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[Н!!?"''"' ~''&те )Џ кт~чг w,mt -- г wnxn'pm &i-- v vv!nfSS!pn??y!vT iSV f""4f ЖЧ-Nj- ffl —I' --- Vtr" "£- - Т"""Ч — г --% %- - '"X ~адг i £а73а will be 'nuclear no-man- 's land' Canada is about to take a giant leap into the Star Wars era with the selection by the Canadian military of three north-ern sites at Yellowknife, Frbbisher Bay and Fort Chimo to host modern inter-ceptor bases. From these locations will fly Canadian F-1-8's and U.S. Airforce F-1- 06 and F-1- 5 fighter aircraft under NORAD command — their purpose to intercept Soviet bombers and Cruise missiles trying to underfly the Star Wars network. Why should this be objectionable? There is, after all, nothing wrong with defending Canadian airspace. The problem is that without any national debate, indeed, without any say in the matter whatsoever, we are being drag-ged into a made-in-Washingt- on plan for continental defence that will, within a few years, transform Canada into a major theatre of nuclear war-fighti- ng operations. One of the big flaws in SDI — the Star Wars concept which the U.S. seems thoroughly sold on — is that space weapons designed to destroy Soviet ICBM's can be circumvented by low-flyin- g missiles and bombers. This means that a massive air de-fence system will have to be con-structed in tandem with the Star Wars network. ћгјА;агЈ!ДЗЖД"Л1МЖШШ!1МВМИЈ8Јја!М11! Si fSI The U.S. has already decided to go ahead with this major program to build the ground-base- d companion to Star Wars — the Air Defence Initiative (ADI). According to the authoritative" magazine, Defence Week, ADI will be "the most complete air defence system ever deployed," comprising "untold numbers of planes armed with new air-to-a- ir missiles, sophisticated radars and sensors and ground-base- d anti-aircra- ft batteries ' And, notes Defence Week, "geography requires that many of the projected ADI installations would have to be in Canada." In the new era of U.S. strategy, Canada is seen as "the open doors and windows" of SDI. Thus, by uncriti-cally agreeing to close these 'gaps' we are, whether we know it or not, buying heavily into Ronald Reagan's Star Wars future. fijr % £ c"l 1. Ej ' , %, I J. Чмк шШОтШ -- ' % ".--f i 8 Si HIROSHIMA REMEMBERED Mirovne grupe u Toronto obelezile su 41. godisnjicu bombardovanja Hi-rosim- e. Demonstranti su nosili fotografije unistenja i ljudske patnje prouz-rokova- ne eksplozijom, opominjujuci svetske vodje da se to ne sme vise ni-- kad dogoditl гШЊк Ш ' 1 ш Шјјјјјј? I ттинттжашиттшваташииа Successive Canadian governments have collaborated with the U.S. in creating this situation. In doing so, they have ignored the arms control alterna-tive, which might have effectively pro-vided for Canadian security without a massive arms build-u- p. During the late 1970s, for instance, there was a window of opportunity to ban Cruise missiles in the SALT II negotiations. The U.S., which was ahead in Cruise technology, refused this option. Canada failed to speak up, failed to pressure our ally to accept what can now be seen to have been valuable Soviet proposals in this area. Instead, we became junior partners in the development of the air-launch- ed version of the Cruise. Today we are paying the price of our short-sighte- d and slavish deference to U.S. military policies. Having collabo-rated in the production of this weapon, SOVJETI PREDLAZU SURADNJU MOSKVA — Rukovodioci svemir-ski-h letova Sovjetskog Saveza pred-laz- u da se ponovo uspostavi suradnja s kolegama iz SAD s kojima su prije desetak godina zajedntfki eksperi-mentiral- i. Bili bismo zadovoljni ako se pobolj-saj- u medjusobni odnosi nasih zemalja i medjunarodna situacija, inace sto bi omogucilo da se nastavi zapoceti po-sa- o, гебепо je na konferenciji za strane novinare akreditirane u Moskvi, orga-niziran- oj povodom povratka Leonida Kuzima i Vladimira Solovljova iz sve-mir- a gde su proveli cak 125 dana. Kao sto je poznato njih dvojica bili su prvi stanari u svemirskoj stanici "Mir" koja ce u daljnjem radu biti te-me- lj .svemirskog naselja. Novinari su pitali kada ce taj "svemirski hotel" do-bi- ti nove stanare. Odgovoreno je da se na torn projektu radi, a tocan datum saopcit ce se kroz nekoliko mjeseci. Na pitanje koliko maksimalno co-vje- k moze ostati u svemiru, sovjetski lijecnici koji se bave pripremom ko-zmonau- ta, tvrde da ukoliko je dobrog zdravlja covjek moze neograniceno boravitiu svemirskim prostranstvima. STATISTIKA PRVOG POLUGODISTA OPAO I IZVOZ I UVOZ BEOGRAD, august (Tanjug) — Vri-jedno- st jugoslovenskog izvoza dosti-gl- a je do 28. jula pet milijardi i 443 mi-liju- na dolara, sto je za 2,6 posto manje nego lani u isto vrijeme. I nabave jugo-slavensk- ih organizacija u svijetu u toku ovog razdoblja, vrijedne sest mi-lijardi i 477 milijuna dolara, smanjene su u odnosu na proslogodisnje za 1,8 posto, biljezi Savezni zavod za statisti-ku- . Jugoslavenske su isporuke svijetu za konvertibilnu valutu opale isto-dobn- o za 1,4 posto, a kupovine su po-veca- ne za 5,7 posto. Isporuke klirin-sko- m podru6ju za to vrijeme biljeze pad od 4,6 ali su i klirinske nabave smanjene za 4,8 posto prema lanjskim u isto vrijeme. with the promise that it would enhance our security, a senior American air-for-ce officer now tells us: "the Cruise missile is the threat of the future." Because of it, we are now expected to build a vast and exorbitantly expen-sive line of radars and electronic sen-sors across our territory — the North Warning Line. And we will soon be asked to become wholehearted par-ticipants in the Air Defence Initiative: fighter bases, missile batteries and command bunkers will be standard fea-tures of our northern scenery. It is not too late to get off this nuclear roller-coaste- r. Cruise missiles can still be banned — there is a standing Soviet proposal to this effect. A nuclear freeze and a comprehensive test ban treaty would prevent the emergence of Star Wars and other new weapons-system- s that make up the Pentagon's menu for a future atomic war. The three new airfields to be constructed in our north by NORAD are a down payment on Canada's full participation in Star Wars. Now is the time to reject this path, to halt our drift into the Pentagon's deadly embrace, and begin working as a nation for arms control and political detente — the only measures that can provide security in a nuclear-arme- d world. u juznoameriCkim zemuama mVOVSKA RUPA JJZROK POTRESA LIMA, august (Tanjug) — Ogrom-n- a jama na dnu Tihog oceana, ispred obale Perua i 6ilea, koja svake godine bukvalno "proguta" komad od 8,5 cen-timeta- ra juznoameriCkog kopna, glavni je uzrok cestih potresa u ovom dijelu svijeta — tvrde francuski stru6-nja- ci Piere Chotin i Jasquems Bor-geo- is u listu peruanske vlade "La Cro-nica- ". Oni su stiglu uluku Callao znan-stveno-istrazivack- im brodom "Jeen Charcot". Francuski znanstvenici su nekoliko tjedana ispitivali dno Pacifika ispred peruanske obale. Juznoamericke zemlje, koje izlaze na Pacific, cesto su zrtve pomeranja tla koja ponekad dostizu katastrofalne razmjere kao u Peruu 1978. i Cileu u martu prosle godine. Chorin i Bor-geo- is su dosli do zakljucka da je direk-ta- n uzrocnik tih potresa divovska rupa u oceanskom dnu, ispred cileansko-peruansk- e obale. Sada vazeca teorija o uzrocima po-tresa u Juznoj Americi tvrdi da su oni posljedica "sudara" kontinentalne ploce s plocom pacifiCkog dna ili na-skiono- m plocom — prea imenu pe-ruansk- og grada Nazca. Francuski znanstvenici namjera-vaj- u da se kroz dvije godine podmorni-co- m spuste na dubinu od 6000 metara da bi podrobnije ispitali tlo oceana — izjavio je Piere Chotin. PREPIRKA ZBOG : ATOMSKOG NAORUZANJA WASHINGTON - Oba doma ame-ricko- g Kongresa pocela su raspravu o americkom vojnom budzetu za iducu 1987. godinu koji jeplaniranna 292 mi-lijar- de dolara. Kako javlja UPI, rasprava se brzo pretvorila u prepirku o atomskom ra-zoruza- nju i to u povodu projekta od-bra- ne iz svemira, nazvanog "rat zvije-zda- ". Jedan od senatora je ostro kriti-zira- o predsjednika Reagana, kao glav-no- g pokrovitelja tog projekta. Ujedno se zahtijeva da se za taj i druge pro-gram- e odobri znatno manja svota od one koju trazi Bijela kuca.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, October 02, 1986 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1986-08-21 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000307 |
Title | 000337 |
OCR text | [Н!!?"''"' ~''&те )Џ кт~чг w,mt -- г wnxn'pm &i-- v vv!nfSS!pn??y!vT iSV f""4f ЖЧ-Nj- ffl —I' --- Vtr" "£- - Т"""Ч — г --% %- - '"X ~адг i £а73а will be 'nuclear no-man- 's land' Canada is about to take a giant leap into the Star Wars era with the selection by the Canadian military of three north-ern sites at Yellowknife, Frbbisher Bay and Fort Chimo to host modern inter-ceptor bases. From these locations will fly Canadian F-1-8's and U.S. Airforce F-1- 06 and F-1- 5 fighter aircraft under NORAD command — their purpose to intercept Soviet bombers and Cruise missiles trying to underfly the Star Wars network. Why should this be objectionable? There is, after all, nothing wrong with defending Canadian airspace. The problem is that without any national debate, indeed, without any say in the matter whatsoever, we are being drag-ged into a made-in-Washingt- on plan for continental defence that will, within a few years, transform Canada into a major theatre of nuclear war-fighti- ng operations. One of the big flaws in SDI — the Star Wars concept which the U.S. seems thoroughly sold on — is that space weapons designed to destroy Soviet ICBM's can be circumvented by low-flyin- g missiles and bombers. This means that a massive air de-fence system will have to be con-structed in tandem with the Star Wars network. ћгјА;агЈ!ДЗЖД"Л1МЖШШ!1МВМИЈ8Јја!М11! Si fSI The U.S. has already decided to go ahead with this major program to build the ground-base- d companion to Star Wars — the Air Defence Initiative (ADI). According to the authoritative" magazine, Defence Week, ADI will be "the most complete air defence system ever deployed," comprising "untold numbers of planes armed with new air-to-a- ir missiles, sophisticated radars and sensors and ground-base- d anti-aircra- ft batteries ' And, notes Defence Week, "geography requires that many of the projected ADI installations would have to be in Canada." In the new era of U.S. strategy, Canada is seen as "the open doors and windows" of SDI. Thus, by uncriti-cally agreeing to close these 'gaps' we are, whether we know it or not, buying heavily into Ronald Reagan's Star Wars future. fijr % £ c"l 1. Ej ' , %, I J. Чмк шШОтШ -- ' % ".--f i 8 Si HIROSHIMA REMEMBERED Mirovne grupe u Toronto obelezile su 41. godisnjicu bombardovanja Hi-rosim- e. Demonstranti su nosili fotografije unistenja i ljudske patnje prouz-rokova- ne eksplozijom, opominjujuci svetske vodje da se to ne sme vise ni-- kad dogoditl гШЊк Ш ' 1 ш Шјјјјјј? I ттинттжашиттшваташииа Successive Canadian governments have collaborated with the U.S. in creating this situation. In doing so, they have ignored the arms control alterna-tive, which might have effectively pro-vided for Canadian security without a massive arms build-u- p. During the late 1970s, for instance, there was a window of opportunity to ban Cruise missiles in the SALT II negotiations. The U.S., which was ahead in Cruise technology, refused this option. Canada failed to speak up, failed to pressure our ally to accept what can now be seen to have been valuable Soviet proposals in this area. Instead, we became junior partners in the development of the air-launch- ed version of the Cruise. Today we are paying the price of our short-sighte- d and slavish deference to U.S. military policies. Having collabo-rated in the production of this weapon, SOVJETI PREDLAZU SURADNJU MOSKVA — Rukovodioci svemir-ski-h letova Sovjetskog Saveza pred-laz- u da se ponovo uspostavi suradnja s kolegama iz SAD s kojima su prije desetak godina zajedntfki eksperi-mentiral- i. Bili bismo zadovoljni ako se pobolj-saj- u medjusobni odnosi nasih zemalja i medjunarodna situacija, inace sto bi omogucilo da se nastavi zapoceti po-sa- o, гебепо je na konferenciji za strane novinare akreditirane u Moskvi, orga-niziran- oj povodom povratka Leonida Kuzima i Vladimira Solovljova iz sve-mir- a gde su proveli cak 125 dana. Kao sto je poznato njih dvojica bili su prvi stanari u svemirskoj stanici "Mir" koja ce u daljnjem radu biti te-me- lj .svemirskog naselja. Novinari su pitali kada ce taj "svemirski hotel" do-bi- ti nove stanare. Odgovoreno je da se na torn projektu radi, a tocan datum saopcit ce se kroz nekoliko mjeseci. Na pitanje koliko maksimalno co-vje- k moze ostati u svemiru, sovjetski lijecnici koji se bave pripremom ko-zmonau- ta, tvrde da ukoliko je dobrog zdravlja covjek moze neograniceno boravitiu svemirskim prostranstvima. STATISTIKA PRVOG POLUGODISTA OPAO I IZVOZ I UVOZ BEOGRAD, august (Tanjug) — Vri-jedno- st jugoslovenskog izvoza dosti-gl- a je do 28. jula pet milijardi i 443 mi-liju- na dolara, sto je za 2,6 posto manje nego lani u isto vrijeme. I nabave jugo-slavensk- ih organizacija u svijetu u toku ovog razdoblja, vrijedne sest mi-lijardi i 477 milijuna dolara, smanjene su u odnosu na proslogodisnje za 1,8 posto, biljezi Savezni zavod za statisti-ku- . Jugoslavenske su isporuke svijetu za konvertibilnu valutu opale isto-dobn- o za 1,4 posto, a kupovine su po-veca- ne za 5,7 posto. Isporuke klirin-sko- m podru6ju za to vrijeme biljeze pad od 4,6 ali su i klirinske nabave smanjene za 4,8 posto prema lanjskim u isto vrijeme. with the promise that it would enhance our security, a senior American air-for-ce officer now tells us: "the Cruise missile is the threat of the future." Because of it, we are now expected to build a vast and exorbitantly expen-sive line of radars and electronic sen-sors across our territory — the North Warning Line. And we will soon be asked to become wholehearted par-ticipants in the Air Defence Initiative: fighter bases, missile batteries and command bunkers will be standard fea-tures of our northern scenery. It is not too late to get off this nuclear roller-coaste- r. Cruise missiles can still be banned — there is a standing Soviet proposal to this effect. A nuclear freeze and a comprehensive test ban treaty would prevent the emergence of Star Wars and other new weapons-system- s that make up the Pentagon's menu for a future atomic war. The three new airfields to be constructed in our north by NORAD are a down payment on Canada's full participation in Star Wars. Now is the time to reject this path, to halt our drift into the Pentagon's deadly embrace, and begin working as a nation for arms control and political detente — the only measures that can provide security in a nuclear-arme- d world. u juznoameriCkim zemuama mVOVSKA RUPA JJZROK POTRESA LIMA, august (Tanjug) — Ogrom-n- a jama na dnu Tihog oceana, ispred obale Perua i 6ilea, koja svake godine bukvalno "proguta" komad od 8,5 cen-timeta- ra juznoameriCkog kopna, glavni je uzrok cestih potresa u ovom dijelu svijeta — tvrde francuski stru6-nja- ci Piere Chotin i Jasquems Bor-geo- is u listu peruanske vlade "La Cro-nica- ". Oni su stiglu uluku Callao znan-stveno-istrazivack- im brodom "Jeen Charcot". Francuski znanstvenici su nekoliko tjedana ispitivali dno Pacifika ispred peruanske obale. Juznoamericke zemlje, koje izlaze na Pacific, cesto su zrtve pomeranja tla koja ponekad dostizu katastrofalne razmjere kao u Peruu 1978. i Cileu u martu prosle godine. Chorin i Bor-geo- is su dosli do zakljucka da je direk-ta- n uzrocnik tih potresa divovska rupa u oceanskom dnu, ispred cileansko-peruansk- e obale. Sada vazeca teorija o uzrocima po-tresa u Juznoj Americi tvrdi da su oni posljedica "sudara" kontinentalne ploce s plocom pacifiCkog dna ili na-skiono- m plocom — prea imenu pe-ruansk- og grada Nazca. Francuski znanstvenici namjera-vaj- u da se kroz dvije godine podmorni-co- m spuste na dubinu od 6000 metara da bi podrobnije ispitali tlo oceana — izjavio je Piere Chotin. PREPIRKA ZBOG : ATOMSKOG NAORUZANJA WASHINGTON - Oba doma ame-ricko- g Kongresa pocela su raspravu o americkom vojnom budzetu za iducu 1987. godinu koji jeplaniranna 292 mi-lijar- de dolara. Kako javlja UPI, rasprava se brzo pretvorila u prepirku o atomskom ra-zoruza- nju i to u povodu projekta od-bra- ne iz svemira, nazvanog "rat zvije-zda- ". Jedan od senatora je ostro kriti-zira- o predsjednika Reagana, kao glav-no- g pokrovitelja tog projekta. Ujedno se zahtijeva da se za taj i druge pro-gram- e odobri znatno manja svota od one koju trazi Bijela kuca. |
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