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POZORAVI RRATSKIH IZ AUSTRALIJE POVODOM 25-GODI5XJ-ICE SALJEMO BRATSKE POZDRAVE. VASA BORBA I RAD ZA NAPREDNU STVAR UVIJEK NAM JE INSPIRACIJA. SA ODUSE-VLJENJE- M PRATIMO RAD VASIH ORGAN'IZACIJA I PISAXJE VASE STAMPE. ?.EUMO VAM MNOGO USPJEHA. SAVEZ JUGOSLOVENSKIH 1SELJENIKA AUSTRAL! JE I URED. "NAPRETKA". GREETINGS TO 25ib ANNIVERSARY OP JEDINSTVO FOR FISHING FACTS . . . read . "The Fisherman" Labor Voice in the Fishing Industry 301 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C Phone: MArine 1829. CESTITAMO I 2ELIMO Dobar uspjeb u proslari 2ygodilnjice i Jjljni progrts Jemokrjtske Jugo siat ensko- - Kanadske not tie "Jedinstto". JUGOSLAVENSKI PROSVJETNI DOM 767 Keefer St., Vancouver. B.C. GREETINGS From WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Ukrainian Branch No. 35 803 E. Pender St., Vancouver, D.C GREETINGS to the Yugoslav Progressit e Paper Jedinstto. READ and SUPPORT THE PACIFIC TRIBUNE Б.С.'J Leading Labor Paper Room 6M 426 Main St.. Vancouver Л, D.C Phone: MArine 5288. WE EXTEND OUR HEARTIEST GREETINGS TO THE 2Mb ANNIVERSARY OF THE YUGOSLAV DEMOCRATIC PAPER JEDINSTVO FEDERATION OF RUSSIAN CANADIANS 600 Campbell Avenue, Vancouver, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF UNITED UKRAINIAN CANADIANS Warm Fraternal Greetings on the occasion of your twenty-fift- h anniversary. The National Executite Committee Association of United Ukrainian Canadians. OD LISTA "VOCHENBLATT" Please accept the heartfelt congratulations of our newspaper and the whole progressive Jewish movement on the occasion of your 25th anniversary. We rejoice in your success. May we expect that in the years to come, the fra-ternity of Yugoslav and Jewish Canadians will grow stronger in our common struggle for a better Canada. Yours sincerely, M. Sbipman. For the Canadian Jeuitb Weekly. (VOCHENBLATT) DRUsTVO UNITED JEWISH PEOPLES ORDER Greetings of the United Jewish Peoples Order to your 25th Anniversary. Wishing you great success in your splendid work for brotherhood and peace. Executite Board U.JJ.0. S. SHEK. Secretary. ШШШ SAVEZ JUGOSLAVENSKIH KANADJANA VANCOUVER, B.C. Pngodom 25-godiinj- ne naie progresitne Itampe u Kanadi, lelimo poziatt ste nale demokratske i miroljubite Jugoslavene Kanadfane, da podupru i titaju nalu demokratsku noiinu Jedinstvo. SLOVENSKA IZSEUENSKA MATICA Ob 25-lctni- ci obstoja delavskega naprednega lista "Jedinstvo", sprejmite na§e iskrene destitke! V imenu izvrsnega in glavnega odbora Slovenske izseljenske maticc. , ALBERT SVAGELJ, tajnik. Ljubljana. We are very happy that ue can forward a message uritb warm fraternal greetings to the 2ilb annitersary of the Yugoslav paper in Canada, Jedinstvo. We u-is- b the Jedinstvo to continue to fight for peace and progress. INDEPENDENT MUTUAL BENEFIT FEDERATION CZECKO-SLOVA- K BRANCH NO. 237. Vancouver, B.C GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES ON THE OCCASION OF 25tb ANNIVERSARY OF YUGOSLAV DEMOCRATIC PAPER JEDINSTVO From ASSOCIATION OF UNITED UKRAINIAN CANADIANS 803 East Pender St„ Vancouver, D.C. OD LISTA "L'UDOVE ZVESTI" Dear Yugoslav Brothers: Finding ourselves in the midst of celebrations of our own anniversary, we are doubly happy over your silver jubilee and send you our heartiest greetings. It was always a deep brotherly love we Slovaks and Czechs felt towards the proud Yugoslav nations, and our admi-ration for you grows by the passing of the pears. We know how hard your democratic newspaper JEDINSTVO had to fight to bring the truth about the life and struggle of the Canadian people and about the important world events that effect the lives of all of us. Wo know that your victories in this respect will be always assured and that you will carry on the great Yugoslav traditions. In the name of all progressive Czechs and Slovaks in Canada we congratulate all the progressive Yugoslavs on the 25th anniversary of their paper, and wish you many more decades of fruitful activity that together with other people in this great country you can help make Canada prosperous and great in a world at peace. Yours for a better future, L'UDOVE -Z- VESTI, Jozef DurjanVik, Editor. Our Heartiest Brotherly Greetings to the Progressit e Yugoslav Organization and the Paper Jedinstvo POLISH DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION And The POLISH WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION VANCOUVER BRANCHES GREETINGS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF MINE, MILL & SMELTER WORKERS (Canada) STRANA 9 USTDVA SAVEZ JUGOSLAVENSKIH KANADJANA HAMILTON, ONT. U ime naseg clanstva Saveza Jugoslavenskih Kana-dja- na cestitam 23-godiSnj- icu na5e napredne radnidke stampe u Kanadi. U listu prilaiem 25 dolara u fond "Jedinstva". Tajnik. "UKRAINSKE 2ITJA" I "UKRAINIAN CANADIAN" On behalf of many thousands of readers of UKRAINIAN LIFE and the UKRAINIAN CANADIAN, we are pleased to convey to you our warmest fraternal and brotherly greetings on the occasion of the celebra-tion of the 25th anniversary of JEDINSTVO. Your paper JEDINSTVO has performed wonder-ful service to all progressive minded Yugoslav Cana-dians during the past 25 years and together with other democratic newspapers, has undeviatingly fought for the interests of its people and the Slavic Canadians in general. We greet you heartily and wish that JEDINSTVO will have still greater success in its important work. Witli fraternal greetings, THE UKRAINIAN UFE, THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN. M. Korol. GREET10S FROM THE CIVIC EMPLOYEES UNION, OUTSIDE WORKERS B. MacKinnon. President. Donald Guise, Business Agent; Jack Phillips, Secretary. Vancouver, D.C OD "ISEUENIcKE RIJEcl" Savezu Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana i jugoslavenskom demokratskom listu "Jedinstvo". Dragi drugovi: Saradnici, prijatelji i citaoci "Iseljenidke Rijeci", demokratskog glasila Jugoslavena nastnnjenih u Repu-blic! Argcntini, ivrsto uvjereni da izraiavamo ielje i odobrenje svih naSih cestitih zcmljaka, toplo pozdra-vljam- o list "Jedinstvo" prigodom 2S-godiSnj-ice izlazo-nj- a. Mi opninmo u "Jcdinstvu" hrabru borbu za MIR i PRIJATELJSTVO medju nnrodima, nnroCito za prija-teljst- vo i saradnju izmedju Knnade i Jugoslavije. Poznato nam je "Jedinstvo" kao neprekidni bra-nil- ac bratskih odnosa i interesa jugoslavenskog naroda, i ljudi tog porijekla u Kanadi, koje orijentiSe putcm udruzenjn i organiziranja — jedini uspjeSni na6in za postignude svog socijalnog i kulturnog dobrostanja. Razumijcmo da je "Jedinstvo pruinlo i pruia svoju podrsku ' borbi jugoslavenskih naroda za udvrSdivanje narodne demokracije I izgradnju socijalizma, da osigura stalni razvitak materijalnog i kulturnog 2ivota radnickih masa, koju su dali svoje dragocjenjene iivote u borbi za slobodu, nezavisnost svoje domovine i dobrostanje cijelog covjecanstv. BaSradi toga 2elimo "Jedinstvu", svim saradnicima, prijateljima l citaocima nove i mnoge uspjehe u svom progresivnom radu. Jo5 jednom primite nas bratskii drugarski pozdrav. UredniSstto i uprata ISELJENICKE RIJECI" The Marine Workers' & Boilermakers' Industrial Union! Local 1, Sends Greetings to the Canadian Yugoslav People on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Jedinstvo (Unity) VANCOUVER, B.C. SLOVAcKO P0DPORN0 DRUsTVO (I. M. B. F.) slav Opnrotghreessoicvceasiopnapoefr thine 2C5atnhadana,nitvheersaNryatioofntahle CYoumg-o- sagmwlnraiiedsvtehtetewiiestn'osgocrsokfinniotnfthnoignerumbpoSeeauhlotosaipvvllafeeskuociafncBneidesCtsnsaeenmfidaintuedmcaiSt.'botsiecoirpensrtaoytlgorereJoxEslstDeeivnIeXtdosSltTehbVaerdoOetYhrusegahronli-ypd Sincerely, The National Committee Slouk Benefit Society of Canada, John Rumtlek. general secretary.
Object Description
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Title | Jedinstvo, November 02, 1956 |
Language | yugo |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1956-11-02 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Nasa000185 |
Title | 000349 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | POZORAVI RRATSKIH IZ AUSTRALIJE POVODOM 25-GODI5XJ-ICE SALJEMO BRATSKE POZDRAVE. VASA BORBA I RAD ZA NAPREDNU STVAR UVIJEK NAM JE INSPIRACIJA. SA ODUSE-VLJENJE- M PRATIMO RAD VASIH ORGAN'IZACIJA I PISAXJE VASE STAMPE. ?.EUMO VAM MNOGO USPJEHA. SAVEZ JUGOSLOVENSKIH 1SELJENIKA AUSTRAL! JE I URED. "NAPRETKA". GREETINGS TO 25ib ANNIVERSARY OP JEDINSTVO FOR FISHING FACTS . . . read . "The Fisherman" Labor Voice in the Fishing Industry 301 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C Phone: MArine 1829. CESTITAMO I 2ELIMO Dobar uspjeb u proslari 2ygodilnjice i Jjljni progrts Jemokrjtske Jugo siat ensko- - Kanadske not tie "Jedinstto". JUGOSLAVENSKI PROSVJETNI DOM 767 Keefer St., Vancouver. B.C. GREETINGS From WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Ukrainian Branch No. 35 803 E. Pender St., Vancouver, D.C GREETINGS to the Yugoslav Progressit e Paper Jedinstto. READ and SUPPORT THE PACIFIC TRIBUNE Б.С.'J Leading Labor Paper Room 6M 426 Main St.. Vancouver Л, D.C Phone: MArine 5288. WE EXTEND OUR HEARTIEST GREETINGS TO THE 2Mb ANNIVERSARY OF THE YUGOSLAV DEMOCRATIC PAPER JEDINSTVO FEDERATION OF RUSSIAN CANADIANS 600 Campbell Avenue, Vancouver, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF UNITED UKRAINIAN CANADIANS Warm Fraternal Greetings on the occasion of your twenty-fift- h anniversary. The National Executite Committee Association of United Ukrainian Canadians. OD LISTA "VOCHENBLATT" Please accept the heartfelt congratulations of our newspaper and the whole progressive Jewish movement on the occasion of your 25th anniversary. We rejoice in your success. May we expect that in the years to come, the fra-ternity of Yugoslav and Jewish Canadians will grow stronger in our common struggle for a better Canada. Yours sincerely, M. Sbipman. For the Canadian Jeuitb Weekly. (VOCHENBLATT) DRUsTVO UNITED JEWISH PEOPLES ORDER Greetings of the United Jewish Peoples Order to your 25th Anniversary. Wishing you great success in your splendid work for brotherhood and peace. Executite Board U.JJ.0. S. SHEK. Secretary. ШШШ SAVEZ JUGOSLAVENSKIH KANADJANA VANCOUVER, B.C. Pngodom 25-godiinj- ne naie progresitne Itampe u Kanadi, lelimo poziatt ste nale demokratske i miroljubite Jugoslavene Kanadfane, da podupru i titaju nalu demokratsku noiinu Jedinstvo. SLOVENSKA IZSEUENSKA MATICA Ob 25-lctni- ci obstoja delavskega naprednega lista "Jedinstvo", sprejmite na§e iskrene destitke! V imenu izvrsnega in glavnega odbora Slovenske izseljenske maticc. , ALBERT SVAGELJ, tajnik. Ljubljana. We are very happy that ue can forward a message uritb warm fraternal greetings to the 2ilb annitersary of the Yugoslav paper in Canada, Jedinstvo. We u-is- b the Jedinstvo to continue to fight for peace and progress. INDEPENDENT MUTUAL BENEFIT FEDERATION CZECKO-SLOVA- K BRANCH NO. 237. Vancouver, B.C GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES ON THE OCCASION OF 25tb ANNIVERSARY OF YUGOSLAV DEMOCRATIC PAPER JEDINSTVO From ASSOCIATION OF UNITED UKRAINIAN CANADIANS 803 East Pender St„ Vancouver, D.C. OD LISTA "L'UDOVE ZVESTI" Dear Yugoslav Brothers: Finding ourselves in the midst of celebrations of our own anniversary, we are doubly happy over your silver jubilee and send you our heartiest greetings. It was always a deep brotherly love we Slovaks and Czechs felt towards the proud Yugoslav nations, and our admi-ration for you grows by the passing of the pears. We know how hard your democratic newspaper JEDINSTVO had to fight to bring the truth about the life and struggle of the Canadian people and about the important world events that effect the lives of all of us. Wo know that your victories in this respect will be always assured and that you will carry on the great Yugoslav traditions. In the name of all progressive Czechs and Slovaks in Canada we congratulate all the progressive Yugoslavs on the 25th anniversary of their paper, and wish you many more decades of fruitful activity that together with other people in this great country you can help make Canada prosperous and great in a world at peace. Yours for a better future, L'UDOVE -Z- VESTI, Jozef DurjanVik, Editor. Our Heartiest Brotherly Greetings to the Progressit e Yugoslav Organization and the Paper Jedinstvo POLISH DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION And The POLISH WORKERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION VANCOUVER BRANCHES GREETINGS INTERNATIONAL UNION OF MINE, MILL & SMELTER WORKERS (Canada) STRANA 9 USTDVA SAVEZ JUGOSLAVENSKIH KANADJANA HAMILTON, ONT. U ime naseg clanstva Saveza Jugoslavenskih Kana-dja- na cestitam 23-godiSnj- icu na5e napredne radnidke stampe u Kanadi. U listu prilaiem 25 dolara u fond "Jedinstva". Tajnik. "UKRAINSKE 2ITJA" I "UKRAINIAN CANADIAN" On behalf of many thousands of readers of UKRAINIAN LIFE and the UKRAINIAN CANADIAN, we are pleased to convey to you our warmest fraternal and brotherly greetings on the occasion of the celebra-tion of the 25th anniversary of JEDINSTVO. Your paper JEDINSTVO has performed wonder-ful service to all progressive minded Yugoslav Cana-dians during the past 25 years and together with other democratic newspapers, has undeviatingly fought for the interests of its people and the Slavic Canadians in general. We greet you heartily and wish that JEDINSTVO will have still greater success in its important work. Witli fraternal greetings, THE UKRAINIAN UFE, THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN. M. Korol. GREET10S FROM THE CIVIC EMPLOYEES UNION, OUTSIDE WORKERS B. MacKinnon. President. Donald Guise, Business Agent; Jack Phillips, Secretary. Vancouver, D.C OD "ISEUENIcKE RIJEcl" Savezu Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana i jugoslavenskom demokratskom listu "Jedinstvo". Dragi drugovi: Saradnici, prijatelji i citaoci "Iseljenidke Rijeci", demokratskog glasila Jugoslavena nastnnjenih u Repu-blic! Argcntini, ivrsto uvjereni da izraiavamo ielje i odobrenje svih naSih cestitih zcmljaka, toplo pozdra-vljam- o list "Jedinstvo" prigodom 2S-godiSnj-ice izlazo-nj- a. Mi opninmo u "Jcdinstvu" hrabru borbu za MIR i PRIJATELJSTVO medju nnrodima, nnroCito za prija-teljst- vo i saradnju izmedju Knnade i Jugoslavije. Poznato nam je "Jedinstvo" kao neprekidni bra-nil- ac bratskih odnosa i interesa jugoslavenskog naroda, i ljudi tog porijekla u Kanadi, koje orijentiSe putcm udruzenjn i organiziranja — jedini uspjeSni na6in za postignude svog socijalnog i kulturnog dobrostanja. Razumijcmo da je "Jedinstvo pruinlo i pruia svoju podrsku ' borbi jugoslavenskih naroda za udvrSdivanje narodne demokracije I izgradnju socijalizma, da osigura stalni razvitak materijalnog i kulturnog 2ivota radnickih masa, koju su dali svoje dragocjenjene iivote u borbi za slobodu, nezavisnost svoje domovine i dobrostanje cijelog covjecanstv. BaSradi toga 2elimo "Jedinstvu", svim saradnicima, prijateljima l citaocima nove i mnoge uspjehe u svom progresivnom radu. Jo5 jednom primite nas bratskii drugarski pozdrav. UredniSstto i uprata ISELJENICKE RIJECI" The Marine Workers' & Boilermakers' Industrial Union! Local 1, Sends Greetings to the Canadian Yugoslav People on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Jedinstvo (Unity) VANCOUVER, B.C. SLOVAcKO P0DPORN0 DRUsTVO (I. M. B. F.) slav Opnrotghreessoicvceasiopnapoefr thine 2C5atnhadana,nitvheersaNryatioofntahle CYoumg-o- sagmwlnraiiedsvtehtetewiiestn'osgocrsokfinniotnfthnoignerumbpoSeeauhlotosaipvvllafeeskuociafncBneidesCtsnsaeenmfidaintuedmcaiSt.'botsiecoirpensrtaoytlgorereJoxEslstDeeivnIeXtdosSltTehbVaerdoOetYhrusegahronli-ypd Sincerely, The National Committee Slouk Benefit Society of Canada, John Rumtlek. general secretary. |
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