (Struktura orrganizacyjna Polonii Kana- - and the second neutral on the ever the 0f the the baltles Heydenkorn Kana- - ter the Execu-- the Canadian of dyjskiej complement each otlier as tney concern tnem-- selves with the organizational life of Canada's Polish group There exisls a pronounced continuity between the two works even tliougli tlie iirst appearea in lingnsn lan-- ł~„V- - V0L IV for reflect guage second in use- - the is one dian issues any -- Polish the two effects due to the situa- - organizations within lunLcii uO0aja a tunci-iiui- i ui published documents and vignettes of prominent living in Canada In The Organizational Structure of the Polish Cana- - Corimunity first and the most mative esray is "The tion Polish in i i n-tr- - t rt 4 r ri „ — 1 Board: Tynclorf The no of It became member Canada" In a bul shorlcomings the Federation well researched form the was a success because it author the foundalion blazed the trail the found-an- d aclivities of that organi- - ing of the Congress zation Born in 1931 the Fed- - The above is docu-eratio- n became the first Pol-- a healthy and in appendix (73 Canada Wilhout u js composed of archival most salisiaciory ana re- - ealing is the section on early organization t is inleresting to here Ihal the impetus the formation of a cen- - policy upon orders from War-- saw This guiding was quality of leonsciousness within cannoi say than thal it in a murky slate and that it would difficult consider be a Polish Community" rlddlod with m- - ternal bitter feuds korn his whelher was of real slrenglh of lnlluence oi i-eae-ra-a secular social was overesumatea Dy lncluding Catholic clergy the earn oldest umuui-uuCuiclic- u uiSaiiiia- - tion the Association of &amm$£xmsmi Supplement) 28 1981 No Editorial Leszek Gebhard Editorial Board accepts responsibility by individual Articles do not necessarily the views any organization "Przywództwo Polonii Kanadyjskiej" Benedykt Heydenkorn tlie outlived history did not presents his- - Societies concise for ish uinbrella organization inleresting p) Tlie for organization the Furlhermore Krzysztof in Canada The egalitarian slance on religion by was largely for this refrac- - lormess on the part of the Catholic organizations The clencs felt that the Federa- - tion should exclusively sup- - port the faith of the rather than maintaining a In September 1943 the Federalion held a convenlion in Windsor which in effect became the swan-son- g the organization The consensus arrived al by the twenty-eigh- t d e 1 e g a t e s attending was that the Feder- - al mat ume an organization of a structure and eomposition was needed An to this dilemna was orchestrated the Cana- - clian Polisli was founded in October The aulhor that vhatevcr its weaknesses S0Urces -- drawn from the bul-- of the rep01ts minutes and rCports of General Con-- Vpn(mns ibp nprsnnal naners the Rules of the Conventions of Federation are ganda lactics outlined in the reports and correspondence oi uipioniais ur Jan rtiitiui- - kiewicz and Nalecz- - Dobrowolski Anti-Federali- on materiał by left-win- g Pol-- ish Workers' Association is also included In this instance the Federalion is using old clichgSł as a machi-- natlon fasclsts and priests n n m m „ n : s t nrMnizalinns The second The Organizational Structure of the Polish Canadian munity is essentially an his-- outimc entiliea "The Board of the d- ian vronsn iaongress łl niinl e hislory of the CPC is com of the histor ies of all its member organizations of the activily the Districts Hminc Cucu%t cMiuini1 nA uliriynMiijir PMw1uMu- - cii and the Executive in as It con-Cana- da as ACts on Ihe spur Thp moment and in nccessary because as one of lished in fuli in section 'the founders The involvement Ihe Pol-ther- c was a lack Pol- - ish Government in affairs ish national consciousness the is the members the denced by the careful scru-Canadia- n Polonia "Regard-- - observation and ]ng the omei- - wise to to sciously conflict and per- - the facilitate i member- - a a a however expresses reservations indicative to the and Ortł1łrxl!r mirtmiinn Wawrow Richard the ponsible maiority different attempt Congress 1944 concludes and the the of in Executive of evi-amo- ng CHOPIN DELFINY Przygotował wstępem i przypisami opatrzył GLIŃSKI i przesyłką Do nabycia w księgarni St W Toronto M6P Wysyłamy po uprzednim należności lub Money wystawiać na: Alliance MOODY ŻYCIE PO ŻYCIU Jest lo próba uporządkowania materiału zebranego podczas słuchania relacji ludzi którzy „otarli się" o śmierć byli to reanimowani ze klinicznej Cena z przesyłką Do nabycia w 1(538 St W Toronto M6P Wysyłamy po nade-słaniu lub Money wystawiać na: Alliance Community Board well as of the or- - ganizalions which belong to the Congress Under special status on principles different mem- - ber organizations The category includes the Adam Mickiewicz Foundation and the Canadian Polish Research Institule how- - and is divided into sec- - uons according to tlie of of the various pro- - sidents of the Congress: J W Grocholski D Kirejczyk J Kurosad Z and Z Jarmicki it is well known that the antagonisms dissention and the frustration with an impoverished operating bud- - gct During ils early" were the problems sfemming the fact thal the established Polonia misunderslood the neods concerns and of those who arrived the had In books with on trał organi7ation Poles 0f Julian Topolnicki well foreign was came from the Polish tiie pjew Archives in ceived of the in ATnnii-pn- i whiph Warsnw 'RvTJaws5 and this laler wrote elear of the of organization of tiny the Polish masses remains con-- support opinions generał umorena executed oi 10 ul i Its should in to as as the the as the of 'A the of uon Dr do MATEUSZ „Związkowca" Bloor 4A8 nade-słaniu Czeki Polish Press R A stanu śmierci $385 „Związkowca" Bloor 4A8 należności Czeki Order Polish Press as from of rogular This Jaworski SOnal from older ronsn jnic Mon- - są laining The had and this Cena 1G3B tive By Adam Bromke Prime Minister Pierre Tru- - _ -- ajeauis_ 'r ' i— oi- - wh cnsis is unfortunately a good-exampl- e of his y personal and erratic style in Ihe conduct of Canada's emotionai and confusing nianner The in Poland stands al the very centrę of the world stage and it should be handled with utmost care in that country continue deterio 'rate it niay ]ead to an ventjon "by the USSR — V1C „„"„„ „ }„~nA „:t:„„„i '~ iuu cuuuuu i umiiu unu luuiu strike at notice development would have repercussions in the internalional sphere NATO'S PREPARATIONS A Soviet attack against as a ago Josepn Luns the Secretary-Genera- l of NATO mdicated that the Western do not iu lebuoau niim„an„iy: xichi' --„-„- i-ii Wo V11: Vi 4tbłJ'I"V!J„Ł rtf A TnittłnMi- - Ł !LJI-ittt411J 7 _ inrrpnso rietc nf S_TV-- ' " _"_X " r: iiii vi w nvi cnni irnTi nnn lt 7 i i - i i it-i-ł-i- ii i i i m - i r u iii ni iiv _ „X V ° i i fnp fin ivSn_ t --- —_ -- w- v_ exolicitlv declared that detenie if the USSR were to vio-lat- e the basie rights of any state Western powers are determined not to repeat the v5cłlro łlimr nnfl in 10CO over uzecnosio aiua in aaopt- - a diplomatic posturę of near-indiferen- ce in order lo ginng Moscow a pretext for invasion Ihey have it that they do not intend to m any way in Polish internal affairs but have also au-uugi- y empiiasizea that expect the to do the same "Poland should be free to decide its futurę" the NATO communiąue The Western democracies also to an error smmmmmKmwmBMmm wmv ~? sUddofrand largo ihfltix tJf roies mio was a prlrnc conccrn for (ho Con- - gress during ils tirsl decailc of existencc The essay in qucstion how-eve- r concerns itself for the most part with the moro po-sitiv- e accomplishments of the Congress These arc excm-plifie- d willi the successful defence of the of Pol-is- li ex-soldi- crs conlracled to work on Canadian farms for two Many lliem-selve- s working lbng with poor pay and suslc-nanc- e The Congress inlcr-vene- d and the Canadian Gov-ernme- nt the restric-tion- s by allowing the ex-- soldiers to change employers with relative ease It is inleresting to nole the shilt in the main concerns of the that took place in the 1950's con- - tinually poli tiMl isines sin™ ils inenn- - tion the conlinually strived to disassociate jtself from the Canadian political scenę and funclion as a purc- - ly social organization Ncver-- theless the inevilable growlh nf-nnlil- irnl nn thn nart rr Mia PnnnHinn resulted in the involvemcnt political parties The Con- - gress retracted stand of apolicity and actively encou- - raged its members to partici- - pate in elections suppoKing candidates of Polish origin According to the dif- - ferences of opinion on Cana The work by Ihe CPC in the area of raising the image of Poles in Canada cannot be overlooked and is probably its grealest achievement Poslage stainps bearing the dyjskiej) itself Congress lhc°qua-Przywództw- o actWIUes established and ation its CPC exert Hcy- - fulness apparent fraught batlles between detrimental rela-lenko- rn three that world per- - tions tlie Congress Poles the probably infor-- Federa- - ti-ac-es essay ąuestion acted force be Although Federation Federation JANUARY e'xpressed contributors lcadcrshin Federalion Federation pub- - denounced posed propa- - these masses sonal ♦tion organ- - ization many Poles solve when press 'the essay torical Cana- - Head latter office there rn-uui- n oana-- innu Should the situation The ing said rights Although entrenched iu-ideolo- gy Erratic Trudeau mńlmr excuxsipn Congress T-t- _i r uments in lionour of reviewed various diplomatic and economic sanctions be lUfttii iii nic UL Jnlo pQ_ land lh did not are odl exttoacldAlyo lor sincc intervention may take different like to be frec to mea- - sures best filling specific situation TRUDEAU'S INITIATIVE Trudeau's Collective siderable Uve menberóiganStions ship Federatlon- - lo de- - to M druku $700 $770 Order $350 uprzednim those essay terms years from IlllaBe dians inio-in- e high to inter- - short grave allies plan thp wiłicnUi could arain avoid madę they USSR avoid (janacia years found eased in CPC --iwarpnnss Pnimiin its essay Head crisis Poles UVC1H they going they selecl in meeling ' however A Mnistpr Miftinfnn w ~ WU p participated In that gatherlng and seemed to satisfied with Yet next Trudeau madę an emotionai outbursl against suggesting lhe Trudeau ar- - the alliance in in- - terjected into the Pol- - :cVi -- ioic n„f i- - r v-ii:i- 10- "' V1CW Ul Luns' statement a ago tHn An +' r hn lllllT ł ftflfl"l iArl W ° --- --- - V' Trudeau complshed exactly site of ongmal goal Ile conveyed impresson of I-IIM-KM K III ll- - V 1'MIll nave nirina nic rnnmc n ino „t0„0„'1 CannandoaH ri"pngi"13!? ąuestion with Poland relatively low ranking ln canadian foreign policy Dur- - ing lhe 70s successive us presidents War- - nrpsiripnis and German chance!- - c „nnn Yet Canadian iY!i:i„ii:ia„iu„i iicvił łru„uikii „„ tiu„ go Nor there any knowledge Poland in they commited af the m- - Affairs Canadian embas-vasio- n of_ Afghamstan in res- - ]{ £ pondmg a haphazard and uyndeistaffed and even contradictory fashion have re-Conseąue- ntly the ministe- - rial in Brussels foreign service eslablishetl Ib furllior llio sumy 01 ino and a number of scholarships and nave established Tlie Congress has conlinually strugglod to mainlain the lionour and dignily of the nation laking a very position on various intcrnational Members of the Congress Eccutivo hołd rogular meetings willi Governinent leaders and havc consultcd by pol-ic- y groups on immigra-lio- n and multiculturalism The historical skelch the snin u fireł ińi siv vears of oislonrn 1044- - 1970 and first published in 1970 II is disappoinllnc that not brought up to dato wlien prinled in the pre-se- nt formal The 1970's werc an evenlful dccade and Uieir inclusion would have cn- - lianced the essay Heydenkorn's companion vr:inra u-- m nhnvo ™iw tion Przywództwo w Polonii Kanadyjskiej consists of an inlroductory discussion which touchcs on sovoral and sociological problems of Canada's Polonia This i™ hin-mi- ™! vi tmpttp imnbni„fni„ „i: yiduals who accordin to Heydenkorn fails to "leadership" as he sces or position mat- - concerns with in possoss w Polonii of 0f lilies of dian of mented with nole Com- - of an of MATA studied uiimlj w explam critoria applicd they are self-confide-nl selecl the twcnly-fou- r Ile mislic and don't harbour any does hovever out complexes views on zasieku jcunan winiu iiiu samu been issued przywódcy Byli zaslu- - their to Sovjel entry what Soviet would the this became results Soviet month Polish givcn visited the lhe the They group Polish issues study define tlie opti-l- o point beliefs active paiticipation or even iiumiiig uxecuuvo oincc m an organization does not no- - cessarily make a "lead- - er" Ile writes: "Każda z tych ma swoich rzeczników i orędowników na nej organizacyjnej a krajowej zarówno poprzez Kongres Polonii Kanadyjskiej jak i organizacje o wielkim - _ i _ i_ żeni działacze i lo na różnych efforl lo Polish to undcrsland the iiicuiauiu _iiiłii~vo nim- - u hełlla'st c]ecade The 0fficJal Canad'ai image of Poland" cwhanfg„erda the of of of to of pmmlre confrontational uded from world to long gone Polish failed letins DO have Such moniu irrpntlv elear they want hours forms tenal "day Union gued efecl itself „io ac_ oppo- - ronlan( of havc luncis bcen vocal becn CPC lnuwl Their lamous grup skali lokal- - nawet madę little sińce l-łł- OVŁT tJ knows adian Prime peaks fni" i)ln nllimipa nc n onlv DIPLOMACY" All being a in obseiwing NATO posturo Soiet in(ervention still leavcs diplomacy" aimed al defusing ip Pn country best filled with ussk of meffective the MÓW f Aint The w played a uiuiiu iii these circumstances uiuij iu i y - i 1 v i i i ł i iiw iii vt liii ' j l ~~ sa ui r [JS£RS®S!SS5!5ij?ggR3sg555y35ggg co" 10) Tlio porsolis whoso mini-biographi- cs appear in the book all wero living al the limo of publication Bioara-phica- l data as infor-malio- n on their world-vic- W ideoldgios werc oblained Ihrough personal inlcrviews This supplemcnted with lloydenkorn's personal knowlcdgc co] leci cd ohscrving Polonia threc decados twenty-fou-r who ap- - pear inP "cydonkorn's come from vaned back- - grounds — social profession al Woo ogical A undful wcro born Canada rje- - mainder arc inimigranls Of tho latler group the majorily arrived immedialely afler the Second World War In rcading thesc brief in-sigh- ls into their lives one cannot disagres willi the aulhor that all have madę significant centributions in a number of areas If aulhor's explanation of seloclion proceduro un-cle- ar a number of unifying themes appear each vi- - gnetle read havc adapted themsclves life in Canada and !l:irc wortliy zens of that country In other words they have accom-plishe- cl a greal deal Cana-dian- s and Polish Cana-dian- s For most part various problems are oflen cuiurucucioiy ioi euiiipiu their position toward present- - day Poland an issue bas been both an agent of unity division Canada's Po- - lonia Although their ideolo- - gies arc firmly entrenched Ueydenkorn's leaders posses thal ąualily which the ability rto be compromising l:i „i - j: mosl common deno- - could be a chance bul only a chance Canada to offer u iiumi łuł moi win _ a chann used reassure the Krcmhn IHIJUUH11V1 V VV Special allenlion should bo given to economic matters Here Canada has valid in-terests Polami owes woli over $1 billion An offer could be macie lo-co-ordin-ate Western eiforts lo rescue lhe baltered Polish cconomy with those of the USSR Such a Uon over Poland an area of Easl-We- sl cooperalion Pcihaps is what -- uciuuy iiau m mmu nic circumsianccs wnicn iniliative has been launched howcver do public quiet diplomacy jether Adam Bromke has rc-cent- ly retinned Jrom Poland Piojessor of Political ittitio um--t j j leaders that in exchange In contrast Western Euro- - the Sovicts' refraining from pean and in force in Poland Warsaw have watched the USSR's sccurily interests scenę closcly and they havc its western border would been moro altuned lo the bo fully respected Any inlcn-man- y subtlelies tion tearing Poland awav politics They are unlikely lo from the Warsaw Pacl should The avowed objective of be impressed cspccially be explicitly renounced The inilialive was to when it goes againsl their West could also use the con-try co-ordina- te the res-- judgment an influence excrted ponse Western counlries impromtu Canadian inilia- - through ils radio broadcasls to the developments Po- - Nor will Brczhncv be to te calm the political land Aftei' the NATO lllinis- - iinnrpscnrl nropkolu Iip -- ilmwnlinro in th:i( the Canadian Prime Minister basically joini vcnture exc Po and is not going start thought that NATO primary objective is and diaioguc could trans--K ils fold by 1938 Ileyden the th"d war As too fai By threatening rightly so serve form a polenlial confronta- - Ihe me ręs- - LISTY Oni ludzie księgarni Ont lve mtervene superiluous Jfixiernai rmps he be its Luns thal use sancti01)S against "" UUL n~i " P the his Ihe olc„ The all fol- - thal has Ihe use the on IlllllUUUbU cause he thal Can Minister nni whole but himsclf "QUIET this said Tru- - deau has point that lerrenl against mili- - tary Bul this room for "quicl r-ri- cic to deal ine mcrieasmgly and lak(J lei who there (p well and was by lor The list and the Ihe All citi-- Ihe thal and rare obvious for into this Iru- - uwu ioho policy for US by Iry COlirSe WOllld tllR United n J-- — mumąue apprenension QlołnevM 4 „„ a seems to been unwar- - „ =„ creuons ana i'viiuli niiiini: as is to to us „b_e rantea inaeea ' Dy piiDiiciy tlie Cai'tnr !) fi 111111 1 = 3LKIU111 fil fn nrnir sl rat lnn 1C aisunity western ranics Af£rhanistan are" Science at McMaster Univer-Ther- e is an element of ar- - ill-"tte- d to negatiate with the sity and an ezpert on Polish rnc°ranfr°or Triirl1pS nn'! sfnnrl RllSSiTns nvm Tnlinl nnlóip nnrl Pnmnrlinii fnppjrrlł tn wii the Relations have been three saw „„ Vrpryrh West tors Prime tuuu special-ize- d ter fa not there at presented cream of our meeting they by of was was historical it one tvt'_ learn or lillle Polish Ihe for -- the is The nnnffin Innm not Gcrmans7 ~~ the is as ub for jl~ jjluh munications łfcłJł for in his not indis- - is diplomals re sucn iui in slngularly in Ti om ici is in ambassadors it In is nr sh in as as is Kalendarzyk kieszonkowy 1981 Zawiera niezbędne informacje i adresy polonijnych organizacji oraz instytucji Cena $175 z przesyłka $200 JUŻ DO NABYCIA W „ZWIĄZKOWCU" 1638 Bloor St W7 Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 'Si®£v£ss£i£y2is£2£c£a£ minator dcrived(froHtri ana-lysis"- of UiWgroUp is "tholr gencrosityv of sotil and hiima-niiaria- n approach lo life Through these vignelteś Heydenkorn has conlrihulcd to the study of Polish organi-zational life in Canada as each biographical skelch pro-scnl- s an insight into one or morę organiazlions through the aclivities of that person The main regrel on lhe part of lhe rcviewcr is thal this mini version of "Who's Who" in lhe Canadian Polonia is in-compl-ele A handful of lhe personages arc from Mont-real and Otiawa while the rc-maind- er aro rcsidenls of To-ronto One cannot disputc lhe fact thal Toronto is today lhe most important Polish centrę in Canada That city boasls the largesl Polish pop-ulatio- n (80000) is lhe scal of lhe National Executive of lhe CPC Canadian Polish R e s e a r c h Institule and olhers and it is there thal threc of the four Polish lan-guag- e newspapers in Canada are published Nevcrlheless there arc substanlial Polish populations in other Ontario cilies and in Canada's west-ern provinces Heydenkorn recognized this hiatus in his inlroduclion yet did not he-sila- le to cnlille the book Przywództwo w Polonii Kana-dyjskiej A moro appropriale lilie would have been Przy-wództwo w Polonii wschodnio-Kanadyjski- ej The resource-ric- h western provinces are atlracling largo numbers of professionals skillcd workers and labourcrs from other parts of Canada and abroad Poles are included in the abovc eategories and for lhe first limo sińce lhe 1920's Polish population in the prov-ince- s of Saskatchewan and MkES ' --T T T T "r'v T f T T T W~~" 't 't T 'f - --T'" T 1 W THE P0L0NIAN FORUM welcomjs contributions from those ' interested in Polish and Canadian matters Forward correspondence to: Leszek Wawrow co The Polonian Forum ' [ 1638 Bloor St W ] Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 r-- Tel office 535-623- 3 home 532-56- 50 nic I' iWSłtin 'Alberta isVón'th"e upswihgv Heydenkorn' "Whq's Who4 will only be coirlplćte wKcn lic travpls to ceni res 'like Wiiinipeg Regina Saskaloon Calgary tidmonton Vancoti-ve- r and olhers alid produces a second volume In rcading the books dis-cuss- ed above one feels as if one sal down lo dinner bill lefl the table disappoinled because cven tliougli the food was superb the porlions wcro smali Essay colleclions are a mixed blessing Oltcn hclpful because they provide 'wide-rangin- g materiał in compact form they are fre-nuenl- ly frustrating because their brevily prevents in-dep- th exploral!on of impor-tant topics These parlicular works are nevertheless an achievement because they are informative and reveal-in- g Furthermore consider-abl- e Ume and research havo gone into their preparation In the lirst study the aulhor has succeedcd in demonstral-in- g that rich archival sources relating lo lhe area exisl in various forms No futuro stu-die- s can now ignore the sources ievealed by Heyden-korn These two books whet the appelile for morę studies re-lating to the study of the Canadian Polonia Heyden-korn an astute observer of ethnic problems has already extensivcly on the subject His numerous books and articles make him a lead-in- g contributor lo this area of study In this regard he is to be congratulated His con-Iributio- ns are of importance not only lo the history of the Canadian Polonia but also to the history of Canada $1400 $2300 $1250 $1100 NOWE KSIĄŻKI nie ujęte w poprzedniri katalogu RÓŻNE WYDAWNICTWA EMIGRACYJNE BYSZEWSKA A BYSZEWSKI S — Wspomnienia — Przygody i przcycia polskiej patriolki w czasie wojny i po jej zakończeniu Utwór wzbogacony w moralne i filozoficzne myśli GARLIŃSKI J — Enigma — Historia Enigmy jest naprawdę fantastyczna Mowa tu jest o osiąg-nięciach polskich kryploanalityków którzy metodą matematycznej dedukcji tylko przy częściowej pomocy wywiadu potrafili złamać niemiecki sekret CEGIEŁKA F — Siostra Faustyna siafarka miło-sierdzia Bożego — Autor tej książki korzystał z osobistych zapisków siostry Faustyny i in-nych źródeł które pomogły mu stworzyć pe-łen obraz posłannictwa siostry Faustrny $1000 JAN PAWEŁ II — Encyklika — Ojciec św zwraca się w niej (u progu swej papieskiej posługi) do kapłanów rodzin zakonnych oraz wszyst-kich liudzi dobrej woli $300 JUREWICZ L — Zbrodnia czy pociątek wojny do-mowej — AV książce tej po raz pierwszy przedstawiono w sposób dokumentarny spra-wę mordu GL pod Borowem Mowa tu jest także o preparowaniu aktów oskarżenia w PRL $1800 KRZYŻANOWSKI M — Anatomia rzeczywistości — Wyrażona jest tu wątpliwość czy istnieje ja-kieś „ja" transcendentne w stosunku do treści moich doznań Przedstawiona tu praca może czyni zaledwie krok w głąb badanego za-gadnienia $050 KRZYŻANOWSKI J R — Generał — Opowieść o Leopoldzie Okulickim Utwór poświęcony jest pamięci ostatniego dowódcy Armii Krajo-wej i wszystkich jej żołnierzy $1000 ŁYSEK P — Z Istebnej w świat — Utwór tym się 'różni od innych relacji wojennych że nie zo-stał napisany przez generała ale przez szere-gowca Jest niejako spojrzeniem na wojnę in-nymi oczami oczami człowieka który nie znał kulis ale widział fakty i umiał je przed-stawić w książce $450 MACHALSKI T — Co widziałem i przeżyłem — Pa-miętnik gen T Machalskicgo byłego attache wojskowego RP w Turcji — w czasie II wojny światowej $2300 MOSZKOW1CZ — Punkt zero — Powieść w której autor w sposób niebanalny przedstawia prze-życia i doznania bohatera (może swoje wła-sne) Charakter utworu oddaje końcowy frag-ment powieści: „Jestem pokutującą duszą jestem Golemem który szuka zaklęcia które przywróciłoby go życiu Jestem jednym z tych którzy szukają drogi do samego siebie I to jest moja wina SKORUSA S — Bywaj dziewczę zdrowe — Powieść z okresu wojny polsko-bolszewicki- ej „Dopóki młodzież polska będzie laka jak była tamta dotąd Polska zginie" - written _ _ W Księgarni „ZWIĄZKOWCA" otrzymasz każdą książkę wydaną w Polsce lub na emlgrdcjl Koszt przesyłki książek ponosi zamawiający Przy zakupie do wartości ?20 na przesyłkę należy doliczyć 10% Powyżej $20 — h% Księgarnia otwarta od 9 do 5 w soboty od 9 co 1 1638 Bloor St W Toronto Ont M6P 4A8 Polish Alliance Press Ltd — Book Storę i i v |
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