1949-01-06-05 |
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Miriam Spent Xmas in the Hospitcl Hello slster Margaret aad ali the raaders and writers of this page. Weil, I thought it about time to start writing to this section. Thank you very jnuch Xor the njce present which I received &ter Margaret and for the lovely Xmas card. I spent my Christmas in the hos-pital. i bad ä very nice time ihere and a big, joUy Santa Claus visited us. -Was he ever fat and taU. an"ci very nice too. I hope Margaret had a joyful and pretty Christmas. I had an appendix operation on Dee. I6tb and Irrlvfd home on Christmas Day. My mother has been really busy now and will be for six months with the bam work. I hope the children had a very gocd Xmas and are stiU busy helping their mom and dad. I' have been a*good gSrl but I can't help uith the work now because I am aot able to do anything heavy or light for 3 weeks. I got lots of gif ts and cards. I wjsh the best of luck to ali that ssnt them. Thank you very much. I'll write sisfcsr a longer letter when r am better. Vl^ell, 1 guess ril h^ave to stop this chit-chat for now or this letter wiH be la te. i So-long and swe8t dreams to sister Margaret. Miriam Segerman, Quartz, Ontario. Lily toivoo rauhaa ihmiskamalle Hyvää päivää Margaret-lisko ia kaikki perheen nusremmat. Ajattelin taas kirjoittaa muutaman Lea's Mvsical Questionnaire Hello everyone! Thank you very much for the Christmas present and card, sister Margaret. Here is a wish that is a Iit tie la te, Merry Christmas. and now one that is a llttle early, Happy New Year! I've got new ski-poles so I'll be going skljng soon. It is very nice today^so maybe I'll go now -with Elsle Jaakkola, a friend of lAine who lives just a few houses down the road. Here is a musical questionnaire. Whatls: 1. a place of residence; 2. an unaf-fected person; 3. what betrays yotu: natjonality; 4. a fish has them; 5. often passed in school; 6. used to hang clothes on. ' Answers: 1. flat; 2. natural; 3. ac-cent; 4. scales; 5. notes; 6. Ijne; WeU, happy holldays everyone! Lea Maid, Box 363. Vai D'Or, Que. Esko Harju klrjoiUi eniten kirjeitä viime \-uomia, 49, melkein kirje v^- kossa. On ensimmäinen k e ^ ainakin viiteen \aioteen, etta poika on voittanut, siis poikien kunnia op pelastettu. Hyvin tehty, Esko! rivin tähän osastcon kun on aikaa. Meillä alkoi joululoma joulukuun 22 p:nä. Minä sain joulupukilta paljon I l j o j a ja makeisia. Monet kiitokset Margaret-siskolle siitä kaimiista jpululahjasta ja myös kortista. Nyt on joulukin mennyt ja uusi vuosi on tiilossa. En tiedä mitä uusi -vuosi tuo tullessaan. Joulun ohjelmaan kyllä kuuluu sanoa, että rauha maassa ja ihmisille hyvä tahto mutta myös kuluu harva päivä, ettei hoeta sodan olevan väistämättömän, vaan minun mielipiteeni on. että rafiha ja sopusointu on ihmisille kallein asia ja toivon, että kaikki ajattelevat näin. Minä panin jänilcsiUe pauloja metsään ja yhtenä yönä oli kettu JUDSs^t paulaam ja sen ti^liki on nyt minulla kuivumansa. Ehkä lopetan tällä kertaa ja lähden viemään tätä postiin kun kerran saan hevossn reessä hyvää kyytiä. Siis onnellista uutta vuotta kaikille!.* Lily riinen, Wahnapitae, Ont. Helien Sang a Solo at Xmas Concert Hello sister Margaret and everyone else, Did you. ali häve a nice Christmas? I hope you did. Ws got lots of snow. My father has been ploughing the road already. Thank you for the bingo game sister Margaret. I got many cther pre-sents too. I got a S2wing set, mit-tens, f ur-boofcs, checkers, etc. My sister Ann got a flashlight in the shape of a dog, the light comes oiit of its nose. My sister is.four years Old, My mother just gave her a Toni. is it ever curly. Molhsr is going to give my grandmother one too. She has given several already. They have turned out nice. I had a nice Christmas holiday, did you sister Margaret? I hope you did. Our Christmas concert tumed out ali right. It vvas in twp plays, a star drill and I sang a solo. . I was staylng at a girrs place in town, her name is Nina Saari. Her Picture was in the Sudbury Daily Star. I was there dvuring the Christmas holldays. Weil, cheerip for now. Ifeppy New Year! ^ Helien Rintamäki, Beaver Lake, Ont. ^Lpo6,ii[aati^Jzo Hallo siskot ja veljet Jcautta maan! En kirjoita teille paljon mitään tällä viikolla kun näitä kirjeitä on niin paljon, että palstatilaa tarvitsemme niin p^jon kuin mahdollista. Jos ette näe kirjettänne tässä lehdessä vaikka mainitsen siitä, niin todennäköisesti julkaistaan vasta lauantaina, _,tllap-puutteen takia. Saimme kafci uutta jäsentäkin, Norma Järven, Bissettista, Manito-basta ja Viesti Mannisen Worthing-tonista. Tervetuloa perheeseemme! Saimme kaksi erokirjettä Seija Järveltä jä Eila Raumalta. Tietysti olemme pahoillamme nähdessämme teidän eroavan perheestämme mutta' sehän on ymmärrettävää. Älkää tykkänään lopettako kirjoittamista Vapauteen sillä Club News-o£astos5a otetaan teiltä mielihyvin vastaan kirjeitä mikä aika hyvänsä. Siis ei sanota hyvästi, vain "au revoir"! Mielestäni tuo "Study" sana, Kalevi, tarkoittaa samaa kuin sanoisit, että opiskelet läksyjäsi. Mielenkiintoisia kirjeitä saapui pos-tilaatikkconi myös Leilalta. Lahjalta, Seijalta, HcUenilta, Shirleylta, Elai-nelta, Sophielta, Lealta, Miriamilta, Bernardilta, Kertulta, Evelynilta, Vio-lalta, IlmUta, Eskolta, Viljolta, Irmalta, Onervalta, saUylta, Sylvialta, Mel-vinilta, Lailalta, LempUtä ja LUyltä. Hyvästi taas ensi viikkoon saakka! Siskonne Margaret. Kalm toivoo näkevänsä enemmän suomalaisia kirjeitä Terveisiä taasen Margaret-siskolle ja kaikille parheen nuoremmille. No niin, joulu on täa§en ollut ja mjexmyt. Toivon, että ss toi kaikille paljon iloa. Monet kU:okset Sinulle Margaret-sisko niistä, kauniista lahjoista, jotka lähetit minulle. Myös kiitos siitä kauniista joulukortista. E i minulla ollut .ajatuksiakaan, että olin kirjoittanut niin monta kirjettä. Syy on ehkä siinä, että; toisilla alkaa olla parempi taipvunus kirjoittaa englanninkieltä ja suomenkieli Jää hämärälle viime tilalle. Silloin kim minä rupesin kirjoittamaan Perheen nuo-rsmpien osastoon ei vielä näkynyt kuin joskus kirje englanninkielellä. Nyt ovat suomenkieliset kirjeet jo melkein hävinneet j,a^ englanninkieli on päätilalla. Jos siihen suomenkielen kirjoittamiseen panisi vain .vähän ahkeruutta niin §e sujuisi yhtä liyvin kuin englaiminkielj. Minä toivon, että joskus näkisin sen päivän, että kaikki kirjeet olisivat suomenkielisiä. Täällä oli pari kolme viikkoa kylmää ilmaa mutta näyttää, että se alkaa nyt lämmetä vähäksi aikaa ainakin. Lim-ta on jo melkein joka paikassa ainakin" jalan verran. Täällä penVcalla ainakin oli valkoinen joulu. Kun kävin kaupungilla jouluaattona niin ei näkynyt kuin joskus vain ihmisiä'liik-keellä kun oli niin kylmä. ^ Koulu taasen alkaa kohta. Joskus Sieltä saa niin paljon kotitöitä, että minä toivon olevan kuusi kuukautta kesälomaa pari kertaa vuodessa. Kokeet myös alkavat kohta ja sitten pitää "studyta" ahkerasti. Voiko Margaret- sisko antaa minulle vastaavan suomalaisen sanan tuohon sanaan (study>. Vastaus siihen antamaani kysymykseen: ^Kuinka monta eri lajia eläln- Hä voisi mies ostaa jos hänellä olisi $5 rahaa? Hänen olisi ostettava sata eläintä ja hevoset maksavat 50c, lehmät 10 ja kanat Ic kappale.) Hän ostaisi yhden hevosen, 39 lehmää ja 60 kanaa. Ei muuta tälliä kertaa kun onnellista uutta vuotta kaikille! Kalevi Juvonen. R.R. 1, Port Arthur, Ont. frm,a iCmsiieris Holiiey Too^mrt Hello sister Alargaret aad ali the reader^^d writ«rs of this page. First of ali. 1 want to thank sister Margaret for the adorajtde ksrchief. hanky, autograph book and card. "Hiank you .§ister. Ttoey really are cute. I didn't expect to receive that much as I didn't thlnk I had wri,tten very often. I received a number of useful gifts such as tea t6wels*, aj^rons to embrol- .der, iiflgerie. pyjamas ^^nd broqches and quite k few cards. Are holidays ever short this year! T for one, wish they were abput a .week longer. How ij. everyone feeling? Fine, I JhORp. tai bettertoday but yestsrday i was sick and so was my brother. Did evexyone of you children pass you Xmas exams? I hope so. I had three mathematics tests. I came first in the last one, beating 8 and 9 pupils, second in the secoud one and third in the ficst one. I guess the rest of our tests are com^ng about the fiyst, second and third week of school after the holidays. , Is there very much snow in Sudbitf-ry? We have quite a bit, a fpot of it. I haven't been but so I couldn't measure how much there was exactly. Weil, 1 guess 111 close wishing every-body' a happy and prospsrous new year. So-long until next time! Iroia Heinonen, Starratt P.O., Ont. Shirley S School Starts on Jfanuary 31st Dear sister Margaret. % Tlianks a lot for the lovel.v card and autograph. They're very nice. r m fiorry I haven"t written more or:en during the past year but 111 try and do better in the new year. Thats my New Year's resolutlon. I probably won"t«Farr3- it through. The weather here has been very nice. Quite a few peoplc are still travelling with cars. Our conc?rt was on Dee. 21st. Our Echool starts on January 31st..QuUe a long holiday; I thlnk. I wculdn't mind if it was Sjönger though. I hope everybpdy had a very merry Christmas. I Suppose you ali had a turkey diimer. We stayed home this Christmas. Wall. I'll^slgn off for now and write more next time. < Shirley S&rkilabU. R.R. 1. Dlnsmore, Sask. Mylvin Siili l^rying to Catch Weasel •. V ...... Dear b}g_ sister Man^UTt and ali the readers and.writeps cf-hLs page. XthougbtX would vtlte a few Iines. This is my lecond Jetter to th? Vapaus. Christmas is gone and won't be back ^or another year. I had lots of f un during the Christmas holidays. Thank you for the lovely pencil box you sent me. I llke H verj' much. It Is klnd ot warm out here. I had a cold but Us ovcr now. My sister had a cold too. She*s feeling fine now. I dldn't get a wea£el yei. I got a rabbit agaln though. My mother is feeling fine but my father is slck. The grader wa5 up here on Tuesday, Dee. 28th. School will s^art tomorrow If teacher can get back from town. We have 2 feet 4 inches of snow. I guess I wlll close now. Cheerio! Melvin Niemi, Silver Mountain. Ont Torstaina, tamniik. 6 ESa's Last Letter To fhi$ Page D»ar Margtxxet and ev3rybodj'! I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Thenk you very much Margaret for the autograph albura and card!-I was vary surprised to receive It as I have not wrltten often. I dont thlnk I wlU WTite anymore though as I turned 16 last month. We have been having snow out here for n whUc now and we had a whlte christmas. The weather is usual-ly niee and sunrxy during the daytlme but at night It freezes and is very cold Weil, I guess this Is ali for now. I wish everyone a verj' Happy New Year! Eila Raunia, Webster's Corners, B.C. Onerya's Thaiik You-Note Dear sister Maigaret. I'll write you a thank you-letter before New year's Day althpugh U wont get in the Vapaus before New Years. Thank you very much for the nice Cutex Flngemgil tet, sister Margaret. I was very pleased to get It. I got lots pf nice things for Christmas, ali of which I wanted. I would llkc to thank John Nikula of Golden for the Tdss baTirsäHsand gloves he gave me and mom would also like to thank hlm for the lovely Xmas present he gave her. I had a very "merry Christmas and I hope others had one too. The weather is mild for the flrst day of this month. Its been quite cold the, whole month though. School will start ägain oh the 3rd bf Jan. 111 end wishing everyone a Happy New Year. I' have to hurry to get tfels letter rnailed for our nelghbour is going to .tpwn.. Cheerio! Onerva Salomaa. brawer K., Golden, B.C. Seija's Farewell Letter Hello sister Margaret anld ali the laaders and writers of this page. Heie I am again but I'm afrald It is for the last time. This is my letter of farewell to this page. I"ve enjoyed writing to this page but now tliat I'm 15 I find It harder to find time to write because bf my school work so Tm lettlng the younger ones täke over I have writlen for six years. My sister is taking over my place. She Is WTlt-ing her first letter now. I shall help her wilh her letters until she gets lised to writing. Now I want to thank si.ster Margaret for the lovely gift and card. SLster Margaret. how did you ever guess uhat I wanted for so long? I waR really surprised and pleased to receive it. I also want to thank ali those who donated to the gift fund so that those gifts we received were made posslble. Also I want to thank Mr. and Mr.s. H. Sula for the lovely card. I received. I had a wondorful Christmas this year. I got a green shoulder bag from Norma^^for Clu-istmas, from mom and dad I got nylons and a shell plcture for the Avall. I guess I'll close fcr now. Good-bye Kister Margaret and ali the readers and wrlters of this page. I wi5h ali the luck there is to this page and I hope that my sister wri.tes faithfully as I have ti-ied to do. Good-bye agaln. Seija Järvi. Bi-ssett, Man. Viljo Tells of Their Mischievous Crow Hello sister Margaret and readers and writers of this page. C- ' 1 wish to thank you very much for the gift you sent me. I got many presents, a pen and pencil set. jacknife, money and other things inciuding Christmas cards. We have kept the crow hi the stall for it is cold. The crow is always up •to n^chief. It hides its food and steals everything it cah carry. It Is never lazy. Lhaye been skating along the river. rt is fun. The ice is about 5 inches thjck. P-will ask a few riddles. How many balls of yam would it take to reach the moon? Why did the moron take a ruler to bed? Why did the man sleep in. the fireplace? The answers vUl be in-my next letter. We had a lot of fun at the school concert although I was nervous when it was my turn to go on the stage. After the concert Santa Claus came and gave out the presents and candy. That wiU be ali for now. •Viljo Bomo, Waimp, Ont. — Aurora oU muinaiskreikkalaisten Viola Lives on New Farm Now Hello sjstar Margaret and everyone else. First of ali I have to thank sister Margaret for the nice present and Xmas that she sent me. I have also received many other nice presents. Its such a long time since I have wTitten to the "Perheen nuoremmille" that I suppose you thlnk I'm not going to write anymore. ,f We have moved to a new farm'at Syivan Lake. It i ^ about twenty railes from where we lived before. Now I have two miles to walk to a town school. At first the schoolwork was quite hard for I was so far behind in dlfferent subjects but now the work is much easjer. We have a man teacher this year. He is quite strict at times. We have picture shows every week in the school basement. Sometimes the teacher. takes the^ children skating on the lake. Do we ever have fun! We didn't' have a Christmas concert this year because there are too many childm. There are over 300 school children ih ali, with seven teachers and three schools. •My brother has been working at the lumber camp ali Winter but he came home for Christmas. The weather here in. Alberta has be^n nice ali Winter. TherCs only about six or seven inches of snaw. This will be ali for now. cheerio! "Happy New Year to one and ali." Viola IStottson, -'Tled Deer. Alberta. Sylvia asuu nyt kaupungissa Hello sisko Margaret ja lapset. Minä en ole kirjoittanut täbän osastoon pitkään aikaan niutta nyt aion kirjoittaa. Joulu on mennyt ja uusi vuosi on jo huomenna. Kyllä joulupukki oli hyvä kun toi mlnulie 16 lahjaa. Me muutimme kaupunkiin viime syksyllä ja en minä pidä kaupungin koulusta niin paljon kuin farmikou-lusta. Np. eiköhän tämä jo riitä tällä kertaa. Toivon slsko Margaretille ja kaikille lehden lukijoille onnellista uutta vuotta. Sylvia Toomi, 135 Secord St. Port Arthur. 9f jaamun Ja Ulan jumalatar. Roomalainai historioitsija Caius CMTielius Tacitus syntyi v. 53 ja kucn l i v . 120. Santa Was Gooi to Evelytr^.^^ Dear big- sister MarganJt and ali the readers and writers of Viii£_^age. How has everyone been now after C h r i s t ! ^ ? I hope Santa was good to each dbe of ypu. He sure was good to me. I got socks, mittens and a book caUed "The Ghost Paräde" froto Santa. I read it in a day. I got pearis from my mother and dad. Then I got a n«;klace, pencil IxMtT perfume, pajamas, kerchief, and han-kles. • How has the veather been out-there? It has been cold here ezcept yestexday It was 30 above zero. I would lik to thank Matgazet for the nice Christmas present £be sent me. It was real njce. I guess I vlll dc^yormm.Clateripl ' Silver M t n , Ont sat äidiltä ja isältä Sisko Margaret ja kajkki tämän lehden lukijat. Kiitos oikein paljon, Margaret, siitä kauniista lahjasta, siihen muisto-värssykirjaan minä käskeJ^kaikkien kirjoittaa suomeksi, minulla on toinen johon voi kirjoittaa vain englanniksi. Kiitos myös siitä kauniista kortista. Minä sain tänä jouluna yksitoista joululahjaa Ja oikein monta korttia. (Maire, minun siskoni, sai rannekellon äidiltä ja isältä joululahjaksi, Bernard sai neljä linkkuveit-seä ja minä sain kolme paria helmiä, äidiltä ja isältä sain "pearis". Minä l(H>etan tämän kirjeen englanninkielellä. First thanks a lot everyone for the lovely gifts and cards. This year I attend the Port Arthur technical school. I' like the work out there except for some of the exams. I don't like exams at ali. After the Chrjstmasl^oUdays exams start again. We have actual sewlng and cooking every week. Jn sewing we've made a pincushlon, sUppers and now a blouse. In school we have a teacher for each subject. I like ali the teachers. At present dad Is at camp and Maire is working at the International in town. 0he and I room at the same place. 135 Becord St, I don't Uke staylng in town though. I thlnk' yöu can have much more fun out jn the country. Nyt lopetan jo ja kiitos kalkille niistä korteista ja lahjoista ja mikä niitä tarmolalaisla vaivaa, että he eivät tule |eäymään kylässä? Onnellista uutta vuott»! Gertnde Waatäinen. Intola, Ontario. Sally Has Promised to Write Regularly to This Page Oreetlngs to si.ster Margaret and ali the readers and writers of this page. • Many, many thanks sister Margaret for the present. i am going to make a New Year's rcsolution early and I promised my sister Maila from Toronto that I would keep wrltlng regularly to this page and take part In every skl-ineet this Winter. She wlll give me a watch for my birthday in itjtay when I am going to be 11 years Old. We had a nice Christmas concert and we had drills, songs, recitatlons and plays. Santa Claus was good to me this year and I hope he was to everyone else. • Wc are gettlng .some more £nöw and and I like that. I can go skiing and sleighriding without hltting every stump and rock that comes in my way. My brother Elmer Is going to go to the ski-Echool at Colllngwood early in January. We wiH miss hlm at home. .1 tbink Ihi.-; is ali for now. I wl6h you one and siU, fi happy Ne\v Year! •Säily Manninen, WonhlngtQn, Ont. Elaine is Helping Brother Keep House Dear sister Margaret. Weil, I guess I wlll write agaln now. I . received the present Tuesday and thanks very much. I never did have a good autograph book. I also got 15 other presents this year. Santa was real good to me. I also ix)celved u large number of cards. We had our concert on Dee. 21st and it turned out swell, The weathcr was qultc warm that nlght. I wo.s to two other concerts besldcs our own. The last one we were at was at a big school. They had 30 itcms on the programme. It sure got tlrcsome slt-tlng, listenlng and watchlng for about three hours. Then after we had lunch another two hours had gone. The roads were good olmost ali the way. The neighbour's glrls wcre Just down here awhlle ago. Wc were going to go out and play but it got sort of dark. My sLster and I are staylng wlth our brother at a nelghbour'.s place, who wcilt to B.C. for the Winter. We have lots of fun dolng the cooking and cleanlng up. We have had only 3 vlsltors since we came hei'e, atid ali were men. This farm or place is gas servlce station. The owner sells gas and weld'j and so forth. The roads are stlll open there and we went down to the nelgh-bors one day. We werc Invlted <or supper and to play cards some nlght I don't know wh€n it wlli be though. Weil, I can hardly thlnk of what to write. I haven't been dolng much tpday besldes hanging up clothes on the line. carrylng dry ones down and Ironlng. I häven't really been out sliding since the inow came. I'm so lazy.' Of course It hasn't been warm enough to have fun, Our school -starts on January 31st, so wc hav3 quite ä blt cf Ilme yet before school .s:ftrts.' My sister is writlug a letter to hsr sister in Ontario. I should really wilte to her too If I have time. *" Mom Just went to milk the cow so r d bett#r get.the table and separater set before she gets back. i ' l l Icave this letter for awhlle and odd on more later. Weil, now I have th?m set. I have eaten my supper and for an «picusc I'll wrlte som? more to get away w1th not dolng the dlshes. Ha. Ha. Here is a riddlc. Wbat trah is lound on a penny? I wlll scnd the answ2r in next time I write, whlch I imagine WiU be quite so%i. Weil, I can't thiuk of anymore tp wrlte so I wiU close for n<Jw. Good-bye! Elaine Särkilahti. R.R, 1, Dlnsmore, Sask. Bernard on harrastanut hiukan träppäystä Päivää sisko Margaret. Mlntt kirjoitan nyt pitkästä alkaa joixkuu rivin, että voin kiittää siltä linkkuveitsestä Ja oikein kauniista kortista. Jonka sain 'joululahjaksi. Olen kyllä ollut koyln huono kirjeenvaihtaja tämän kuluneen vuoden aikana. Minä olen ollut vähän träppärlnä ja olen pyydykslstänl saanut 5 oravaa. 3 Jänistä ja 2 kärppää. Minun Isompi siskoni on ollut työssä osuuskaupassa Port Arthurls.^^a J.T hän pitää siellä työ.skentelystä. Isä on ollut myös metsäkämpilJIä vaan hän'oli Jouluna kotona. Joulu on sitten ollut Ja mennyt, minä sain monta lahjaa, niitä veitsiäkin tuli 4 kappaletta. Joten kyllä minulla on nyt linkkuveitsiä. ^7usl vuosi on sitten aivan ovella Ja .saa alkaa taos koulun. Meillä oli joulujuhlat täällä Intolan koululla 21 päivän Iltana. Siellä oli paljon Ihmisiä ja joulupukki myös kävi lah- Joinecn. Vlellä kerran kaunj.s kiitos niistä lahjoista Jotka sain. Oho, minun leiklktoverlni, Garry, ^ulee hakemaan minua siis onnellista uutta vuotia, tämän osaston lukijoille ja kirjoittajille. Bernard Waataincn. Intola, Ontario, Dear sister Matsaret. I>m writlng ttai9 UtUe note to sSster i sister Margaret f 6 rthe box. autograph book andi lovely card. Besldes the peasii and autograph book I received flPji^ book, shampoo. sUpi]^,\liaanti<iiiSiM mas. mittens, peanut brittle^^jpi^JI^ sätin panties, a lovely box of ^iba^^t. kerchisfs, box of candy. and tf-^ttc^^' called "DoTls Porce at Cloudy which was very Interesting:'^^^-^^^ «^^^^^^^^^ Awhlle ago a nearby meno jgavfeiupL a 2 month old kltten «hlch vnamtoti^^ "Beauty*. It Is black and whlt«^fliayd^ light, omnga colour. It Is very;^WfC ful. One day whlle lying :dtnrn0^ spied a f ly on the arm oi E daaixM0^ sprang across to catch it w1ildi.it clld but also caught itseU on my «efl .';omehow. Whlle I'm wrlting Tm im^i^, ling down on the mat. Every o i ^ j ^ a while Beauty wall(s acrosa my It likes most any klnd (tf cbo||iiet' peanu<«. Jam on toast and meat bi^^ of ali. We give it very llttte intt|| Beauty llkes to do most anything:;b^^ whnt Its told to do. ' Wc had a snowstorm and a big J^|Ä of s>now about 4 feot ^eepdtlSttd^x^i^^ä. into our raspberry patch, so Ifc?^ httve lots of fun skllng. •.":''''fä"'ISiä Happy New Year everybody! Sophie Kangas, V:;-:-^^i?ii RR. 1^ Bsamsvllle, Ont Viesti Got Skis For Her Birthday Dear sister Margaret and ali the readers and wrlters of this pag,e. This Is my first letter, I am nine years old. My birthday was on Dcc. 23rd. I llke school. I am {n grade thrc2, We häve 6 in grade three at .school. We had a concert and I made a rccl-totlon and I was in a play too. I got a new pair öf skis for my birthday. Santa was good to me too. I am gJad It is snowing a n d l can UHC my skis, and look llke a snowman cn them. Here'8 wlshfng you ali a very happy New Year. Viesti Manninen, Wörthlngton, Ont. Leila Knit a Sweater : For Herself / wl» Dpar Margaret. a^'?^ Thank you very much ior Christmas present. The "Llttle SWii#i kers" statloncry Is really oute, :tig^i^^ lots of presents this Christiiws, ;inoftP' of them I necded. Vtn In Buffalo spendlng the Xäi^ vacatiön wlth my cousln. .V/aiMi^mi^i^ ccld coming over hsrc. Now tvi^j^ windy and ccld out. I hope we w^l;' get more snow, the uround',:'i^-:^ivM^- barely covercd nQw. A '^'^ Tho dance recltol was held «1 Bi*ci|!' 17 and l,8th. I was In several 'ntm^<* bcrs. After th8'Show I Wfts pr^rit(pii||| wlth a lovely trlple Strand of p^th„'"$J At school we had a Christnyu Af*-- fi^mlply. There was a vocal Bolq;;i)l«|^ Kola and a play presented ^ • w Actors Gulld. It was a comedr*iabOT0s; Christmas and "irilstlstoe". lijBiöiiil^ <;d wr h everybody slnging Chri6tma$.v:: carols and Whlte Christmas. I made myself n yiaiow 8wea^ir;;jti# took 'me nearly four montl» t a «iaiÄi^ It; (I've already got qultc a blt" on another one. I hope Zdonft^ tieeäi four months to make It. ' , "C; 111 be Tcloslng now. Happy^ New^ Year everybody.' . ' •. Leila Lftman, r St. Catharine», Oifit. —" • '^y^ Seija Saw 4 Shows Hello Margaret «nd ali the children, A year has gone by since I last wrote to this paper so I thought that I would wrlte a llttle now. I have been In town during my Chrhtmas holiday». I went to 4 show8 wlth my cousln. We saw the new Paramount theatre. ' We got many presents. I thlnk that Is ali so I wl.sh you ali a happy new year. 8el/a Tuomi. Stepstone P.O., Ont, , Esko Reports Storray Weather Hello Margaret and ali the^readm^ and wrlt2rs of this page, ; ' ' Weil, Its sure been a fltdnn|f *few;1^ Vear'« day. In some plaee«^ thele were 5 fcet hlgh drlfts of snött. y*"! 5 couldn't get very far wlth a eäX' ^ y f ? father and mother and boQi?;t(^''' brother s tr led to get to tlä0 dty ^ Priday nlght but they only got^aboiijt:^" two miles away before they goläBttJi^||^ Both my brothers were goua"^ <o].J*^«t party held by the Finnish girte .of-i^.,^. Catherinea. ' " '\' Esko Har|ft":;:v|i^ St. Arais,"^''^"^*'''"..'." "^. i"^' — Maailmassa juodaan teetä «nli»?» män kulh mitään muuta juomaa, iret»-'^'' tä lukuunottamatta. s i : ! ! ^orma's First Letter Dear aister Jdlargaret and ali the readers atid vriters of this pag£> This is my first letter to (his page. I am seven years cld and I am in grade j two. I I had a birthday party on Dee. 27th. f My siste/ wrote to. tiiis. page before. Santa Claus was very good to me this year. I got many things. j Goqd-l^e sister aiaigaret and every- ' one else. '-^^.UtoniM'Järvi," BiMeö, Man-mi ECONÖMICAL GAINS With Quaker ful-O-Pep Pig Grovver K A R J A N RUOKAA J A REHUJA^ PCJL-O-PEP fcasvatasmäskiä FUL-O-PEP monitusmäskiä .....'. FUL-O-PEP Super Green Fcllels (Ruohoa pillerin moodosM) säkki QUAKEB taappimisrebua NELJÄN JVVÄN raapplml«mäKklä MAITOKARJAN SEOKSIA, 16%, säkki MAITOKARJAN SEOKSIA. 24%. säkki SIAN ALOTTAMISMASKM, «äkki Sian kasyatusmäskiä, säkki SIAN LOPETTAMISMXSKIÄ, säkki ' S I AN RUOKAA QUAKER Jauhoja^ 98 Ib. IVORY jatihoja, 98 Ib V.,,,... NO. 1 BUOKINTANI8UA RUOKINTAKAUROJA, säkki BRAN , •»HORTS .MIDLINGS VASIKAN RUOKAA FuI-O-Pep 25'» Ful-O-Pep KKTs Quaker 25'» ..,, Quaker 100's ... • Saatte sikanne aikaisemmin markkinoille ruokkimalla vitamiini- rikasta Chiaker FuI-O-Pep slankasvatusmäskiä. ,Ful-0-Pep edistää nopeaa kasvua ja tuloksellista edistystä alhaisella hinnalla. Voitte lisätä sikojen tuottamia voittoja ruokkimalla Ful- O-Pep keinolla. Sallikaa surfdän selostaa teille miten aloitatte t^kkttsikojen hoidon FuI-O-Pep kehnolla. OIL CAKE lUEAL ^ • Näissä ölJykakkujaufaoi«sa on suari määrä vitamiineja, tarinf-iettn sekoitettavalrsi jyvien kanssa tehdäkseen ravitsevaa maltolaur^:^ Jan rOokaa. 100 Ib. säkki MUNAKARTOONEJA LaatUtko JoM» on 250 kpL • Saatte palkallisesta kaupastanne Ui varasto]ttu»oeestaiBBie ^ : ^ ALPHONSE E. CHAREHE &^ Sof •S II 4, • JAUHOJA 186 Louis SL mm''
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, January 6, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-01-06 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus490106 |
Title | 1949-01-06-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
Miriam Spent Xmas
in the Hospitcl
Hello slster Margaret aad ali the
raaders and writers of this page.
Weil, I thought it about time to
start writing to this section. Thank
you very jnuch Xor the njce present
which I received &ter Margaret and
for the lovely Xmas card.
I spent my Christmas in the hos-pital.
i bad ä very nice time ihere
and a big, joUy Santa Claus visited
us. -Was he ever fat and taU. an"ci
very nice too. I hope Margaret had
a joyful and pretty Christmas. I had
an appendix operation on Dee. I6tb
and Irrlvfd home on Christmas Day.
My mother has been really busy
now and will be for six months with
the bam work. I hope the children
had a very gocd Xmas and are stiU
busy helping their mom and dad. I'
have been a*good gSrl but I can't help
uith the work now because I am aot
able to do anything heavy or light for
3 weeks.
I got lots of gif ts and cards. I wjsh
the best of luck to ali that ssnt them.
Thank you very much.
I'll write sisfcsr a longer letter when
r am better. Vl^ell, 1 guess ril h^ave
to stop this chit-chat for now or this
letter wiH be la te. i
So-long and swe8t dreams to sister
Miriam Segerman,
Quartz, Ontario.
Lily toivoo rauhaa
Hyvää päivää Margaret-lisko ia
kaikki perheen nusremmat.
Ajattelin taas kirjoittaa muutaman
Lea's Mvsical
Hello everyone!
Thank you very much for the
Christmas present and card, sister
Here is a wish that is a Iit tie la te,
Merry Christmas. and now one that
is a llttle early, Happy New Year!
I've got new ski-poles so I'll be
going skljng soon. It is very nice
today^so maybe I'll go now -with Elsle
Jaakkola, a friend of lAine who lives
just a few houses down the road.
Here is a musical questionnaire.
1. a place of residence; 2. an unaf-fected
person; 3. what betrays yotu:
natjonality; 4. a fish has them; 5.
often passed in school; 6. used to hang
clothes on.
' Answers: 1. flat; 2. natural; 3. ac-cent;
4. scales; 5. notes; 6. Ijne;
WeU, happy holldays everyone!
Lea Maid,
Box 363.
Vai D'Or, Que.
Esko Harju klrjoiUi eniten kirjeitä
viime \-uomia, 49, melkein kirje v^-
kossa. On ensimmäinen k e ^ ainakin
viiteen \aioteen, etta poika on voittanut,
siis poikien kunnia op pelastettu.
Hyvin tehty, Esko!
rivin tähän osastcon kun on aikaa.
Meillä alkoi joululoma joulukuun 22
p:nä. Minä sain joulupukilta paljon
I l j o j a ja makeisia.
Monet kiitokset Margaret-siskolle
siitä kaimiista jpululahjasta ja myös
kortista. Nyt on joulukin mennyt ja
uusi vuosi on tiilossa. En tiedä mitä
uusi -vuosi tuo tullessaan. Joulun ohjelmaan
kyllä kuuluu sanoa, että rauha
maassa ja ihmisille hyvä tahto mutta
myös kuluu harva päivä, ettei hoeta
sodan olevan väistämättömän, vaan
minun mielipiteeni on. että rafiha ja
sopusointu on ihmisille kallein asia
ja toivon, että kaikki ajattelevat näin.
Minä panin jänilcsiUe pauloja metsään
ja yhtenä yönä oli kettu JUDSs^t
paulaam ja sen ti^liki on nyt minulla
Ehkä lopetan tällä kertaa ja lähden
viemään tätä postiin kun kerran
saan hevossn reessä hyvää kyytiä.
Siis onnellista uutta vuotta kaikille!.*
Lily riinen,
Wahnapitae, Ont.
Helien Sang a Solo
at Xmas Concert
Hello sister Margaret and everyone
Did you. ali häve a nice Christmas?
I hope you did. Ws got lots of snow.
My father has been ploughing the
road already.
Thank you for the bingo game sister
Margaret. I got many cther pre-sents
too. I got a S2wing set, mit-tens,
f ur-boofcs, checkers, etc.
My sister Ann got a flashlight in
the shape of a dog, the light comes oiit
of its nose. My sister is.four years
Old, My mother just gave her a Toni.
is it ever curly. Molhsr is going to
give my grandmother one too. She
has given several already. They have
turned out nice.
I had a nice Christmas holiday, did
you sister Margaret? I hope you did.
Our Christmas concert tumed out
ali right. It vvas in twp plays, a star
drill and I sang a solo. .
I was staylng at a girrs place in
town, her name is Nina Saari. Her
Picture was in the Sudbury Daily Star.
I was there dvuring the Christmas holldays.
Weil, cheerip for now. Ifeppy New
^ Helien Rintamäki,
Beaver Lake, Ont.
Hallo siskot ja veljet Jcautta maan!
En kirjoita teille paljon mitään tällä
viikolla kun näitä kirjeitä on niin
paljon, että palstatilaa tarvitsemme
niin p^jon kuin mahdollista. Jos ette
näe kirjettänne tässä lehdessä vaikka
mainitsen siitä, niin todennäköisesti
julkaistaan vasta lauantaina, _,tllap-puutteen
Saimme kafci uutta jäsentäkin,
Norma Järven, Bissettista, Manito-basta
ja Viesti Mannisen Worthing-tonista.
Tervetuloa perheeseemme!
Saimme kaksi erokirjettä Seija Järveltä
jä Eila Raumalta. Tietysti olemme
pahoillamme nähdessämme teidän
eroavan perheestämme mutta' sehän
on ymmärrettävää. Älkää tykkänään
lopettako kirjoittamista Vapauteen
sillä Club News-o£astos5a otetaan teiltä
mielihyvin vastaan kirjeitä mikä
aika hyvänsä. Siis ei sanota hyvästi,
vain "au revoir"!
Mielestäni tuo "Study" sana, Kalevi,
tarkoittaa samaa kuin sanoisit, että
opiskelet läksyjäsi.
Mielenkiintoisia kirjeitä saapui pos-tilaatikkconi
myös Leilalta. Lahjalta,
Seijalta, HcUenilta, Shirleylta, Elai-nelta,
Sophielta, Lealta, Miriamilta,
Bernardilta, Kertulta, Evelynilta, Vio-lalta,
IlmUta, Eskolta, Viljolta, Irmalta,
Onervalta, saUylta, Sylvialta, Mel-vinilta,
Lailalta, LempUtä ja LUyltä.
Hyvästi taas ensi viikkoon saakka!
Siskonne Margaret.
Kalm toivoo
näkevänsä enemmän
suomalaisia kirjeitä
Terveisiä taasen Margaret-siskolle
ja kaikille parheen nuoremmille.
No niin, joulu on täa§en ollut ja
mjexmyt. Toivon, että ss toi kaikille
paljon iloa. Monet kU:okset Sinulle
Margaret-sisko niistä, kauniista lahjoista,
jotka lähetit minulle. Myös
kiitos siitä kauniista joulukortista. E i
minulla ollut .ajatuksiakaan, että olin
kirjoittanut niin monta kirjettä. Syy
on ehkä siinä, että; toisilla alkaa olla
parempi taipvunus kirjoittaa englanninkieltä
ja suomenkieli Jää hämärälle
viime tilalle. Silloin kim minä
rupesin kirjoittamaan Perheen nuo-rsmpien
osastoon ei vielä näkynyt
kuin joskus kirje englanninkielellä.
Nyt ovat suomenkieliset kirjeet jo
melkein hävinneet j,a^ englanninkieli
on päätilalla. Jos siihen suomenkielen
kirjoittamiseen panisi vain .vähän
ahkeruutta niin §e sujuisi yhtä liyvin
kuin englaiminkielj. Minä toivon, että
joskus näkisin sen päivän, että kaikki
kirjeet olisivat suomenkielisiä.
Täällä oli pari kolme viikkoa kylmää
ilmaa mutta näyttää, että se alkaa nyt
lämmetä vähäksi aikaa ainakin. Lim-ta
on jo melkein joka paikassa ainakin"
jalan verran. Täällä penVcalla
ainakin oli valkoinen joulu. Kun kävin
kaupungilla jouluaattona niin ei
näkynyt kuin joskus vain ihmisiä'liik-keellä
kun oli niin kylmä. ^
Koulu taasen alkaa kohta. Joskus
Sieltä saa niin paljon kotitöitä, että
minä toivon olevan kuusi kuukautta
kesälomaa pari kertaa vuodessa. Kokeet
myös alkavat kohta ja sitten pitää
"studyta" ahkerasti. Voiko Margaret-
sisko antaa minulle vastaavan
suomalaisen sanan tuohon sanaan
Vastaus siihen antamaani kysymykseen:
^Kuinka monta eri lajia eläln-
Hä voisi mies ostaa jos hänellä olisi
$5 rahaa? Hänen olisi ostettava sata
eläintä ja hevoset maksavat 50c, lehmät
10 ja kanat Ic kappale.) Hän
ostaisi yhden hevosen, 39 lehmää ja
60 kanaa.
Ei muuta tälliä kertaa kun onnellista
uutta vuotta kaikille!
Kalevi Juvonen.
R.R. 1, Port Arthur, Ont.
frm,a iCmsiieris
Holiiey Too^mrt
Hello sister Alargaret aad ali the
reader^^d writ«rs of this page.
First of ali. 1 want to thank sister
Margaret for the adorajtde ksrchief.
hanky, autograph book and card.
"Hiank you .§ister. Ttoey really are
I didn't expect to receive that much
as I didn't thlnk I had wri,tten very
I received a number of useful gifts
such as tea t6wels*, aj^rons to embrol-
.der, iiflgerie. pyjamas ^^nd broqches
and quite k few cards.
Are holidays ever short this year!
T for one, wish they were abput a .week
How ij. everyone feeling? Fine, I
JhORp. tai bettertoday but yestsrday
i was sick and so was my brother.
Did evexyone of you children pass
you Xmas exams? I hope so. I had
three mathematics tests. I came first
in the last one, beating 8 and 9 pupils,
second in the secoud one and third in
the ficst one. I guess the rest of our
tests are com^ng about the fiyst, second
and third week of school after
the holidays.
, Is there very much snow in Sudbitf-ry?
We have quite a bit, a fpot of
it. I haven't been but so I couldn't
measure how much there was exactly.
Weil, 1 guess 111 close wishing every-body'
a happy and prospsrous new
So-long until next time!
Iroia Heinonen,
Starratt P.O., Ont.
Shirley S School Starts
on Jfanuary 31st
Dear sister Margaret. %
Tlianks a lot for the lovel.v card and
autograph. They're very nice.
r m fiorry I haven"t written more
or:en during the past year but 111 try
and do better in the new year. Thats
my New Year's resolutlon. I probably
won"t«Farr3- it through.
The weather here has been very
nice. Quite a few peoplc are still
travelling with cars.
Our conc?rt was on Dee. 21st. Our
Echool starts on January 31st..QuUe
a long holiday; I thlnk. I wculdn't
mind if it was Sjönger though.
I hope everybpdy had a very merry
Christmas. I Suppose you ali had a
turkey diimer. We stayed home this
Wall. I'll^slgn off for now and write
more next time. <
Shirley S&rkilabU.
R.R. 1. Dlnsmore, Sask.
Mylvin Siili l^rying
to Catch Weasel
•. V ...... Dear b}g_ sister Man^UTt and ali the
readers and.writeps cf-hLs page.
XthougbtX would vtlte a few Iines.
This is my lecond Jetter to th? Vapaus.
Christmas is gone and won't
be back ^or another year. I had lots
of f un during the Christmas holidays.
Thank you for the lovely pencil box
you sent me. I llke H verj' much.
It Is klnd ot warm out here. I had
a cold but Us ovcr now. My sister had
a cold too. She*s feeling fine now.
I dldn't get a wea£el yei. I got a
rabbit agaln though.
My mother is feeling fine but my
father is slck.
The grader wa5 up here on Tuesday,
Dee. 28th. School will s^art tomorrow
If teacher can get back from town.
We have 2 feet 4 inches of snow.
I guess I wlll close now. Cheerio!
Melvin Niemi,
Silver Mountain. Ont
Torstaina, tamniik. 6
ESa's Last Letter
To fhi$ Page
D»ar Margtxxet and ev3rybodj'!
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.
Thenk you very much
Margaret for the autograph albura
and card!-I was vary surprised to
receive It as I have not wrltten often.
I dont thlnk I wlU WTite anymore
though as I turned 16 last month.
We have been having snow out
here for n whUc now and we had a
whlte christmas. The weather is usual-ly
niee and sunrxy during the daytlme
but at night It freezes and is very cold
Weil, I guess this Is ali for now.
I wish everyone a verj' Happy New
Eila Raunia,
Webster's Corners, B.C.
Onerya's Thaiik You-Note
Dear sister Maigaret.
I'll write you a thank you-letter
before New year's Day althpugh U
wont get in the Vapaus before New
Thank you very much for the nice
Cutex Flngemgil tet, sister Margaret.
I was very pleased to get It. I got
lots pf nice things for Christmas, ali
of which I wanted. I would llkc to
thank John Nikula of Golden for the
Tdss baTirsäHsand gloves he gave me
and mom would also like to thank hlm
for the lovely Xmas present he gave
her. I had a very "merry Christmas
and I hope others had one too.
The weather is mild for the flrst
day of this month. Its been quite cold
the, whole month though.
School will start ägain oh the 3rd bf
111 end wishing everyone a Happy
New Year. I' have to hurry to get
tfels letter rnailed for our nelghbour is
going to .tpwn..
Onerva Salomaa.
brawer K., Golden, B.C.
Seija's Farewell Letter
Hello sister Margaret anld ali the
laaders and writers of this page.
Heie I am again but I'm afrald It is
for the last time. This is my letter
of farewell to this page. I"ve enjoyed
writing to this page but now tliat I'm
15 I find It harder to find time to
write because bf my school work so Tm
lettlng the younger ones täke over
I have writlen for six years. My sister
is taking over my place. She Is WTlt-ing
her first letter now. I shall help
her wilh her letters until she gets
lised to writing.
Now I want to thank si.ster Margaret
for the lovely gift and card. SLster
Margaret. how did you ever guess
uhat I wanted for so long? I waR
really surprised and pleased to receive
it. I also want to thank ali those
who donated to the gift fund so that
those gifts we received were made
posslble. Also I want to thank Mr.
and Mr.s. H. Sula for the lovely card.
I received.
I had a wondorful Christmas this
year. I got a green shoulder bag from
Norma^^for Clu-istmas, from mom and
dad I got nylons and a shell plcture
for the Avall.
I guess I'll close fcr now. Good-bye
Kister Margaret and ali the readers
and wrlters of this page. I wi5h ali
the luck there is to this page and I
hope that my sister wri.tes faithfully
as I have ti-ied to do.
Good-bye agaln.
Seija Järvi.
Bi-ssett, Man.
Viljo Tells of Their
Mischievous Crow
Hello sister Margaret and readers
and writers of this page. C- '
1 wish to thank you very much for
the gift you sent me.
I got many presents, a pen and
pencil set. jacknife, money and other
things inciuding Christmas cards.
We have kept the crow hi the stall
for it is cold. The crow is always up
•to n^chief. It hides its food and
steals everything it cah carry. It Is
never lazy.
Lhaye been skating along the river.
rt is fun. The ice is about 5 inches
P-will ask a few riddles. How many
balls of yam would it take to reach
the moon? Why did the moron take
a ruler to bed? Why did the man
sleep in. the fireplace? The answers
vUl be in-my next letter.
We had a lot of fun at the school
concert although I was nervous when
it was my turn to go on the stage.
After the concert Santa Claus came
and gave out the presents and candy.
That wiU be ali for now.
•Viljo Bomo,
Waimp, Ont.
— Aurora oU muinaiskreikkalaisten
Viola Lives on
New Farm Now
Hello sjstar Margaret and everyone
First of ali I have to thank sister
Margaret for the nice present and
Xmas that she sent me. I have
also received many other nice presents.
Its such a long time since I have
wTitten to the "Perheen nuoremmille"
that I suppose you thlnk I'm not going
to write anymore. ,f
We have moved to a new farm'at
Syivan Lake. It i ^ about twenty railes
from where we lived before. Now I
have two miles to walk to a town
school. At first the schoolwork was
quite hard for I was so far behind
in dlfferent subjects but now the work
is much easjer. We have a man
teacher this year. He is quite strict
at times. We have picture shows
every week in the school basement.
Sometimes the teacher. takes the^
children skating on the lake. Do we
ever have fun! We didn't' have a
Christmas concert this year because
there are too many childm. There
are over 300 school children ih ali,
with seven teachers and three schools.
•My brother has been working at
the lumber camp ali Winter but he
came home for Christmas.
The weather here in. Alberta has
be^n nice ali Winter. TherCs only
about six or seven inches of snaw.
This will be ali for now. cheerio!
"Happy New Year to one and ali."
Viola IStottson,
-'Tled Deer. Alberta.
Sylvia asuu
nyt kaupungissa
Hello sisko Margaret ja lapset.
Minä en ole kirjoittanut täbän osastoon
pitkään aikaan niutta nyt aion
kirjoittaa. Joulu on mennyt ja uusi
vuosi on jo huomenna. Kyllä joulupukki
oli hyvä kun toi mlnulie 16 lahjaa.
Me muutimme kaupunkiin viime
syksyllä ja en minä pidä kaupungin
koulusta niin paljon kuin farmikou-lusta.
Np. eiköhän tämä jo riitä tällä kertaa.
Toivon slsko Margaretille ja kaikille
lehden lukijoille onnellista uutta
Sylvia Toomi,
135 Secord St. Port Arthur.
jaamun Ja Ulan jumalatar.
Roomalainai historioitsija Caius
CMTielius Tacitus syntyi v. 53 ja kucn
l i v . 120.
Santa Was Gooi
to Evelytr^.^^
Dear big- sister MarganJt and ali
the readers and writers of Viii£_^age.
How has everyone been now after
C h r i s t ! ^ ? I hope Santa was good to
each dbe of ypu. He sure was good
to me. I got socks, mittens and a
book caUed "The Ghost Paräde" froto
Santa. I read it in a day. I got
pearis from my mother and dad.
Then I got a n«;klace, pencil IxMtT
perfume, pajamas, kerchief, and han-kles.
How has the veather been out-there?
It has been cold here ezcept
yestexday It was 30 above zero.
I would lik to thank Matgazet for
the nice Christmas present £be sent
me. It was real njce.
I guess I vlll dc^yormm.Clateripl
' Silver M t n , Ont
äidiltä ja isältä
Sisko Margaret ja kajkki tämän
lehden lukijat.
Kiitos oikein paljon, Margaret, siitä
kauniista lahjasta, siihen muisto-värssykirjaan
minä käskeJ^kaikkien
kirjoittaa suomeksi, minulla on toinen
johon voi kirjoittaa vain englanniksi.
Kiitos myös siitä kauniista kortista.
Minä sain tänä jouluna yksitoista
joululahjaa Ja oikein monta
korttia. (Maire, minun siskoni, sai
rannekellon äidiltä ja isältä joululahjaksi,
Bernard sai neljä linkkuveit-seä
ja minä sain kolme paria helmiä,
äidiltä ja isältä sain "pearis". Minä
l(H>etan tämän kirjeen englanninkielellä.
First thanks a lot everyone for the
lovely gifts and cards. This year I
attend the Port Arthur technical
school. I' like the work out there
except for some of the exams. I
don't like exams at ali. After the
Chrjstmasl^oUdays exams start again.
We have actual sewlng and cooking
every week. Jn sewing we've made
a pincushlon, sUppers and now a
blouse. In school we have a teacher
for each subject. I like ali the
At present dad Is at camp and
Maire is working at the International
in town. 0he and I room at the same
place. 135 Becord St, I don't Uke
staylng in town though. I thlnk' yöu
can have much more fun out jn the
Nyt lopetan jo ja kiitos kalkille niistä
korteista ja lahjoista ja mikä niitä
tarmolalaisla vaivaa, että he eivät tule
|eäymään kylässä?
Onnellista uutta vuott»!
Gertnde Waatäinen.
Intola, Ontario.
Sally Has Promised
to Write Regularly
to This Page
Oreetlngs to si.ster Margaret and ali
the readers and writers of this page.
• Many, many thanks sister Margaret
for the present. i am going to make
a New Year's rcsolution early and I
promised my sister Maila from Toronto
that I would keep wrltlng regularly
to this page and take part In
every skl-ineet this Winter. She wlll
give me a watch for my birthday in
itjtay when I am going to be 11 years
We had a nice Christmas concert
and we had drills, songs, recitatlons
and plays. Santa Claus was good to
me this year and I hope he was to
everyone else.
• Wc are gettlng .some more £nöw and
and I like that. I can go skiing and
sleighriding without hltting every
stump and rock that comes in my way.
My brother Elmer Is going to go to
the ski-Echool at Colllngwood early in
January. We wiH miss hlm at home.
.1 tbink Ihi.-; is ali for now. I wl6h
you one and siU, fi happy Ne\v Year!
•Säily Manninen,
WonhlngtQn, Ont.
Elaine is Helping
Brother Keep House
Dear sister Margaret.
Weil, I guess I wlll write agaln now.
I . received the present Tuesday and
thanks very much. I never did have
a good autograph book. I also got 15
other presents this year. Santa was
real good to me. I also ix)celved u
large number of cards.
We had our concert on Dee. 21st
and it turned out swell, The weathcr
was qultc warm that nlght. I wo.s to
two other concerts besldcs our own.
The last one we were at was at a big
school. They had 30 itcms on the
programme. It sure got tlrcsome slt-tlng,
listenlng and watchlng for about
three hours. Then after we had lunch
another two hours had gone. The
roads were good olmost ali the way.
The neighbour's glrls wcre Just down
here awhlle ago. Wc were going to
go out and play but it got sort of
dark. My sLster and I are staylng wlth
our brother at a nelghbour'.s place,
who wcilt to B.C. for the Winter. We
have lots of fun dolng the cooking
and cleanlng up. We have had only
3 vlsltors since we came hei'e, atid ali
were men.
This farm or place is gas servlce
station. The owner sells gas and weld'j
and so forth. The roads are stlll open
there and we went down to the nelgh-bors
one day. We werc Invlted |
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