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4 &.-.- X ш Ut!t. ..;te.,i да Ш W Canada will be Canada is about to take a giant leap into the Star Wars era with the selection by the Canadian military of three north-ern sites at Yellowknife, Frobisher Bay and Fort Chimo to host modern inter-ceptor bases. From these locations will fly Canadian F-1- 8's and U.S. Airforce F-1- 06 and F-1- 5 fighter aircraft under NORAD command their purpose to intercept Soviet bombers and Cruise missiles trying to underfly the Star Wars network. The Defence of Canada Why should this be objectionable? There is, after all, nothing wrong with defending Canadian airspace. The problem is that without any national debate, indeed, without any say in the matter whatsoever, we are being drag-ged into a made-in-Washingt- on plan for continental defence that will, within a few years, transform Canada into a major theatre of nuclear war-fighti- ng operations. One of the big flaws in SDI the Star can be As fix air Airforce interceptors, be the far of a for continental air realize the step Canada's integration Ronald Reagan ima cetvoro djece — dvoje iz prvog braka i dvoje dru-go- m. Njegov iz drugog braka, s Nancy Reagan — Ronald Reagan mladji naslijedio je glumacki tal-ent i slovi za "komunikativnu lic-nost- ". Ima 28 godina, igrac je i zabav-lja- c, snima reklame i pravi reportaze za televiziju, slika se poluodjeven i izaziva crvenilo na obrazima svojih roditelja. Posljedni put su americki predsjed-ni- k i njegova supruga pocrvenjeli zbog sina ovih dana kada se na zad-nj- oj stranici casopisa "Vanity Fair" ("Vasar tastine") pojavila njegova re-klam- na fotografija — raskopcanoj kosulji i crvenim sportskim gacica-m- a, s kratkim carapama na nogama. Njegovi kreposni roditelji, kako je objasnio predstavnika za stampu Bi-je- le kuce prokomentirali su tu ekshi-bicij- u svog sina kao nesto "vrlo zgod-no- " i "sasvim stilu 4. jula". Istina, Amerikanci na svoj Dan nezavisnoti daju sebi svakakvog oduska. No, malo onima koji su vidjeli reklamnu pozu Ronalda Rea-gan- a gacicama. Prvi put, slicnu je reklamu snimio za tv-mre- zu Svejedno, Ronald Reagan mladji, posjeduje neke od talenata svog oca. Njegov menadzer uostalom, na-- 'nuclear no-ma- n's land' Wars concept which the U.S. seems thoroughly sold on is space weapons designed to destroy Soviet ICBM's be circumvented by low-flyi- ng missiles and bombers. This means a massive air de-fence system will have to con-structed in tandem with the Star Wars network. U.S. Airforce Major-Gener- al John Shaud has remarked, "If you're going to the roof, you don't to leave the doors and windows open". Air Defence Initiative U.S. has already decided to go ahead with this major program to build the ground-base- d companion to Star Wars the Air Defence Initiative (ADI). According to the authoritative magazine, Defence Week, ADI will be "the most complete defence system ever deployed," comprising "untold numbers of planes armed with new air-to-a- ir missiles, sophisticated radars and Canadian CF-1- 8 fighter. Along with U.S. CF-18- 's are to stationed in north as part vast new program defence. Though few yet it, this is first in into Star Wars. KADA REAGAN CRVENI? u sin ocev u u tko medju u NBC. je, u that that want The stojanju da preduhitri eventualne ne-povolj- ne komentare i reagiranja, izja-vi- o da je mladji Reagan baletan i da se "ne stidi svog tijela". Glavni me-nadzer- ov argument je da se RR mla-dji bavi i ozbiljnijim stvarima od po-ziran- ja. Medju ta ozbiljnija zanimanja spa-d- a, kako se tvrdi, pisanje za "Play-boy". Najveca zelja Ronalda Reagana mladjeg je, medjutim, da krene oce-vi- m stopama — na film, za sto su tre-nutac- no slabe nade. Ali nedavno je na televiziji dobio jednu malu ulogu. U ocekivanju da mu se ti snovi ispu-n-e, RR mladji se pojavljuje u televizij-ski- m reklamama, a vec nekoliko tje-da- na reklamira kreditnu karticu American-Expres- s. Povremeno se pojavljuje i kao tv-repor-ter na kanalu ABC. Posljednji put je, na jahti mili-junasaMalcol-ma Forbesa "pokrivao" gala-prije- m u povodu stogodisnjice Kipa slobode. Od cijele obitelji samo dvije nje-go- ve sestre Patti Davis (kci Ro-nalda i Nancy Reagan, koja nosi maj-cin- o djevojacko prezime) i Maureen Reagan imaju potpuno razumjevanje za njegove ambicije. Patti posebno zato sto je i sama ne-davno natjerala rumenilo na obraze lews Analysis 'red Weir sensors and ground-base- d anti-aircra- ft batteries." And, notes Defence Week, "geography requires that many of the projected ADI installations would have to be in Canada." In the new era of U.S. strategy, Canada is seen as "the open doors and windows" of SDI. Thus, by uncriti-cally agreeing to close these 'gaps' we are, whether we know it or not, buying heavily into Ronald Reagan's Star Wars future. What Alternatives? Step by step, almost imperceptibly, Canada is being drawn into the Reagan administration's' paranoid vision of a hi-te- ch 'fortress America'. We will be the outer glacis of this nuclear bastion focus of the fiercest fighting. Successive Canadian governments have collaborated with the U.S. in creating this situation. In doing so, they have ignored the arms control alterna-tive, which might have effectively pro-vided for Canadian security without a massive arms build-u- p. During the late 1970s, for instance, there was a window of opportunity to ban Cruise missiles in the SALT II negotiations. The U.S., which was ahead in Cruise technology, refused this option. Canada failed to speak up, failed to pressure our ally to accept what can now be seen to have been valuable Soviet proposals in this area. Instead, we became junior partners in the development of the air-launch- ed version of the Cruise. roditeljima, kada se pojavila njena knjiga autobiografskog karaktera "Domaca fronta", cije su glavne lic-nos- ti istina preruseni, mama i tata Reagan. Onaihjeopisalabezpostede, kako je istaknuto u prikazima knjige. Maureen Reagan, njezina poluse-str- a, starija kci predsjednika Reagana ne pravi takve nevolje roditelju u Bi-jel- oj Kuci. Ona mu je zapravo, najbli-za-, posto je aktivna u politic. Ovih dana su je neki listovi cak spo-minja- li kao moguceg kandidata za polozaj kopredsjednika Nacionalnog komiteta Republikanske stranke, ko-j- oj je na celu njezin otac. Politicki establishment Washingtona nije bas odusevljeno reagirao na te vijesti, iako one nicim nisu bile potvrdjene. Maureenin predstavnika za stampu je neposredno zatim obznanio da ona I nema takve namejere i da nece kon-- ! kurirti za mjesto u vodstvu oceve stranke, ali da ce konacno stupiti u ozbiljnu politiku. Glavna briga Mau-- reen Reagan su kako je on rekao I — predstojeci izbori za "zakonodavne organe" u novembru. To ce reci da jedna Reagan zeli da udje u predstavnicki dom. BrankoSTOSIC I iihimIh— — Today we are paying the price of our short-sighte- d and slavish deference to U.S. military policies. Having collabo-rated in the production of this weapon, with the promise that it would enhance our security, a senior American air-force officer now tells us: "the Cruise missile is the threat of the future." Northern Scenery Because of it, we are now expected to build a vast and exorbitantly expen-sive line of radars and electronic sen-sors across our territory the North Warning Line. And we will soon be asked to become wholehearted par-ticipants in the Air Defence Initiative: fighter bases, missile batteries and command bunkers will be standard fea-tures of our'northern scenery. It is not too late to get off this nuclear roller-coaste- r. Cruise missiles can still be banned there is a standing Soviet proposal to this effect.A nuclear freeze and a comprehensive test'ban treaty would prevent the emergence of Star Wars and other new weapons-system- s that make up the Pentagon's menu for a future atomic war. The three new airfields to be constructed in our north by NORAD are a down payment on Canada's full participation in Star Wars. Now is the time to reject this path, to halt our drift into the Pentagon's deadly embrace, and begin working as a nation for arms control and political detente the only measures that can provide security in a nuclear-arme- d world. KOMUNISTI TRAZE MJESTO U VLADI RIM — Talijanska komunisticka partija (PCI) trazi da buduca vlada u Rimu bude sastavljena od komuni-sta- , socijalista (PSI) i demokrscana (DC). Te tri najvece stranke trebale bi se, prema misljenju talijanskih ko-munis-ta, okupiti oko zajednickog programa, cime bi se prevladala nad-metan- ja oko vlasti- - sto u ovome tre-nutk- u blokiraju politicki zivot u zem-Ij- i. Takav stav iznio je clan najuze par-tijsk- e direkcije Giorgio Napolitano u intervjuu listu "Republica". Ne vidim zasto, rekao je Napolitano, PCI ne bi usla u vladu koja bi se okupila oko zajednickog programa. NUKLEASKLADlM U 26 BAZA WASHINGTON — SAD planiraju izgradnju specijalna skladista za mu-nicij- u, u kojima se moze drzati nu-klear- no naoruzanje, u 26 vojnih zra-koplovn- ih baza u Republici Koreji i jos sedam zemalja. Ti podaci upravo su objavljeni u dokumentima sa sjed-nic- e potkomiteta americkogkongresa za vojne izgradnje. Osim Juzne Kore-j- e, skaldista trebaju biti izgradena u SR Njemackoj, Turskoj, Velikog Bri-tani- ji, Belgiji, Italiji, Nizozemskoj i Grckoj. Na objavljenoj listi je 20 baza s bombarderima koji mogu uzletjeti u hitnoj situaciji za 15 minuta, dok je sest ostalih baza opremljeno krstare-ci- m projektilima s kopnenim laseri-ma- . (Kjodo). r-- л .? -- , i I — — — — — — — — i j j i — ' —— — — — ' ,
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, September 18, 1986 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1986-07-24 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000305 |
Title | 000314 |
OCR text | 4 &.-.- X ш Ut!t. ..;te.,i да Ш W Canada will be Canada is about to take a giant leap into the Star Wars era with the selection by the Canadian military of three north-ern sites at Yellowknife, Frobisher Bay and Fort Chimo to host modern inter-ceptor bases. From these locations will fly Canadian F-1- 8's and U.S. Airforce F-1- 06 and F-1- 5 fighter aircraft under NORAD command their purpose to intercept Soviet bombers and Cruise missiles trying to underfly the Star Wars network. The Defence of Canada Why should this be objectionable? There is, after all, nothing wrong with defending Canadian airspace. The problem is that without any national debate, indeed, without any say in the matter whatsoever, we are being drag-ged into a made-in-Washingt- on plan for continental defence that will, within a few years, transform Canada into a major theatre of nuclear war-fighti- ng operations. One of the big flaws in SDI the Star can be As fix air Airforce interceptors, be the far of a for continental air realize the step Canada's integration Ronald Reagan ima cetvoro djece — dvoje iz prvog braka i dvoje dru-go- m. Njegov iz drugog braka, s Nancy Reagan — Ronald Reagan mladji naslijedio je glumacki tal-ent i slovi za "komunikativnu lic-nost- ". Ima 28 godina, igrac je i zabav-lja- c, snima reklame i pravi reportaze za televiziju, slika se poluodjeven i izaziva crvenilo na obrazima svojih roditelja. Posljedni put su americki predsjed-ni- k i njegova supruga pocrvenjeli zbog sina ovih dana kada se na zad-nj- oj stranici casopisa "Vanity Fair" ("Vasar tastine") pojavila njegova re-klam- na fotografija — raskopcanoj kosulji i crvenim sportskim gacica-m- a, s kratkim carapama na nogama. Njegovi kreposni roditelji, kako je objasnio predstavnika za stampu Bi-je- le kuce prokomentirali su tu ekshi-bicij- u svog sina kao nesto "vrlo zgod-no- " i "sasvim stilu 4. jula". Istina, Amerikanci na svoj Dan nezavisnoti daju sebi svakakvog oduska. No, malo onima koji su vidjeli reklamnu pozu Ronalda Rea-gan- a gacicama. Prvi put, slicnu je reklamu snimio za tv-mre- zu Svejedno, Ronald Reagan mladji, posjeduje neke od talenata svog oca. Njegov menadzer uostalom, na-- 'nuclear no-ma- n's land' Wars concept which the U.S. seems thoroughly sold on is space weapons designed to destroy Soviet ICBM's be circumvented by low-flyi- ng missiles and bombers. This means a massive air de-fence system will have to con-structed in tandem with the Star Wars network. U.S. Airforce Major-Gener- al John Shaud has remarked, "If you're going to the roof, you don't to leave the doors and windows open". Air Defence Initiative U.S. has already decided to go ahead with this major program to build the ground-base- d companion to Star Wars the Air Defence Initiative (ADI). According to the authoritative magazine, Defence Week, ADI will be "the most complete defence system ever deployed," comprising "untold numbers of planes armed with new air-to-a- ir missiles, sophisticated radars and Canadian CF-1- 8 fighter. Along with U.S. CF-18- 's are to stationed in north as part vast new program defence. Though few yet it, this is first in into Star Wars. KADA REAGAN CRVENI? u sin ocev u u tko medju u NBC. je, u that that want The stojanju da preduhitri eventualne ne-povolj- ne komentare i reagiranja, izja-vi- o da je mladji Reagan baletan i da se "ne stidi svog tijela". Glavni me-nadzer- ov argument je da se RR mla-dji bavi i ozbiljnijim stvarima od po-ziran- ja. Medju ta ozbiljnija zanimanja spa-d- a, kako se tvrdi, pisanje za "Play-boy". Najveca zelja Ronalda Reagana mladjeg je, medjutim, da krene oce-vi- m stopama — na film, za sto su tre-nutac- no slabe nade. Ali nedavno je na televiziji dobio jednu malu ulogu. U ocekivanju da mu se ti snovi ispu-n-e, RR mladji se pojavljuje u televizij-ski- m reklamama, a vec nekoliko tje-da- na reklamira kreditnu karticu American-Expres- s. Povremeno se pojavljuje i kao tv-repor-ter na kanalu ABC. Posljednji put je, na jahti mili-junasaMalcol-ma Forbesa "pokrivao" gala-prije- m u povodu stogodisnjice Kipa slobode. Od cijele obitelji samo dvije nje-go- ve sestre Patti Davis (kci Ro-nalda i Nancy Reagan, koja nosi maj-cin- o djevojacko prezime) i Maureen Reagan imaju potpuno razumjevanje za njegove ambicije. Patti posebno zato sto je i sama ne-davno natjerala rumenilo na obraze lews Analysis 'red Weir sensors and ground-base- d anti-aircra- ft batteries." And, notes Defence Week, "geography requires that many of the projected ADI installations would have to be in Canada." In the new era of U.S. strategy, Canada is seen as "the open doors and windows" of SDI. Thus, by uncriti-cally agreeing to close these 'gaps' we are, whether we know it or not, buying heavily into Ronald Reagan's Star Wars future. What Alternatives? Step by step, almost imperceptibly, Canada is being drawn into the Reagan administration's' paranoid vision of a hi-te- ch 'fortress America'. We will be the outer glacis of this nuclear bastion focus of the fiercest fighting. Successive Canadian governments have collaborated with the U.S. in creating this situation. In doing so, they have ignored the arms control alterna-tive, which might have effectively pro-vided for Canadian security without a massive arms build-u- p. During the late 1970s, for instance, there was a window of opportunity to ban Cruise missiles in the SALT II negotiations. The U.S., which was ahead in Cruise technology, refused this option. Canada failed to speak up, failed to pressure our ally to accept what can now be seen to have been valuable Soviet proposals in this area. Instead, we became junior partners in the development of the air-launch- ed version of the Cruise. roditeljima, kada se pojavila njena knjiga autobiografskog karaktera "Domaca fronta", cije su glavne lic-nos- ti istina preruseni, mama i tata Reagan. Onaihjeopisalabezpostede, kako je istaknuto u prikazima knjige. Maureen Reagan, njezina poluse-str- a, starija kci predsjednika Reagana ne pravi takve nevolje roditelju u Bi-jel- oj Kuci. Ona mu je zapravo, najbli-za-, posto je aktivna u politic. Ovih dana su je neki listovi cak spo-minja- li kao moguceg kandidata za polozaj kopredsjednika Nacionalnog komiteta Republikanske stranke, ko-j- oj je na celu njezin otac. Politicki establishment Washingtona nije bas odusevljeno reagirao na te vijesti, iako one nicim nisu bile potvrdjene. Maureenin predstavnika za stampu je neposredno zatim obznanio da ona I nema takve namejere i da nece kon-- ! kurirti za mjesto u vodstvu oceve stranke, ali da ce konacno stupiti u ozbiljnu politiku. Glavna briga Mau-- reen Reagan su kako je on rekao I — predstojeci izbori za "zakonodavne organe" u novembru. To ce reci da jedna Reagan zeli da udje u predstavnicki dom. BrankoSTOSIC I iihimIh— — Today we are paying the price of our short-sighte- d and slavish deference to U.S. military policies. Having collabo-rated in the production of this weapon, with the promise that it would enhance our security, a senior American air-force officer now tells us: "the Cruise missile is the threat of the future." Northern Scenery Because of it, we are now expected to build a vast and exorbitantly expen-sive line of radars and electronic sen-sors across our territory the North Warning Line. And we will soon be asked to become wholehearted par-ticipants in the Air Defence Initiative: fighter bases, missile batteries and command bunkers will be standard fea-tures of our'northern scenery. It is not too late to get off this nuclear roller-coaste- r. Cruise missiles can still be banned there is a standing Soviet proposal to this effect.A nuclear freeze and a comprehensive test'ban treaty would prevent the emergence of Star Wars and other new weapons-system- s that make up the Pentagon's menu for a future atomic war. The three new airfields to be constructed in our north by NORAD are a down payment on Canada's full participation in Star Wars. Now is the time to reject this path, to halt our drift into the Pentagon's deadly embrace, and begin working as a nation for arms control and political detente the only measures that can provide security in a nuclear-arme- d world. KOMUNISTI TRAZE MJESTO U VLADI RIM — Talijanska komunisticka partija (PCI) trazi da buduca vlada u Rimu bude sastavljena od komuni-sta- , socijalista (PSI) i demokrscana (DC). Te tri najvece stranke trebale bi se, prema misljenju talijanskih ko-munis-ta, okupiti oko zajednickog programa, cime bi se prevladala nad-metan- ja oko vlasti- - sto u ovome tre-nutk- u blokiraju politicki zivot u zem-Ij- i. Takav stav iznio je clan najuze par-tijsk- e direkcije Giorgio Napolitano u intervjuu listu "Republica". Ne vidim zasto, rekao je Napolitano, PCI ne bi usla u vladu koja bi se okupila oko zajednickog programa. NUKLEASKLADlM U 26 BAZA WASHINGTON — SAD planiraju izgradnju specijalna skladista za mu-nicij- u, u kojima se moze drzati nu-klear- no naoruzanje, u 26 vojnih zra-koplovn- ih baza u Republici Koreji i jos sedam zemalja. Ti podaci upravo su objavljeni u dokumentima sa sjed-nic- e potkomiteta americkogkongresa za vojne izgradnje. Osim Juzne Kore-j- e, skaldista trebaju biti izgradena u SR Njemackoj, Turskoj, Velikog Bri-tani- ji, Belgiji, Italiji, Nizozemskoj i Grckoj. Na objavljenoj listi je 20 baza s bombarderima koji mogu uzletjeti u hitnoj situaciji za 15 minuta, dok je sest ostalih baza opremljeno krstare-ci- m projektilima s kopnenim laseri-ma- . (Kjodo). r-- л .? -- , i I — — — — — — — — i j j i — ' —— — — — ' , |
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