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liias - r — a H """ - ' -- "v™3mm¥w&zmm£%m%m$mmmmm 1 Ł?5 f ftMiil ! jfntfff! 'MtonCTjugasSjaawgas-T-- — iinMgjBlBnagT ?iJ- - ! SMI -- KI1I—II u „„ „uiMiiiim i„„„ „ „iimllllllll„„illlli „ LtjglJMJ „ i „ „!„ „„ I' 'i UL22 "ZWIĄZKOWIEC" LISTOPAD (November) środa 20 — 1963 Sffc9 IJi } pR WIKTOR TUREK "Związkowiec" the Oiamoion of tiie Pnlish Ethnfc Broiin Zwiazk--: the fsust mohogmh&$ K Iiccrpts from the book "The Pohsh Lanuuaac Press m Canada Tlie scmi-wcekl- y Związkowiec to flhe Alhancer) which grew (rom a smali- - mimeographed monlhly to its present position of the largest Polish-Canadia- n periotlical Its establishment in Deccmber 1932 on a capital of $3500 and its devclopment to the present timc when its plant is valued at over $10000000 arc typical of the PoHsh-Ca-nadit"- n press as' charactened in the previous Chaptcr Tlić Związkowiec was foundcd at' the end of 1932 (the first isąue was'daled January 1933) asthc organ of the Związek Pol-aków w Kauadzic (Polish Al-lian- cc Friendly Society) an of organization cstablished"in 1923 through the fusion of sevcral oldcr socictics one of them dąting from 1907 The posses-5i'q- n of its own organ hclpcd the development of the organ-izatio- n which soon became the largest of the Polish-Canadia- n associations On the olher hand the backing of the organization vas necessary for the survival cf the newspaper especially in its initial period when the meagre incomc from subscrip-tion- s and advertising comnelled the association to covcr almost1 Ihc entire cost of thn publica-tio- n The Związkowiec romaincd until 1938 under-th- e direct in control of the Executive Board ofJthe Polish Alliance In 1938 ''company under the name of rPoli?h Alliance Press Ltd was ćilńblishcd wlth' the Polish All-iance Friendly Society of Ca-nada as solc sharchoklcr The his company is run separately from the Society on a business basis lnilially the Society had to covcr the dcficils of the company but for somc ycars the company has lictn self-supporti- ng tianks lo tlie incomc from its ])rinting shop and its bookslore I3olh the printing shop and the bookstorc are the largest Polish establish-ment of their kind in Canada Związkowiec slartcd publica-io- n a as a mimcojiranJictl monlhlv of labloid bizo (8% x 11") wilh- - w io 24 pages Since 1934 it nas bcen printed in the same format while in Oclohcr 1935 Jhe frc(uency of publicalion by Wame wcekly As a wcckly sZizweią(z6kocwoielcumnas&suamndcd froamlalraglee by 1938 — 7 'columns) while the number of its pages grew from jihe origmal G to 8 then in-1951- Dr " - CJZUAju r — ~yr— - - ~„—w ' — — _ tV t rzT-fT- Y # nu budynku jest sala 10 12 and 14 In 1954 the weekly started appearing in Iwo secuons oi a pages cach and wlicn in March 1957 it passed to bi-weck- ly publication the 8-pa-ge half-wckl- y editions became standard On special bccasions such as Chrislmas the Związ-kowiec — as the otlier Polish-Canadia- n clra larguecckilsiseuses —uppubtloish4e8s pages In tlie firsi year or (Is exist-enc- e the monthly Z" zkowicc was cdited by an editorial board under the chairmanshfp of An-drzej Piekarz From the begin-nin- g of 1934 almost to the day his death Alfons Jan Sta-niews- ki was the editor We have referred to him previou?ly in connection with the weekly A'owe Zycie AJ Stanicwski (1879-1941- ) was one of the most dedicalcd leaders of the Polish-Canadia- n community and his name is indissolubly associated with the Związkowiec and the Polish Alliancc'Friendly Society Afler Staniewski's death the Związkowiec was edited for two years by Dr Wiktor Rosiński (1900-1955- ) who later became editor of the Polish American weekly Ameryka-Ech- o in Toledo Ohio From mid 1943 until the end of 1944 the editorship was the hands of Franciszek Gło-gowski who had been a col- - laboralor of the paper since mii ino ncxi caitor was L& Garczyński whom we have al-rca- dy encountered in Winnipćg and Montreal He rclinquished duties in September 1946 For sevcral months until Fcb-ruar- y 1947 the newspaper was run by an editorial board with Franciszek Głogowski as its most active member He then became editor and remained in that position until August 1948 Ile was succecdcd by a well-know- n Polish writer Jerzy Giżycki who had already collaboratcd with the Związkowiec for about ycar He conlinucd that col-laborati- on also later afler leaving the post of editor in July 1950 for health rcasons Tlie cditor's chair was then taken ovcr for the third linie Franciszek Głogowski who still holds ii at the limc of vriling In 1951 he was joincd J Giżycki as assislanl-edilo- r until Hic end of 1955 Aftcr his ictiienient he was rcplaced by Jerzy Korwin-Łopuszańs- ki $ź¥& - - ____ VI w - "i~ - WIip +'y fffilłi who had prcviously conlributed many articlcs sińce 1953 In Novembcr 1954 the editorial office was joined by Dr Fran-ciszek Kmietowicz who still remains there Before the de-parlu- re of Dr Łopuszański in May 1957 the post of assistant-cdilo- r was taken ovcr by Bene-dykt Ilcydcnkorn a profcssional journalist who was formerly assislanl-cdito- r of the Głos Polski and who still works for the Związkowiec The growth ofthc newspaper in rccent ycars permitted the establishnient of network of local correspondents in the major centres of Polish settle-men- t in Canada The payment of a modest remuneration to such correspondents was a com-plcl- e innovation in the Polish-Canadia- n press As far as we know the Związkowiec is also the only Polish-Canadia- n news-paper which pays for oulside contributions During the post-wa- r years the Związkowiec as-scmbl- cd a group of regular contributors The most perma-nen- t one was perhaps Mrs Barbara Głogowska the wife of Franciszek Głogowski who has been editing sińce 1942 the Children's Corncr as well as writing occasional articles and correspondences from abroad Another contributor of lbng standing ji the writer and tra-vell- er Aleksander Grobicki The iZvńązkowicc madę an important sT&i forward by breaking with the tradition of Polish-Amenca- n 'and-Canadia- n newspapers which used to reprint in their fiction pages sonie of the morę popular older Polish novels It was the first lo publish new works of cenlemporary writers somc of them its regular contribulors (Jerzy Giżycki Aleksander Gro-bicki Franciszek Kmietowicz) and somc authors living in Poland or olher countrics Another first in tlie history of Ihc Polish-Canadia- n press was scored by the Związkowiecwhcn it sent ils own correspondents lo Poland The first of them was F Głogowski (1957) followcd by 13 Ilcydcnkorn (1958 and 19G0) as wcli as Mrs B Gło-gowska (1958) Dispatches from special conespondents in Poland — impossiblc during Stalin's reign — conlributed lo an in-erca- se in the circulation of the Zioiązkowicc The pcrceplivc and impartial reports from Po-land drew tlie allenlion of olher Polish centres abroad to the „w™ 7475 Oueen St W Toronto Mieszczą się nim świetlicowa gdńe mieści się Związkowa Szkoła Polska Rorlrfnr™ DR ADAM BROMKE v£ KB Toronto newspaper The analysis of the chariges which oceured in Poland under Gomułka in numerouseditorials and articles in the 1957-196- 0 ceriod in- - fluenced the views and attitudes of the Canalian Poles in their relation to 3oland and to Ca nada In its carly period when was cdited by AJ Stanicwskii the Związkowiec had strong social-domocrat- ic colouring Fcr-ve- nt Polish patriotism was coup-le- d with concern for the work-er- s who conslitued the majority of the immigrants and the pea-sant- s who were at that timc the majority of Poland's popula-tio- n though with little influence pver its destinies Hence there was- - plenty of criticism of the authoritarian governments of Piłsudski and his successors as well as support for the CCF in Canada wliere the depression and absence of social security legislation hit workers harder than other classes This social radicalism was combined by the Związkowiec with critical at-titu- de toward the Catholic Church —-- notably in connection with the dominant part played by the clergy in Poland until 1939 the Vatican's German policy during the last War and the activities of the Polish- - Ca-nadi- an clergy The weekly cdited by Stanicwski aimed at maintaining the independence of the PolishAeethnic group in Canada both from interference by Warsaw and from cxcessive clerical influence opposing at the same time the communists' attempts to subordinale the Poles to "Popular Front" scrving Moscow' policies This independent allilude caused the Związkowiec to lose in 1937 its right of distribution in Poland as rćsult of conflict with the consulates This prohibilion oslensibly motivated by some article jeriticizing tlie Polish government was aclually re-pris- al against the Polish Al-liance Friendly Society tor ils refusali to join the officially sponsored Fcdcration of Polish Socictics in Canada The anti-communi- st policy of the Związ-kowiec caused it to be repeal-cdl- y attacked by the Gios Pracy and later by the Kronika Tygo-dniowa Their campaigns against the Związkowiec were parti-cularl- y violcnl bccausc it rc-prescnl- ed the largest Polish organization in Canada and was Conlinucd page W biura redakcji admini- - r- -r — ~ ' r 'T— ' T — Tl — m t i— i u u i i ii i i '- - i v _ _ _ 17 J i u a i am-utu-- f rj$z&& i i:lT2Z2lihw--aii2-—r-_- - -- 2 ' r""?"' ' - P -- T %?_' "'j a _ w is:~~" j " ji s _ bs w liiluJiioiiJiinL i f — v a it a a a a a a iffT mml ra-f- - l rfffifiS-83&- a? % 51 JmssMS ł$' wsfyx j ~-- r-!r i JTx_i ? WłVaS ?~V3J3 "14? IW ' WfSwyuafi i ttc1 i „ r &? : x §& m tPCiA'1 "%l wte: jaBfffflfHłgEft i&as&3ssi-- Alfons J Stanicwski Kwiecień 1 934 do zgonu w maju 1 94 1 Wiktor Rosiński Maj 1941 — lipiec 1943 (zmarł w 1956 r) #ffS$5?trjFt"T™™-'"- - mmw ywts !S ' Sf§ Leon Garczyński Grudzień 1944 do września 1946 MŁ to%&ZM £y&&srr~rxi Ś-?!- ? Ti 'tf&a w1- fal js&l Jg sA - --ry yj ??a s mm Sm Jerzy Giżycki Sierpień 1948 do lipca 1950 Franciszek Głogowski Lipiec 1943 — grudzień 1944 Paźdz 1946 — sierpień 1943 Lipiec 1950 do chwili obecnej Od lipca 1952 red F Głogow-ski jest również Kierownikiem Wydawnictwa of łhe Canadian Mr Heydcnkorn's sludy pub-lislic- d on Hic occasion of tlie tbirtieth anniversary of Toron to Związkowiec is morę than mcrcly the history of a news paper u is also a vaiuauic TOiitiibution lo tlie history of tlie Polish community in Canada For Ihc dcvclopiiicnt ot Związ-kowiec is iuscparably linked willi lliu fale of Polish Im-migran- ls in Canada Związkowiec was foundcd in 1933 as Ihc organ of the largest Polifiii oiganizauon in uinaua: the Polish Alliance (Julie soon howevcr (although w i t h o u l breaking ils ties with llie Al-liance) it dcvelopcd inlo a paper of generał inlcrest for Ihc whole Polish conimunily The problem- - discussed in Związko-wiec] the contiovcrsics iwliicli rcvolved around them and the conclusions which werc reaehed i n Ihc clisciissions reflecled lo a considerablc degree Ihc opinions and objeclives of all Poles in Canada Mr Ilcydcnkorn dcliberalcly presents the story or Związko-wiec against 'the broad back-groun- d of cvcnls In 'tlić Polish community Bcginning willi tlie difficult stiuggle of Ihc immj-granl- s for tlicir livclihood and the laying of tlie foundalions of Polish organizalions during tlio depression in tlie tliirlics eon- - tinuing tlirougii the grauual materiał and organizalional pro-- ' gress mado during' the war and immcdiately afler and conclutl-in- g with the airival of a new wavc of immigrants In Jlie lale forties and caily fillicś whieli considerably slrengthcnetl tlie Polish conimunily — Ihc atilhor (lesciibcs all lliese cvcnls as (liey wcie recorded in tlie years 1933-195- 7 in the annals of Zwiąż-kowiccM- r Ilcydcnkorn study llius is an iinpoflanl sourcc of inforinalion on Ihc progress of Hic Polish coininiinily during a tjuarter or a cenlury IIowcvcr tlie book is not mcrcly a docunienlary rcpoil Mr I!cydenkotn's chief aim was lo cvaluatc Ilia patt played by Zioiązkowicc in the Polish com-mimil- y For llie iiapcr not only reflecled llie vicws and objeel-ivc- s of Ihc immigrants but through ils editorial policy influenced them Tlius an im- - Polish newspaper ' poi lani parł of Mr llcytlcn korns study is the dcbcriplloji of the activitics of the editorial staff of Zu-iqz-ou-i- ec —-- 't ićir goals and the difficulticsfw iicj lliey cncbuntcrcd Tlie' author inlrodiices to the rcadcrllhc-succccdiii- g cdilors of the paper Tlicir characlcriations arg vivid yel at llie sanie tiinc-u- n biassctl Mr JlcyilciikornUoes not niinimize Ihc shorlcnmings piejutlices or even niistakcs" o£ somc of Ihc cdilors wliich"i'ad versely affected tlie-- dćyelopi nienl of Związkowiec FiomhiS descri)tions of llie yarioils1 a'ntl occasionally cven confjictirig vievs of tlie cdilors prcsenlcd always against llie broad back-grou- nd of tlie devclópmhńt witliin the Polish cominunlly" tlićrc gradtially cmcfftCs-jMhc- ' editorial Jinc of the papcrThtór has been ultimatcly foriiiulafdt liv llie present KdilorlnCI)icC of Związkowiec Mr Fraiićjszcfc' Głogowski' wliose assócaUbn) willi the paper daleSi backtti 1919 hk?J Tlie aullior (lcicrlbesVtHc editorial lino of Związkowicccnf "rcalism" or "posiUvIśift'4'Wr "posilivism" he understandsa' sobcrapproacłi to life" rcjccllng all cndcavours whićh"li'avcnp counlciparlt In1 'lim' Tujirbuiiding' rcalityi an acccplancć'!i6f'?lh'cj CXlSlini4 suuaiion as inujiouaia fur :inv :iflivitv Knn nililmmi-- i ' grant a "positivistr approacht mcans above all "slartingfrorrf' scratcli" — getling adjuslcUMoJ a new society laklng-onc'splai'c-i- ii profpssiónal work afranging one's privatc lifo Neverljjclcfs? ł')osillvisin" cannoljibo ćqtialed willi the slogahenrichissęziipousK-J- n lino With the specificPoliśh': tradition "positivism" Is a social' and evcn a polilical progronimo To an iinmigranl the "posIljyliUl allilude mcans "organlc'"wprk" — tlirougii colleclivc cf fort In clhnic orgauizalions ralsinjthc status of Ihc whole boinmunjty in tlie new country In thebnd this -- also mcans an Incrcascd opportunily of hclpingfcllow counlrymen al homo '''t f g During the first lwenly-flv-c ycais -- ol ils cxislciicc Związko-- ' wiec stuck lo tlio "posiUyist" prograninie The development of the paper ilsclf was Ihc bcsl Conlinucd paye}l0 ' MińitŚŹ sRSMSSKKSTOI łCBfewKwaK !#F1 ffPasg'mm i VMf-s$W-m ilł WMmŁwŁ yMm Budynek "Związkowca" przy 700 Queen: StVfe(tw1 którym mieściły się biura i drukarnia'w Ia(ociJ940J?56 s &m mmm i sf
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Zwilazkowiec Alliancer, November 20, 1963 |
Language | pl |
Subject | Poland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Poland; Polish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1963-11-20 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Identifier | ZwilaD2000562 |
Title | 000388b |
OCR text | liias - r — a H """ - ' -- "v™3mm¥w&zmm£%m%m$mmmmm 1 Ł?5 f ftMiil ! jfntfff! 'MtonCTjugasSjaawgas-T-- — iinMgjBlBnagT ?iJ- - ! SMI -- KI1I—II u „„ „uiMiiiim i„„„ „ „iimllllllll„„illlli „ LtjglJMJ „ i „ „!„ „„ I' 'i UL22 "ZWIĄZKOWIEC" LISTOPAD (November) środa 20 — 1963 Sffc9 IJi } pR WIKTOR TUREK "Związkowiec" the Oiamoion of tiie Pnlish Ethnfc Broiin Zwiazk--: the fsust mohogmh&$ K Iiccrpts from the book "The Pohsh Lanuuaac Press m Canada Tlie scmi-wcekl- y Związkowiec to flhe Alhancer) which grew (rom a smali- - mimeographed monlhly to its present position of the largest Polish-Canadia- n periotlical Its establishment in Deccmber 1932 on a capital of $3500 and its devclopment to the present timc when its plant is valued at over $10000000 arc typical of the PoHsh-Ca-nadit"- n press as' charactened in the previous Chaptcr Tlić Związkowiec was foundcd at' the end of 1932 (the first isąue was'daled January 1933) asthc organ of the Związek Pol-aków w Kauadzic (Polish Al-lian- cc Friendly Society) an of organization cstablished"in 1923 through the fusion of sevcral oldcr socictics one of them dąting from 1907 The posses-5i'q- n of its own organ hclpcd the development of the organ-izatio- n which soon became the largest of the Polish-Canadia- n associations On the olher hand the backing of the organization vas necessary for the survival cf the newspaper especially in its initial period when the meagre incomc from subscrip-tion- s and advertising comnelled the association to covcr almost1 Ihc entire cost of thn publica-tio- n The Związkowiec romaincd until 1938 under-th- e direct in control of the Executive Board ofJthe Polish Alliance In 1938 ''company under the name of rPoli?h Alliance Press Ltd was ćilńblishcd wlth' the Polish All-iance Friendly Society of Ca-nada as solc sharchoklcr The his company is run separately from the Society on a business basis lnilially the Society had to covcr the dcficils of the company but for somc ycars the company has lictn self-supporti- ng tianks lo tlie incomc from its ])rinting shop and its bookslore I3olh the printing shop and the bookstorc are the largest Polish establish-ment of their kind in Canada Związkowiec slartcd publica-io- n a as a mimcojiranJictl monlhlv of labloid bizo (8% x 11") wilh- - w io 24 pages Since 1934 it nas bcen printed in the same format while in Oclohcr 1935 Jhe frc(uency of publicalion by Wame wcekly As a wcckly sZizweią(z6kocwoielcumnas&suamndcd froamlalraglee by 1938 — 7 'columns) while the number of its pages grew from jihe origmal G to 8 then in-1951- Dr " - CJZUAju r — ~yr— - - ~„—w ' — — _ tV t rzT-fT- Y # nu budynku jest sala 10 12 and 14 In 1954 the weekly started appearing in Iwo secuons oi a pages cach and wlicn in March 1957 it passed to bi-weck- ly publication the 8-pa-ge half-wckl- y editions became standard On special bccasions such as Chrislmas the Związ-kowiec — as the otlier Polish-Canadia- n clra larguecckilsiseuses —uppubtloish4e8s pages In tlie firsi year or (Is exist-enc- e the monthly Z" zkowicc was cdited by an editorial board under the chairmanshfp of An-drzej Piekarz From the begin-nin- g of 1934 almost to the day his death Alfons Jan Sta-niews- ki was the editor We have referred to him previou?ly in connection with the weekly A'owe Zycie AJ Stanicwski (1879-1941- ) was one of the most dedicalcd leaders of the Polish-Canadia- n community and his name is indissolubly associated with the Związkowiec and the Polish Alliancc'Friendly Society Afler Staniewski's death the Związkowiec was edited for two years by Dr Wiktor Rosiński (1900-1955- ) who later became editor of the Polish American weekly Ameryka-Ech- o in Toledo Ohio From mid 1943 until the end of 1944 the editorship was the hands of Franciszek Gło-gowski who had been a col- - laboralor of the paper since mii ino ncxi caitor was L& Garczyński whom we have al-rca- dy encountered in Winnipćg and Montreal He rclinquished duties in September 1946 For sevcral months until Fcb-ruar- y 1947 the newspaper was run by an editorial board with Franciszek Głogowski as its most active member He then became editor and remained in that position until August 1948 Ile was succecdcd by a well-know- n Polish writer Jerzy Giżycki who had already collaboratcd with the Związkowiec for about ycar He conlinucd that col-laborati- on also later afler leaving the post of editor in July 1950 for health rcasons Tlie cditor's chair was then taken ovcr for the third linie Franciszek Głogowski who still holds ii at the limc of vriling In 1951 he was joincd J Giżycki as assislanl-edilo- r until Hic end of 1955 Aftcr his ictiienient he was rcplaced by Jerzy Korwin-Łopuszańs- ki $ź¥& - - ____ VI w - "i~ - WIip +'y fffilłi who had prcviously conlributed many articlcs sińce 1953 In Novembcr 1954 the editorial office was joined by Dr Fran-ciszek Kmietowicz who still remains there Before the de-parlu- re of Dr Łopuszański in May 1957 the post of assistant-cdilo- r was taken ovcr by Bene-dykt Ilcydcnkorn a profcssional journalist who was formerly assislanl-cdito- r of the Głos Polski and who still works for the Związkowiec The growth ofthc newspaper in rccent ycars permitted the establishnient of network of local correspondents in the major centres of Polish settle-men- t in Canada The payment of a modest remuneration to such correspondents was a com-plcl- e innovation in the Polish-Canadia- n press As far as we know the Związkowiec is also the only Polish-Canadia- n news-paper which pays for oulside contributions During the post-wa- r years the Związkowiec as-scmbl- cd a group of regular contributors The most perma-nen- t one was perhaps Mrs Barbara Głogowska the wife of Franciszek Głogowski who has been editing sińce 1942 the Children's Corncr as well as writing occasional articles and correspondences from abroad Another contributor of lbng standing ji the writer and tra-vell- er Aleksander Grobicki The iZvńązkowicc madę an important sT&i forward by breaking with the tradition of Polish-Amenca- n 'and-Canadia- n newspapers which used to reprint in their fiction pages sonie of the morę popular older Polish novels It was the first lo publish new works of cenlemporary writers somc of them its regular contribulors (Jerzy Giżycki Aleksander Gro-bicki Franciszek Kmietowicz) and somc authors living in Poland or olher countrics Another first in tlie history of Ihc Polish-Canadia- n press was scored by the Związkowiecwhcn it sent ils own correspondents lo Poland The first of them was F Głogowski (1957) followcd by 13 Ilcydcnkorn (1958 and 19G0) as wcli as Mrs B Gło-gowska (1958) Dispatches from special conespondents in Poland — impossiblc during Stalin's reign — conlributed lo an in-erca- se in the circulation of the Zioiązkowicc The pcrceplivc and impartial reports from Po-land drew tlie allenlion of olher Polish centres abroad to the „w™ 7475 Oueen St W Toronto Mieszczą się nim świetlicowa gdńe mieści się Związkowa Szkoła Polska Rorlrfnr™ DR ADAM BROMKE v£ KB Toronto newspaper The analysis of the chariges which oceured in Poland under Gomułka in numerouseditorials and articles in the 1957-196- 0 ceriod in- - fluenced the views and attitudes of the Canalian Poles in their relation to 3oland and to Ca nada In its carly period when was cdited by AJ Stanicwskii the Związkowiec had strong social-domocrat- ic colouring Fcr-ve- nt Polish patriotism was coup-le- d with concern for the work-er- s who conslitued the majority of the immigrants and the pea-sant- s who were at that timc the majority of Poland's popula-tio- n though with little influence pver its destinies Hence there was- - plenty of criticism of the authoritarian governments of Piłsudski and his successors as well as support for the CCF in Canada wliere the depression and absence of social security legislation hit workers harder than other classes This social radicalism was combined by the Związkowiec with critical at-titu- de toward the Catholic Church —-- notably in connection with the dominant part played by the clergy in Poland until 1939 the Vatican's German policy during the last War and the activities of the Polish- - Ca-nadi- an clergy The weekly cdited by Stanicwski aimed at maintaining the independence of the PolishAeethnic group in Canada both from interference by Warsaw and from cxcessive clerical influence opposing at the same time the communists' attempts to subordinale the Poles to "Popular Front" scrving Moscow' policies This independent allilude caused the Związkowiec to lose in 1937 its right of distribution in Poland as rćsult of conflict with the consulates This prohibilion oslensibly motivated by some article jeriticizing tlie Polish government was aclually re-pris- al against the Polish Al-liance Friendly Society tor ils refusali to join the officially sponsored Fcdcration of Polish Socictics in Canada The anti-communi- st policy of the Związ-kowiec caused it to be repeal-cdl- y attacked by the Gios Pracy and later by the Kronika Tygo-dniowa Their campaigns against the Związkowiec were parti-cularl- y violcnl bccausc it rc-prescnl- ed the largest Polish organization in Canada and was Conlinucd page W biura redakcji admini- - r- -r — ~ ' r 'T— ' T — Tl — m t i— i u u i i ii i i '- - i v _ _ _ 17 J i u a i am-utu-- f rj$z&& i i:lT2Z2lihw--aii2-—r-_- - -- 2 ' r""?"' ' - P -- T %?_' "'j a _ w is:~~" j " ji s _ bs w liiluJiioiiJiinL i f — v a it a a a a a a iffT mml ra-f- - l rfffifiS-83&- a? % 51 JmssMS ł$' wsfyx j ~-- r-!r i JTx_i ? WłVaS ?~V3J3 "14? IW ' WfSwyuafi i ttc1 i „ r &? : x §& m tPCiA'1 "%l wte: jaBfffflfHłgEft i&as&3ssi-- Alfons J Stanicwski Kwiecień 1 934 do zgonu w maju 1 94 1 Wiktor Rosiński Maj 1941 — lipiec 1943 (zmarł w 1956 r) #ffS$5?trjFt"T™™-'"- - mmw ywts !S ' Sf§ Leon Garczyński Grudzień 1944 do września 1946 MŁ to%&ZM £y&&srr~rxi Ś-?!- ? Ti 'tf&a w1- fal js&l Jg sA - --ry yj ??a s mm Sm Jerzy Giżycki Sierpień 1948 do lipca 1950 Franciszek Głogowski Lipiec 1943 — grudzień 1944 Paźdz 1946 — sierpień 1943 Lipiec 1950 do chwili obecnej Od lipca 1952 red F Głogow-ski jest również Kierownikiem Wydawnictwa of łhe Canadian Mr Heydcnkorn's sludy pub-lislic- d on Hic occasion of tlie tbirtieth anniversary of Toron to Związkowiec is morę than mcrcly the history of a news paper u is also a vaiuauic TOiitiibution lo tlie history of tlie Polish community in Canada For Ihc dcvclopiiicnt ot Związ-kowiec is iuscparably linked willi lliu fale of Polish Im-migran- ls in Canada Związkowiec was foundcd in 1933 as Ihc organ of the largest Polifiii oiganizauon in uinaua: the Polish Alliance (Julie soon howevcr (although w i t h o u l breaking ils ties with llie Al-liance) it dcvelopcd inlo a paper of generał inlcrest for Ihc whole Polish conimunily The problem- - discussed in Związko-wiec] the contiovcrsics iwliicli rcvolved around them and the conclusions which werc reaehed i n Ihc clisciissions reflecled lo a considerablc degree Ihc opinions and objeclives of all Poles in Canada Mr Ilcydcnkorn dcliberalcly presents the story or Związko-wiec against 'the broad back-groun- d of cvcnls In 'tlić Polish community Bcginning willi tlie difficult stiuggle of Ihc immj-granl- s for tlicir livclihood and the laying of tlie foundalions of Polish organizalions during tlio depression in tlie tliirlics eon- - tinuing tlirougii the grauual materiał and organizalional pro-- ' gress mado during' the war and immcdiately afler and conclutl-in- g with the airival of a new wavc of immigrants In Jlie lale forties and caily fillicś whieli considerably slrengthcnetl tlie Polish conimunily — Ihc atilhor (lesciibcs all lliese cvcnls as (liey wcie recorded in tlie years 1933-195- 7 in the annals of Zwiąż-kowiccM- r Ilcydcnkorn study llius is an iinpoflanl sourcc of inforinalion on Ihc progress of Hic Polish coininiinily during a tjuarter or a cenlury IIowcvcr tlie book is not mcrcly a docunienlary rcpoil Mr I!cydenkotn's chief aim was lo cvaluatc Ilia patt played by Zioiązkowicc in the Polish com-mimil- y For llie iiapcr not only reflecled llie vicws and objeel-ivc- s of Ihc immigrants but through ils editorial policy influenced them Tlius an im- - Polish newspaper ' poi lani parł of Mr llcytlcn korns study is the dcbcriplloji of the activitics of the editorial staff of Zu-iqz-ou-i- ec —-- 't ićir goals and the difficulticsfw iicj lliey cncbuntcrcd Tlie' author inlrodiices to the rcadcrllhc-succccdiii- g cdilors of the paper Tlicir characlcriations arg vivid yel at llie sanie tiinc-u- n biassctl Mr JlcyilciikornUoes not niinimize Ihc shorlcnmings piejutlices or even niistakcs" o£ somc of Ihc cdilors wliich"i'ad versely affected tlie-- dćyelopi nienl of Związkowiec FiomhiS descri)tions of llie yarioils1 a'ntl occasionally cven confjictirig vievs of tlie cdilors prcsenlcd always against llie broad back-grou- nd of tlie devclópmhńt witliin the Polish cominunlly" tlićrc gradtially cmcfftCs-jMhc- ' editorial Jinc of the papcrThtór has been ultimatcly foriiiulafdt liv llie present KdilorlnCI)icC of Związkowiec Mr Fraiićjszcfc' Głogowski' wliose assócaUbn) willi the paper daleSi backtti 1919 hk?J Tlie aullior (lcicrlbesVtHc editorial lino of Związkowicccnf "rcalism" or "posiUvIśift'4'Wr "posilivism" he understandsa' sobcrapproacłi to life" rcjccllng all cndcavours whićh"li'avcnp counlciparlt In1 'lim' Tujirbuiiding' rcalityi an acccplancć'!i6f'?lh'cj CXlSlini4 suuaiion as inujiouaia fur :inv :iflivitv Knn nililmmi-- i ' grant a "positivistr approacht mcans above all "slartingfrorrf' scratcli" — getling adjuslcUMoJ a new society laklng-onc'splai'c-i- ii profpssiónal work afranging one's privatc lifo Neverljjclcfs? ł')osillvisin" cannoljibo ćqtialed willi the slogahenrichissęziipousK-J- n lino With the specificPoliśh': tradition "positivism" Is a social' and evcn a polilical progronimo To an iinmigranl the "posIljyliUl allilude mcans "organlc'"wprk" — tlirougii colleclivc cf fort In clhnic orgauizalions ralsinjthc status of Ihc whole boinmunjty in tlie new country In thebnd this -- also mcans an Incrcascd opportunily of hclpingfcllow counlrymen al homo '''t f g During the first lwenly-flv-c ycais -- ol ils cxislciicc Związko-- ' wiec stuck lo tlio "posiUyist" prograninie The development of the paper ilsclf was Ihc bcsl Conlinucd paye}l0 ' MińitŚŹ sRSMSSKKSTOI łCBfewKwaK !#F1 ffPasg'mm i VMf-s$W-m ilł WMmŁwŁ yMm Budynek "Związkowca" przy 700 Queen: StVfe(tw1 którym mieściły się biura i drukarnia'w Ia(ociJ940J?56 s &m mmm i sf |
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